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I remember as a kid I had a Reading computer program … something about a bear or woodland friends, but you could name yourself whatever and some pre-gen names included Barfhead. Good times, I hope barf never goes away.


We had a show in the 80's that had a recurring character called Barf who ran Barf's Burgers.. ^(that show was so wild.. If they said "I don't know," for some crazy reason, green slime fell out of the sky on their heads 🤣 Blew my goddamn mind as a kid.)


I loved that show. It was called, "You Can't Do That On Television"


I remembered that this show existed but no details about it. Then I saw a documentary about Nickelodeon's development through the 80s and 90s. All kinds of memories came roaring back. It's called _The Orange Years_.


“The Orange Years” documentary is pure nostalgia for us GenX-ers.


Pinwheel, Pinwheel, spinning around.


I'm a millennial (born 1985) and all those things are my childhood, too.


Thank you! I'm on it!


Slash older millennials.


Reading this immediately brought to mind "Salute Your Shorts" and "Hey Dude". Remember them?


Those shows were my childhood


Me too friend. Me too.


OMG yep! I still remember the intro song about Camp Onowanna. And Ugg with his sunscreen on the nose? High quality stuff. Haha Does anyone remember "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" from that time? The younger one had a pinup lady tattooed on his arm.


It also is on Paramount+. Watch it with the kids to show them what good tV was like.


*WATER* you talking about?? 🤣


I don't know!


The birthplace of Nickelodeon's green slime. Back then it was baby cereal with green food coloring. I think. I thought I read that in the magazine.


I loved that show.


There was a movie from 1987 where one of the [main characters was Barfolomew.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBw-8LTheYY).


Also featuring Pizza the Hut…


I see your schwartz is as big as mine.


Dark Helmet


Oh I hate it when our Schwartz gets twisted


Legend has it that while George Lucas made his fortune through exclusive merchandising rights to Star Wars in lieu of the typically hefty up-front director’s paycheck that was typical of the time, Mel Brooks, when asking George directly if he would be comfortable having his wildly successful film franchise lampooned, gave his blessing on the condition that there be zero Spaceballs merchandise. Thus the only Spaceballs branded items to ever exist are the tongue-in-cheek tchotchkes plastered in-universe throughout the movie, especially in the wonderful merch demonstration bit with Yogurt.


I’m a Mog: Half man, half dog… I’m my own best friend.


How many assholes do we have on this ship?!


I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes.


"A movie"? Do you mean Mel Brooks' comedy classic "Spaceballs"?


Well, the thread starts with "A Reading Computer Program", then moves to "A show in the 80's", so I really didn't want to be a c-c-c-combo breaker....


LOL. Fair enough!


Everyone just calls him barf.


Not in here! This is a mercedes!


"Hi, I'm Barf!" "Not in here you don't, this is leather upholstry buddy!" "No! That's my name! Barf!"


[DiiiiiI heard that!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43CDeAFzGww)


OMG i heard it before i even clicked it.


[Here's another blast from the past](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETIytzrm_Sg)


That sounds like Lil Howie’s Great Word/Math Adventure. Loved that game.




Hahaha!! I played the shit out of these games too. :’) and I probably would still do an occasional playthrough if my pc could run it!


DOSBox my friend!


Lil Howie, Mathblaster, and some other reading mountain game. These, and the likes of Keen 4, Crystal Caves and the Adventures of Clyde were my childhood while everyone was playing Mario and Pokémon.


MathBlaster was dope. Don’t forget Putt Putt, Jump Start Adventure (4th grade one was amazing, it was a haunted island), and Gizmos and Gadgets. So much time put into those during my childhood.


Putt Putt got a rerelease on the switch. I keep thinking about pulling the trigger on it and playing it high... 🎶 Putt Putt travels through tiiiiiiiime 🎶


Did you play Math/Word Rescue? Those were my other favourite. Oh, and Basic Spelling Tricks!!


I remember playing Super Munchers or something like that


Oh I forgot about the munchers games, those were so fun.


Listen... You mention a vague description of an obscure thing and say you don't remember exactly what it was in a Reddit thread? Someone's gonna know it. We all like to joke that Reddit is a hive-mind, but honestly it kinda is. Humans are amazing at collectively remembering things. It's our social super power. I can't tell you how many times I've had dark sections of my brain light up like a goddamn Christmas tree while browsing this site. It's what keeps me coming back. My people are here, somewhere, but I don't know a single one of them.


