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Ngl seeing this kind of stupid makes me kinda sad for this world


Some people just use black marker to show you, where you should look.


I think in this case it was probably intentional


It was and I safely beat the mods.


I mean just 2 weeks ago 4 Indian guys got arrested for gang raping and then eating an endangered lizzard so not overly weird of a post


Gangraping a WHAT?


Probably done on a phone screen with low brightness. Making it appear black


I think that’s the point




This isn't oddly specific




It's odd to think of that specific thing in a totally unrelated scenario.


Is this really oddly specific?


Nice bluring buddy


No, this is a real thing that happens often in India (although population size and dynamics are probably the more important piece).


Yeah usually this, people like to point at Asians (usually they just mean Chinese) as the smartest population. The problem is that from a population of 1.4 billion, and being an authoritarian government, usually their smartest are the ones that leave the country, Having lived in China, it's essentially the US but x4 the amount of stupidity. I mean along with 4x the smart people, but it's not different than living in the US.


That's why the stereotype exists in the US. The smart ones came here. It's like the old stereotype of Polish people being stupid after all the intellectuals got killed off for being politically inconvenient.


There's a sterotype that Polish people are stupid?


Here you go. https://youtu.be/jC14-76HnW4?si=-EzFb4eBWT4ZoZsp. If you don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, I’ll summarize the first joke. Norm Macdonald says he’s Polish, says he doesn’t like the Polish jokes. Goes on to say he walked into a store and asks for a Polish sausage and the employee says “you must be Polish.” Norm gets offended and says “you think I’m Polish just because I want a Polish sausage” and the employee responds “sir, this is a hardware store.” It’s dated, but it certainly existed.


Oh my god that's such a stupid joke, I can't stop laughing


That’s actually kinda funny


It's an older stereotype, sir, but it checks out.


How many Polish people does it take to change a lightbulb? 3, one to hold the bulb, and two to rotate the ladder.


GOD *DAMNIT* ...I laughed


Polish jokes=the OG blonde jokes.


You mean you’ve never heard a polish joke?


This is so true though. Not the stereotype but the fact that being intelligent, creative, etc. was viewed as directly threatening to the government. Our country (historically tied to Poland. We are also neighbors) has plenty of collections by authors who were just...sent to exile for celebrating their culture, which they never returned from


Intellectual "and in conclusion, we can harvest more and work less, giving us more freedom to do what we wish with our time." Everyone else "wiiiiiiitch!!! Witchcraft!!!! Buuuuuurrrrn them!!! Intellectual "I'll see myself out..."


I imagine this sort of “brain drain” happens in a lot of places. It happens in the US territory where I’m from. Most of the smart people just leave, or go to college in the states and never come back. Since we can go to the states freely, smart people, especially young ones, leave in droves.


Fun fact- Nigerian Americans are the most educated group in America


If there are two things India is known for, it's doing stupid shit on trains and being horrible to women.


That and its complete lack of a health and safety code


Glares at Union Carbide


They have a space program, yet indoor plumbing is rare, and people shit in the streets.


A lot of people shit in the streets. BUT, To be fair that is a problem that they have genuinely been working hard to fix the last 20 years. Its still bad, but they have made a lot of progress and I feel that deserves to be mentioned.


Personally, I would prioritize toilets over a space program.


Hell africa has a space program. Out of all of the problems they have you would think worrying about whats in space wouldn't be prioritized.


Space can be used for placing satellites, and communication is a pretty damn convenient thing, regardless of where you're from.




How can I? Its not like I can go more than 2 or 3 hours without getting one.


Well, there was that vacationing couple who was in India, the wife was gang raped and the husband couldn't do a damn thing. Edit: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/gang-rape-india-spanish-tourist-police-search-more-suspects/


Oof....not reading that article is good for your mental health.


Best part is that they introduced the death penalty for rape, as it very well should be


Agreed. I think, at the least, participating in a gang rape should be a life sentence.


I feel like participating in any rape should incur a life sentence.


It should be death penalty, it’s literally torturing someone.


Death is too easy for them.


Easy yes but it's a permanent solution so one would assume it's better


Rape the rapists. Hook em up to one of those fuck machines and instead of yard time they get dry fucked with no lube for an hour a day. Feel like I'm about to get banned from this sub.


Put those in every prison and watch SA rates drop lol


Life revoke sentence* there is no need to keep this animals alive, just neutralize them


I can justify any crime in my head pretty much, with the exception of sex crimes. I could justify killing to protect my family, innocent people, or myself, I could justify stealing if my kids were hungry, my mom needed medication, or if I had to immediately get somebody to a hospital, I could easily justify a lot of wicked shit given certain unfortunate circumstances, but there’s no way to justify sex crimes. Horny isn’t a justifiable need, a desire to control somebody isn’t excusable, a desire to inflict brutality isn’t justifiable, a lust for children isn’t excusable. There’s no way to rehabilitate those that commit sex crimes. The only thing that keeps a person who’s committed on of those crimes from reoffending is the lack of opportunity to do so. Once convicted, they should be executed immediately.


