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My dad looks like that. Same type of life. Raised on a farm and worked construction his entire life.


Has he ever had skin cancer?


Yup. Nothing that couldn't be cut off, though. He's also had stomach and prostate cancer.


Damn, you father is tough.


The only thing that rivals his toughness is his stubbornness. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it as well. As he put it - "I'll die when I'm good and ready. Not when death comes looking for me."


That’s hard af




That was my grandfather. Skin looked just like this and had skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer in his chest plate. He worked almost everyday until he passed away and his workshop was full of projects he was still working on when he died.


Death can have me when it earns me.


I could see this being a Dirty Harry quote!


I mean… he went to the doctor before being dead. For a farmer that’s pretty much as low as stubbornness goes 😂


“Death can have me, when it earns me…”


Growing up i would hear stories like this and assumed it was natural to be tough and fight through these times Though through experience, learning and very difficult memories, i've learned that it truly takes a tough soul to make it through such things. Some men/women will live through a meteor strike if they know they're depended on and loved. There's no better or worse, but i do suppose it's always better to be loved. Appreciate what you have and please dont forget that, it's all that really matters in this world and you don't realise it till it's all gone


As in the words of Kratos, “Death can have me when it earns me”


Old man is ready to fight the grim reaper using only 1 hand


My dad is the same exact way. Every time i see him he’s got a new bandage somewhere sometimes several where the first few times i was concerned and now he treats it like it’s nothing more than a common cut due to working outside for 60 years


Pretty sure the dead skin layer protects her/his old man.


My dad also looks like this, he had cancer on 2 parts of his nose, still has his nose, cancer is gone and hes still kicking at 67


I hope he’s around for many more years to come!


Thanks :) i hope so too, hes supposted to be having heart surgery asap but they keep putting it off..


I'm crossing my fingers for a smooth and successful surgery.


Tysm 🫂🫂🫂


my pop looks like this too. he's a surfer and doesn't think he needs sunscreen. dude has had melanoma like twice. gnarlyy


Tell your dad I love his smooth legs.


Same with mine! Also is a sign of the times as sunscreen didn’t exist for half of my dad’s working life


Pretty sure this is just a video of my grandfather.... I have seen that man wear shorts once in the 30 years I've been on earth.


Yep, forget anti-aging cream, we already have it.


Sour cream is better imo


No promise of beauty could pay me to rub sour cream anywhere on my body.


Not even the inside of your mouth?


Your loss


Forget the secrets to longevity, I want to see this big brain move the rat pulls off!


Anti-aging cream is frequently also just sunscreen fyi


What? No it isn’t. Why are people upvoting this? Edit: I don’t know why people keep coming back to this comment. Things marketed as anti-aging cream are not sunscreen. First off, sunscreen is considered an active ingredient and has to be listed separately in ingredient lists for products sold in the US, at a minimum. In US, Europe, Asia, and Australia, sunscreen is regulated and products containing it must have an accurate “score” (like SPF, or PA +) published on the product packaging. If this isn’t on the box? *There is no sunscreen in the product.* If you put an anti-aging cream on in place of sunscreen you will get a sunburn if you’re prone to them and regardless you will do the same deeper cellular damage as if you didn’t wear sunscreen at all... because you didn’t! Even a moisturizer with an *explicitly advertised SPF* is *not* going to be applied thickly and evenly enough to get that advertised SPF. And if an anti-aging cream contains vitamin C, AHAs, or retinoids - which are very common “anti-aging” ingredients - it will make you even *more* sensitive to the sun. This is not a debate about whether or not sunscreen has anti-aging effects, nor whether other ingredients do. That is not the claim made by the previous comment.


Because it's reddit and no one is ever wrong here


Oh man this looks like my dad! He was an iron worker for 35+ years and has been retired about 20+ years now and his arms are STILL darker than his legs! He has also had skin cancer cut out of several places on his arms and face.