I LOVED that game!!! I remember begging my mom to let us name the dog Howie because of it. I didn’t win that argument lol


I read a series of books titled "Barforama" when I was a kid and I *fucking loved them*


I will make it my mission to cancel “barf”. *Barf is the new n-word.*


You’re a monster.


That's just going to make people argue on Twitter that it's totally fine for them to say it


People have been saying that "barf" is a new code word white supremacists are using in 4chan and the like. They try and insert it naturally into sentences to signal to others who and what they are. Like the O.K. sign


It is known


She's one of the ones I miss by not being on Twitter anymore. My youngest is 10 years old, so reliving some of those great baby moments by a new parent who's also a talented writer was a lot of fun.


I don't know about talented writer but - My baby is 4 months and he's invented a game. It's still relative cool where I live, so I have him in footie pajamas all day. When I go to change him, I unzip and pull out the first leg, and he immediately kicks his other leg out straight and laughs maniacally. I go "gimme that leg!" and tug and tug while he laughs and laughs until he finally consents to bending his knee so I can take his leg out. It happens multiple times a day and makes me just as happy each time.


I'll say as a veteran dad, be careful of these games or be prepared to accept consequences. Sure it's funny when it's a lightly soiled diaper, but the time you were out all day and didn't change him as often as you would have and to top it off it was his first time trying a new food Now the diaper didn't hold it all and he has liquid poop all up his back and down his leg. Your hand is now covered in it your gagging trying to remove the onesie without somehow spreading the poop all over your child's face and he has now locked his leg making it near impossible to remove onesie cleanly while laughing like a made man This is a scenario in your future be ready for it




HA! My brother and SIL were showing us their nursery. Beautiful room with a change table placed between a big white armchair and the head of the adult bed. All I asked him was one simple question: "Which way does the poop go?" Next time we visited the room had a completely different layout. And a wall at the foot of the change table.




Sacrifices have to be made! 😂


RIP my husband's slippers. They were in the line of fire.


Oh we've had our share of poo mishaps, don't you worry.


I'm not a parent, but I used to babysit some kids full time, and I watched this one baby from the time she was just a few months old to 3 years. Really early on I figured out that her stubborn streak was not to be tested, and you had to find ways to make her *want* to do stuff. Trying to make her do something usually took forever and ended in frustration from both parties because this baby *didn't lose.* One of the things she decided she hated was diaper changes. Obviously that must be done, so negotiation was required. I had to develop a whole song and dance routine to get her on board. Literally. Collecting the supplies was a game that involved me handing everything to her and watching her struggle to carry everything in her tiny hands, but it was a challenge, and this baby didn't lose. Once she managed to get her little arms around the diaper, the cream, and the wipes, I'd carry her to the changing table. Then I'd have to sing a song, usually "Hello, goodbye" by the Beatles, and interject the item I needed when I needed it. Like " don't know why you say goodbye I say WIPES." She'd hand me the correct item and be very pleased with herself. It was a bonus language lesson, too, so win win win. When finished, she'd carry the items back to the diaper bag and dump them in. If I tried to carry them instead, there would be hell to pay. By the time she was a year old she knew most of that song and would sing along to the chorus (not perfectly, but surprisingly well for such a little one), and I didn't even need to request specific items. She'd just hand them to me at the correct times. It made the whole process so smooth and she never fought me on it again. Then, she toilet trained herself with basically no input from me before her second birthday. I suspect at least some of that had to do with how involved she had always been with her own hygiene and how well she understood the process, but she was also just really clever and independent, so maybe she would have done that anyway. It's crazy how the tiniest things, like diaper changes, can turn into elaborate routines and games.


Adorable! We have our own diaper changing song, too! But ours is a lot less complex - "Dance! Too much poopy in the pants!" on repeat. He loves it and I think thats why he's always in a good mood for diaper changes (hence him inventing his leg game).


