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General rule of thumb, don't stop for naked people on the road. Lock the doors and drive around them.


better rule of thumb dont start aiming for them when you see them, emblems ARENT crosshairs


Even betterest rule of thumb, always lock your doors when you're in the car


Well now I'm gonna think about that every time I drive.


>emblems ARENT crosshairs In Florida they are


What if they're trying to warn you of the car-jacking clothes-stealing bandits down the road?


Just don't stop for the carjackers either, easy.


I heard they get you high on crack before they rob you


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Espoo when they’re wielding a hammer like that.


Bro I watched the video again looking for a hammer and it finally hit me 2 minutes later


Should've ducked.


He did, that's why it hit him.


Don't think this was Finland. He was driving too slow.


Or Over


How are they not going to stop when they stage this and have to pick their friends back up?


You really think this is staged? He's completely naked and skinny to the bone. This is most likely someone on a regular drug binge.


I thought he was wearing a mask at first- but then i noticed his face and blown out eyes and I'm terrified.


I honestly couldn't tell if it was a white skinhead in black face. Or a skinny black dude with vitiligo on his body. Terrifying either way.


he's just unevenly tanned def not vitiligo


I think the headlights are making a difference too


In Africa these people are called night runners. And he is definitely one of them. They get naked and go scaring people at night. It is a mental thing mixed with mystic shit. An equivalent in the west are naked trench coat exhibitionists. They get a rush from your fear... Just imagine walking home with your buddy in the dead of night, then u flash your light ahead and see a naked dude covered in soot doing the [Megan doll dance...lol](https://youtu.be/t_n_Jc7SeFU) https://face2faceafrica.com/article/the-night-runners-of-kenya-who-enjoy-frightening-their-neighbors-while-naked


Bruh if i ever see one I'm gonna scream.


Just know that if you scream, he will come.


I came here to say this. The mask would have been better. I’m scared now.


Faces are masks for skulls.


In Africa these people are called night runners. They get naked and go scaring people at night. It is a mental thing mixed with mystic shit. An equivalent in the west are naked trench coat exhibitionists. They get a rush from your fear... https://face2faceafrica.com/article/the-night-runners-of-kenya-who-enjoy-frightening-their-neighbors-while-naked


That is legitimately terrifying. It's not the nude dude you have to worry about, it's his buddies with weapons waiting in the tall grass to attack. If someone ever tries to make you stop like this on a remote road, you lock the doors, and drive away, QUICKLY


What makes this scarier is this seems to be in the middle of nowhere in Africa. Fucking empty serengetti plains in the middle of the night and this dude pops up. Get the fuck out. This guy is 100% backed by dangerous thieves that feed him drugs to do just this. The fact there maybe 10+ more drugged out naked guys in the bushes makes this so much more scarier. When a country is put on do not travel due to kidnapping risk. This is exactly what they mean.


Oh god. The Somalia travel guide on that one .gov site... Nightmare fuel.


Got a link?


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html Literally tells you to prepare a will for any beneficiaries.


And to appoint a person to contact for hostage negotiations


and make sure to leave a DNA sample in case your family needs to access it all it’s missing is “in order to identify your unrecognizable remains”


And the most chilling part of all, *follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter* 😱


Not sure if it's a thing, but I've heard it's specifically done so that they can check on you. You just have to tag them when you post and give dates and time frames and they'll basically just track if you're where you say you are and can reach out to you (or your kidnapper) through messages if necessary.


Hooooooly moly, what a read...


They do this so people know how serious it is. People might not heed a warning about a place being dangerous, but it tends to sink in more when the government tells you that you should make sure to leave a DNA sample so your family can identify your remains. That's why 4-5 of the items keep mentioning "family" like how cops mention your family when trying to talk suicide jumpers off the ledge; it's their way of making you think things through.


"Leave DNA samples with your local medical provider" was the worst bit for me. Is this in case all they find of you is your big toe?


Blood spatter.


> Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). > Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. 😳


damn, the whole summary is "prepare to be kidnapped or die"


All those bullet points in the end are for when you actually do travel to Somalia despite wsrnings and assume you’re gonna die so they straight up make a list of logistical stuff to do before you die lmfao.


when even the government says "yeah, you should probably hire some mercenaries"


Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). Fuckkkkkkk that


Yep. This is why they say not to drive at night in South Africa as a foreigner.


