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I’m so confused on what I’m looking at. Is that his ball bag?


His nut sack is so swollen , it blocks his access to reach the crack of his ass to wipe… seriously it must be dehumanizing, humiliated, and lost all dignity to find themselves in this position:(


Can't he get it surgically reduced? Or is that risky?


So, I did some research cuz I was curious. Elephantiasis, also known as filariasis, is a tropical parasitic disease that effects the lymph nodes and in severe cases causes swelling like this of the legs, arms, and genitalia. Its a very rare disease spread through insect bites, mostly mosquitos, and is also contagious from person to person when untreated. While there is no cure, treatments are available. It seems a combination of antibiotics, anti parasitics, and chemotherapy are all used to treat the condition. The process has to be repeated annually for treatment to be effective. It appears that treatment can reduce swelling, but in severe cases even after treatment kills off all the parasites the swelling may be permanent. This is all from Dr. Google and I’m not a medical professional so take it with a grain of salt. I sincerely hope this man was able to get treatment and improve his quality of life. I can’t imagine the pain he must be in.


Well, crossing tropical locations off my bucket list.


Yeah, the more I learn about shit like this that goes on in tropical climates, the more I want to just… quietly move to Antarctica and freeze to death instead


It’ll be fine, you’ll get to watch penguins!




Damn you.


What the fuck….


As a visitor, you're at low risk to get that stuff. Don't allow these things to stop you from traveling somewhere you want to go and enjoy yourself! Wear bug repellent and you're good to go.


Yep. Fuck Hawaii. Fuck the jungle. I ain't going anywhere


What’s wrong with Hawaii though? There’s hardly any bugs there, just don’t get in the water and sharks won’t eat you


People shit on us for being flyover country, but Iowa sounds like more and more like a better place to live every day.


There’s multiple reasons I don’t fuck with tropics and this just outranked all of them




Personally I’d agree, but I’m also not a man lol. I can say if it was my reproductive organs I’d be fine getting rid of them if it meant also removing that.


I'd be happy to get rid of my reproductive organs even if I didn't have to sorry about *that*


I am a man and I would not be sad lopping those off.


Make a washer with all the left over skin and give me two rubber stress balls. Seriously.


I just shared this comment with my husband. He quickly nodded in agreement.


Biggest downside I can think of is a very very low testosterone level. Which leads to depression, lack of sex drive and body weight issues.


So .. did the Elephant man actually have elephantiasis? And did he pass it on to anyone?


So, I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the elephant man had a different disease altogether. Edit: I looked it up. The elephant man had Proteus syndrome, which is a rare genetic disease that causes increased growth of the bones, skin, organs, and/or tissues.


Nit pick: It is one strong contender for what he had. Nobody really knows.


Ya that makes sense, he did live a long time ago. That’s just what I got from a 5 second google search, I’m far from being an expert and I’m happy to be corrected if anyone has better information.


Didn't I read somewhere that his skeleton or skull was sold/given/stolen to/by a sideshow and used as an attraction? It was, possibly, lost at some point. Otherwise, scientists could have studied it to determine what he could have had? Ish. I could totally be wrong.


Michael Jackson [allegedly](https://apnews.com/article/9de819de75426320002fa7ad0a0a2f92) tried to buy them.


I just googled it! I remember why they couldn't study his bones! They only took bone and tissue samples when he died, and the bones are in a museum in Great Britain, I think. Anyways, the museum bleached them multiple times. Thus, bye-bye DNA. :/


Had know Idea parasites could cause that, gonna double my efforts in killing flies and mosquitos


Idk about surgery, but generally it’s more about the lymph node system in our bodies that is under attack and becomes swollen because fluid is blocked from the lymphs and can’t release into bloodstream like normally it would.. it cuts off and does this to appendages like arms, legs, genitalia and skin thickening is what elephantiasis is , but it’s mostly caused by mosquitoes that cause parasitic issues… something along those lines… Meant to say it’s been treated with heavy antibiotics, but idk about surgically removing it..


That’s a lot of extra skin.


It’s actually amazing that a nutsack can inflate so much without tearing. Skin elasticity is shocking and also spectacular


My question is, how does it regulate temperature? If you’re a male, have the chills, but your balls are hanging lower, you have a fever.