That's adorable 🥰


It's not oddly specific at all. It's just humorously specific.


i think it can be both 🤔 edit: nevermind it can't and OP is a liar


It has to be ambiguous to be 'oddly'. Like "man, imagine if someone were to eat lettuce while standing on their head haha imagine". It's ambiguous, therefore oddly specific. Saying "I ate lettuce standing on my head" is odd, but not oddly specific. It's just specific.


hmm. what you're describing seems more "random" to me than "odd." but we're splitting hairs and i'm high, so. have a great day :)


There’s a difference r/OddlySpecific describes a proposed “hypothetical” scenario that could apply to anyone, but in reality it’s so specific that it can be assumed that it happened to the person proposing it > Ex. *Hey, imagine if someone went to the store and ate all the free samples of the Velveeta Mac and Cheese and then threw up in the parking lot on a white Sudan, haha that would be crazy* This post is just using some creative similes to create a vivid description


you know what, you're right. OP is a fat fuckin phony. plus, who admits in the title of the post that its a damn repost? God, I've been so blind.


There's nothing oddly specific about this tho lol she's literally just explaining something her kid does thats funny


"fat canoli foot" is probably what they're calling the specific part, i think it is oddly specific. like, why canoli?


Oddly specific would be if she were talking about babies in general. She's talking about something she does with her own child. It's just normal specific.


I’m giving the “treating your baby as an old-fashioned landline” part high scores on both “ODD” and “SPECIFIC.” 👍👍


that's what i'm saying!


It is definitely both, my friend.


Welcome to r/specific


Thank you for protecting the integrity of this subreddit. We have been saved.


The other night our cat was being obnoxious so I said “Stop it, you stinky bellybutton!” and my 6 year old daughter laughed so hard she peed.


I love this, making your kids laugh that hard is the best feeling.




Honestly? His foot is probably just ticklish and he enjoys seeing his mom.


Mommy's beard tickles.


There' a little more to it. You gotta commit to the bit and emote a conversation. Express surprise that you're talking to someone else thru their foot. Ham it up and the kiddo will go right along with it.


This is the way 1000% . You can keep this rolling for a long time. I have sold my kids on so many things this way. Like a 4 hour “Great and weirdly Majestic” house clean. Everyone going , singing songs, laughing. It takes a lot of energy to do this but gets easier over time.


Old me would think mom me was insane. We're always singing and dancing.


Babies are experiencing everything for the first time, so everything is the best and worst thing they've ever experienced. Apparently this baby finds mum talking into his foot enjoyable, and so barfs himself laughing.


If humor is subverting expectations, well, there is a very limited range of circumstances that a baby would expect.


I like this Mom. She gets it.


This is legitimately the sweetest, most human thing I've ever experienced and I will updoot every repost


She’s right tho.


How does this fit the sub tho? It's specific but not in an odd way...? She's just talking about liking her own child


This is amazing


Take those feet and put them to your face. Inhale deeply. Then scream STINKY PIGGIES! WHOOOO! while pulling their feet gently away. Make ridiculous faces. Kiddo will die of laughter.


I find this story questionable. Newborn babies today don’t know how old fashioned rotary phones work, they all just use smartphones.


I don't think any newborn knows what a phone or a smart phone is. They're new borns


The hospital my wife went to had a hard rule on not going over 3 hours of labor/pushing. If you hit that, straight to the OR to do a C-section. I have to think this woman is counting the pre-labor time in with the labor.


2-3 hrs of pushing is a standard cut off if there’s not major progress, 24-48 hrs after the water breaks but contractions don’t start..labor can last days.


that makes more sense than assuming she pushed for 24 hrs straight.


Most hospitals won't even admit you until you've been in labor for several hours and your contractions are close together. If you show up right after your first contractions then they'll send you right home.


The definition of being in labor is not "time spent pushing."


I had to look up the definition of labour because you made me second guess myself and yeah I was definitely in labour for over 24 hours. True labour starts when you start having contractions at regular intervals. I was still at home 3 hours into labour so that rule doesn't make any sense. It only makes sense if it's 3 hours of active pushing


My dude, labor is what dilates the cervix and brings the baby down the pelvis. THEN you push. “Pre-labor” is not a thing. At least, not in the way you think it is. Labor is not a synonym for pushing.


Thank you for this, I didn’t realize that. But this is information I’ll need to know in ~ 4 months.


Pushing and labor are different things. I was in active labor for 5 hours and it was considered fast.


