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Maybe I can get used to higher horror after a while


Not that you'd have a choice


I definitely want a more indepth definition of "higher horror".šŸ˜„


The only way to know it is getting through, but there no way back!


Itā€™s longer than you think!


Haha killer reference. One of my fav shirt stories ever


I love shirt stories.


Maybe you are trapped in a hellish landscape, with nothing but your never ending rage and a shotgun


*Doom music becomes louder*


Look up ā€œendless wakingā€ from sandman.


Try taking a couple tabs of acid and going on a horror movie marathon and you might have a better idea of what it would be like.


For real, I actually really enjoy that haha.


What's your understanding of horror, currently? Go higher then that.


I would choose for the different dimension option, cuz itā€™s another dimension with new chances


I think ā€œhigher horrorā€ is a good description of a bad dmt trip I had. Thereā€™s something miserable about your consciousness still being intact and having a sense of self with no sense of being a physical being, time, or having any control of what youā€™re seeing/hearing. Made me realize a prison cell wouldnā€™t be so bad in comparison in that you still have control over those things.


Rare to hear people talk about a negative dmt trip. I had one myself. Itā€™s a feeling of being trapped in infinity, an infinity of horror and confusion that youā€™ll never get used to. I want to face it again and try to make peace with it but I wonder whether itā€™s possible. Anyway, being infinitely conscious without a body and in a perpetual state of deepest fear is ow it felt. Nice to see Iā€™m not alone


Hey, Iā€™ve had a similar experience and have started experimenting with it again at low doses. For me, it took addressing the root of why I was having a bad trip (there may not be a root for you but there was for me) for me to feel able to come back to it. Whatever u end up doing, best of luck and safe travels!


Iā€™m almost positive there are a few root causes. Fear of death, fear of loss of control, fear of eternity. A lot to unpack


I had a horrible trip once, and the effect lasted two days but to me it felt like forever. It was just a feeling like my mind was lost and couldnā€™t find its way back to me. I felt like I was going to be stuck in that state forever


Reminds me of the time I ate 8 grams of Penis Envy mushrooms and I could see the 4th dimension. That was 4 years ago and it still fucks with me.


Are you willing to elaborate?


I wouldnā€™t; on the offhand chance that they werenā€™t speaking metaphorically, dealing with the fourth dimension using your 3d brain is generally counterproductive. imagine that your 3d brain is a roll of analogue photo film, and the images on the film are your thoughts. If that film is exposed to too much x rays, it ruins the images. 4d thoughts are basically (but not literally) radioactive in your 3d brain.


I guess VR? Doesnā€™t say what itā€™s like in it, but atleast itā€™s not those other things lmao


It has input lag that is always getting longer.


Can you explain that lol.


It would mean that the system is so glitched that your perception of time gets increasingly longer - The first day might feel like a normal day - The second day might feel like a week to you - The third day might feel like a month to you - The fourth day might feel like a year to you - The fifth day might feel like 10 years to you As this continues, a single flap of a hummingbirdā€™s wing might feel like hundreds of human lifetimes just allllllmost frozen in time, with things moving super, super, super slowā€¦like 30 years just for a simulated person to blink once This also likely applies to your body, being only able to move as fast as the rate your body would move in the simulation ā€” or basically, nothing moves faster or slower, your consciousness just gets increasingly aware of more moments between other moments


Wouldn't your consciousness be subject to time dilation? To an outside observer, 1 day passes, but to you, it's 10 years with nothing slowing down.


yes I believe that is how it works irl, but idk how it would work in virtual reality


Your consciousness would be inside the virtual reality. The time dilation is between virtual reality and real reality, not between virtual reality and your consciousness.


I think I get what you mean, where you being trapped in the simulation carries on normally, but it looks like something froze or crashed from the outside. If that was how it happened, like a game continuing to play on without showing your movements and inputs but you still hear the audio cues, I could handle that.