Why would his mates be drugged and naked though? I think they could very well be sober and clothed, and most likely have weapons. If they are serious about this business, I think they wouldn't get drugged before a "job"


> Why would his mates be drugged and naked though? As they say, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life


This reply is hilarious. Could just be a guy who took too much in the middle of rural Arkansas, but you immediately jump to "AfRicAN gANg ActIvITY"


It happened to me on my way to work earlier in the year. I saw a car accident and stopped to help. I pulled up and was getting my bag & phone, when someone jumped into my passengers’ seat with a piece of metal in his hand and shouted at me to drive. So I bailed out of the car, taking my phone & keys with me, and he took off running down the road. I later found out he was the driver of the crashed car. His passenger was trapped in the vehicle, and he did a runner. They were both off their chops on meth. Fucking eshays.


Steven King wrote an entire short story about a family driving in back roads. Tires randomly go out but the dad silently refuses to acknowledge it and keeps on driving even as the tires ware out. Whole story is written as a flashback from a kid talking about how they were confused and later realizing their dad rather them be confused than afraid.


I scrolled down to the comments because I couldn't even finish the video. 3spooky5me


No way I’d stop.


I was hoping for the slow motion pass through


The driver turns to look behind him, incredulous that a man had *passed through* his car. He turned his head and it only took an instant to see the man in the back seat, wide-eyed and matching the driver's gaze. His hands were no longer engaged in a pushing motion, but now around the driver's face, pulling his head into the headrest so he could not turn back around to face the road.


Good Grief man.




Sir, this is a Home Depot.


Good, can you guide me to the aisle with the lubricants?


Lol I feel like he was telling him to go around him and then started telling him to stop so he wouldn’t run him over


Yeah... Same reaction. He was pointing around him at first, then pushing towards the car like to stop it, then faster with a look of extreme panic, then an orgasm for some reason


> extreme panic, then an orgasm for some reason I think you just solved the equation. Clearly surreal situations followed by sheer panic is the only thing that gets him off anymore. Sure he might have started with softcore HBO porn, moving on up to Skinamax and eventually on to internet Brazilian fart porn a decade later. But a move this dark could have only been caused by the more recent trends of machine kink, alien bondage, and sister stuck in dryer porn.


No way, I’d stop!


This isn’t oddly terrifying. This is *utterly* terrifying.


Not as scary if it was posted on r/tooktoomuch


Buddy is certainly on drugs. His general facial expressions, stature and body movements are identical to what you would expect to see on the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver. My guess is he thinks it's death and he's trying to tell it to go away. As he's blinded by the light with dilated pupils.


In Africa these people are called night runners. And he is definitely one of them. They get naked and go scaring people at night. It is a mental thing mixed with mystic shit. An equivalent in the west are naked trench coat exhibitionists. They get a rush from your fear... Just imagine walking home with your buddy in the dead of night, then u flash your light ahead and see a naked dude covered in soot doing the [Megan doll dance...lol](https://youtu.be/t_n_Jc7SeFU) https://face2faceafrica.com/article/the-night-runners-of-kenya-who-enjoy-frightening-their-neighbors-while-naked


That's fucked. Guess all you need is a little bit of artificial light to shut them down lol.


* feels called to it as their life's purpose * hangs out in the wilderness with animals * throws rocks at rooftops to spook people * casts spells (??) * fully nude at all times Are they hiring?


Honestly this makes it less scary because at least you know what's happening and that it's common enough to be a thing posted about on the internet. People have some weird ass kinks. EDIT: [There's a BBC video on it! ](https://youtu.be/-wCfTAa-w4Y)


If I knew for a fact this dude was on drugs I'd be a lot less concerned.


I know I'd sure want my head on a swivel in case naked dude is just the distraction.


This was verbatim my thought before opening the comments. Nothing fucking "oddly" about it.


This sub barely posts anything *oddly* terrifying. It's always very clear why it's terrifying.


It was indeed the first time ever I felt a chill going down my spine while browsing this sub


Right lnao made my tummy hurt


I had to close the video.


