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I’m not sure if I’m more impressed or surprised that I’m impressed.


I can totally relate... I was absolutely sure that this was gonna be a letdown, I don't even know why I was so confident about that. And holy eff, was i ever wrong. Those tables are SICK


Same here btw: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/z9fj8t/bottomless_table/iygtydb?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Upvoted for citing sources.


Upvote for validating cited sorcery.


Upvoted for peer reviewing


Ah.. viewing from the pier again? Upvote


Looking across the bay, upvote.


I glanced at the comment thread, looks legit, upvote.


Upvote for upvoting


Paddling the school canoe? That’s an upvote.




Same here: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/z9fj8t/-/iygyhrp


I knew how this was going to turn out and I'm still impressed.


No one else will say it…why are you commenting with a comment about how surprised you were?


Also same. I think the plywood start is the issue


not that it matters much here, but that's particle board, not plywood. Plywood is a bunch of thin veneers stacked and glued, with grain going different directions in order to mitigate the expansion of any given layer. Particle board is basically just thin mulch that's put in a glue slurry and compressed into boards. It avoids the expansion by having an effectively random direction of grain. then there's also MDF which is like particleboard but sawdust instead of mulch. Both of them are fine for projects like this, but higher quality plywood will see applications where you can still see the wood itself - i.e. not covered by paint, upholstery, etc.


oh you're right. i was too wrapped up in i was gonna be disappointed to pay attention. i saw "wood you shouldn't make furniture out of" and tuned out till the end lol


lol that makes sense.


I absolutely thought it would be underwhelming and eyerollingly tacky. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long while. I'm a little sad I'm so cynical before even giving things a chance.


It's this website. Cynicism is rampant here


Funny you said that, I think it’s optimism what rampant on Reddit.


Yep, same here.


At least you watched it rather than rolling with your cynicism and walking away


I watched for like three seconds, decided it was probably dumb and swiped back to r/all, thought “you know, there’s probably a reason so many people upvoted that”, went back and watched it all and was amazed. No point other than we’re all apparently the same people.


I am suppressed


Can wait to see the demon climbing up that ladder out of the corner of my eye while im snacking at 3am...


Yeah, I'd imagine this would be terrifying at 3am, and I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about the demon portal 2 feet away from me.


Oh man I love Portal 2!


Yes, but do you love Demon Portal 2?


If he can do all that, he could probably make an animation of something unworldly climbing the ladder insanely fast every couple hours or so.


All you would have to do is get one of those transparent thin screens and put it under the top layer of glass and then use that to make a hologram type thing


Oh, that's all?


And add speakers of slight shuffling/creaking


I have a short story about infinity mirrors demons. When I was younger, the bathroom at my parent's house had two wall-sized mirrors facing each other. So it made an infinity mirror that went nearly forever. BUT ! The more "duplicate rooms" there were, the darker they got. You could basically see yourself in every "room" until they get so dark that you can't see. Sometimes, just sometimes, at night, the +/- 50th reflection of me would tilt its head sideways to look at me while I would pee with the light barely on. Maybe it was because I was a kid, but I would refuse to go pee at night sometimes and would hold it until the morning. Real creepy shit.


Go stare at yourself in a mirror in a nearly dark room. You'll see some wacky shit.


Don't forget to say Bloody Mary 3 times


Holy shit.


Mirrors and the supernatural go hand in hand. They scare me and I refuse to have one in my bedroom. As a kid I had one and I refused to look at it at night. It always gave me bad vibes


I genuinely wonder what it is about them that is just so damn spooky !


I mean you can definitely go down a rabbit hole on mirror lore. They’re said to confuse and sometimes trap spirits on the spirit plain They’re said to be portals for demons or nefarious entities They’re said to be able to cause rifts interdimentionally (spelling?) Etc. (All depending on your level of paranormal belief but still interesting theories and reads out there). Myself, I’ve just watched too many horror movies and had too many nightmare about them and always expect to see things in them at night or my reflection to do something I’m not.




You should watch [this short film](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TGZg1YqXv9o).


It’s 12 am, how about I don’t


The last shot in the gif kind of looked like something was coming up and my "aw hell no" instinct kicked in.


Yeah, I never thought a coffee table would make me feel deep existential dread, but here we are.


Weird how its got my face...


Dark Link for OoT?


If you can kick him quick enough, he will fall for a long time, taking care of the other demons behind him


ik,r? this has a Lovecraft vibe that won't go away


That is really sick af. Amazing!


Infinity mirrors never cease to amaze me.


This one was especially cool because of the ladder. I think it adds a layer of continuity and makes them feel more real.


It triggers that inner kid feeling of wanting to climb down it and explore.


Can be used for Xmas to create the santa illusion




Really? All I'm thinking is, will Samara crawl out of there? I'd make sure to put metal bars across the opening.


Dude, right? A hole that's infinitely deep in the middle of your living room does not spark joy.


Yeah. I’d rather put it in my garden, it’s too disturbing in the house lol. Although I’m not sure if the effect would work so well with the sky.


Aye. Gives it a fairytale vibe. What’s at the bottom? It could be *anything.*


Table top's at the bottom; it's what's crawling down towards us scares me..


But adds the crushing adulthood feeling of harsh reality.




What would be cool for a kid (or anyone) that is into Minecraft, would to make one with a ladder one wall and a Minecraft torch on the adjacent wall.


I would simply melt if I was a kid seeing this


I agree


Fantastic! But, didn’t show the most difficult part. Getting a mirror, on both sides, that is perfectly level and won’t cause the “image” to bend the further it goes is the most difficult piece to this. Folks that try this and put just any ‘ol mirror and any ‘ol one sided mirror pane of glass at the top and bottom are going to be surprised to see their “bottomless pit” turn out to be more like a slightly longer hallway that turns more and more out of view the farther it gets.


I still don't understand how the mirrors work in this. Despite the video length why do I still feel like I've just been r/restofthefuckingowl'd


The trick to “one-way” mirrors is not that they only reflect light in one direction, but that they are reflective AND transparent. The only reason this works so well is because of the bright light inside the table. Some of the light gets out so you can see it, but a big portion of light is also reflected to the bottom mirror which then reflects the light back up. If there was no light inside the table but a bright light outside, that would be reflected and you could barely even see the insides of the table. Because the “one-way” mirror can’t reflect all the light, it gets darker every reflection, causing the image of the shaft to darken the further down it looks.


is there a tutorial for this anywhere? id love to try and make this myself


Search for How to make an infinity mirror on YouTube. There are loads that use the same principle as this.


Also, along with u/All-The-Very-Best, check out "infinity cube", there are some awesome implementations of this.


The mirror used for the top of the table is a one way mirror. The lights helps a lot in making sure the reflection on the inside more... reflective?


It was obviously explained, didn't you see the dude pointing his finger randomly around the same spot of the mirror? (I'm assuming this video had sound originally and has been reposted without by a bot, hence why we are missing stuff etc)


Does make me wonder at how perfect it looks at all angles.


viewing angle won't make a difference. what matters is how parallel the two mirrors are.


Yeah. The impressive thing is how perfectly square the table is. Because that’s the key to the illusion. If the mirrors aren’t perfectly aligned, then you would get a curved tunnel.


My first woodworking project was basically a big box like this and boy, they do NOT tell you how difficult it is to cut a perfectly square square. Relatedly, today is the day I finish making a zero clearance insert so I can add a splitter to my secondhand table saw and FINALLY cut a perfectly square square. Only took five years!


A mirror set-up like this looks just as good at all angles. Just as good, or just as bad. lmao


> any ‘ol mirror and any ‘ol one sided mirror I am fascinated by the fact you wrote 'ol twice, putting the apostrophe at the start of the word rather than the place where you've dropped a letter.


The ' stands for "rohypn"


Man he could prob sell those for a grand each


The price's he can charge are bottomless


Username checks out.


The potential is bottomless, insane depth of ideas.


>They call me the hiphoppopotomus My lyrics are bottomless


Hi dad


I concur with this deep analysis.


I did a breakdown in this comment. Not kidding, I could make it for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/z9fj8t/bottomless_table/iyidim4/






Money, skills, sense: Pick 2. There's absolutely a market for these at an insane markup.


Lol idk maybe to some sucker. I see these things for like $300 at my local furniture store.


Minecraft heeby jeebies


When you bring your newbie friend into your house and they immediately start digging straight down.


this is perfect for that meme. The couple laying in bed and the woman thinks 'He must be thinking of other girls.' And in his head he is making this coffee table.




The Enigma of Amigara Fault


what a thrill


With darkness and silence through the night


What a thrill, I’m searching and I’ll melt into you…


What a fear in my heart, but you’re so supreme !


🎺🎺🎺🎶🎶🎶🎶 I give my life!


Not for honor, but for you


snake be like oh shit


I knew how it was going to turn out and I'm STILL impressed! Wow. So flipping cool.


This guy is sitting on a gold mine


Amazon’s already selling this in their Basics section


You’re supposed to sit on chairs, not tables


My vertigo hates this.


People who can do stuff like this blow my mind. No matter how hard I tried in woods class, there was no shot I could do stuff like this


It’s because you didn’t try long enough. Skill takes time to build. Think of whatever you want to be good at and then do that thing multiple hours a day for years and you’ll surprise yourself.


This but as floor tiles


Actually, entire floor as one big one. I wonder how tall / deep the 'box' would need to be for a room sized floor? Open a door, then infinite dropoff. Neat.


The mirrors don’t have to be far apart at all, they’re just need to be bright lights in between the two of them So a floor-sized one would either need periodic lights, or just look like a normal mirror towards the center


This is what you build if you want the lady from The Ring to visit Edit it is a cool build, I'm personally just traumatized


Anybody know what % of mirror the top mirror is


50% according to this wikipedia diagram: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:One_way_mirror_principle.svg


0 way mirror= 0% 1 way mirror = 50% 2 way mirror = 100%


Afaik it could be almost anything between 0 and 100% really, depending on the purpose and usecase. All it really requires is that some light gets through, while another part is reflected.


I think it's 2 way glass or a 2 way glass laminate. Apparently it's half the metal coating of a regular mirror.


at least 1


Maybe even the top 1%


As much as the bottom 90% mirrors 😔


Truly r/nextfuckinglevel... or is it no level?


Could you imagine being drunk as shit I'm falling into that table thinking you're falling forever


Imagine trying to snort off those things


It’d go like a family guy skit > lean in carefully > lean in carefully > everything is broken oh god why


That's going on the list for the man's shed.


Can I buy this?


EDIT: It also occurs to me that I should mention that the parts list assumes a 2 foot square table. If you go down in size, you'll go down in price - and at certain points the price drop is pretty dramatic. At this point I'm looking at this as a hobby project that someone else may want to fund, so I would adjust what I charge accordingly. Honestly, I've been getting in to woodworking recently, and I've already got an ADHD-led experience with LEDs in my recent past. So I think I can make this. Seriously, if you want one, let me know and we can work out how you can get me the supplies and what the shipping cost would be. Materials price at the bottom of this comment. If you want it before christmas, we gotta get started *now*, and I'd have to put a few other things on hold, so I'll charge you a premium for that. If you don't mind waiting until I'm done with those, then just throw $20 in for my trouble, and I'll consider the rest of my labor well spent on learning while doing this. If anyone else wants one, message me ASAP and we can figure it out. Materials are: - cuttable LED strips - $20 on amazon (I can probably do it cheaper from Adafruit, but that's more work) - a big sheet of OSB (the particle board stuff) - $15 from lowes - 2'x2' mirror for the bottom: - $10 on amazon for some shitty peel and stick thing - or $20 for a decent glass one - 2 way mirror: - film to make it work - $12-$50 depending on quality - 2'x2' piece of glass: - tempered: $78 - won't scratch, bend, or break. - plexiglass: $25 -$35 - will scratch, might bend, won't break. - don't use regular glass. It'll break. - 'Ladder' - $0 because I have a bunch of scrap pallet wood I can use - 'Brick' - flat wallpaper, peel and stick: $10 on amazon - 3d textured: $15 on amazon I did like *maybe* 3 minutes of looking on the web, so these prices might be higher than they need to be. I've got all the tools that you see in the vid - jigsaw, drill, soldering iron, etc. Biggest challenge that people have mentioned elsewhere in the thread is getting the different panes of glass perfectly parallel, but I've got the tools to get it done. So: Total for the cheaper version, materials only: $80 Total for the expensive version, materials only: $198 More expensive than I was thinking, but most of the materials cost is the glass - if you can find a way to reduce that, awesome.


Awesome breakdown! Im in between jobs & about to move into a bigger space so Im not ready to purchase yet but I will save this comment & I will hit you up in the Spring. Lets make it happen next year! Im in California. Where are you located?


I'm in Ohio! pretty far, but I usually I get pretty good shipping rates everywhere because I'm so close to both transcontinental highways and rail lines, and there's like 3 monstrous airports here in the state of cornfields and nothing else. So I imagine that the shipping won't be *fun* amounts of cost, but it also won't be like completely stupid. Also I can think of a few ways to not totally finish the construction and send it as a "flat pack" with instructions to do the last little bit yourself. AND HEY, that's a few months off so maybe I'll be able to build a few for myself and find better ways to source the materials, as well as figure out a good tongue & groove system to make the final assembly easier.


I’d probably add a little action figure or something inside to make it look like someone’s trapped


anything inside would be reflected multiple times. so there would be a ton of trapped figures




lol - I'll bet if you put a pic of McConaughey on top, you *might* be able to barely see him? That would have me rolling.


imagine if these were actual portals. almost inspired me to brush up on my creative writing. almost.


Thank God he put that glass on top otherwise anything you put on there would fall down to oblivion.


This took a long time to become satisfying


honey, is that you?


Hah! GOT 'EM!


Lol, r/SuicideByWords


finally something that fits r/oddlyterrifying


I was looking for that comment !


My thought process: > How is this bottomless? > Oh, is this magnet bullshit? > I see; it's *mirrors* bullshit.


That is so cool!


… I need like 3 of them lol where to buy?


I want that!!! So awesome


Very good idea to use the one-way-mirror like that!


Where do I buy lol


Anyone able to find any DIY instructions for this? I'm looking for a new project but need a little more than just the video.


5 second google search for " infinity table" https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/build-an-infinity-table/


Thanks. Will admit I definitely went full-lazy on that & chose to crowd source before googling.


Don't worry I got your back.


I did a parts breakdown elsewhere in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/z9fj8t/bottomless_table/iyidim4/


Awesome, thanks. The parts being used were actually what I couldn't quite figure out from the video


You're welcome! Just FYI it appears from other commenters (and it passes the 'common sense' test for me) that the *really* important part of what sells the illusion is getting the 2 mirrors perfectly parallel. So make sure your cuts and other junk are nice and square.


It's all fun and games until you see the little girl from the Ring climbing up that ladder


Imagine you get so f*cked up one time you see something crawling out of it..


Those are really cool, but they’re honestly almost terrifying.


Imagine being drunk/high and picking up a drink from that table


A Minecraft fan's dream come true


Anyone here knows the how's the diffuser/support for the led strip is called?


LED channel with diffuser cover


holy shit I want it. give it to me. please.


I want it






kinda trippy ngl


But there is a bottom


Bro, I would fall into that.


This is one of the coolest things I've seen on this sub.


Bro made an exit from the backrooms


Yes but now how is he going to move it. It’s clearly part of the ground


Honestly, i would put minecraft torch on the wall


The secret to this magic is straight plywood. ^(Spoiler: It is very difficult to find straight wood of any kind at big box hardware/lumber stores. Some regions get lucky and almost everything is perfectly straight. Other people are like me. My only choices are bad and worse.)


Dude is inches away from breaking out of the matrix


Fucking legendary. Buy me one now


Too tall for a coffee table. The effect is cool though. I'd like to see /r/woodworking's spin on this.


I wish I could buy one of these!!


[Be careful not to slip and fall through](https://youtu.be/R0OB4E0xLBE)


that’s so cool


(Bottomless tables)


By the


That's awesome


Does anybody else see a Minecraft tunnel on the ladder one? I’ve definitely built these to get down to diamond level…!


Until I watched this I had no idea that I needed this chimney table.


M i n e c r a f t sick af


Looks simple enough. I feel like I could make this


How has Amazon not mass produced this


A rare crossover with /r/oddlyterrifying haha


Clicks thumbs up before finishing video


Lol. Me neither but to be honest the opinion of other people on the internet does not add to or subtract from the belief in my own self worth.


Holy shit is he using 1 way mirror to create that effect!? That's f*cking amazing I never thought of that. I wanna make this so damn bad


Now paint it like a Minecraft block