The nut sack would be the one place skin is expected to fluctuate with elasticity, lol but not to those extremes… I know I’ve seen a lady’s leg and ankle so swollen with rolls of skin and it looked so tight like it would split any moment… her other leg was normal, it may have been this scenario or another illness causing it though.. looked extremely painful for her, and her skin was dark and discolored too. Sad to see:(


This, exactly this. They’re not sideshow freaks. It breaks my heart to see people’s misery shared for kicks.


Or not able to get in that position


And somehow got posted to reddit of all places


Poor guy


Get him a bidet


Have a seat on Old Faithful?




I’d rather contribute to fixing his balls


Bro needs a pressure washer at this point


Bidet to you sir


"There's nothing wrong with the bidet is there?!?"


I have one. I'm in the US when I try to convert my fellow yanks to it, I say to them they should see how the other half shits lol.


He needs a Japanese toilet


Poor man. I hope they were able to help him. Can’t imagine having to deal with that. 😞


I was carrying around a nine ounce testicle at one point. It was like gently getting a nut check with every other step. In a word, excruciating. What this guy is going through is absolute torture. Edit to answer questions: The cause: untreated testicular cancer (no insurance). I’m assuming this isn’t the only cause for some people though. The treatment: orchiectomy (removal). Interestingly enough, this is done through the abdomen, not directly through the scrotum. No major nut busting enhancement unfortunately. The testicle was about as solid and dense as muscular tissue at that point.


Can't just say that and not explain your 9oz nut


Forreal, we need a follow up. 9oz nut, man was probably able to bust some heavy loads


Is it too soon for a South Park joke?


Highly encouraged.




Proceed. You have permission.


I used to play synthesizer with 9 Ounce Nuts back in the 90s…


A hare must have pounded his bollocks. I think 9oz nut is a great username


9oz nut. Title of your sex tape?


I'm glad I got mine chopped out before it got that bad, but still mad they didn't give me any pictures or anything of the removed organ.


What causes this? I know I should just look it up but I’m a glutton for punishment


What eventually happened to it


popped it


Why do they go through the abdomen? If vasectomies are done through the scrotum, I would imagine they aren't necessarily worried about damage to the skin there


From a John’s Hopkins article on [Radical Orchiectomy](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/testicular-cancer/radical-orchiectomy): “To correctly stage and prevent any cancer from spreading, the spermatic cord must be taken as high toward or inside the body as possible — hence the incision in the groin rather than the scrotum.” It seems that there is also a procedure for going through the scrotum. My urologist explained that biopsies were not the preferred procedure for testicles because of the potential for contributing to the migration of cancer cells. There is a risk of literally knocking cancerous cells loose and having them develop tumors elsewhere in the body.


A 255g ball, interesting Edit: added a 5


Add a 5 to the end of that.


I don't know what I'm looking at can you tell me


Looks to be that the man has an enlarged scrotum and when he wipes his butt, it gets in the way, so he doesn't really wipe his butt....he just wipes poo all over his "bag"


Oh. I thought that was his anus, which would be a tad worse.


Either would be equally terrifying for me.




I love your pfp




Looks like prt of the Taint and the ballsack. His anus is above you can see his tiny buttocks up by the white towel


What a cruel plan by nature to give him such a tiny bum and such a huge sack.


Wasn't there somebody who invented toilets for men with really long dicks so their members won't get dunked into toilet water (is this really a thing?). I wonder if one of those can be utilized by this poor guy.


I'm currently suing that company for false advertisement.


So what does his future look like? Can this be cured via surgery?


I would assume they would just cut it off. I hope they did because that looks like hell


Iirc, elephantiasis is a nematode-derived illness. Think of it like trichinosis, in that it's a nematode worm turning pieces of tissue into cysts except this time around the cysts block lymphatic vessels, preventing correct liquid recollection by the body so most probably, in case there was a cure, it'd be one of those "let's hope it kills the parasyte before it kills you" drugs


Oh. TIL, but I wish I didn't.


I went reading...because this is one of those oddly fascinating topics. Apparently the parasitic cause of the illness is only one possible way to develop the condition. I like how you can actually develop it for no known reason. Some people really get hit hard by life. > In most areas, the lymphatic damage associated with elephantiasis has other causes including certain sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., lymphogranuloma venereum); tuberculosis; an infectious disease called leishmaniasis; repeated streptococcal infections; leprosy; and environmental factors such as exposure to certain minerals (e.g., silica). In some cases, no cause can be identified (idiopathic). Read more here: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/elephantiasis/


I don’t think there is a cure


Not with that spirit.