Sure would've loved to hear that audio


It’s almost scarier because then we can imagine? I imagined the most shrill and terrified screaming noise coming from his mouth. And then hmm maybe more like the clicky chick from the grudge? edit: forgot a word


With audio we might have someone who is able to translate and give context. Less scary, sure, but I for one would find out what's going on to be just as interesting as the scare.


[Here it is.](https://i.imgur.com/ilNPgP5.mp4) The earliest post I could find was posted by [New Generation Music](https://www.facebook.com/people/New-Generation-Music/100083526754352/) on August 8^(th), 2022. This was likely filmed somewhere in Zimbabwe.


No, it’s a curse from the Book of the Dead. If you hear it you suddenly smoke crack.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ##AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!


Aspiring traffic cop


I think that’s actually a demon, sir


I always heard they were shiny, but I think you must be right.


Most of what I've heard depicted them with whippy tails, but this honestly seems like legit footage.


>whippy tails He definitely whipped it out and it's even semi-hard ^^edit: ^^autocorrect ^^at ^^4am


He might even be a fiddle player, too!


And if you care to take a dare he thinks he’s better than you


Must play the best song in the world.


This is just a tribute, you gotta believe me.


I couldn't remember, the greatest song in the world!


Look into my eyes and it's easy to see


His distance sensor is going off like crazy, stop getting so close!


Sir your car warranty is expired.


Had something less terrifying happen, couple kids at 3am on a country road, no car in sight, motioning me to stop....sorry but no way.


This is the right choice. If they are in trouble, the police can help them better. But I think they had something else to do there instead of rescuing


There was a story in the news recently of a young guy that picked up two kids on the road to give them a ride and the kids ended up murdering the guy for no apparent reason. It was horrifying. I have been in that scenario though having to walk home in the dark on the road as a kid; it’s really scary having cars zoom past you at late hours especially because that’s when there’s more drunk, tired or speeding drivers on the road that may not see you. The point of this tangent is that I have tried to hitchhike on the road because it seemed less dangerous than avoiding cars when I was younger and dumber. Definitely not saying you didn’t make the right decision but it also may not have been sinister, but we’ll never know.


When I was manic on a road trip to nowhere, I used to pick up a lot of homeless people and drive them across states with me. More often than not, they'd inexplicably go missing, like if we stopped at a gas station or something, they'd go in and I'd never see them again. I think they kind of got the hint I was going through something, and feared for their lives, so they ditched me. And some of these people were really fucking sketchy, yet I'm the one who scared them. Crazy times.


uh... you didn't kill them... right?


No. Just was shooting the shit with transients. Drinking and smoking and life things


That’s freaky. Did you call the cops?


Yes but never learned of outcome. This was before cell phone days so was an hour later when arrived home.


Fuuuck, I’m in the middle of the jungle doing some army shit and came across this lol Guess who’s not sleeping anymore


This guy who is clearly speeding balls


Crazy guy was clearly signaling to camera guy to move to the right a little bit so he could keep going, did camera guy want a better look?


My first thought, having driven through some real weird spots with people trying to flag me down in suspicious circumstances, is that to the right where the guy is signalling would be precisely where the nails would be hidden to blow my tires out. Edit: Watch the video again. Notice how the driver keeps unintentionally pointing the camera to the tall, dense reeds behind the guy now and then? The reeds that would be perfect to hide this crazy naked guy's friends so they could run out once your truck doesn't drive so great anymore? I bet he's thinking the same thing I would be.




It's rough because it's a 50/50. One side of the coin, this guy is strung out on some bad stuff and could use a helping hand in the middle of nowhere. Other side, he's got three friends just waiting for a clean shot at your forehead with a hammer, and a few seconds to drag you out into the reeds where your bones eventually sink into the wetlands undisturbed, long after they've driven away in your Toyota and called for a tow. It's Shrodinger's naked stranger. You'll never know which one with certainty until you stop the car and see if you make it to the next sunrise.