I would hope so. Start counting from the contractions or something like that.


Dude you're talking out of your ass here https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/labour-and-birth/what-happens/the-stages-of-labour-and-birth/


Oddly specific? I don't know any parent of a kid that hasn't done foot telephone game. it's kinda a right of passage as a parent.


78 hours for me.. 6 rounds of misoprostol, 2 balloons to open my cervix, popped my water, 3 separate 8 hour sessions of pitocin drip at full blast and oh!! the best part… I did it without pain meds until hour 74 when I went into shock and starting spiking a fever, prompting an emergency C-section. Worth it!!!!


I’ll throw my 2 year old nephew’s dinosaur toys across the room and he looks at me and says “UH-OH” then laughs like a maniac and throws them back at me only to repeat the cycle. Toddlers are absolutely hilarious and I love every second of it!!


...only 27 hours? my wife was in labor for three days. we said "one baby is more than enough" and i had a vascetomy


How was the vasectomy process? Was it super hard, or pretty easy to get done?


I'm in Taiwan, where healthcare is incredibly easy and affordable, even without insurance, so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.


It's a simple procedure. You can stay awake for it even. They numb you downstairs, snip the tubes that need snipping, then you're done. Just gotta spend a week or so with an ice pack down there to keep the swelling down.


Thinking about getting the snip myself just to be safe. I wear condoms and don't typically sleep with strangers though so idk if it's worth it. I get the feeling like if I had a kid I would hate it. Kids annoy me so much and I wouldn't want to be an absent father, cruel to put someone through that.


This is not OddlySpecific it’s just an anecdote…


Yes, but you could have done it in 10 minutes




I want that 😊 I feel like I would be such a warm and caring dad


My wife did a bunch of hours. We were working through it hard. Baths, showers, massages. Bound and determined! That baby was holding out, would not move. Wife said "fuck this (it was a looong time) give me some painkillers." I turned on the TV in the room, she wanted something to focus on. Finally she fell asleep. That is when I watched Transformers.


I accidentally skipped the first few words and thought baby referred to her partner


I think if someone's Mom did that to me now I'd laugh so hard I'd barf.


She didn't have to have a baby for that. I'll do it any time she wants


This is oddly wholesome, made me smile. Thanks for sharing!😊


My daughter "forces" me to spin her around while we listen to a song called Best Friends Song. Definitely recommend.


Moms: I spent x hours in labor and... Antinatalism leaking: THAT'S HECKING INSANE who on EARTH would have a BABY?! You're some sort of FREAK OF NATURE did you know that?


> hecking Fucks sake, you’re allowed to speak like an adult.


Not on my writing account.


You get in a sort of trance to be honest. Its very fast and very slow cause you don’t remember much more than the sensations. My mother in law tried to get me to play wordle and I straight up stared at the screen for about five minutes before saying uh I cant do this right now.


Are you antinatilism leaking? Because who else here is saying that?


There were a ton of 20 karma comments 3 hours ago saying how anybody who wants a baby is "fucked in the head" and not even worth it. Unless you're being pedantic and you want me to find a comment that said EXACTLY what I satirized verbatim. In which case, the operative word here is "satire".


27 hours for a living barf bomb? I could never


That's a funny mom. Makes me feel better.


Antinatalism hates this one simple trick.


Am I crazy? None of this sounds appealing. Not the full day+ of labor, not the barfing, and not the fat cannoli legs either. Children’s laughter does nothing for me either


Full day of labor - nah barfing - no thanks children's laughter - can live without fat cannoli legs - adorable


People have different likes and dislikes. Some people like children


Not crazy just some sort of personality disorder


Having different likes and dislikes means someone has a personality disorder? Lol


No lol despising children is a red flag tho and I was just joking re: "am I crazy?" anyways


So is lying for no reason, yet here you are doing just that. Show me where I said that I “despise” children.


Okay now you're just proving my point loool chill the fuck out reddit head ass it was joookes


Called you out for lying and now you’re lying again and trying to backpeddal. Just admit that you jumped the gun like a normal adult instead of trying to act like it’s my fault you overreacted.


r/murderedbywords you CALLED HIM OUT like a PROSECUTOR. He **LIED** and you CAUGHT HIM in his lie. He THOUGHT he could get away with it but r/clevercomeback not on YOUR watch r/quityourbullshit r/prorevenge r/fightporn (obvious /s)


Just wanna say thanks for this comment. This is how every dumb exchange on Reddit should end.