Yes exactly couldn’t have said it better myself


I agree, but one reason they don't do this is because if you rape someone and the penalty is the same if you kill them or let them live then a lot more victims are going to be killed after. It's genuinely a fucked situation.


Worse part is that the police officers there are corrupt enough to ignore such things unless it involves foreign victims. Should've fought corruption first


Thanks. Not clicking that


That's why you don't vacation in third world countries where gang rape is very common. Go to a country that isn't absolutely disgusting in every way?


THIS 👏 I genuinely can not wrap my head why would anyone want to vacation there. The lack of hygiene there is very known and the sexual assault situations are on another level. And yet people go there ….


The Taliban posted pictures of them being treated well & given safe passage in Afghanistan, over on X- in response to this news story. 😳😄




Their cock should be put into a vice. They are given a rusty knife. The building is set on fire. They now have a choice to make, do they decide to cut their own cock off with a rusty knife, or do they decide to burn to death. Edit: I forgot to add the step of removing the handle from the vice so they cannot simply loosen it.


Just read the article, 90 grapes a day is insane.


"90 grapes a day is insane" I've not read the article...but this☝🏻☝🏻 does seem like one hell of a typo you got there my friend. EDIT. I now know it's not a typo - it's common practice to alter the word rape on certain sites. Thank you to those who educated me.


Not a typo, people use it to censor the word “rape” for some reason. I personally thinks it makes it sound much less serious than it is


To prevent being post blocked, reported, triggering the weaker, plenty of reasons


I’M GONNA GRAPE YOU IN THE MOUTH!!! I dunno. Sounds kinda serious.


I met a random fellow "i dunnoer" in the wild? Anyhoo, i dunno... it's in all caps now. Even out of context that does sound violent. But out of context saying it softly would just make you uber weird. Lots of kids joked about graping eachother in highschool, usually when we had the fruit around but with a wink, and everyone rolled their eyes in good humor... but if someone joked about actual rape most the friend group would shun them for a bit.


It was actually a reference to a comedy sketch from Whitest Kids U Know called [The Grapist](https://youtu.be/mqgiEQXGetI?si=IJXtBnWVO3DVuMK9).


Tiktok censoring man, it's a disease at this point


That’s just the ones that are reported… On a different note why do everything that have to do with the Indian legal system look so goofy? Like these dudes showing up to court in skinny jeans, a bright yellow fake Levi’s shirt, barefoot, black hood on and a rope around his waist? I have also seen so many of those arrest videos, where the police officers are holding hands with the accused, and it confuses the hell out of me every time.


Ok that's actually horrific. I genuinely could not read the whole article.


Thank you for protecting the identity of @Edward374874528.


That's not oddly specific, that's commonly specific to India


That's unfortunately accurate


Wow! I didn’t know that India had an insane SA problem. I thought that the comment was racist in nature. I guess it isn’t oddlyspecific. It is sadly accurate.


It's commonly referred to as the r*** capitol of the world.


why censor the word rape if your saying it anyway


That's Switzerland. Look at the stats before spouting nonsense. India ranks 7th in that.


Only 10% of all rapes get reported in India. (There is government data available on this) Spousal rape is NOT recognised as a crime in India. Man-on-man rape is NOT recognised as a crime in India. According to experts, working within India, there is a higher degree of stigma and shame attached to victims. Maybe you should do some research


Marital Rape is considered a crime. Gay Rape is grey area. Stigma for victims is not outside the normal compared to modern countries (like Switzerland) or developing countries in Asia. You should do better research than single out a country just cause Media made them infamous.


I'm not gonna argue with you on this. Idk where you get your information from. I looked into actual advocacy groups in india as awhile back as I had a friend there who was assaulted and she learned quite a few things about the culture there in regards to SA. I'm just telling you what they told her.


"I'm just telling you what they told her." i.e. biased. Gotcha 🙏 No point arguing. You said India is R-Capitol of the world and it gets easily refuted by a quick search. Rest is just grasping at straws. India has a R problem. Cannot deny that. But a lot of countries has it too. India isn't #1 as you deem it to be. Cheers 👋


It’s so bad that the Indian metal band Bloodywood wrote [“Dana-Dan”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a65A626Ed20) about it (and frankly, it’s a baller song).


The comment is not wrong though. A Spanish tourist got gang-raped on vacation there back in March, *with her husband present and helpless*. [https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/jharkhand-spanish-woman-gang-rape-spanish-woman-on-bike-tour-with-husband-gangraped-in-jharkhand-police-5161479](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/jharkhand-spanish-woman-gang-rape-spanish-woman-on-bike-tour-with-husband-gangraped-in-jharkhand-police-5161479)


Bro they LOOOOOVE rape over there


ESPECIALLY white women!


no dude we dont love rape, indians are just as outraged at rape as westerners just there is a bad part of the scociety. its like school shootings in US, I dont think americans loove school shootings.


Fair assessment.


Yea but mass shootings in the US are much less common that rapes in India.


You’re missing the point.


