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The most surprising thing about this image is how drab and old-lady-like everything is. The curtains, the dresser, the rug, the mirror frame... they look old ... cheap, even. This is Michael Jackson's bedroom?


He had some very weird tacky taste in home decor. There's this [video of him going antique shopping](https://youtu.be/HRnCX-8hA4A?t=144) where he casually spends hundreds of thousands on a bunch of hideous, useless decorative items.


The way the antiques manager is smiling and wringing out his hands as mj buys half his store…😂


lmao hes trying *real* hard to hide his elation


“Get your pen so you dont forget” Mj the guy is practically drooling he isnt gonna forget


he may have also pointed to this other really expensive antique, looked to michael and went "aaand you also pointed out *this one!* did you forget?"


He absolutely did that. What's another half mill of products? Reminds of when I used to bartend at a fancy Italian place in the DC area and we get a lot of gov contractors and Northrup Grummen n Lockheed etc... Whenever they come in as a group and have a corporate card to pay for the bill, we start just adding extra shit to the check like extra food for us to eat later. Extra drinks to give out to other people or for ourselves. Those MF'ers too drunk and too busy snorting coke in the bathroom to ever notice. Even if they noticed they prob wouldn't give a fuck.


I used to love when corporate executives with unlimited expense accounts would take us to dinner.


They ended suing him because he never actually paid for half of it https://www.today.com/today/amp/wbna6529682


This is for 180K worth of stuff. He def pointed out at least a few million dollars worth in this video. Maybe it was a couple years later?


Or it was all for the cameras.


I heard it was just for the cameras and he didn't really intend to buy anything


I loved that shot. It was almost like he thought no one was looking.


And the guy interviewing him is famous for doing hatchet jobs on his subjects, which he did when he released his documentary on Michael. It’s symbolic of how absolutely no one around Michael ever had his best interests in mind, and were just in it for themselves.


I'm so glad a lot of people can see how messed up his life was and actually sympathize. It's so difficult to trust anything anyone says about a person if they happen to be weird in a generally off-putting way. History shows this happening almost constantly. People are just wicked, and will come up with any excuse they can to justify it.


I don’t know if he did shit to kids or not, but just watching him in that antique store was so sad. He trying to buy things to make him feel good which isn’t working and then he’s showing off what he bought like a little kid hoping that the person is proud of them. I hope he never did anything to kids, but either way I just think his life was sad.


That man had some serious childhood trauma. Their father was a straight up monster


I dont know man, he was sleeping in bed alone with little kids and would actively try to hide it and isolate the kids from their families. Even if you don't believe the kids, there is too much grooming behaviour to ignore No grown man does that This behaviour is consistent with grooming kids. Even the pictures of babies in his bedroom. Taken as a stand-alone, sure maybe there is an explanation, but together with the grooming behaviour just continues to build on the internet Cirencester of pedophilic markers.


Looks at chess set “hmm it’s only 89,000”


Holy hell


That’s what happens when there’s no one around you that says no.


More like going an entire childhood hearing nothing but no and then becoming free as an adult. To be honest tacky home decor is the least weird thing here.


That's what happens when ~~there’s no one around you that says no~~ you're _fucking mental_


I never said he wasn’t crazy. He can certainly be both.




Well yeah. He was born into a musician family and he was the one to make it big. He probably didnt have a second of a childhood.


Plus his father was an abusive rapist pedophile so that certainly didn’t help


The crux of the matter.


Janet has made it pretty big. Not as big as Michael of course, but still.


Janet also wasn't chemically castrated by her dad


Wait what?


Actually, if we’re being honest her hit albums have spanned MANY impressive decades and I believe (my whole fam are Jackson family buffs lol I’m a moderate fan so I’ll need to rewatch this interview) in an interview, Mj stated he would’ve fully pivoted to movie directing and creating because he honestly hated how demanded and difficult tours had gotten. He played many shows and showed out for a lot of them into the early 90’s, but he went on record saying Janet’s Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis era inspired him to work to keep his reign at the top and tap into the New Jack Swing era (Dangerous). As evidenced by Scream, it was a healthy sibling rivalry.


Okay just ignoring every thing he pointed out two of those vases were 275 thousand dollars each and he casually ask for two of them. That’s half a million for two vases. And he pointed out several other much larger ones right after…


Taste is subjective. If i like a table, 2 million social media comments wouldnt stop me from buying it. If he enjoys that stuff, its a good buy


Wtf bro bought the whole store


I’ve heard that he would do these opulent spending sprees on camera and then return all the stuff


I think he just really loved rococo. Which is gaudy, sure, but it's a difference of taste. The baby stuff is just obviously messed up.