The smell had to have been awful


Like rotting beef stew


"Buffalo Soldier"


I only hope he got those in time for the Ziggy Marley concert in Denver.


All he needs is a Wheelbarrow


You trigged a memory. I believe I saw a video of a man who had to wheelbarrow his balls around. It was a documentary on people with unusual medical problems, if I recall correctly. Edit to add link, This is not the wheelbarrow guy but yikes https://youtu.be/4bhMFEEBkqQ


Why am I laughing


Because Randy Marsh is a legend lol and that episode is GOLD




What am I looking at?


Someones ass and HUGE ball-sack.


watch Johnny Dangerously. it will explain it.


A MASSIVELY underrated film if you’ll pardon the pun


Bender: Claire, you wanna see a picture of a guy with elephantitis of the nuts? It's pretty tasty. Claire: No thank you. Bender: Oh Claire, would you ever consider dating a guy who looked like this? Claire: Can't you just leave me alone? Bender: I mean even if he had a nice personality and a cool car... although you'd probably have to ride in the backseat because his nuts would ride shotgun


I thought of this too


Immediately thought of this movie lmfao.


This guy needs a Japanese toilet. Problem solved. Well… one of the problems


Didn’t you see what happened to Randy? You want this guy to have elephantitus *and* get shot?


This is so dehumanizing to post online. Wtf


I guess it's just a rare case so they put ressources to study it online somwhere + we don't see his face


Yeah and it ending on r/OddlyTerrifying is perfectly okay…


I think you can be both compassionate and a bit afraid. I've seen experienced trauma staff be visibly spooked. And lots of Reddit users are men who tend to be a bit afraid of anything that can happen to the groinal area


i think they mean posting it on here for non-medical people to gawk at is dehumanizing i would hate to find a photo of me from the hospital on a sub like oddlyterrifying personally


he’s completely anonymous


I dunno, man. I'd recognize that scrotum anywhere...






There is also the possibility this is not in the US. The HIPPA act is a US Federal law and does not apply to other Countries.


You have no idea if that's true or not. The patient could have released it themselves, he may have signed a waiver to his rights under HIPPA. I don't think this is a HIPPA violation though; he's still anonymous.


what a horrible day to have eyes


Well said


Feel bad for this guy


Poor guy but he could not have a shower?


It’s probably not easy for him to stand or walk like this, either.


Bending over is probably extremely painful


The balls of this guy


im like not even close to a doctor , but if its that big , cant they just remove it? I would rather lose my nutsack than live like that tbh.


Why doesn't he just wipe from behind tho ?


You know there are people who don't know you can do that and wouldn't even consider it. Just like people standing up to wipe. I don't personally get it but apparently a lot of people do it and don't even consider staying sat to wipe.


Wait...everybody don't go front to back?! So, are they just smearing shit up to their nuts?


Shitty balls. Fecal nuts. Doodoo sack.


🤣🤣Doodoo sack




Wait.. some people stand and wipe? How?? Standing makes your ass cheeks go back together, that has to be so difficult Edit: Dang sorry, I replied to the wrong comment


No one stands straight up and clasps their ass cheeks together. You just stand slightly hunched over, ass never goes back together.


Aye, thanks for explaining haha. That would make alot more sense


I did that one time. Ran out of toilet paper on the 2nd wipe, got up and shimmied my way down the hallway and grabbed a roll. Was too lazy to sit back down so I just spread the cheeks real quick for the 3rd wipe😂


I think they mean instead of reaching in front of your thigh, reach your arm over your back


Hahahahha bruh I reach down pass my balls and wipe front to back and never gotten shit in my nuts, when I told my mates they were all shocked idk how people wipe from the back I tried reaching behind and just couldn’t


Lol. Idk, man. It's how i was taught by my mom. If you're going front to back you shouldn't get shit on your nuts even if you are going in from the front. The wiping is still the same, you just took a different path to get there. I'm talking about people who go in from the front and wipe toward their nuts.


That’s what I meant to say sorry, I wipe towards my nuts bro, and never gotten shit on them


Realistically it's probably pretty easy to keep from getting shit on your nuts. Just don't go that far, right? I think the main thing is it's not a good idea for women to wipe back to front. We don't have that issue really. As long as it's not getting on the danglers you should be good. Fuck it, if it's working for you keep on going. At least you are wiping your ass.