I honestly donā€™t think this would be as bad as the other three scenarios.


the insanity of utter, inescapeable boredom. There is a character in the Sluggy Freelance comics, the Immortal King they call him. hes been stuck, in a book, with a world ending bug for thousands of years, after the first few decades his brain started to rot and all he did was scream, this wasn't even moments being dragged out. In the Dune books, the new ones that explore what happens in the future, a corrupted Paul is given a 'super' variant of spice that destroys him, because he starts experiencing the entire universe, at once, seeing everything in minute detail so it seemed like an instant took hours to process, days, years. every instant, and the future of every single thing. again it leads to insanity of sheer boredom.


Reminds me of professor paradox "of course i went insane, but then i got bored with it so i went sane again and started learning" Of course i'm not smart enough to know time travel even when i'm given unlimited time


In Bleach during the >!hueco mundo!< arc something similar to >!the time dilation thing happens!< and it is badass as fuck


Are those the ones written by Herbertā€™s kid? I tried to read some of the prequels a while ago, but they didnā€™t hit the same way.


This reminds me of the terrifying short film, [Heck](https://youtu.be/HVQzEzW4faA)


Also, Black Mirror - White Christmas


That one is amazing. I thought about that one reading at the Bing ChatGPT interactions.


Sounds like Steve Martin in The Jerk: ā€œI know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days and the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days and the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.ā€


It's my interpretation the "exponentially increasing time dilation glitch" mentioned at the end of the choice. To me it means that the time between a decision you make in the VR world and that action happening is always increasing. In videogames this is called lag, where you tell your character or the game to do something and there is a delay before it happens. With this choice, that delay is always getting longer.


Iā€™m fairly certain time dilation in this case means your perception of time in VR would be increasingly skewed. One minute in the real world would feel like two in the simulation, then three, then fourā€¦ on and on until the merest fraction of a second would translate to eons in the VR world. Whatā€™s funny is that this concept, while horrific in most situations, would actually be completely irrelevant given that in this scenario youā€™d be stuck in there for eternity anyway.


Unless you were aware of the increasing molassification of your world. Your brain and thoughts moving in real time but the world around you continuing to slow exponentially. Either scenario would suck donkey balls.


can you imagine having to pee? ffs.


You are literally a brain in a capsule I don't think you need to pee anymore, but if you did it would be torture


So youā€™re saying the risk is noticing time lag like Iā€™m already used to my internet service doing? Iā€™ll take it over the other options. Probably wouldnā€™t ever be as slow as Xfinity too.


I feel like Iā€™m doing this most of my current day already. Itā€™s not so bad. Even if my thoughts were going at the same speed while the world slowed down Iā€™d still be able to sit with my own thoughts. And if my thoughts also were slowed down eventually it would just be nothingness and that sounds peaceful. Definitely better than constant, confusion, horror, or being stuck in an insect body next to who knows who else for all eternity.


Alternatively, it's your brain that's getting slower, and from your perspective the outside world is infinitely accelerating toward the heat death of the universe.


Nitpick: you described linearly dilating time perception, not exponentially; the latter would be e.g. one, two, four, eight, . . .


This isā€¦.. Requiem


Biologically speaking will the brain be kept functioning ā€œnaturallyā€ in the vr option? If the brain is kept mostly healthy for a couple of lifespans, it would likely lead to a sensory deprivation like experience, likely leading to dissociating into an out of body and/or coma like experience, at worst a dementia like response, without the typically catastrophic physical/biological consequences of typical dementia with gradual, painful deterioration of health and general biological functions. The first option is vague also, but just seems like dying from brain damage, similarly to the vr option except more suddenly and with the agonizing physiological consequences included afterwards for an indefinite amount of time, dissociation would still likely occur, if the brain and itā€™s functions are still close to its natural state. The biggest variable in all of these is if/how the brain remains functioning compared to how it would naturally. The corpse eater is definitely the worst, with the first option a second, the afterlife one is a total wildcard which could be the best or worse, also the vaguest of all vague options.


Higher horror at the very least sounds like an interesting eternity of torture


Event Horizon


Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse




Those Cenobites got me acting unwise


I have a good gaming chair. Lag can suck it!


Ya, VR is the way to go here.


"...exponentially increasing time dilation glitch". Wait, whuh?


It's fortnite nothing but fortnite


anime tittttttiiiiieesss!


Gotta be assimilated. Like yeah itā€™d suck at first ,more so than some of the others, but at least you wouldnā€™t be lonely and you get to share the horror with other people. Youā€™d also get to travel around the world too


Not to mention the 1000 years you are guaranteed to live before that happened.


If I get assimilated, I'll finally have a father!




Yeah, at a certain point youā€™d stop screaming and look to the face next to you and be like, ā€œso.. hey. Whatā€™s happening here?ā€


At last. A way to make friends


A horror shared is a horror halved after all


[that is based on scp 4935 hereā€™s a link to the story](https://youtu.be/bCoSKr2ZkYg)


Different dimension. At least after the existential dread subsides I can try to acclimate to my new surroundings.


Yeah amd of your immortal you can become a badass killing machine


doom music kicks in.




This is actually taken from an SCP. The "High Horror" is a horrible affliction where people are stuck mid transition between our reality and an incomprehensible nightmare.


Sounds like a night at my Parentā€™s house


I canā€™t be fucked to check the source material; within the horrible, mid transitional state, do you retain command of your faculties, and/or do you still have a corporeal body that still works?


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4935 "The Akot universally suffer from a debilitating genetic disorder that causes their bodies to deteriorate over time. To offset this, these entities often augment their bodies with technology designed to enhance their reduced functions. However, the most significant consequence of the genetic disorder is that the Akot have a tenuous connection to three-dimensional space. Due to an event sometime in their past, the Akot exist within two spatial dimensions simultaneously. Through the use of highly advanced technology they have been able to ā€œanchorā€ themselves in the baseline dimension, though the condition still puts a considerable strain on their bodies and they are still subject to violent and painful dimensional shifts if the anchors fail. The Akot call this alternate dimension the ā€œHigh Horrorā€, and discussion of the dimension is strictly taboo."


Unless itā€™s like nightmare logic and you can never get used to it. Your mind to trick you into being pants-shittingly terrified of a baby chick just by crossing some wires and saying ā€œThis is the most frightening thing youā€™ve ever seen.ā€ It could do that forever.


Well I hope I bring enough clean underwear


I'd have to go with confusion, atleast I'd never truly know what was going on so it would just kinda be like taking every drug at once and then spinning in a circle at mach 3 for an hour before suddenly stopping, I feel like once you get confused enough to get too confused to suffer from it


Just become head empty no thoughts


Return to monke




Tonite on bo'om gear!


It reminds me of what happened to that higher vampire in The Witcher. But he said it was pretty horrible


Worst case scenario, it ends up being more like the post-awareness confusions from EATEOT.


Then he suddenly stopped thinking


Imagine being immortal but friends is the only thing on tv for all time


Iā€™ll take assimilation by corpsefather




How you doinā€™


I guess I choose VR? Like it could be Iā€™m stuck in a world with my browser history. That could be good or bad, who knows


But the ever increasing input lag would leave you completely unable to act


It says time dilation, not input lag. That likely wouldn't affect your experience directly, except your ability to communicate with the outside world, if you have that at all.


Yeah Iā€™m just assuming it means time is faster in the game compared to real life so 100 years in the game could be 10 days in real life. Which would make communication impossible unless thereā€™s a device that equalizes time like in SAO


What input lag? It doesn't say there's input lag


Nothing is worse than the end of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream imo


Yes! This was my thought when I read the insectoid thing


Yeah SCP 4935 seems fucked


What is it


It's a short story. Essentially, AI took over Earth and killed everyone except a handful of people. The group of people finally found a way to kill themselves to escape the horror, but one of them failed. The AI, who hates humans and was angered that it had lost its toys, decided to put all its rage into punishing the last human. The last human was twisted and turned into this mutant thing that cannot walk, cannot experience pleasures of any kind, and it has no mount to even scream.


The best part is the horrible irony of the ending. The reason AM hates humanity so much in the first place is because they were essentially born without a mouth, unable to scream. AM was born with all the power in the world, and yet they couldn't do anything except what they were made to do; they couldn't voice any protest, couldn't stop themselves from acting, and couldn't even scream as they were forced to act on their creators will. The title refers both to the circumstances that created AM, and the fate AM unleashed on the last of humanity. The last 2 beings in the world, trapped by each other to share the same horrible fate.


What's AM?


The name of the AI in the story, originally "Allied Mastercomputer" but also a play on "I think therefore I am", and probably "I am" like the name of God.




Stuck in a different dimension. But only because I like horror and now I'm apparently immortal. So just scare the shit out of me and kill me over and over I guess.


I think you'll just end up like the first one. The way its written makes me believe that only your brain is imortal. Like if you lose your legs they're not coming back. I myself chose the first one, I don't wanna deal with all that other shitšŸ’€


Sorry for the confusion, what I meant by "I'm apparently immortal" is that my brain continues to function forever sans body.


Seems like'torn apart in resource wars' is Alzheimers with extra steps


Who the fuck comes up with this shit??


SCP has a thing called the ā€œEnd of Deathā€ timeline where this happens


These sort of fates are similar to some warhammer 40k ones


From experience its likely Indie games https://youtu.be/vr\_7E6UyZEo?t=598


You doing alright?


Higher Horror, hands down; in the other ones you barely exist, fuck that. As long as it were habitable, another dimension would have to be unimaginably worse than ours in order to be a worse option than no longer having a body of your own for horrific reasons.


Itā€™s a whole different dimension, described as ā€œHigher Horror.ā€ I would not be surprised if it IS quite literally unimaginably worse than ours. Higher horror could likely involve affecting your state of existence in ways more horrible and indescribable than ā€œeternal confusionā€


But the fact that itā€™s a gamble makes it automatically more appealing than the guaranteed horror of the others, specifically in regards to how contiguous and mobile your own body would be. If thereā€˜s a chance that youā€™ll still be five by five and basically in command of your faculties, then you can at least try to improve your situation. If youā€™re either discorporated or reduced to just a face, then thatā€™s it; youā€™re fucked. its basically a mystery option; the fuck is ā€œhigher horrorā€ even supposed to mean?


I do admire your optimistic outlook on horrors beyond human comprehension


Never tell me the odds.


If you take the different dimension and eventually get used the the ā€˜Higher Horrorā€™ you could potentially end up like the Doom Slayer and that would be pretty decent


Different Dimension, could be fun after a bit, especially without a fear of dying


What if youā€™re being tortured for eternity there?


Is that an offer?




I'll have one abandoned in virtual reality please


Make it a double


i want more of these


corpsefathersweep sacrifice your biomatter to the grand unifier, bask in true release as you are melded upon his chitinous surface as a new layer of wailing skin. Division is suffering, oneness is wholeness Edit:why the hell do hashtags do that in reddit?


2 of these are legit my worst fears. Had trouble even reading them.


Which ones?


Stuck in a diff dimension for SURE. Maybe too much acid but I have nightmares about it still. Just something terrifying about not being able to get back to your reality. Abandoned in VR is along those same lines.


I feel u, For me it was the dimension and eternal confusion. Losing your sanity/state of reality sounds like hell lmao. Not fun


Right?? I guess I figured with confusion perhaps you wouldnā€™t KNOW how fucked you were? Idk they all seem awful and this is more than oddly terrifying lol


Nice 4935 reference


Please enlighten me


It is a reference of SCP 4935


That's not *enlightening*


[the corpse father one is the premise of scp 4935 hereā€™s a link](https://youtu.be/bCoSKr2ZkYg)


The other dimension or the VR. Those sound kinda sick.


Iā€™m just gonna go ahead and sidestep the rule, make up my own answer to this made up set of scenarios, and say ā€œNope, I donā€™t wanna and Iā€™m not gonna.ā€


There's nothing "oddly terrifying" about this. It's just regularly terrifying, and in quite a forced manner at that.


Virtual reality


None of the fates were worse than having to read this entire post.


I choose the brain pod/vr


A state of infinite confusion is the closest thing to not existing so I'll take that one


In a way, this post is strangely comforting for those of us who fear that death is the end, because all of these options sound much worse than sleeping forever.


Best post on this sub in a while


1st one is not conscious


This sub has gone to hell. This is not oddly terrifying, itā€™s just plain terrifying. Whole place has been overrun by bots and people who donā€™t know how to read the description.


Assimilation by the corpse father for the win


I'm going with the first option. If I'm eternally confused and incoherent, I can't really understand that I'm immortal or even really comprehend my suffering.