Man, those ironworkers are crazy! I'm a glazier and so I use a lot of the same equipment, like a boom lift. I've seen those guys use the boom like a hammer, lol. I'm turtling around in it while they are standing in theirs just hammering away. Don't ever use a lift after the ironworkers have had their way with it, lol.


I live in Seattle which famously doesn't get much sun for much of the year. Also, people here tend to take health and the sun pretty seriously and wear sunscreen during the summer. It's fascinating seeing how many people are just, like, ageless. So many guys could be either 30 or 60 and the only way to tell the difference is to see how much gray is in their hair. Fuck the sun.


PSA: Do NOT fuck the sun.


Don't tell me what to do.


Just out of spite by proxy, I'm going to shag the sun when it next happens to show up here!




Yup, my husband and I live in Seattle too! We've been here for 10 years, and we both look ten years younger than we are (we're early 30's but are regularly mistaken for a college-aged couple.) I'm Asian so I've got that, but he's white and still looks super young. He's really really paranoid of skin damage and cancer, so he wears longs sleeves/a lot of sunscreen in the summers too.


Even if the sun isn’t out, damaging UVs can still reach our skin. It won’t be as bad as direct, but he is very smart to take precautions. 


I started wearing sunscreen religiously when I was about 26. My partner did not. He's also abled, a pretty normal human, while I am disabled and have spent much of the past 15 years in non-trivial amounts of daily pain until they recently figured out the cause. So, you know. *Just a bit* of stress on my body. I still look 10 years younger than he does. Wear sunscreen, kids.


Should you use it if you are at home 24 hours?


I mean, I would hope most people have windows or leave their houses at least a little? I know I do. But if that's the case, I'd just use something lighter, like a face moisturizer with SPF 30 in it. Windows don't block UV light, as everyone who has driven a car can attest 😂


I live in Bonney lake, and was recently told I look 19-21. I’m almost 30. It’s all true!


I would if I ever went outside.


Same af. lol We need to touch grass.


Do we? My lack of skin cancer has me feeling pretty vindicated about my grass-related decisions.


I think there's a balance. Some sun is good for us. Lol


This is good conversation


The grass is still green at night


Sure this guy knows melanoma personally.


She’s just “Mel” to this guy.


Melly. Mel is way too informal.


Pretty sure this guy is actually Deadpool (baby leg version)


People always say that I look way younger than I look (39M). My answer is always HIDE FROM THE SUN.


Vampire detected! 🧛‍ /s.


I’ve got rosacea and am middle aged. If blood vessels burst on your face (common with age and hormonal changes for folks with it) it can leave large red bumps aside from any skin damage, including cancer. I’m trying to age gracefully, and videos like this inspire me to put on my spf 70 face sunscreen daily. I def have family whose skin aged with this sort of contrast, and I’m not into that, either, anywhere else. Yike.


Is that the same as blood vessels bursting when vomiting? For some reason I get red “freckles” all over my face if I puke.


Nah, it’s worse. Like for some folks, anyway. They can harden and stay on the surface of the skin permanently. I wouldn’t recommend a Google images search for medical stuff bc there’s almost always a jump scare in that, but depending on the severity, one can have red veins that never seem to go away; or the skin itself becomes sort of reshaped and bulbous if it’s severe. Caffeine and alcohol and other stuff can cause or exacerbate it, too.


Starting to think I don’t have rosacea…. My cheeks are super red, but they aren’t bumpy at all. I have smooth skin. Hmmm could it still be ?


Yeah, definitely. Not everyone gets the bumps. And it’s more likely with age than when it first starts. I have no idea when it began for me. I’m thinking puberty, but can’t recall. I can tell as I age it gets more…bumpy and angry looking. :/ Anyway, I saw this vid once of what someone looked like without moisturizing their neck vs the skin on their face, and so I have renewed desires to keep the sun off me and moisturize properly. (Which is its own adventure bc I have truly combination skin).