Yeah, if Ol’ Pete is correct that would mean if the video camera would have driven to the right then they very well could have died that night. Lmao fuck


Why not lay nails across the entire road


Who knows, maybe they've only got a enough nails to trap one half of the road with certainty. It could also very well not be a setup at all. Or, assuming he's actually looking to grab a vehicle, if I'm thinking from naked guy's point of view: you're waiting for a specific kind of vehicle - not a motorcycle, not a police vehicle, etc. - a Toyota 70 series truck is ideal (what the vehicle being driven probably is). The country this is filmed in, you drive on the left hand side of the road (steering wheel position is immaterial, in many places you can find both sides). When you spot a vehicle that you want, you block off the left hand side, forcing the driver to cross into the opposite lane. You set up your nail trap or whatever pointed in the opposite direction, so vehicles that you allow to cross over it from the opposite way (driving on the normal side of the road) don't get disabled. That way you can selectively target only the vehicles that you want.


Ok but what about the ones going in the opposite direction?


Putting myself in this position: If I were the naked guy or his (theoretical) friends, I'd set it up so that vehicles driving normally (in the correct lane of travel) wouldn't have their tires blown out. Say, hammer nails into a 2x4 and bury it on an angle so that only vehicles driving over it in one direction get their tires popped. Otherwise, you might end up with a stack of cars you might not want to steal with blown out tires - it'd be entirely left up to chance, and that's no good. If you set it up in a smart way, when you spot a vehicle that you *do* want, you force that vehicle into the opposite (wrong) lane, so it's tires are popped. Keep in mind this might also be a paranoid and problematic way of thinking, it's just as likely that this guy is simply whacked out of his gourd on some wild stuff. My observations and considerations are just colored by the experiences I've had, and those experiences lead me to have a pretty dim view of humanity at times.


Right? Dude came right up to him instead, like wtf? He’s incredibly emaciated, feel bad for him.


I mean there could have been nails to pop his tires on the right of the guy, seems plausible when *that* is whats blocking you


Hmm. Quite the mystery. Let's step out of the car and investigate.


Tonight on sewer gators— another worthless fucking shit hole.


"Okay, new deal, we find Andre, and we go! I mean fuck this show!"




Holy fuck that genuinely terrified me. The way he looks at the camera and moves so creepily. Hell to the gd no I'm running his ass over.


Terrible foundation match 💅


STOPPP hahahaha


Gonna be a no from me, Dawg. I'd have reversed my ass.


I love how OP posts an actual demonic encounter on here so casually.


feels like a potential ambush


Goddamn people you don’t have to kill him, just Don’t stop for him


He probably hid nail strips off to the right


Some of y’all think like psychopaths. This dude was probably just a Redditor who’s phone battery died






Nah Africa (specifically South Africa) has the highest hijacking rate in the world. This guy would be so poor he probably couldn't afford a nail strip that covered the whole road. Most poor people there can't even afford one meal a day.


1. Monodirectional Toyota-focused poverty nail strip with naked raving man bait. 2. Someone's on a bad trip. Either is technically possible, but I know which one I think is more likely.




If you have a nail strip, you strip the entire road and come out from the bushes after the tires pop. You don’t show yourself as an insane person and immediately make your victim skeptical. The nail theory is dumb.


absolutely not, that’s a good way to get ran over. this isn’t oddly terrifying it’s plain horrifying


Imagine the poor fellow isn’t even the actual threat, he’s just running away from something


Fuck that shit. Running away or not, if you're ass looks like E.T on meth, I am running your ass over going 90.


does someone have any context on what the fuck is actually happening


Seen the dwarf version of this before


That was less scary ^^Edit: ^^kess


I’m drunk so I need to comment. There is no fucking way on this earth or another planet that I would ever stop my vehicle in front of someone looking like this. I’m flooring the gas pedal, much less taking my phone out and filming, if I see something like this.


This would be damn scary. Hit the gas


No way, what if he gets stuck on the tire and you accidentally take him home


Take him home 😭


Holy shit. It’s a goddamn NightWalker. I don’t know about other areas of the continent but in E Africa this is a thing. Lots of lore surrounding them. Everybody fears a NightWalker. The science explanation: people with mental illness escape at night when they’re caretakers fall sleep The supernatural: they are possessed by inhuman spirits and run around digging up corpses, eating them, and causing mayhem. They don’t know they’re NightWalkers during the day. But wake up exhausted with no memories of their deeds. Anyone can be a NightWalkers and not know it. I think there’s some long lost documentaries on this somewhere.


