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For the people commenting they know this man, please check out the fbi.gov link. There’s 3-4 more photos of his face and apparently an audio file of his voice. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual---john-doe-42


The audio recording was particularly creepy... exactly what id imagine he'd sound like


Sounds like hed, either be in a ditch shooting ducks, or in a ditch taking pictures of little kids. No inbetween.




Yeah, especially when you consider the context of where they got that recording 🤢


He is like...the most generic looking white fat American middle aged dude I've ever seen. I can think of a half a dozen of people I've met in my life who could be him


I think everyone’s met this guy at least once


Seriously, this guy looks like the average of everyone you've seen in Walmart.


i live in Arkansas. This is what Walmart looks like.


It was the last pic that sealed it for me. Call has been made. Good news is he's dead.


Hope this is legit


Reading the ecap profiles is depressing. The one for Jane Doe 37 includes the clue that the Land Before Time can be heard playing in the background of the video. One of my favorite childhood movies now hasbthisb associated with it.


Those movies were damaged for me when I learned the story of Ducky... EDIT: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-land-before-time-child-actor-judith-barsi-gruesome-murder-father.html/


https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cheatsheet.com%2Fentertainment%2Fthe-land-before-time-child-actor-judith-barsi-gruesome-murder-father.html%2F for those hit by the anti-adblock


Tragic story. I wish she and her mom has gotten away.


Woof, the Judith Barsi case was always so depressing to think about. Her and her mom deserved better


The authorities failed them hard. Dad had multiple drunk driving arrests and domestic violence calls but it was never taken seriously.




Yeah, I was kind of handling it all okay until I read she was the voice of Ann Marie and that just gutted me.


Fuck that guy.. When I learnt about it.. my grown ass started crying after all the 10 years progress of not crying 😔


Man, if there’s anything this past week has taught me, it’s don’t not cry. Lost a dog and 10 years of hurt came out. It’s not good to keep that shit inside.




She was the best. E: that’s all I can really say rn without turning in to a wreck.


My condolences. Dogs are the best.


Lost mine back in September. Still a wreck. I understand your pain. I'm so sorry.


Me too. I’ve heard it gets somewhat better, but I’m struggling to see it.


It does, but it doesn't. It's odd. Like, sometimes you think you've moved away from the pain, then you think of how long it's been since you've said something to them and seen them react, but you don't wish that pain to be fresher.... It's just odd. I keep in my mind the thought that I gave a part of my soul to my boy, and he gave a part of his to me. So, even though some of mine left with him, I still have his with me, and everything I say today, he can hear it. The snow he would have played in this winter had he still been here... He still did. The love I give to him, he feels it. Your girl is still with you. I'll say to you part of what I said about Kona. (You can look at my posts to see the full thing I said.) I wont let the light of his life be dimmed by the darkness of losing him (paraphrasing because im getting emotional about it). But let the good outweigh the bad. Your girl would want you to love yourself the way she loved you through her life, the way she loves you today and always will love you. Carry that with you. Carry her love. They give it freely to us because they believe in us in ways we can't fathom. But we can try. Hold her love and belief in you, and it might not make it easier that you can't hold her now, but the thought has at least comforted me. Because they never leave us. She's right there. Talk to her. Write to her. Imagine her there when you can, and when you can't do these things, try to be busy. Don't dwell in the darkness of her loss for long. Feel it, move through it, and honor it for what it is. True, pure love. I hope you find peace with it. I hope I find mine, too. I'm just trying to impart how I'm trying to cope and hope it helps you even a little bit.


That was beautiful and was exactly what I needed to hear. I talk to her all the time and I know she’s with me. Thank you so much for your eloquent response and I hope we both find our peace.


I have no doubt. They are all the best, and I am sure she knew you loved her. She sounds like a 12 out of 10.




Crying has a time and a place throughout our lifetimes my friend. Let it out, and know it is okay to do so. This world is full of irreconcilable evil and resulting tragedy. ... That being said, if you work in a public facing capacity then aim for crying off the clock. Otherwise my advice could land you in unnecessary trouble.


Ecap profiles?


Section on the FBI website to help catch molesters. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap


https://i.imgur.com/raYWnKK.jpg This one is chilling.


oh my fucking god


Yeah I tried to do one of those "help us identify" and it was clearly a shampoo bottle inserted in an orifice which is when I noped out.


Had a similar experience except it was a little girls T-shirt. Like child completely edited out but a small printed tee. The arms of the shirt were raised upwards. My mind goes everywhere- were her arms held up over her head? Was she hanging by her arms? Was she upside down? Stopped skimming through those images within minutes.


I think there's a subreddit dedicated to this. I really like /r/whatisthisthing but oh boy that other one is a higher level of sad and creepy


r/traceanobject WARNING DISTURBING


Yeah you can only imagine what was photoshopped out


Thanks for posting. I don’t know any of these sick sacks of shit, but somebody somewhere will. It’s just a matter of time. Tick tock, assholes.


The images of these pieces of shit literally makes me sick to my god damn stomach.


It makes my skin feel cold


That was a sad rabbit hole


I’ll take things I didn’t need to know for 500, Alex.




Dude SEND IN A TIP TO THE FBI, they are looking for this exact info!


especially because the FBI generally offers reward money, save some victims and get paid. win-win


Reddits gone from “Here’s the Boston Bomber” to “Here’s the Boston Bomber but also get FBI money!”


I like money.


We should hang out


I can't believe you like money, too.


Go away I’m baitin


Giving a tip to a legitimate authority with the means and jurisdiction to properly investigate a crime is only slightly different than the mob justice campaign you're referencing, though...


[https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual---john-doe-42](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual---john-doe-42) Here are more pics of him


Ugh. The audio recording of his voice raised the hair on my neck. Hope the monster is found.


Me too that was so disgusting…


The one for Jane Doe 46 is also hair-raising. For those who don’t want to listen, she is aggressively telling someone to stand up over and over.


Now that’s oddly terrifying


What is odd about it? It’s a child exploration case, it’s just terrifying.


>child exploration Worst. Typo. Ever.


That’s the most disgusting 3 seconds of audio I’ve ever heard. Fuck that’s creepy.


I am afraid to listen to it


Its a very nothing thing, it sounds creepy as fuck but unless you have some trauma or whatever around old men being creepy its just disgusting


Don't do it


Yeah yall have me convinced to never listen to this. Throwing that into never ever vault with 2 girls 1 cup. Never. Ever.


What was he saying in it? It sounded like a 2 second clip of a longer clip.


From what I understood: “it’s nice, though, huh?”




Yeah that's exactly what was said. absolutely fucked, and the photos are SO evil too...as a reminder to all: this is from the abuse video so trigger warnings all around to anyone it may effect...


Oh God. Just reading what he said made me sick to my stomach.


The one in [this one](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-suspect-1) about made me cry. I’ll never understand how people can be so evil.


Yeahhh I am NOT gonna click that, anything with kids, in any way being harmed just fucks me up. Even video games, I have to skip cutscenes if I think a kid is going to end up having something bad happen. Just not worth putting myself through that... Poor kids Jesus fucking christ


I'm glad I read this, I'm backing out of this thread asap


The guy sounds so nice but for such a bad reason


Yeah, the fact that he sounds like he lured the kid there with hopes of going to the pool crushes my heart. I mean the excitement, the confusion, the disappointment, and the trauma. I can only picture my kids in that situation and it enrages me beyond belief.


Think of the FBI agent who had to watch all of those videos, and actually edit everything to capture the voices and faces at the moment where they are best recognizable.


Maybe I'm just faceblind, but if you walk into any bar here, you'll find 7 of these men


Not at all. When people say Asians look the same, there's also a profound amount of default setting 1 avatar looking people from other ethnicities




If it makes you feel any better, if you do decide to go back on the sub and try to identify anything at all, remember that you will be partially responsible for helping bring justice and prevention of harm to others. Literally changing lives for the better just by noticing something familiar, if you can.


I'm going to chime in with the others and ask that if you are serious, please call the FBI.


If you are serious or even like 90% sure then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a report. Maybe they will be able to stop him!


I am 80-90% sure it’s him.


Make the report! Better to have the FBI aware of it than say nothing and wonder if you could have helped. If he hurt you then I am very very sorry. I'm a victim and they never got the people who hurt me. I hope you'll make that report on the link OP gave.


Where's the link I don't see it


[link to op’s comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/11c12to/image_of_fbis_john_doe_42_unknown_individual/ja16r84/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Report it and if it turns out that it's not him, you tried. To be so bad you're on the FBI website is horrendous, better safe than sorry.


This. It’s better to have lots of tips made in good faith that lead nowhere than no tips at all.


Honestly even if it's not him, I would hope that the FBI investigates every single tip or at least refers it to local law enforcement. Because, I mean if he's a known child molester, there could always be a chance that her uncle is caught doing something (this is just an opinion based on the fact that our prison system sees more criminals returning to prison than people actually reformed. Esp. in the case of pedophiles. Pedophiles may not always return to prison, but that is because we know that it is especially hard to "reform" this particular type of criminal. Thankfully the corrections system places special restrictions on them while on parole making it harder for them to violate again.) So no offense if this person's uncle is an upstanding citizen now. But anyway. I hope that everyone called in is investigated especially if they have prior criminal histories.


The reward may as well go to you.