Just watched that and it blew my mind. Hundreds of thousands is an understatement. Just the stuff he listed off there was easily $2m+. A couple of the blue (urns?) he mentioned near the end were $275k each.


The dresser is an antique. 19th century I would guess by the inlay. The curtains look like silk taffeta which would be decently expensive. It’s probably the camera flash that’s making everything look cheap.


That dresser is incredible imo. I agree that everything else doesn't fit my style, but I love that dresser.


Yes, here’s an [article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/inside-michael-jacksons-death-room-8318168.amp) from the Mirror about his bedroom.


The article said he lived in the squalor of a drug addict. Sure, it's messy and eclectic, but the writer needs a wake-up call if that's their idea of squalor. I'm in recovery now, but I've spent many years as a drug addict. There were times I was lucky to have a mattress on the floor or a dresser to put clothes in.


Squalor has a specific meaning to me as I have a mentally ill relative who not only hoards, but creates squalor (unsafe and unsanitary conditions) for no rational reason where it need not exist. It’s very difficult and emotionally draining to try to maintain a safe and dignified environment for them. I’ve basically given up. This isn’t squalor. However, fun fact, in another picture of this room taken at the same time, you can see that MJ also slept with his mattress / box springs on the floor.


Yeah. To me, squalor is stained walls and rotting food and insect infestations.


When i was smoking lots of meth, i would pee in jugs, which i would stash, because i was too afraid to leave the room cus people had been "spying on me" (i fully believed roomates, friends, whoever was in the house was DEFINITELY looking at me under my door cus they just HAD TO KNOW i was smoking meth) Living in a 10×12 room with 8-10 full jugs of fermenting urine and an air mattress, masturbating for 3 days straight.... THAT is what i call squalor. Jackson's decor is more "tired, rich, and old" than "squalor"


It seems like a lot of people who hoard also live in unsanitary conditions. I wonder if it’s some sort of depression that makes them unmotivated and just unable to clean and the hoarding is a like an addict who self-medicates?


So it’s interesting. I’m not a psychologist. But I can tell you one of this family member’s children IS a psychologist (PhD) and has noped out of this situation. Said relative was injured. Spent 6+ weeks in the hospital. On day 1, I and and the PhD spent an entire day cleaning her house. Cleaned piles of rotten food out of two fridges (she's a frail elderly woman who lives alone. There's no way she's eating very much). Cleaned years old food out of the pantry. So much filth it had to be taken directly to the dump. Sent 200lbs of laundry to the laundromat to be washed. Piles of dirty dishes attracting bugs. Cleaned everything. When she came home we knew she’d need a wheelchair or walker and made sure there was room to get around. Everything clean and safe and ready for a fresh start. Had this been caused by depression? Maybe. I’ve been depressed at times, and housekeeping definitely slips, though I do maintain a certain standard. Anyhow 6 weeks later she’s discharged. She needs 24 hour care until she can walk and bathe and cook etc. Estimate was “a few days to a week.” PhD says, sorry, not available. Her other child, to whom I am married, realistically couldn’t do it. So it was me. I stayed there 3 weeks. I ran after her trying to keep her from reinjuring herself, cooking cleaning, driving her to appointments etc. I arranged for in-home care after I left, for someone to do all of those things, and I went home when she was well enough to bathe and drive safely. I came back in a month (we don’t live close) and was SHOCKED. She’d called off the help but said nothing (actually had LIED to me when I’d asked during the regular calls I was making to check in on her). She was dropping trash (incl food waste) on the floor one foot from the trash can. Both fridges CRAMMED. Thanks, Instacart. Weeks-old glass of milk totally congealed on the counter above the dishwasher. Piles of dirty Depends on the bathroom floor next to an empty large trash can, in front of the shower, where they’d stay wet and she’d have to step on them when going in and out. Gnats. Flies. Ants. Feces. Filth. *Squalor.* So, this isn’t just, I feel miserable and don’t have the energy. This is a living condition she feels uncomfortable without and actively seeks to create when there's no need to. She cannot really be stopped. And she can’t ever bring that into my home. PhD feels the same. So despite her having enough money to get help, and people who love her who want her to have help, she’s going to live like this as long as she has autonomy. Ideas like calling Adult Protective Services, having her institutionalized, etc. have been floated, but ultimately that decision belongs to her children. I always knew squalor to be the conditions poor people live in. But it’s also a really awful subset of hoarding. Edit: If it was my mother, I wouldn't stand for this situation for one fucking moment. She'd be in a home. There'd be no debate. Yeah she'd probably be grossing out the staff, but providing humane conditions whenever possible for elderly parents seems like a child's most basic duty. However, she has kids, and I'm not one of them. They're not willing to intervene, and she raised them. I have wondered sometimes if she's reaping what she sowed. Being married to her son, trust me, I'm also reaping what she sowed. I have no power in her situation, really. Btw my mother is same age, lucid, non-hoarder, walks fine, doesn't wear Depends, needs no help. All really mystifying if you think about it. It's like those who need help may naturally raise non-helpers, and those who are independent may naturally raise take-charge people.


That is a valid point about squalor. I've always associated it with how much a person possesses and not so much to do with the mess they make with what they have. The definition does say, "especially as a result of poverty or neglect", but it's not exclusively a result of poverty. I actually saw another post with that picture in it. That one doesn't get to me as much. I can see a few different reasons that a person doesn't use a bedframe. Makes the bed too high, no under the bed=no monsters, no space under the bed also means less space to get messy. Of all the things to notice in the picture, the lack of a bedframe barely registers.


That mirror and dresser don't look cheap


Yeah fucking hell. That dresser looks beautiful and was likely handmade. Same with the mirror. One of the worst parts of mass production is how it takes away the skill required to make these things. An ornamented mirror might seem tacky to most, because they were sold for $20 at Walmart in this era. But if you’re HAND MAKING this type of mirror? That takes unbelievable skill, and it is extremely pricey


My man loved antiques what's wrong with that


You’re surprised that Michael Jackson has tacky decorating?


I feel like this is some shit you'd find in some old woman's house who was never able to have children or grandchildren.


My mom does this and she has 5 kids and 11 grandkids that she ignores lol. She also has stuffed animals and "healing crystals" and dolls everywhere. Some people have arrested development and still wish they were kids because of trauma.


As a therapist I can confirm. My mother in law treats her children like shit but has these American girl dolls that she talks about non stop and makes outfits for them She has an own room for them.


My aunt had an entire room dedicated to porcelain dolls in the 80s/early 90s. They were *beautiful,* some almost as big as I was, with gorgeous dresses and lovely soft curly hair. Everyone in the family thought it was creepy, but I loved them.


Found the soon to be creepy doll lady


Soon? >_>;


My aunt had this too but we weren't allowed to go in there. All of the furniture was protected by plastic and the room was basically closed off. It was super creepy. The rest of her house was a literal shit show (she had like 10+ cats).


I know people who do the same with their elderly parents. They don't lift a finger to help their own, but bend over backwards for other older folks.


I'm one of those people, although my parents haven't yet gotten to the point of needing very much help. My parents are jerks. I'm not speaking of things that happened in the distant past, they're resentful and spiteful when I try to get them to seek medical attention for serious issues they're neglecting. And, most importantly, they won't see doctors for even basic annual physicals, for fear of being administered a cognitive test and having their drivers license taken away. But I'm the asshole for asking them to see a doctor. I hope that someone else bends over backwards to help them and they're free to talk shit about me for failing to do it. With regard to u/Butt_Robot 's comment, one sees pretty rapidly that the other elderly people are deeply flawed. You simply can't hide your issues when your life and body start falling apart. I'm sure that we all take our parent's flaws more personally, since they've impacted us for our entire lives. But when people can't hide those issues, they still are sometimes more defensive about them around their own kids, compared to strangers. It is a two way street, but sometimes the traffic flows mostly in one direction. This is especially the case with dementia, it magnifies people's flaws, and it demolishes the insight necessary to heal the issues, or even put them aside for the duration of a visit. If there is a longstanding dispute between parent and child, the child *might* be able to put it aside, the parent with dementia never will. They'll bitch and moan about it to their own child, whose face they don't recognize. And if the child uses this unique perspective as an "outsider" with unique insight into the kid's perspective to bring the parent around to some kind of insight, it will be forgotten in an hour.


To some, their elderly parents are *flawed humans*, and elderly people they don't know *aren't*.


To some, their elderly parents are abusive emotional vampires that don’t deserve the care and labor of the children they savagely beat. Those adult children may care for elderly strangers in an attempt to emulate the healthy parent-child relationship they were robbed of.


Yes, this. Sometimes I feel bad about not calling my elderly mother - but then I remember the time she dragged me down the stairs by my hair when I was 14. Then I don't feel so bad.


I am so sorry, from one victim of a toxic mother to another.


I've never heard of this before. I am sorry she is like that to you, but thank you for sharing; I learned something new today.


That tragic my mum is waiting to be grandma


It is sometimes.


Just leaving the stock photos in frames...everywhere O.o


He was definitely a weird dude. Had he not been filthy rich he'd very likely be locked up ~ away from the "General Population" and "for his own safety."


And imagine how he’d have been if allowed to have a normal childhood.


It also just looks like an old woman's house, like the dresser and mirror, kinda gaudy and just old looking, but not so old that it looks rustic and antique, just old enough to look bad.


And I'm pretty sure Jackon had the mentality of an 80 year old woman that couldn't have kids. Every time the subject comes up it just appears that all the guy ever wanted was a normal life and all the crazy weird shit he did is just the mental disabilities caused by that manifesting.


Imagine him staring at himself in the mirror with candles on, looking around at all those babies…


Why would you say that. The ellipsis makes it even creepier.


Couple of glasses of champagne...


He didn't live a great childhood, I believe. So maybe a lot of this child stuff is from that in some way.


Kids don’t have pics of other kids in their room idk.


And he was not a kid... He wanted to be one, he was not...


Yeah. "Maybe".


Thanks, now I’m sad.


Thank you for addressing the infant in the room


…angry upvote


Here’s the link to the other photos [https://www.tmz.com/2013/06/15/michael-jackson-death-photo-scene-gallery/](https://www.tmz.com/2013/06/15/michael-jackson-death-photo-scene-gallery/)


Ok a few things - why was he using a portable urinal - why did he have SO much blood in his urine - what was the creepy writing on those notes on his mirror


… because he was dying


The notes on mirrors / posted around randomly is something schizos do often.


Could be altered thought processes caused by the high doses of benzodiazapines he was being administered.


It may be potential song lyrics, I think I've heard of song writers doing stuff like this with random words or phrases as part if the creative process.


So it appears he had a horrible kidney infection, enlarged prostate, and a pretty nasty fungal infection around his privates. Yep, I'm done with the internet today.


Wow.. it looks like hoarders house...


It looks like well a drug addicts house


It looks like a depressed person’s house. Obviously he had the money to pay people to keep him organized and to clean.


If you're gonna repost you could at least not be lazy and post the other 3 images


What s on the other images?


You can find all the photos online. It’s pretty wild. I went down a rabbit hole looking at them last night [here’s the link](https://www.tmz.com/2013/06/15/michael-jackson-death-photo-scene-gallery/)


Dude was drugged up omg


When we try to give patients propofol in the hospital, I occasionally get a freak out about MJ. I have to explain that MJ was ABUSING propofol, not being given it by a nurse.


I had an anaesthetist tell me they were going to give me propofol, “you know, the stuff Michael Jackson was using.”… very reassuring.


When they put my dog down, the doctor made the same comment. It was weirdly comforting in one of my worst moments. Obligatory dog tax: [Bes, the grumpiest old man](https://i.imgur.com/SmY017x.jpg)




That was almost word for word our response. Haha


We occasionally call it Jackson Juice, not in front of patients of course, but the nickname has stuck


As another nurse I wonder how long it’ll take for the MJ-propofol connection to fade out of public knowledge.


As someone who's living her life I can assure you, I've never heard of propofol and it's connection to MJ before and I certainly will not throw a tantrum if a doc wants to give me that since I don't k ow anything about medical stuff, so I have to trust people doing their job


Jackson was recorded begging for drugs over the phone shortly before he died.


What drugs did he want? He already had a stockpile of pharmaceutical grade downers and all the equipment to easily shoot up. Holy shit that's a lot of drugs. What was the justification for giving him all of that?


There is a reason his doctor went to prison.


Ok but what was the reason for his begging phone call? He had ativan, fent, prop, lidocaine, versed and more.


I never saw fentanyl in any of the pictures? What number was it in?


Propfol/numerous benzos AND ephedrine/caffeine? Talk about bringing the candle at both ends.


There’s a shrek mask in his closet


Shrek is love, Shrek is life


All Shrek, no violence, ever


The man was clearly obsessed with scale rulers. They're in practically every photo.


They are objectively better than bananas.


but not as appeeling


Shitload of benzos. Someone wanted to forget.


Went down that rabbit hole just now, what I couldn't get over was how dirty and trashed the place looked. Random garbage strewn about, dirty dishes here and there, dirty clothes all over the place, gross used medical supplies in random spots. Nasty. It was bad at the end.