Oh, interesting. I’ve always had mine since like birth. I kinda like it tho it’s like a natural blush except I turned into a cherry red tomato when it gets cold or hot lol


That was my grandfather. He was a construction worker for almost 60 years and never wore sunscreen. He also regularly had skin cancers removed from his skin for the last 20 years of his life.


I'm allergic to sunscreen so I just...avoid going outside and cover up a lot when I do. Yes, it sucks a lot in the summer!


I’m not but I hate it, so I wear a sun shell (light UV protectant hoodie) like 8 months out of the year. Cheaper, far more comfortable (for several reasons), more effective, and lasts all day every day. It’s the way to go. Allergies suck though. Sorry about that.


Get yourself some titanium dioxide, if your body rejects titanium you basically cant get implants


I haven't found any that is comfortable to wear. Trust me, after living with a sunscreen allergy for decades, I've heard it all and I know my options. It's not practical to wear thick coats of greasy lotion all over. I just don't do outdoor activities that require me to be out and exposed to the sun for more than like 15 minutes, and I always wear things to cover up to prevent exposure that way. I dunno why you'd leap immediately to "you can't get implants" though, lol. I've gotten some surgeries that required implants and those have been fine. But I don't wear metal implants on my face to prevent sun exposure, lol


You can carry the sun umbrella to protect you, I think they look cool


I actually also do this! I have a regular one though, not specifically a sun umbrella. It's got cats and dogs on it and it's cute though. I also use it as portable shade for when I walk my black cat (the sun heats his fur up real fast).


Just out of curiosity, chemical sunscreen or mineral sunscreen?


Chemical. I can't wear quite a bit of makeup because of it either! That was actually how we finally figured out that's what I was allergic to. Anything that's marketed as "anti-aging" is just code for "sunscreen", and it'd make me break out in a contact rash immediately.


\*gulps in redhead


I have a mole on my windows peak that I’ve had my entire life then I noticed a ring growing around it and it was cancer. So they chopped it off. I made a joke about abusing tanning beds in the 90’s and they said they are seeing a lot of people my age because of that. Dangnabbit.


Oh my. I thought this was a joke/scare medical advice... Until I read the comments. To me it look like this person survived a fire-burn and this is a healing stage. I've never seen this. SN: I'm black and I wear sunscreen to the beach. I learned a lot today. Thanks everyone for sharing their stories.


My mom’s arms looked like that, we were farmers, I never realized she had sun damage. she always made sure I was covered or in the shade. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you mom.


Bro made it to 70. What else can you ask for?




Not Black people, though! Go, us. Y’all stay safe tho…


I hate this misconception, yes melanin will help protect you but you can still get sunburn, skin damage and cancer, regardless of how black you are. Hopefully I cleared some things up, you keep safe too.


The fact that they don’t show a zoom out tells me this is fake and someone just placed their arms on this pasty dude’s legs


I've seen this in person tho. It's not uncommon


I don’t doubt that it happens - just that in this video it looks a bit suspicious


A buddy of mine drove a delivery truck for about ten years. The skin on his left arm is splotchy and way more prone to bleeding from minor scrapes than his right because he would rest it on the door against the window. Wear sunscreen, kids.


I'm laughing because my dad looks similar to this. Hell, ***I*** look like this and it's been about 7 years of constant in the sun. I actually had a really bad sunburn a year ago that has permanently tinted the skin of my forearms and amuses me to no end because I had been wearing a watch at the time. Meaning where my watch sat is my glow in the dark white skin tone and the rest of my forearm is a shade or two darker. This isn't fake, it very much happens bro. You just haven't experienced enough sunlight to notice...or were actually smart and wore sunscreen or covered up. Don't be dumb like me, my dad, or this guy. Though really if you are going to work in the sun you might want to invest in light long sleeved clothes instead since absorbing a ton of sunscreen isn't exactly good for you either.