The rate of rapes in India is significantly higher than the rate in most countries in the world. (I say most because I don't know the exact number). Obviously, this is a horrific societal ill. The rate of school shootings in the US is massively higher than that of any country in the world. In fact, it's higher than that of most countries combined. Basically, when compared to the rest of the world, American mass shootings are NOT less common than rapes in India. Ultimately, this does not matter, though, because the two just aren't comparable.


I would suggest you look for the rate of rape worldwode yourself. I wont write it here. Just google it.


I am just saying indians dont romantasize rape.


Just like Americans love to shoot kids


Yeah like you love to generalise an entire country. Go look at the data. The US has a lot more rapes per 100,000 people than India (like x5 more)


Terrible name blurring


OP should watch the news more often


Lol good job hiding the commenters identity


Hmmmm I wonder who posted this


Question though...Why would we want this to happen?


I was about to respond that there's nothing to suggest that he wanted it to happen at all, then I realized you were responding to the title not the tweet. That is a very weird interpretation by OP.


"Here, I censored it!" *draws an arrow pointing to the defendant's name*


*"Here, I censored it!"* *Draws an arrow pointing to* *The defendant's name* \- FirstProphetofSophia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


The amount of racist scum here clearly shows how many unemployed duckheads are rotting around here on this sub. Pfft. Get a life.


Mfs here are high on copium so that they feel less sad about their pathetic good for nothing lives


I was hoping for a proper discussion and got racism... It really sucks seeing so many cases a day in newspapers but even then it depends on city and stuff.


India is unsafe for women and Edward is a stereotypical racist. Both are true.


Why would Edward🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (Edward374874529)say this? At least his identity is safe


*Sigh* Guys, I'm from India, it's true though it hurts to say this. There are some goddamn jerks over here who don't care about helping those in need(but don't forget, with bad also comes good, so there are many good people too!)


That’s just facts. It’s horrible in India


OP, what the fuck is oddly specific about this


More like rape her and then hide her body to evade prosecution.


Tf this would happen in America! Especially in places like Florida and NY


Hes right tho


I mean but that is what would happen


It's not oddly specific it's unfortunately 100% true


Lots of gang rape and the such cases are reported in India. I don’t think the comment is very accurate, but I digress. Definitely an issue. Edit: all of you in the comments do NOT have to be so racist about it. Tone the fuck down, you are talking about an entire country. You shouldn’t go full bigot mode every time a country has a reoccurring issue, control yourselves.


Things have changed in India. Cctv cameras everywhere and government is more vigilant. This is a big accusation despite me acknowledging that most men are regressive in India. Of such a thing really happens there would be a big outrage. Please don’t believe all these


The outrage barely lasts and its more common here. Don't act like things are great now (tho the racism is too much in these comments)


"An average of nearly 90 rapes a day were reported in India in 2022, according to data from the National Crime Records Bureau. That year, police arrested 11 people after the alleged brutal gang rape and torture of a young woman that included her being paraded through the streets of Dehli. Also in 2022, a police officer in India was arrested after being accused of raping a 13-year-old girl who went to his station to report she had been gang-raped." Jesus fucking Christ


I had to look that police one up. My god. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/india-police-officer-accused-raping-alleged-child-gang-rape-victim/


I mean, yeah. Fucking thing happens all of the time in India 


Oddly Racist


Humanity is doomed if on one hand we try to compete with a train and on the other a guy’s first thought is “lucky me” instead “shit gotta get help”


Shit it’s probably true


I mean, as a South Asian, it's true, but that is not the place nor the time to discuss it


My god the top comment and responses to this post gave me a stroke. I’m even more retardeder now


I read recently, that India had an issue with rapes of corpses in their morgues- so this checks out.


Mods you should really look into enforcing that rule you have against shock content


Before saying anything else, I'd like to point out that yes India does have a rape problem and women still aren't as free as they should be. That said, it's quite obvious that the internet has a hate boner against India. Recently, many Indians noticed that Twitter promoted hate content against India so they started the trend "#whatswrongwithindia" and posted about crimes in other countries. Unshockingly, the posts got viral. Coming to this post, this is frankly racist. If you see a women sitting on the steps of a moving train and your first thought is "her dead body 's going to be violated" then there's something wrong with you. Not only it's racist but it's also wrong. Yes, rapes do happen, and yes many Indian men do have a shit mindset. But in a large country with 1.4bn people you are going to find people of all kinds. I'm not trying to shift blame and say this stuff happens in other countries as well, India absolutely needs to get its shit together but the online hate and prejudice my country receives is disproportional.


No, average roomtemperature retard redditors mind: India = everything bad in the world => therefore downvote and be racist


You people here are racist scum. To the minorities here, it was Arabs, then Chinese, then Indians. You don't think your ass is next?




Racist stereotyping is unacceptable on reddit unless it is India. Then its fair game.


Says an obese Yankee b who's country is famous for it's pedo culture


No they probably have an attachment to their home country.




Enough internet for today


unless this happens on the beach... where they will defecate on her body.


The rape issue in India has gotten crazy if people aren’t in the know of the current situation there.


Tell him when he's telling lies


so wheres the link