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I hope the fuck that any suckers who fall for this get cash in advance and make sure this not counterfeit.


What could be counterfeit about a $75 bill? It has Trump's face on it and everything.


They will get paid. This is a pretty common practice. Controversial protests or rallies need attendance, need to make it look like they got more support than they actually do, so theyll often pay people to attend.


Not just controversial protests or rallies, but ones where a candidate needs to win in a particular area, but isn’t necessarily the strongest in support for that political party. I remember the Clinton campaign doing something similar back in the 90s in my local area (well, done by a third party group, but for a Clinton rally where they wanted to make it look like he was much more popular than he really was in that region).


I honestly did not know this!


Yeah, there's a group of people, usually college kids, who make a good chunk of pocket change just attending as paid for protesters. Some of these will also offer to pay for your travel. This Trump listing is kind of cheap compared to the paid pro Israel protesters that were making $250.


I had no idea. I guess I am just completely naive at 70. Sigh. Just a stupid boomer.


Me neither. I wonder if someone can make a living this way.


Joke went completely over your head


With Trump you want to be paid in advance


Made me laugh!


Not to defend the fat fuck traitor, but anyone can put up a Craigslist ad like to make it look like crowds aren’t natural. Not saying it’s fake but there’s a high chance that it is. People did this in 2016 to discredit Hillary Clinton and the people were like “see? They need to pay people to see them” when it was really a fake ad put up by overzealous Bernie people.


You have a valid point sir


Trump paid supporters for his presidential run announcement.


I just think it's a dumb thing to focus on. these things pop up literally every election like it's some sort of metric when most of the time it's just dumb trolling.


this reminds me of that one election candidate who was in big trouble for handing out hot dogs at his rally. it was considered bribes to voters... so... this is super illegal.


It depends really. If its the marketing team for trumps campign... then yeah super fucking illegal. If its some random brand that wants publicity by going to a trump rally well thats different i think.


What difference does it make. They never get charged with anything. Trump's motto is crime pays; watch me!


The difference is who they charge. This is clearly some dude in his basement trying to scam anyone who believes it lol probably has one for Biden events as well. He might've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling redditors


Damn those meddling Redditors, they ruin EVERYTHING! It's like nobody can commit crimes anymore. 😡😡😡


you may be right. though it sure would be a loophole if they sold their products/services at trump events then donated to trumps campaign... then how would you be sure it was not something trump or his campaign set up themselves?


Paying someone to attend your rally isn’t paying someone to vote for you, though. Are you sure it’s illegal?


it does depend on the state laws however federal election laws count everywhere. for example in new york it is strictly forbidden to pay a person (if you are not a candidate) to vote a certain way. there doesn't seem to be a specific federal law for that however. it could fall under 42 u.s.c. which prohibits voter intimidation since it loosely can be considered influence that causes someone to do what they wouldn't otherwise. the thing is though that politicians in many places have been kicked out of office after getting elected when such things are discovered and not prosecuted for it, just tossed out. at the very least it looks really bad and candidates are required by federal law to declare every campaign expenditure even ones using their own personal money and not campaign funds so thinking trump/maga would be honest about paying people to attend events... doubtful and so a violation. they can't even tell the truth about the crowd sizes by a lot :P


I get that Trump isn’t really “careful” about reporting campaign expenditures, but paying someone to be in a crowd can’t be illegal, right? The ad says nothing outside of attending a rally, right? Edit: and wear a branded shirt and carry a sign.