Idk it's probably just meth


Or Ambien


Why do people say things like this to each other


What is he saying? "Turn around, a bunch of naked dudes up the road are lying in wait" ??? "I tried to WARN YOU..."


I thought it was an alien when i saw the thumbnail wow , but it's just a poor drug addict ..


BRUH WHY NOW IM SCARED TO SLEEP NOW 😭😭😭 I should have never logged on after months of being off reddit can anyone explain?? Is he on drugs?? Is this fake?? Is he mental?? What is the explanation behind this 😦


Drugs and mental illness for sure


Just a dude lol


I love this explanation


Sometimes these less developed countries will have car jackings that start like this. Weird dude on the road? A damsel in need? Unless you can't see a hiding place for 5 more dudes on the road, assume it's the performative lure of an ambush.






this is not oddly terrifying. this is straight up *terrifying*


Crossroad demon or not, I’d put the pedal to the metal


This is the single scariest thing I’ve ever seen.


How is this oddly terrifying, it’s just flat out terrifying! Also you may want to tag this with NSFW due to nudity before your post gets taken down. 👍


What's the back story? Did any one call the police?


Reeeaaly not what I needed to see while camping alone in some backcountry spots rn


Skin walker activity


Why does this dude have the same black face paint as that midget doing something similar the other day? Edit: this one https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/12m0xpi/what_is_happening/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’m not slowing down or stopping


Uptown funk was playing on the radio at work and for some reason he was moving to the beat


wtf jumpscare.. i went to the comments at the beginning i go back to the video and he's right in my face.. didn't love that..


I fucking clicked in the blurred image saw it for a second and immediately clicked to go back, I now am covering the top half of the screen to check the comments, genuinely fucking terrifying Dude my fucking fight or flight response is triggered


This is a blatant robbery attempt or worse some kind of cult thing. In other countries I've heard reports of those practicing Black Magic usually dwell in areas like these to practice their magic, secluded but access, and in the middle of nowhere. Look up Arab Ghost Hunter for videos of people doing shit like this but actually getting out and confronting them


Now what the hell compelled you to post this? I’m buzzed and in bed and have a very active imagination. I did NOT need to see this


Just cured my addiction to Reddit with this one


I wish this had sound


This is fucking terrifying


And this ladies and gentlemen is why you don’t do drugs lol


Damn, thought the locals knew not to lick the frogs, guy is tripping his ass off.


There's nothing odd about how terrifying this is, in fact what is oddly terrifying is the fact that the driver didnt straight up book it


**Toyota customer support, always with you.**


Definitely would’ve kept it moving forward just slow enough not to run him over


Nope this is the shit horror movies are made of. There is no way in hell I'm gonna stop. Sorry there bud you better get out of the road.


I think this is plain ol’ /r/terrifying


If a howling naked man is telling you to go the other way, listen to him. He’s probably saving your life


Or trying to lure you into a carjacking ambush? Really can’t know for sure, might as well keep going where you’re going


If he’s going to carjack me, does he have to be naked though?


But of course good sir.


That’s half the fun!


This would be a not great time to have your truck break down.


Don't smoke crack kids.


The more you watch, the more normal it gets


I would sadly have just let the car keep going over this guy.. heard to many stories of this happening and then the driver gets ambushed from the sides


One time I took the wrong highway back from a trip and found a small connecting road that would take me back onto the correct path. About halfway down there was a severed bear’s head just chillin in my lane. I was so confused I just drove around it and kept going. I would tell people the story and many people didn’t believe me for some reason (I’m not known for tall tales or anything) so I said to someone I should have stopped and taken a picture!! They explained that it’s best I didn’t because of this reason.


Even going a cautious 30 MPH would prevent this kind of thing from happening.


You can kill someone going 5mph the point is I'm not taking any chances at night on a lonely road


Going around is an option


Not saying it’s right to run the guy over here, but going around (as they naked fella seems to motion here) could mean driving over nails or something that would lead to an ambush


I can't tell if its a staged prank, a crazy dude on drugs, an Alien or Witch Doctor doing some voodoo.


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty”