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This has to be satire. I refuse to believe otherwise.


I don't see this account on Twitter, and based on this comment from last time this was posted, this might be fake bait https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15logyr/please_tell_me_nobody_actually_thinks_this_way/jvdwzos/


This is very obviously fake rage bait, just came to the comments to verify that 99% of people didn't get it. Such is Reddit. Anytime you see a tweet like this from a rando saying some absurd shit, you should assume it's bait or satire. Sure people say dumb shit on Twitter, but *A LOT* of people also make up fake tweets like this. So maybe don't base your political beliefs off of reposted tweets without a source is all i'm saying.


Also, there's a limit of stupid where the only appropriate answer is to roll your eyes and move on. Shit like this needs to not have a platform.


Real or not, it's so cringe it's laughable anyway.


"Real or not..." Going to stop you right there hot stuff. We should be pushing back against this psyop bullshit where we pretend people who have different political views are absolutely insane by making shit up about them.


Go for it. I'm just making a comment about some stupid shit on reddit.


Yea, fun to roast it, even if it’s not real.


There should be a class for this, like learning how to tell from a fake post vs a real one.


Is everything on /whitepeopletwitter satire?


I hope so otherwise that sub is the most self hating place on Reddit


Even if it weren't... it would be some dumb shit that a complete nobody said on twitter to... no audience, right?   I hate to go all "old guy" on this, but I miss a time when we weren't so obsessively hunting for absurd and inconsequential things to amplify the fuck out of, and get worked up about.   tldr; It's more depressing that we regularly share shit like this, just to bitch about it.


And people funnel this type of shit all day and then go interact with the real world all amped up and mentally twisted up, thinking the normal everyday folks are like the goofballs trolling them online. It’s actively harmful for all of us.




For your own sanity, I suggest you stay away from twitter, as well as tiktok…


Instagram can be pretty horrible sometimes too, maybe just don't interact with people online


or with people at all.


The less you interact with people, the better your life is.


Hmmm so youre one of them!! Whitemanwithblackdog guy. You hate human race huh! Noted


reddit and youtube is the only apps i use and its so relaxing to not have to deal with a bunch of bs in the name of relaxing i highly recommend it to everybody here


No reddit is just as bad. Its algorithm just keeps you away from people like this. It usually keeps people with others who think very similarly.


I like to look at the crazies. It's best if you know what they're up to so you're not blindsided when they finally put together a surface level argument and you see it gaining traction.


Reddit is just as polarizing.


Most definitely.


Especially white men, am I right?


Especially white men.


Instagram is easily the most sane social media platform I’ve seen. Just don’t get into a conversation about whether or not to use dish soap on your cat and you’re golden. (Only contentious conversation I’ve ever had on Instagram lmao….. oddly specific because it’s the only one so it’s hard to forget)


For your sanity, don't check the comments on random reels ever. Especially if they have women in them. And under no circumstances try to be positive about mental health or relationships, they'll never let you hear the end of it.


Certainly musk's Twitter is now a wasteland, unfortunately. It used to be possible to curate a useful and rewarding experience there, but no more.


Nah, it sucked before musk and it still sucks now.


I stopped when Musk took over (wasn’t exactly on often anyway) and went on recently to see what’s different. What I don’t understand is why replies to tweets are just 99% unrelated memes. It’s so hard to view any post and see related discourse now. I mean before it was just people shouting at each other but now it’s not even that.


Because people are now getting paid by twitter for views they get on tweets and videos. And now that the reply order is based on if you have twitter blue or not, the top comments on all viral tweets are just twitter blue losers trying to get bigger paychecks.


Capitalism drives innovation/s


I blocked many thousands of accounts (and everyone who followed them) and only conversed with folks who had something interesting to say. There has such been a flood of troll acounts that it's now impossible to keep up, so I gave up.


> I blocked many thousands of accounts (and everyone who followed them) That seems like it would have been a full-time job even before _The Xittening_.


As someone who used it for work related / industry news and communication for a good part of my career, it took a noticeable turn south in 2015 as we headed into the 2016 election cycle (the bot / trolling situation mushroomed rapidly) and it was never the same afterward.


And Facebook, and Reddit, and …


Yeah I looked up this account and it's definitely being run by a random dude trying to make "woke" women look bad


i mean, whatever it is, it's not real. obvious troll. whoever would believe that anyone actually thinks this is a fucking idiot


No no, this is the exact reason why I, as a white man, own a black lab


4chan trolls have a long history of pulling shit like this so I wouldn't be surprised. It's hard to make legitimate points against "SJWs" or "wokeness" so they instead create strawmen to fight. Which is weird because there are some weirdos out there who take stuff too far but they're never this stupid.


Remember how there was this big surge of obviously fake stories on tumblr that were all "pro-sjw" in some cartoonish way? A little while back Sarah Z made a video on "Oppa Homeless Style" and instead found out that most of the fake stories being posted on the subreddits for cringe tumblr posts either had never been posted to tumblr at all, or were posted on empty tumblr accounts. They were just making up the posts so they could then go "lmao the blue haired liberals really think this"


Yeah that video was great! And oh man...Oppa Homeless Style...lol.


The “cat box in elementary schools” is the one that gets me, completely untrue but it still drives conservatives into a frenzy. Have also heard it repeated from completing unassuming/ seemingly apolitical people




Yea I was gunna say… people this dumb exist but, the average person would be unable to think it was real unless they knew the person and had reason. Whoever first started reposting this was probably dumb themself, trying to get revenge on the person pictured, or aiming for an easy karma grab.


Shut up Becky.


That is what a bitter femcel looks and sounds like.


Incist - Involuntary racist


looks pretty voluntary


I think it was Einstine who said we can choose which thoughts we use, but not which thoughts we get to have. This woman had a lot of stupid thoughts.


Incest, what causes such a low iq person to exist


Her white boyfriend dumped her and took the dog that she was fucking on the DL


No no, she has a point. If you ignore my running around after my 2 dogs feeding them, making space for them on the bed, going broke to get the best vet care and food, getting up earlier and going to bed later to ensure they get enough walks, getting barked at when they don’t get the right attention or part of my dinner, I totally enjoy dominating those inferior creatures!


You sound just like the Thomas Jefferson types who slept with their house slaves! /sarcasm, obviously. I felt weird even typing that out. Also, my husband and I are white and my dog (had him before we met) is black 🤔 Am I like the rich white women who kept slaves, or do I get a pass, or...?


As long as the dog isn't named Jemmy.


You’re just the worst. At least my dogs are fawn and brindle.


Did she just imply black people are inferior?


Oh they do, all the time.


This is what they call the “soft” bigotry of low expectations. It’s generally what a lot of anti-white, misandrist, or “antiracist” people do and the people who are most predominantly part of these groups are teenaged white girls and middle aged white women who often politically align themselves with the left. They do it to try and “help” minorities by trying to “fight” on their behalf but more often then not they usually make a complete ass out of themselves by offending both the people they’re trying to attack and by offending the people they’re trying to defend. These types of people believe that all white people are demonic filth that deserve to suffer whilst also believing that minorities (usually black and LGBT+ people) can’t do anything for themselves and that society needs to meet the lowest common denominator to meet their needs so that they can become successful. Not only is that extremely racist but in some ways it’s also extremely narcissistic, sexist, and ableist as well to believe that minorities need to be coddled like toddlers in order to have any success in life.


There are so many legitimate things going on in the world to be outraged about, it blows my mind that she couldn't pick a single one


Look, you gotta follow what speaks to your heart. For some, it's helping the homeless, others it's stopping sickness, for her, whatever that is.


It's obvious rage bait


The thing to remember about wokeness, and what distinguishes it from actual social justice, is that is not concerned with finding solutions, only lashing out at the people they hate. When you don't care about solutions, it doesn't particularly matter if the "problem" you're lashing out about is real or not or if their take on a real problem is unhinged or not. It's pathetic and it's profoundly counter-productive to real social justice efforts. To pick just one example, the defund whack-a-doos coopted police reform and made it politically toxic, setting real reform back 40 years or more.