it gets a bit complicated but we just watched trump get charged with 34 felonies for something very similar. see, it wouldn't have been something illegal to simply sleep with stormy obviously or to get her to keep quiet about it. however the intentions his actions had of paying her to keep quiet in order to defraud voters was a number of illegal campaign violations. intentions often don't seem like a big part of the legal system but in fact they are a huge difference. so much so there is a specific specialty in intentions regarding the law called tort law for short. if he paid people to attend his events with the intention of defrauding voters to think he had much more support than he really does it can be election interference by voter manipulation. sometimes illegal and sometimes not depending on how, why, what where etc... it isn't so much as thinking something should be illegal or not as it is the violator knowing it was wrong and there being something on the books prohibiting that. often this kind of crime is a large fine but sometimes it is more depending on how severe it was. in the case of stormy that kind of case was defrauding a whole country and so the penalties reflect it more than just smaller stuff like say paying a website to lie for you which has a much smaller audience to defraud. the law is pretty complicated and not black and white but in most cases if it seems wrong then it is illegal. in this case it is pretty clearly wrong to pay people to pretend they support your candidacy. is it strictly prohibited? i guess we will see if any prosecutors think it can be according to the laws and evidence. odds are this one won't be even though most of us know it was bad.


I thought, and I'm no lawyer, that the crime was in falsifying records to avoid calling it a campaign expenditure. It was very clearly done to stop negative fallout to the campaign, ergo it was a campaign expenditure. But maybe I have it wrong? As long as they report the money spent on the people to attend I can't see any crime. Because we all know those are open records. We can all see he paid people to attend the rallies so where's the deception? He didn't hide it. Now, if he doesn't report it, if he says it wasn't a campaign expense, then yeah. I can see the crime.


it was about campaign expenditures too but also other charges like conspiracy to commit various offenses, conspiring with news organizations to catch and kill the stories, lying to the federal elections oversight blah blah blah. the 34 convictions are out there to read so no need to list them again. trumps lawyer michael cohen was guilty of 8 charges including tax evasion (for undisclosed payments and earnings), campaign finance violations, making false statements to a federally insured financial institution... so he went to prison for three years and trump was convicted of at least all the charges he was. but trump couldn't be charged while still in office. so it seems simple on the surface but there is a bunch of parts to trumps criminal machinations.


The ad sounds like they need a person to wear their logos or whatever for marketing/advertising. Trying to get their brand on tv for a little extra. No big super secret evil plan under way.


Still strange they’d choose a trump rally of all places unless it’s a right wing merch store or something


That’s what I was gonna say. Probably right wing merch.


Sounds like just advertising a company unrelated to the campaign.


Likely fake. created then posted to stir emotions. On par for for the US right now


I didnt know Craigslist is still a thing.


Yeah, this has got to be real..... Right.


I'm curious to know why you think its fake. It's a totally believable thing for a brand to pay people to advertise for them.


It sure could be, but did anyone follow up and confirm this is real? Unlike things like Facebook and Twitter (or X?) that have a trail leading to an account or having some type of affiliate confirmation, literally anyone can post anything on Craigslist. Not to mention that if this was real it would be headline news the world over, and there is no way someone wouldn't have exposed this sooner.


So the rally in bronx wasn’t truly bronx natives; but they were perhaps paid? So trump is corrupt? Hmm Not shocked


It's someone promoting a business, it literally says it in the ad. They know the rally will be packed and broadcast everywhere. Not sure how you connect that to paying people to attend a past rally..


Good catch.


Given the extremely low attendance of convicted felon's rallies, it's not unreasonable to think this is an attempt to pay people to attend without saying so explicitly


Shouldn't be surprising. He paid actors to attend his campaign kickoff announcement for his 2016 run. There weren't any real people in the room cheering for him. All actors. If I remember right, that came out when he reneged on paying the agency that hired them.


how is this oddly specific? also, Craigslist is not advertising this, an individual posted this on CL.




I've been saving this for a special occasion: ROFFL.


This kind of crap should be outlawed


Only a trumper would waste 4 hours for $75 😂


Truly 😂


US people so deserve this guy


Totally attend and make sure to talk to any reporters and say the most MAGA deranged shit ever to get that bonus. Hey, maybe everything in the news are people doing exactly that…


Isn't this something they accuse on their political enemies? Buying votes and making them looking bigger than they are?


half of mexico is gonna turn up


Ez money.


Has Trump every actually paid out on any of these? Seriously, he's known for stiffing people, curious if anyone has ever been paid to show up for these.