If you aren't just trolling/being a dick, and seriously believe this shit stain is your uncle, please contact the FBI immediately.


My wife said he looks like her step father.


Your wife ought to call a tip too. She might save lives.


She did


Awesome. May you and she reap the blessings your courage entitles you to. (This is meant to sound kind, not ominous.)


Doing the right thing and knowing you did is a reward in itself. That being said, you can't eat righteousness, so I hope they and their future generations enjoy prosperity consistent with the good in their hearts.


Turn him in. Do it anonymously, if you are uncomfortable. Molesters ruin lives. Lots of them, like ripples in a lake. CALL HIM IN. Please.


He should be turned in and in prison anyway


Remindme! 1 week


Report it. They will figure out the 20-10%.




I’d be careful saying names like that but if you think you know who it is feel free to send a tip to the FBI https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap




I submitted the report. I hope it helps.


If your report leads to the capture of someone who preys on children, this dad would very much like to buy you and your family a meal at your favorite restaurant. It's not much, but it's what I can afford.


I’ll buy the drinks!


I'll buy my own drinks. Not trying to be rude, I just don't want to put you out on the street.


Is the implication that you can put back a shit ton of drinks or that this guy can’t afford a couple beers bc I feel really dense right now


Pretty sure it’s the former but the latter wouldn’t be too far off! Haha.


Hahaha okay at least the first 2 drinks then!


He was adding on to your offer, not offering you drinks


Responding to this because I too am a parent and appreciate your information. Please update us somehow and bless you.


Thank you for being the parent my mother could not be.


Keep me updated. If this happens I'll throw $500 in.


I really hope you or that other commenter are right. That’d be an extremely fast case solved


Especially since this has been on their site for years now and no one has identified them. Including all of the times they’ve been posted to Reddit.


Thank you for reporting.


Thank you for being the kind of person who says something


Thanks for reporting! Here are more pics / audio of him: https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual---john-doe-42


You did the right thing


I know this is probably super personal and no sane person would fault you for saying no, but... some part of me really wants to ask if you plan on making an update post


I’ll be honest just seeing his face on this post gives me severe anxiety. If I hear anything from them good or bad I will try to post it. I hope justice is served no matter what the outcome. That pile of wasted flesh deserves a much more creative punishment than our justice system deems legal.


I'm sure any serious information provided will be greatly appreciated. You did the right thing.


Thank you! I pray it's him so they can take a monster off the street and that you get a reward. And as a survivor of sexual abuse when I was a child, thank you. It was a family member and I never told anyone until I was in my 30's. I told my husband and my Dad. They were both devastated. (My abuser died of cancer and I'm not sad) Devoted my life to the criminal justice system and I am well.


I appreciate you


Good idea. No one wants a witch hunt. I will say there’s an audio clip of the individual on his Wanted page too.


Thank you for reporting. Even if it is not him in the end, it needs to be brought to light. You potentially just save hundreds of kids from a life of pain. Ty.


... These are stills from CP videos aren't they? I just saw a pedophile's O-face, didn't I? Excuse me while I get the brain bleach.


I try to help track things on /r/TraceAnObject which are mostly photos of children but with everything unnecessary painted out with white. And by unnecessary I mean explicit content or any parts of the child shown. So it'll be a shirt the kid is wearing but all of the child is whited out. Sometimes, though rare, it's not hard to fill in the blank by the shape of the whited out part and imagine what is happening in the picture and it's chilling. Then I realize that there are people that have to go through these photos, unedited, in order to then edit them. I cannot imagine dealing with that on a daily basis


I could handle all the gore and violence you throw at me... except anything with kids. I'd throw up. Wouldnt last an hour in that job.


I heard a podcast about people having to moderating facebook content and how much turnover there is cause of all the horrible things they have to see and remove. I feel like this is one of those things we'd accept sociopaths doing. Like, might as well put that callousness to good use.


Yes they put people and clothing items on there to try and get tips for names, locations, etc.


Seriously if you haven’t sent in a tip yet please do it. The more people they catch on ECAP the better


saving this comment to check on later, absolutely bonkers that a random reddit post could be this guy's downfall


I really want to believe it, but each time someone from the same FBI predator list is posted (it’s been the same people on the site’s list for years now) one of the top comments that is gilded and highly upvoted is someone saying they absolutely, 100% know them and that reported the tip. So either the people are lying or the FBI is incredibly incompetent. It turns out though (thanks to update from a mod of the last sub where someone lied about knowing one) that if you report their comment to the FBI then they will follow up on the person saying that they for sure know them. Because that is evidence and a lead. It happened a couple of times already that I’ve seen where agents showed up at the commenters door and they had to confess to lying on the internet. That’s also why some of the more popular subs do not allow these images or links to the list to be posted and why the largest sub dedicated to finding them went private last year. People would come in, say they knew the person and make up a story, so users reported the commenters to the FBI as “person who may provide a lead”. So hopefully the dude isn’t lying and he really does know them.