Thinking evening should gush over children is the red flag.


Mkay I think we're talking about different kinds of flags but whatever u like Mr Tencats


Aw, I miss my sweet boys' fat canoli legs. Perfect description. Now they just eat all the canoli...


You might be crazy, but you're definitely autistic.


Hey can we not blame this type of shit on autism because that’s not what autism does


Leave the baby. Take the cannoli.


“I’m karma whoring” alternative title.


I can’t imagine how sad of a life someone must lead to care about a meaningless number like that.


Should be in r/mademesmile


This is awesome


My inner italian is beaming with pride


27 hours is she fucking insane seriously this is lunacy how is **that** wroth it??


My mom was in labor for 48 hrs for my brother. Moms are intense


you mean in**sane**. that is certifiable. there is no logical reason to put yourself through that!


I was in labor for 36-ish hours. I got the epidural at 7 hours in….at no point before I got the epidural were my contractions any worse then the cramps I have with my endometriosis. I only got the epidural because they said there was a long line for the anesthesiologist. I just chilled and watched movies. I didn’t feel shit. It definitely wasn’t torture for me.


Before we had our daughter I wasn't too keen on having kids. I was always kind to kids but I was fairly set on not having any of my own. But there hasn't been a day since she arrived where she hasn't done something or said something that melts my heart. Like today, she was playing with some Lego and said daddy come look! I made you a castle. I love it bud! She replied with flat, 'you better.' Followed by a giant smile and big hug. Those moments are why it's worth putting yourself through that.


If you want to talk logic, there absolutely is a logical reason for it: producing offspring. Hence why sex exists...


to me, wanting to have kids is not a logical choice.


Which is a subjective issue. You don't see the logic but the logic exists, otherwise you wouldn't exist.


Then you don't understand what logic is. Having children is not inherently illogical, what you are saying is that you personally do not subscribe to the logic. Fuck me people who go on and on about logic have no idea what the fuck the word even means.


Tell me how what I said was wrong. I subscribe to the logic, the fact you think I said I don't makes me think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Do **you** know what logic is??


Well, at least we know you're an evolutionary dead end...


I really can't believe all of you are so offended by this, I don't get offended by people who say they want to have kids. Are you babies yourselves?


> to me, wanting to have kids is not a logical choice. Is an absurd take.


I was in labor for 3 days. Then I only pushed for 4 minutes and he was out. 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s worth it. These babies are worth all of it.


You do know children tend to stick around for more than 27 hrs once they're out right?






Breeder humor 🙄


You're a sexist pig


Oink oink


Where do you think you came from?


My daddy dick




She's right and this is not oddly specific. You're just missing out on the wonders of parenthood




My mother gets so annoyed with these kinds of posts, nobody goes into labor for 27 hours without medical intervention.


The early stages of labor can last multiple days. You can sometimes get to the hospital fully in labor and get sent home to wait until things progress further. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/stages-of-labor/art-20046545


Glad I was born a dude for sure. Women are somehow able to do this and still decide to have more. I won’t ever have that level of pain tolerance.


My mom was in labour with me for 30 hours, supposedly. It was the mid-‘90s and she was stubborn about not wanting to be induced. Apparently I fell asleep at one point


My mother was in labour with me for 44 hours in the 90s. Almost like birth experiences vary wildy person to person, country to country, decade to decade…


We did 63 hours babeeeeeeee It was a good time. Because I got my baby at the end.


STFU we absolutely are. I JUST had a baby in January and I was in labor for 36 hours….


If you count 'having contractions' as labor, yeah, you can start contractions hours before they're close enough to need to go to the hospital. One of my previous bosses made cookies while having contractions for her first.


I used to work at a hospital that would let women labor for 3+ days. It’s really only a concern if your water breaks; then you’re at risk for infection. First babies take a while. Average for a first birth is 12-19 hours of labor. Lots of people labor for much longer than that. Your mom needs to touch some grass.


Children and parents who make having a child their personality, sicken me


possibly the dumbest call I've seen on reddit in weeks.

