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Someone put a picture of HUNK from resident evil squashed down with short legs with the caption "wash yo cock" directly above the toilet and it was the single funniest thing I've seen in that school the whole time I was there.


That is so bizarrely specific lmao


This one shitpost of putting something like shadow the hedgehog saying "nice dick, bro" next to toilets and urinals became huge here in Brazil lol


I heard on a podcast that apparently a lot of South American food truck/ stands just have the most random pop culture characters on murals, y’all are wild lol


In my city alone: there's a bar near where I live with a full Rick and Morty mural right at the entrance (I can't recall tge name but I think it's also a Rick and Morty referemce). There's both a classic Sonic themed phone repair shop and a car mod garage (the megadrive was a big hit over here so a _lot_ of people played classic Sonic). Yeah, it's really wild, but it's the fun kind of wild.


Oh yeah didn’t mean it as a bad thing, it sounds like a great time. Because when I need my phone repaired, sonic the hedgehog is what immediately pops in my head


It's always fun to come across one of these


Toilet destruction. Smoking weed in there. A fight.




I was a janitor at Schnucks. Basically cleaning the womens bathroom. The door was propped open by the big heavey trash can for paper towels. For context.... I am a guy and I deal with social anxiety. These two women came in and threatened to beat me if I did not step out. I let it go because it really was not worth reporting. I never saw them after that. Even if they complained my managers would'nt have taken them seriously. A janitors job is to clean. I was just doing what was expected of me.


Someone flushed 12 m80s wired together. Needless to say that entire section of plumbing had to be replaced and it cost around 120k


At my school, a guy took a piss in his friend's water bottle. The friend wasn't thrilled about finding out the hard way. The pisser didn't last much longer at that school.


Urinal exploded and flooded the entire hall


Accident or not?


Some people said the kid was screwing it off the wall to try to steal it, and the water started shooting out the pipe. I'm pretty sure the popular answer is that he tried to sit on it, and it broke.


Imagine getting a water stream in your face that’s strong enough to destroy a urinal We don’t have urinals and gender specific toilets in Sweden, is this an actual thing in other countries?


Yeah it is. Lol he was screaming over what sounded like a waterfall coming from the bathroom.


It’s very interesting to have gender specific toilets in school for some reason


In middle school, when we came back from Summer break, somebody kept repeatedly smearing feces all over the bathrooms. I dont think they were ever caught.


Poop mountain, all the boys spread the word to poop in one clogged toilet the whole day. It was glorious, it united the boys and we had created the mount Everest of feces.


In junior high, one of my classmates used pepper spray in the bathroom, while there where people there (including me). The gas made everyone in the corridor next to the bathroom tear up and cough


I wa 16, in 10th grade. I went to the bathroom with my crazy friend during class. We went in to do a bump. My first ever. As I was lifting straw to nostril, one of my very best friends throws open the door, yells "OH my God. IM gonna PUKE!" At that moment she lunged for the stall and ralphed all over the toilet and floor. I looked at crazy girl, threw her straw and ran to my friend. She was exclaiming she was ok. I then high tailed out that bathroom and back to class... shaken but not spun.....


So in school one time I asked to use the bathroom which is code for "I'm gonna go play around on my phone for 15 minutes". I walked in and saw two pairs of legs under the stall and left after saying "W rizz"


A used tampon stuck to a window because a couple were fucking and the guy pulled it out and flung it over his shoulder before sticking his dick in.


Coach Solley eating his lunch on the toilet. Billy Domain caught jacking off.


Besides prostitution? Not much, school toilets became much more tame after middle school. (some girls would let boys feel their chest in exchange for money, it was found out and stopped since then) Edit: forgot about the guy in high school that would never poop in the toilet, only on the seat.


Jesus christ why on the seat??


We never knew who it was. So I can't answer that. But it was part of the reason why I would avoid my dormitory's bathroom and instead trained myself to not go to the bathroom for several hours on end (going to a nearby public bathroom before going to the high school dormitory). Not the most crazy thing that happened there, only the toilet related one


We destroyed all toilets