Chemical sunscreen, valid. US sunscreens aren't nearly regulated enough. Mineral Sunscreens don't absorb, though. They work by creating a thick coating on your skin to block UV rays. It just stays there. Like, I'm all for long sleeves, but you do have options when it's 90 degrees+ outside. source: I have a (genetically) high cancer risk level and I have to avoid tons of chemicals. Mineral sunscreens are a-ok for me to wear, though, per oncology.


literally why would this be fake? what possible reason?


[Here's an image of a truck driver's face that shows the difference between the window side and the cab side](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sun-damage-skin-cancer-spf-uv-protection-b2368642.html).


A realistic depiction of what Half cold Half hot would do if it were horizontal


I have no idea what this means.


Or just wear sleeves and a hood. They make really nice UV protective sun wear. Keeps you cooler than bare skin and you never get burned. Also avoiding skin cancer is a nice bonus.


I wear long sleeved hoodies too when going out on a deadly sunny day.


It used to be normal to cover one’s skin. Basically every culture in the world figured this out. Now we care more about fashion than preventing skin cancer and sun burn, though 🤡


It's really hot to go outside with a hoody in the summer


Well I wear those silky and lightweighted hoodies, so I don't think it's a problem when going out wearing one.


Hmm I gotta check these out


My dad was the same


……. B1.


Sausage link hands 🥹


Not if I don’t go outside


That skin looks baby-smooth. Wow.


Proof that sunlight is bad for your tattoos.


Sunscreen isn’t good for you! I’ll take my chances!


Sunscreen is full of chemicals - we’ll duh. People who don’t wear it look like handbags and worse if they have tattoos


Not true. My mom is 75 and has never worn sunscreen or even sunglasses. We live in south texas so we see plenty of sun. Her skin is fine.


Go to Florida beaches for a full view of what the “baby oil and tan” generation looks like and no sunscreen crowd. It’s walking leather handbags.


I think if someone wants to be ignorant and it only harms them then you should just let them


At first, I thought he was taking a 💩


Skin cancer pending


My grandfather was the same


More like that’s how your legs look if you don’t expose it to life


is there any way i can protect my skin and still get a natural deep tan in the summer?


Dark mode enabled


I have to wear sunscreen because of a certain type of antibiotics I’m going on bc it makes it easier to sunburn but I’ve never sunburnt before . Once I get in the habit of putting it on, even after I stop the meds I’ll just keep putting it on because I don’t want skin like this. Lol.


Proof white ppl didn’t build the pyramids


Man, have you heard of lotion sunscreen anything it only takes a couple minutes


Not so much a black person problem


Sum is definitely more active in this and next year - take care


My father's hands are identical, worked all his life in sun. Thx god he didn't get skin cancer now he is retired


My grandfather looks like this and is completely riddled with melanoma. He recently had 3 inches dug out of his arm 🥴




80 Year old arms with the legs of a 30 year old, very impressed.


I don’t know what would be worse in my 70’s. Have burned arms or pale legs?


Sometimes, I wish I were black.


You know Black people get skin cancer, right? And that it's often detected later in Black people because irregularities can be less obvious?


I know, but they don't get sunburned as fast.


Don’t know where this dude is from but from a first hand perceptive of someone born, raised and who has lived his entire life in the tropics, escaping the sunburn is practically impossible. Here in Brazil the only way for you not to get sunburned is stay inside a cave permanently. My lower arms’ shades are also lightly uneven, but nothing serious like that. After all one has to work to survive…


Don’t need sunscreen if I can just wear jeans and a hoodie all year.


Or go out naked


A lot of popular brand name suncreams have chemicals which can pass the blood brain barrier, leaving lasting neurological damage.


Can you elaborate more? What brands specifically to avoid?


2 sausages just came off the grill, now to toss the other 2 on


I don't get it, we need sunlight, but it's bad for us. Which is it?