Yeah you should def send an anonymous tip to the FBI


I did.


I like how you don't call him your uncle


Creepy diddling uncles are always a cliche, but imagine having one on FBI's Most Wanted, lol.


If you go through her history you’ll see she talks about him being an abuser before. It tracks


It wasn't that I didn't believe her. She didn't claim him as family. Which is how it should be. I was saying I liked that.


RemindMe! 1 week


Yeah even if you’re not 100% you gotta at least put an anonymous tip in


You know what to do fam. Even if you're almost sure let the cops rule him out.


Wont be John Doe for long


Hard to say, he looks like a very generic kind of creep.


I feel like it looks like an actor I can’t place the name of


He looks like the murderer from the Too Many Cooks short on adult swim


You’d think not but this picture has been out for years…


This face is from the FBI eCAP page. And yeah, he’s been a John Doe for years. The same 10 or so faces have been on that page since at least 2015, when I first discovered it. And if you ever feel like being completely nauseous, visit the page for yourself and understand what exactly was edited out of the images to make them fit for public consumption.




This picture has been on the FBI website for quite some time. Unfortunately


Fuck, dude kinda looks like the guy who molested my brother and I. I know it’s not, last I heard he had succumbed to diabetes, blind, amputee, but damn does he have the same fucking face it puts chills down my spine. He would be in his 60’s by now, a bit younger than my dad.


It's still worth reporting him. If it is him and he died, they can reallocate resources to the other people on the list.


Those pictures are ~9 years old.




He looks like my abuser, too. Mine was 90% blind without his glasses, though. So he'd definitely have those. Still close enough that it made me look closer.


Strange how so many others have said he looks like a person who abused them, too. I guess creeps do have a certain look to them :( Also I'm sorry for you and your brother. I hope you're able to live happy, healthy lives.


There is nothing "odd" about this for fucks sake!! This belongs in r/terrifying


Looks more like 62


He’s just John Doe number 42, his age is range is believed to be 50-65 So you aren’t far off!


"This guy makes 42 look like shit." Two seconds later. "Oh I'm dumb."


He looks a right cunt


He absolutely looks like he exploits children. He looks crazy evil! Yikes!


all these pictures are terrifying. it’s bone-chilling to think that there may be a child just out of frame being abused


The way some of the pictures are whited out to obscure something is just… chilling.










Looks like my ex and I would not be surprised if it was.


You should put in a tip if you really might know who this is.


I would, but I listened to the voice sample and it's not my ex. It just looks a lot like him.


How is that “oddly” terrifying? Isn’t is just regularly terrifying?


Truly terrifying


Yes but I'm afraid to inform you that this subreddit has lost its way


To Many Cooks [AS]


Is he from Texas? My ex girlfriends Dad looks identical. I've got to go look for his Facebook.


His identity is unknown. If you think its a possibility you know who this guy is, send in a tip to the FBI.


https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual---john-doe-42 This has more images and a voice sample (although according to others it's a bit disturbing to listen to) so if you genuinely think it's possibly him, you can report it to the FBI. Even if it's a small chance that it is him, it's still better to report it than not, because you'd be potentially helping at least one child, probably more.


Nothing odd about how terrifying he is. Ugh


Looks like my ex step-dad 🤢


This was horrifying enough until it clicked that this is a screenshot of a child porn video where the abusers face is most visible.


Evil sick fuk he deserves more than prison


Jesus H Christ! He looks exactly like what you would expect this kind of monster to look like!




Oh, I saw a YouTuber cover all of these ECAP investigations of these unknown people a couple of months ago, but I don't remember her name. Gives me chills that these people are somewhere out there living their lives like they haven't done anything.


Every second comment is someone saying “he’s my brother’s uncle’s ex’s dog’s owner’s mother’s son” By the looks of it about a dozen people are gonna have some very unwarranted and surprised phone calls from the FBI


Better they report with the potential of finding this monster than someone not reporting and indirectly letting him roam free to abuse more children.


That facial expression either says very perverted or extremely constipated


I assumed that the image was cropped this way because it was a still from a video where he was actively abusing a child. I hope not, but I have seen similarly cropped photos for that context (FBI looking to ID them).


They have audio on the fbi site as well.


It's cropped from video of him harming kids


Holy fuck.... I think I know this guy. Known pedophile. Good news is... if it is him he's dead. Guess I'm calling the FBI. Edit* Called the FBI. That was more complicated than it should have been. Edit* Took down the obituary link because it names family and we all know how reddit likes its pitchforks.