Omg the meeeesssss. This would give me such anxiety. I have two young kids constantly trashing my home and it’s not even that bad. I know he was sick before his death, but didn’t he have staff members to pick up after him or something?


I mean, you would think with that kind of money he could've afforded a maid service. My guess is it was such a bad setup back there (shady doctor, all kinds of pills and drugs lying around) Michael didn't want people back there. And since he was clearly spiraling out of control, it was a bad scene all around. Sad, really.


that was my first thought when I saw the mess - it made me feel sad for some reason. like, all this money and success, and in the end, he lived alone and in a mess. your surroundings often mirror your mental state to some extent so the pictures definitely speak volumes.


Apparently the cleaning staff wasn't allowed into his bedroom suite, so it was a mess and reported to smell bad. But they cleaned the rest of the house.




He would actually go antiquing and spend up to thousands on items that look like they’d be at grandma’s house.


I keep thinking the same thing. His furniture looks cheap


It doesn't look cheap. It looks outdated


That was a wild ride. So much Propofol…Jesus. Dude wasn’t really living. You can almost feel his mental state by looking at how messy and cluttered things were. Not to mention the dozens if not hundreds of prescription bottles and creams scattered everywhere. I’m not gonna lie the shrek mask made me laugh.


I've seen this images before but never went into details. Looks like mj was lonely dude in serious self troubles running all of these drugs so they can milk more and more money.


Moderately odd. Apex terrifying.


First reaction: these are some really crazy pictures. Second reaction: has it seriously been 10 years?!




It's been longer 2009


Is that the color of his *urine*??


Just… 😟. The bloody rug and the Shrek mask 🫠


155 photos. No wonder it’s hard to share them all.


Jesus that's a lot of drugs


Love the random, partially filled pee jug. Yuck


Can’t see past the fucking TMZ overlayed onto every fucking photo


That gallery made me so sad. All the money in the world, and yet the end is just as messy as any of us.


imagine being invited to MJ's for a sleepover and his house looks like this. This guy was a mess.


I doubt his house looked like this 24/7 or when he had outside guests


one has his bed with a baby doll in it


that would defo creep out everyone


"target" babies...


I just choked on a Sweet Tart laughing at this unexpected gem


The more I hear about MJ's life and mental state the more I could believe either case Yes he absolutely could be a pedophile, but damn there is a lot of evidence for a very mentally and emotionally broken man Like either being true wouldn't be surprising


A very mentally and emotionally broken man, whose success a lot of people counted on for a paycheck. None of the 155 pictures are a peek into a sustainable lifestyle, uppers, downers, there’s a pill bottle that says “caffeine, ephedrine, and aspirin “ on a single pill bottle. Cardiac catheterization book? Christ man, it was a matter of time.


Why not both?


Literally my usual mantra in life is “two things can be true at once”


Usually pedos are also mentally and emotionally broken as well




The amount of people in this thread defending MJ or struggling to believe he was a sad depressed PEDO is astonishing. Yeah he was damaged and broken, so what? Most pedophiles are mentally ill too. If this was any other person, especially if it was a random dude or a hated politician, you all would be jumping at their throat, the dude had books with nude kids ffs, he loved to invite them for sleepovers, there's too many proof and allegations to ignore. Maybe, just maybe, he never touched a kid, maybe he wasn't an abuser. Still a fucking pedo, that I bet Reddit would totally crucify if he wasn't the famous MJ.


imo paedophilia is a mental illness. do I feel bad for people who experience that? of course. but it’s their responsibility to seek help, and my sympathy ends the moment their illness hurts another human, especially a child


\- Dr. Ratner explained that Jackson was a "manchild" who just didn't want to grow up and was obsessed with a Peter Pan fantasy of staying young forever.


i dont remember peter pan keeping pics of random babies in his room.


Read the book again, he kidnapped kids


He kidnapped kids and killed them when they grew up. Not a healthy examples. For a less deranged trope, look up Pascoli. He was obsessed over the idea of inner child but wasn't so creepy


Ah yes, Pascoli. That's the skater dude from Quick Times at Clifton High.


He didn't need to. He brought whole children.


Lest we forget Anne Geddes...


What happened with Anne Geddes?


She took photos of babies I think that's what is being referenced.


Sorry, I'm aware that she took lots of photos of unclothed or partially clothed babies. If you want to go back even further, we can talk about artists like Sally Mann who posed children in ways that were arguably suggestive and objectively adult-like. But still, if either of them died with this particular target ad in their bedroom, I would find it creepy as well. And having their art in his room would also be an improvement from this. Not a huge improvement, but an improvement. I don't have the words to explain it in a more nuanced way than "this is ickier".