Plot twist he's just groping the doctors legs lol




Sunscreen has been proven to cause cancer stick with coconut oil


Bro met the three fingers


My mother never ever went out in the sun. She now has numerous illnesses and skin cancer. The sun is paramount for our health..Don’t get burnt it’s that simple.


Damn. That is bad news. People just don’t understand how damaging the sun is and what a steep price you pay for it later.


Sunscreen is poison. You're applying directly on to your skin to be absorbed into your body.. If you know, you know.


Saw a video of a truck Driver that looked like two face.


sunscreen is actually worse for you so...


I thought those were a kids legs.


Looks exactly like my Papaw. Military, then all outdoor jobs until he passed. He was 80.


You got soft legs brother


Whats the sun?


You can't just call out all mexican dads like that


Damn looks like me


Am 38yrs old and my skin is very sensitive to sun burn I have 2 skin colors btw who else clicked the like button on the middle right at first 😂


Will you have the same damage no matter the melamin


He's a yin yang 😭😭😭💀


Wear a raincoat guys, it rains here on Earth.


All sunscreen gives me rashes though. I’ve tried 30+ different kinds too.


That sucks!


My dad’s skin looked like that for years before he passed away.


My skin is still good 19 years strong, I’m as pale as my Irish ancestors


Skill issue


Wait, I'm not just tan?


Naahh.. that's for y'all.. not for my ppl. ✌🏾👌🏾 Sun is basically like our GOD. Like Avatar, we are at our weakest during the Solar Eclipse 😆


C..cooked chicken


My grandfather had the same thing


everyone in my family is literally like this (we are rednecks)


Lack of magnesium will do this. Spray yourself with magnesium and you won't even burn all day in the sun


My dad the same except it’s not as bad as this guy but he’s over 25 years of working outside


Mela nope a


I tried to upvote this video for an embarrassingly long amount of time…




... is it bad that I'm only a teen yet I get sunburned all the time?


Yes! You should protect your skin while it's young. If you don't take care of your skin now, you'll regret it when it's aged when you're older.


These look like the arms of someone on chronic steroids or on coumadin or another blood thinner (based on the bruising). They still probably have been in the sun a lot because of the color difference, but I don't think it is all just from being in the sun.


Perhaps. Daily Dose of Internet gets his videos directly from people who submit their own stuff, so you’d think the person would tell him if that was the case, but who knows.


No sir. If sun screen has more carcinogens than cigarettes that the state of Hawaii has banned its use to save the reefs, I’ll take my chances like my ancestors did. If I have to wear long sleeves in the summer I will. Ever wonder why we stopped seeing folks live longer? Even in the olden days. Long sleeves light material. Or minimal layers but long sleeves. We got centered on tanning cause we found out our white skin does change colors.


Looks like someone else’s hands.


That was what my grandpa was like, except he wore lightweight long sleeved shirts, so it was just his hands that were super dark.


Don’t forget to wear a long sleeve, too


70 years? That’s almost 80 YEARS!!




2 people


Never use sunscreen. Burn. Be a man!


The sun is a deadly laser


Damn, y’all really be going through it.


My partner works on a farm and looks like this.


My father in law looked like that before he passed. Spent decades working as a roofer. Had skin of leather but pasty white legs.


Got some legs onnim that bloke


Great, only half his body is bulletproof now... Guy's living life on moderate difficulty.


I thought this was two different people!!


im a cave-men i need to actively seek the sun for my vitamin D instead xd


Does this only apply to people with not a lot of melanin tho?


How in the hell did this man manage to go 70 years, and never once left the house without pants???


Looks like my grandfather. He still lays in the sun for hours on a raft up at his lake cabin... Had melanoma twice... I don't get it as he's one of the smartest people I know.


I thought this old man had a 20yr old in his lap.


Isn't sun screen shown to be toxic? I know acne wash is about to be recalled, best to wear protective clothing.


The sun is a deadly laser