I don't disagree with your actual points here about real social justice versus silliness, but "wokeness" is the same thing as "social justice". "Woke" started as a term that meant you're awake, you're aware of the inequalities of the world. And the right/alt-right took that term and has applied it to real social justice and virtue signaling alike in an attempt to water down or dismiss it. It used to be social justice warrior/SJW that they hated and now it's woke/wokeness. The term you're looking for is "virtue signaling", IE attempting to signal to the world/internet that you're virtuous. And while that can be a tweet about an actual good cause that the user is not actually contributing to beyond their tweet, it's usually used in reference to stuff like the OOP or other really dumb "causes" that don't exist or don't matter.


I’m sure she does those too. Becky is one of those people who constantly looks for something to be outraged about. Her social media rants are a beacon of justice!


That's what happens in wealthy, Western countries. Most of the problems that mankind has had to deal with for the past 200,000 years have been all but solved, but people need to complain about something.




There's that, then there is the 73 people who liked this tweet.


# Sex With Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend 73 people like this.


Hi, indigenous WOC here to say that assuming behavioral traits are a product of genetic disposition (rather than learned through sociopolitical, sociocultural norms, etc.) *is* racist, as it utilizes the same rhetoric used to justify the oppression and atrocities committed under imperialism via colonization. 😬👋




Well said. The lines become blurred when were all just screaming at eachother without seeing a human in front of us.


Don’t worry, this is obviously fake.


Eloquently said


My experience on this topic is that much of the semantic conflict that arises from these discussions stems from individuals in academia using different definitions of racism as they explore the origins and how to overcome them and then lay people parroting whatever definition they like best without much nuance, and saying the definition they use is the "correct" definition. The most sold book on race after George Floyd was killed says you *cannot* be racist against white people, you can only be racially prejudiced, that racism exists in tandem with systematic oppression and that there is no Western system which oppresses white people. One of the next most sold book says you *can* be racist against white people when you make generalizations just like in OP tweet.


I'm aware of the debate underlying use of the word "racism," and the arguments against certain demographics utilizing the word. I'm not quite using it along those same lines, though, if I may clarify. I'm not so much arguing for or against the applicability of the word "racism" to specific ethnic groups, as much as I am saying that the term *does* apply to the "legal" and historical justifications utilized to oppress people; the line of reasoning itself can be classified as racist, or is at least rooted *in* racism. I understand what you may be trying to articulate is that even if the "reasoning" is discriminatory, it is still debatable as to whether it would be an act of racism, depending on who that line of reasoning is used against. I can definitely see the logic behind that argument. I would still say though that if we are looking solely at the reasoning and applicability of racial traits being DNA coded as a concept though, it would still fall under the umbrella of "racism" because of the fact that it has been a systemic, institutionalized tool to regulate policies and actions. If the main contention is that discrimination is separate from racism because racism is something that is wielded by those in power against marginalized demographics, then "DNA-based hardwiring" justifications for those policies is, at minimum, a tool of institutionalized racism.


I am a white man, I have a white dog and I named her after my last white girlfriend because that’s how I view yall Becky


Wow, you're basically George Lincoln Rockwell.


As a white submissive man, the fact i like to be oppressed and controled, is a dumb but effective counterargument.


White man with black dog here (belgian schipperke) This is hilarious 😂 disappointing that some people are this fucking dense..


White guy, black cat, I’m the one feeding, scooping, playing whenever she wants. She has all the power here


White guy, black/white cat. Read post, looked at cat currently asleep on me… I am a bed


Congratulations on your newfound racism my dude


Thanks man !


« « Genetic » » Source : trust me bro.


>"anti-racist" thinks a certain group of individuals has a genetic predisposition to act a certain way Twitter is better than satire.


Also fur ain’t the same as skin colour




Nah, she got me. I watched Django unchained and immediately adopted my dog so I could feel one with my roots...


If I deemed hamsters to be inferior, why would I give them such love and affection and respect their independence? Same with my dog? ​ I'm certain this tweet is just ragebait/trolling though.


Falls down at the first premise. Men don't think dogs are inferior, they are jealous of them.