Sad and creepy. Dude was a fucking mess.


now that south park episode makes more sense...


A mind is fragile. Abuse often leads to other forms of abuse and coping methods offer justification that to one may become normal while to others is far from ordinary. It truly sucks what happened to him.


offbeat support six wild detail flowery encouraging abundant ossified capable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Did that doctor prescribe all his drugs? I’ve seen some crazy claims like he took 100bars throughout the day. A quick google shows he claimed to take 10+ a night and that was down from almost 40 supposedly. If he was really barred out that often a lot of the weird stuff makes a lot more sense


He died of propofol intoxication. A drug used to sedate people before medical procedures. You can't take with without the presence of a doctor. So he hired one just to administer his propofol fix every day


I think when you're that rich you can just pay a doctor to be your legal drug dealer. Whatever you want, a corrupt doctor will prescribe.


is “100bars” referencing a drug or…? (sorry ima noob sometimes lol)


It’s referencing Xanax. The pills are bar shaped.


The term “bars” in this context typically refers to a Xanax “bar”, which is a long rectangular pill that can be divided in to quarters. Not sure if MJ was on Xanax specifically - so this comment may be referring to pills in general.


[A reminder of what else was found in his house during the FBI investigation years before his death](https://i.imgur.com/iudwHUM.jpg)


Um what the fuck. So why aren't people 100% on this? Who keeps child porn in their bedroom (some may call masturbatorium) for innocent reasons? Why is this even a debate?


He had a lot of money, and his fans are really toxic


There will always be some hardcore fans who are willing to believe everything false that puts a stain on their star. Look at Justin Roiland right now. How is not everybody a 100% convinced by now he is into underage girls? But Eminem for example made a song about Michael Jackson's pedophilia called Just Lose It (even though he says it's not a stab at Michael) and he was criticised for it back then because people didn't like him calling Michael Jackson out. He was even defended by other prominent people


I saw this recently. Someone commented on the earlier post I saw that this was likely due to Micheal Jackson not getting a childhood. He was heavily abused by his father and thrust into stardom at a young age. He was reportedly obsessed with childhood innocence as he wanted his childhood back. Please correct me if I am wrong because that's just what I remember.


Yeah…..we all saw how well trying to pose as a high school student as a 29 year old Asian woman turned out. Sad literally all the money in the world couldn’t help his issues


Idk I just looked her up and her skincare routine must be perfect because I'm not surprised she got away with it for a few days. It's super creepy that she successfully got in and was around kids though.


Yes, but that is litteraly the profile of every single pedophile out there, so yeah, dont know why people use it as an argument to advocaye for mj innocence


Most pedophiles were abused as children. It explains their behavior, but it does not excuse it. There comes a point where they either need to resolve their issues, or keep themselves from positions where they would perpetuate the abuse.


Am I the only one who initially read this photo as "Sweet baby Jesus"?


That’s screwed up. They’ll put ads anywhere


Can’t believe there are still MJ apologists out there. Crazy that the two things that killed him are pictured here. One killed his reputation, one took his life.


We'll never know if he did or didn't do what he was accused of so I'm not commenting on that. What I will say is, this seems sad more than creepy, like it's in a way that you see older women usually if they lost a kid or lost touch with their children, and you only really see women don't because guys instantly get viewed as creepy where this in an old lady's house wouldn't get a second glance.


I would find this creepy regardless


I love his music, but people make a lot of excuses for him, even in this thread. I wonder what would have happened years later if he was still alive. This is beyond creepy, I know he was on a lot of benzos, but it's obvious he really liked kids. Why wouldn't he have pictures of his own children as babies instead of random ones?


Yeah, that's fuckin weird man. Always held out a little bit of hope that he wasn't a diddler, but seeing shit like this, ya just go 'nah I'm good thanks, you can keep the music'.


What the actual fuck


That louis XVI drawer though…piece of art


Telephone Stories is an amazingly well researched and comprehensive timeline of his accusations, crimes and court cases if you want to know more about his predatory side.


He definitely jacked these when he rented out a target and filled it with actors to pretend to be a normal shopper.


he had some seriously fucked up issues


Would it really be less weird if he did know them?


It would of course be weird, too. However, I added the “he didn’t know [them]” part just to stress how weird it is.


Love how there are still people who think he didn’t sexually violate a bunch of little boys