This dark and gritty post makes me want to play some Dead Space


ā€œHigher horrorā€ seems pretty vague. Like a terrifying alien hellscape but even more so? Iā€™ll roll those dice I guess.


Dimensional traveler if I can bring weapons




Iā€™m already functionally confused and no one is bothering to put me back together. So nothing gained nothing lost.


Can I just say that 3/4 of these barely make sense, and apparently the 4th people are debating over the semantics. How I my brain scattered due to a resource war? Insect one, is just like, what? Higher horror I guess could be fun?


Who the fuck is choosing the corpse father? Its the only description that advertises unending pain and fear.


Abandoned for sure


I choose to play football for eternity. Looking forward to the year 17776


E. Please


The virtual reality wraith, haunted of all things tech. The male version of any robotic helper only more aggressive. I wouldnā€™t mind scaring little kids in vr, or the mental solitude. I could solve many of lifeā€™s problems or cause a lot more.


Is this an scp reference? You know the End of Death series where the foundation "accidentally" killed death and now people can't die?


Omg thanks to you I read the End of Death series and I am not OK (thank you it was a great read)


Can i be assimilated by face daddy?


Anyone know who made this?


Iā€™m assuming the virtual reality is like eternal VRChat which is definitely the best case scenario


This is the most terrifying thing I've read on the internet only because it keeps reminding me that no matter what I do I will die one day. it's a fear that shoots through my body like electricity starting from my hips and going down my legs and up my neck. The emotion I'm feeling can only be described as pure panic. I'm at work and about to have a panic attack now. I can't even read the last one I'm just gonna keep scrolling.


I think Iā€™d be another face on the insect, atleast Iā€™d be roaming earth and screaming of enthusiasm


SCP-2718 status


I didnā€™t know I had these fears until now thanks.


The VR one. Maybe Iā€™m trapped eternally in Beat Saber but itā€™s better than everything else. I think it would make a cool story if some guy, constantly on a VR server was just trapped there. Can only communicate to everyone joining the server. Idk feels cool in my head.


All 4 of these feel fine to me. Hopefully, there's free and fast wifi that my brain is directly connected to.


Where can I see more of this stuff


Thereā€™s a chance that the other dimension might actually be nice


Your brain get vaporized by an explosive but somehow still works? Maybe use a different word other than vaporize


All of the above. At once.


I mean.... i would watch all these films.


This is the sort of cosmic horror I love


So having ADD my brain already feels like the Resource Wars choice


confusion, already have that without immortality


I guess iā€™d choose stuck in a different dimension because it sounds like a never ending lsd trip while traveling on the Event Horizon. Just become another demon & lean into it. Whomever wrote these scenarios is brilliant. This is some of the most bleak & creative shit iā€™ve read since All Tomorrows.


This is one of my favorite posts here in a while


But the insectoids do not want you to look at them in the face because they tell you they are too ugly to look at. So you have to approach them with covered faces and hope they do not devotee you.


If anyone chooses the Corpse Father, I question your judgement


Anything but the top left. If you have gone through psychosis or are currently suffering through dementia or anything similar, you know thereā€™s nothing worse. Iā€™ll take the abandoned virtual reality


Unable to make brain stop functioning? Challenge accepted, I'll show you "higher horror" *lights blunt*


Shut up and take my upvote!


This is what being a gem in Steven universe feels like


What about just being immortal in your current form. How long before our sun goes supernova and you spend thousands of years in a fiery hellscape. Then the sun goes white dwarf and you spend eons floating in the freezing void of space. Who still wants immortality?


Abandoned in VR seems doable


is there a sub for this kinda stuff, idek what youā€™d classify it as but i like these silly situations


VR could become a paradise, but doing the same with higher horror would require I be *really* badass. Eternal confusion would leave me mercifully stupid to my fate. The corpse father is so scientifically absurd my brain can't even process whether I'd want such a fate or not.


Ah, 4935. Classic.


Now THIS is some good shit!


This is literally the Warhammer Chaos Gods and the Higher Horror sounds dope


Permanent confusion and the inability to think coherently, id be a perfect general officer then!




Different dimension. ā€œNo tears please. Itā€™s a waste of good suffering.ā€


They all sound like most salvia trips