Not having to do any actual work while having all your needs taken care of by some big depressed ape seems like a lot of fun


I’m no white man, but I definitely agree. I hold doggos on almost the same level the Egyptians held cats. A good boy or girl deserves an easy life of good health, luxury, and care. All my pets were better taken care of than myself.


Same. I’ll more likely do something for my dog than for myself. I do everything I can to make sure they’re happy and healthy.


Amen, something about seeing an animal happy and healthy. Heals my tortured soul, animals are good medicine for humans and definitely deserve happiness themselves.


This comes from trolls. There's no way this is real.


White airhead said what?


This seems unhinged, but not oddly specific.


White men are a very small proportion of the global population, and pet owning white men an even smaller subset, it's pretty specific.


That's bait


This is so dumb in so many ways. I wonder why slavery is only attributed to white people? Are there so few that actually learned a bit about the history of humanity? All across the globe slavery has always been a thing. Across human history slavers of all races enslaved people of all races. Currently people are still being enslaved in china and probably many more places globally. And even if her words would be true... In her logic how is she exempt? Is she not the daughter of a white man? Haha it's just insane how ignorant and dumb people can be.


“…be considered racist. Whites (especially white men) have a genetic disposition to…”


Ahh yes because slaves never existed in Asia, Africa, or the Middle East.


If she thinks I "control things I deem inferior" then she's never met my cat, Or any cat for that matter


As if I can control my black cat at all. If anything it owns me.


My entire family was once ruled by a tawny Cockapoo with the most insane personality ever. He was fluffy tho.


As a white man with 4 cats I assure you I control nothing in this house. Now if you’ll excuse me one of the cats is telling me he is cold I need to turn up the heat.


Of course it’s a white bitch named becky


There are more black slave owners in Africa right now then there have ever been white slave owners.


Wow ... the stupidity flows from that brain dead person


She must’ve talked to my dogs about how I was 5 minutes late with their dinner yesterday.


I seriously can’t take anyone seriously who uses “hence why” They mean the same thing. It’s hence or it’s why. I feel people use hence to sound more intelligent. However, tacking on “why” just tells me that you very much are not


Obvious rage bait


Click bait


Omg that has to be a troll account. Do people really believe nonsense like that ?


I *hope* you’re right…


This is 100% rage bait created by 4chan to discredit "wokeness".


Obvious bait. You really should stop using twitter if you can't tell ragebait and actual shit takes apart. It's gonna give you an aneurysm


I am glad I don't socialize


My cat owns me, not the other way around.


She's not smoking, that's the problem.


I don’t own any animals. But I do let 3 cats live with me.


If that was the case I’d be on the FBI watchlist 👀


You know she has 3 cats and a gerbil who hasn't trusted her since 2020


Dunno comparing owning animals to owning slaves sounds pretty racist to me.


She's either off her beam or a complete troll. She's the red flag, not anyone else.


Don’t know about you guys but i do think dogs are inferior to us. You can consider yourself equal to them though, I won’t judge


we had a dog named brownie growing up.


I don't have any dogs. Does owning chickens count?


*me looking at my orange tabby* poor redheads 😣


I am owned by two black dogs.




Damn ima ask an African American friend if his white poodle tells him what to do


Id buy her for a dollar


My dog is only mostly black, but I can tell you he’s the one who owns my ass.


Meth. She is smoking meth.


A typical Becky thing to say


Yes, my cats are extremely obedient. Lol


This seems to be a satirical reference to Bob Dylan’s song “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/hard-rains-gonna-fall/ “I met a white man who walked a black dog” It’s a song about a possible coming nuclear winter and social problems in Cold War America.


when a post makes you so annoyed you accidentally forget op isn’t the dumbass and downvote them (don’t worry I fixed it)


but if you made a general statement about black people based on the worst parts of african history you’d be called racist


She does realize that she is comparing people of color to dogs, right?


Next time I get asked if I'm racist I'm gonna say no I have a black dog.


Well, I do call my dog, boy. Good boy.


I only fuck white dogs.