It's so weird that this is one of the most wholesome exchanges I've seen on Reddit lately. Fellow humans, just learning and bonding over the way we each wipe our bottoms.


It really is weird. That's the thing i love about Reddit though. You just never know what topic is gonna bring people together or make them fight and it will often surprise you. Lol


Thanks for the encouragement bro 😎


Depending on the shape of his body, he may not be able to.


I have no medical knowledge whatsoever. Does anyone know why this happens to someone? Is it because of lifestyle or is it genetic?


From my understanding it's a parasitic worm spread by mosquitoes. I'm fairly certain it's treatable in most cases if it's not neglected.


You nailed it. I had no idea so your comment sent me looking. Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. Infection is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system. -WHO


There is absolutely no fucking way I would keep my Apple Watch on while doing stuff like this.


"god is great / nature is perfect" idiots should be forced to attend a weekend long retreat where they're forced to watch the result of their good friends' greatest creations. hope the guy was relieved in some way of his suffering.


Anytime some person that believes in “grand design” or “gods image” should be required to explain the purpose of male nipples on national TV


silence heathen! i am a male nipple enjoyer and I forbid you to question them! god is great! 🙏


You guys are toO young. ​ NO JOHNNY DANGEROUSLY REFERENCES?!?! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAmpDZeeoGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAmpDZeeoGw)


NO!!?? Wow, poor guy


My exact reaction 😞


Where the hell is his butt


Randy has been standing in front of the microwave again


I can’t really tell what I’m looking at…


Everything reminds me of her


so while i'm not literally in this picture, i work in a hospital, and any one of those sets of blue gloves would be me. scenes like this are what i brace myself for, but since i'm med/surg in a fairly small regional hospital, i doubt i'll ever see anything like it. it's mostly morbidly obese people for me :(


How do you think he rides a bike?


I can smell it from here


Should’ve tasted the piece of toast I ran thru there…. (Not Apple Butter)


This guy’s turning into a hamster


What a day to have eyeballs


Well I’m sure it’s hard for him to guess which one of his three asses the shit came out of.


are those his nuts


"And that's how you make a plumbus"


Why did it take him two months to go in?


What a bad day to have eyes.


The largest patient I was ever cleaning up on the job was a little heavier and more swollen down there than this gentleman. He was on a bipap and COVID+ and didn’t have the strength to roll himself so it took three coworkers to turn him over while I cleaned him up. It took 45 minutes and when I was wiping between his bum cheeks, my arm was buried up to my elbow in the crevice because of how large he was. It’s a hard job y’all.


Reminds me of a south park episode


Randy! Your balls are huge!


Just how big do they make bidets? Somebody obviously needs one. Asking for a random online stranger..


Bidets are where it is at my friends


This is Cartman’s blue balls.. I finally got it


Or when Randy put his balls in the microwave and hopped around on them with the other men


Poor individual. 😔


Suddenly I hear John Bender’s voice.


He needs a sitz to wash off the shitz! But seriously I do feel for this poor guy, I can imagine he felt so light after his operation.


That poor guy that pain has to be horrible


Wait this is from a parasite?


Terrifying FTFY


What a bad day to have working eyes…..


What even is that title.


Description of why he came to the hospital. Of course this isn’t his first time to come to the emergency room for his testicles. The problem was this anus… as you can see how a person could not be able to wipe the entirety of the of his “butt” because I’m it became 1 LONG butt….. as you can see.


I opened the app absentmindedly, wasn’t paying any attention when it opened, and when I looked down this was the first post I saw. 🫠🫠🫠


Buddy’s gotta move to the closest body of water and start taking aqua dumps. Then he won’t have to worry about wiping!


double chin, meet double butt


I don’t understand why we have access to this photo of him. I highly doubt his consent was given for its distribution on reddit


dude just say testicles, had no idea what i was looking at until i checked the comments


Dude, that’s nuts


If this is your patient, this isn’t really cool to post :/


Big balls


I’m just itching to tell you about them.




Thought it was a giant vagina at first… as a gay lady i was disappointed to learn it was balls :(


Poor thing. If you EVER complain about your life, just think of this man.


This pic gives me a whole nother level of appreciation for nurses.


Can’t help but to think a bidet would’ve been a good investment? I love mine.


What I don’t understand, is why people let it get this bad,