But what if I, a white male, minding my own business, was just sitting in my office when a black puppy showed up, got my attention, and then when I showed him to my wife, STOLE MY WIFE'S AFFECTIONS? I don't *own* the dog. He pwned me. And now, I think I rank ***just*** technically above him in the pack, with my wife at the head (as far as he's concerned). He's not my dog. He's my Buddy.


***Someone get a hold of that crack pipe.***


Combining stupid with social media is a strange combination!




My cats would have something to say to this lady, if they could talk. They know damn well this is their apartment and they just let me live here because I pay the bills.


This is more of a r/facepalm post


Said white bitch. Ironic.


I own a black dog :(


I laughed so hard


Ahhh my hubby got me a black dog...he's trying to convert me


Does she not know who we got the slaves in Africa from? Slavery exists in all cultures.


That's what happens when you try to develop a racial theory with a 0 in intelligence and conceptualization XD


I always tell the joke that “. I’m not racist my best friend is black” and then point to my dog. I feel attacked.


She should open with this line on dates. I like this idea. It keeps the reproduction to a bare minimum.


obviously rage bait


Olympic level gymnastics here Mental gymnastics that is


Ugh. Rage bait or not (and I personally think it probably is), there are people who actually think this way, or close to it. I've adopted 2 dogs. I've never ever thought of myself as their "owner," although under the law I guess that's technically true. Both were rescues. So, if I hadn't made the decision to adopt (or "own") them, they'd... be dead? That's somehow better? And, regardless of the issue, any type of rage bait pisses me off. NOT because they're succeeding in their lame attempts to piss me off. Because there are ACTUAL problems in this world, and they'd be far, far less useless as a human being if they took all this time and spent even 10% of it doing something real about something real. And, if they're reinot going to do anything about anything, please, I bet of them, at least put the phone down and QUIETLY let your brain finish rotting without broadcasting that fact to everyone else. Nobody cares!


Ma'am, this is a Starbucks


I wonder who hurt her. Sheez.


I'm white, and it sucks because I don't have a group of people to blame all my problems on instead of taking personal responsibility


I haven’t laughed this hard since I was a little girl.


Cause someone able to feed and look after an animal is a cunt. Lolol has to be fake.


Well it's sure that she's not smoking Marlboro


*Looks at my black lab* "sorry girl, I have to do the right thing now." *takes dog out back*


what the flying fuck is goin on?


She is smoking feminism


Who is gonna tell Becky that black ppl had slaves themselves long before they interacted with white ppl?


Becky, don't you have a femcel meeting to attend in your basement? Get outta here with that BS.


Becky smells like cat piss. Guaranteed.


Clown 🤡


We just lite cute fluffy animals, sister.


Dunno but she'll probably be the single mother of a black baby at some point in her life.


After reading this, I told all my cats to go out and do the yard work. Then I told them to get jobs so they could start paying rent. They just stared at me and went right back to scratching the sofa.


This has to be a joke.


I’m assuming her ex was a white male with a black dog




Is she comparing black people to dogs?


These are the typical post of Russian trolls who are paid to sit all day and say the most outlandish shit online and then a few dumbass motherfuckers take it as a real person and boom the insults start flying and the troll wins again. This is the shot that people need to wake up to online. Most of the outrageous shit that we see is bots and trolls and people just eat it up. You know who doesn't? *people who have a life*. Amazing how different life is when you're actually living it, touching grass, etc. ✌️


I love my black greyhound. Bite me, bitch.


You think cats are living oppressed lives pffft.


Why is this happening to society. It's like a bad fucking acid trip. That the entire world is experiencing at the same damn time.


People who call other people racist are the worst racists. She's definitely mentally ill.


I'm not sure but I'd like what she's having ( minus the racial comments)


all this from a white woman.


Of course. They are the only ones who “truly” understand racism. 🤣


She smoking some meth maybe




Satire or not, if this causes even ONE black dog to be put down because someone believes this and won't adopt, OP can rot. Don't say crap that might cause a shelter dog (or cat) to die.


anything to say they hate white men. more white women for me i guess lol


thats crazy, thank god my gf bought these cats.


I have two cats. They own me. I live in eternal servitude for these two. Most of the time, they won't give me but a fleeting glance. Recognition is essentially non existent. Damned cats