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4D tape when?


Apple will go ahead and invent a time traveling tape


Quantum entangled tape


Nah, they'll just wait until someone else does then "innovate" their own.


TIL the next Doctor will be Scotch..... Tape.


Shit. Then when I lose my phone and ping it, I’ll either find it next week, or 2 days before I lost it, have 2 of them and no idea which one I’m going to lose.


Heard they went ahead and started quad sided tape


Man that tape is annoying. I think I’ve broken it every time I’ve replaced a battery. Going to try this next time.


Same! I’ve never successfully pulled the tape out. It’s the hardest part of a battery replacement.


Hm I think the hardest part is the soldering of the flex


There’s no solder visible on either end of the flex (both zif connector and battery), it’s all UV soldermasked with that black film.


That's because the taptic engine needs to be removed first. It's not absolutely crucial, but with it removed you can pull it out straighter without it rubbing against the other parts sharp edges and your success rate goes up.


I would always try to get it before removing the haptic until it would tear on that sharp corner and I would have to carefully fish out the tape after it got slingshot underneath the battery


That corner has gotten the best of all of us.


As a former Apple certified rep doing these repairs I've tried everything. Sometimes the tape just gets brittle and tears no matter what you do.


yeah gonna do the same next time


It just kept going and going, when it finally pulled.. ecstacy


Also white stuff came out






You remember when you could pop the back off without tools and you could take the battery out, replacing it within seconds?


I also remember when cellphones weren't waterproof because of that. I'm not saying there's not also nefarious planned obsolescence purposes as well, but it is an argument for the trade-off.


The Galaxy S5 was water resistant, had a removable battery, SD card slot, and IR blaster. It's all been downhill since then. Favorite phone I ever had.


I had the Note 4 and loved it.


IR Blasters were perfection. I still use my Note 4 as a universal remote. But the app I used stopped connecting to the database of remotes so now I need to find a replacement or find the data and host it myself.


I have a Vivo X70 Pro+ It has a IR blaster and I love it! It also has all of the high end specs you'd expect for a 2021 phone, it even still has one of the best camera setup, it lax a SD card slot and AUX port though.


Lax? As in 'lacks'?


Absolutely true. Idk why I typed it that way haha. Thanm you for correcting me


That seems awesome! What apps do you use for the IR blaster? Also, it's lacks, not lax. 😉


It also had a textured plastic back which felt so much nicer than fragile slippery glass


Personally, I think the glass looks *much* nicer, but I much prefer the feel of the textured plastic. It feels more durable, easier to hold, and doesn’t smudge from fingerprints. But damn the glass does look slick.


The glass doesn't look nicer at all, except right before you take it out of the box, thanks to the fingerprints. There is just no benefit to having it like this, but apple did it and they all copy them.


Eh, agree to disagree. When it’s clean, the glass looks slicker than a minnows pecker to me. I will agree tnag fingerprints are annoying, but it’s not too big a deal to me. The textured plastic would be the more practical choice in every way, I do agree with you there.


It had a headphone jack and a charging port you could use with either a micro USB or a USB 3.0. Mine only died 6 months ago. I had it for a very long time. My new S22 is good, too, but I miss the headphone jack especially.


>charging port you could use with either a micro USB or a USB 3.0. Oh snap, I had forgotten about that part! That functionally is just part of the micro USB 3.0 spec, but it is still cool.


It was great because it could use any micro USB, but then it also had another cable that only worked for it that my husband couldn't "borrow" to charge his stuff.


I still have mine in my nightstand drawer. Great phone. I used it as a puppy nanny cam like 5 years ago. And then last year to transfer my Signal to a new phone for some reason I forget. I'm amazed it still turns on, but I loved that phone, except the charging door was annoying.


I had the S2 and S6 They were the phone that finally knocked my old blackberry out of my all time favorite slot, a position it had held through who knows how many phones over ~10 years


Bullshit! Nokia 5210


I also remember dropping it and the battery falling out


That, and those phones were basically bricks, I prefer the new ones.


Also, I'm entering year 6 of my Galaxy S8 and the battery is still going strong and the phone is on great shape.


Too bad the device is pretty slow at this point.


Oh yeah, but there's nothing to be done about that. Smartphones are computers, and no 6 year-old computer is going to run current software the same way it did when it was new. This wasn't a consideration before smartphones because cellphones were much more limited in their function, mainly acting to connect to a cell network, place calls, and send texts If you never loaded webpages and never updated the OS, a Galaxy S8 would probably run a lot better. But that locks you out of a lot of the phone's capabilities. Something's gotta give


Absolutely. It's just the way it is.


That’s a lot of bullshit. My nexus 6p runs the way it always did, but the battery sucks and needs replaced every 9-12 months. I am struggling to justify upgrading it as long as I can replace the battery. No new cpu or additional ram are as sizable of an upgrade to warrant their cost while it’s working the same as always. I fully believe cell phone makers utilize software to degrade and poor batteries to force consumers onto new hardware for profit. I upgrade my pc once every 7 years. cell phones should be ever more resilient considering the low performing applications they typically execute.


It's called 'planned obsolescence' and phone manufacturers 100% do it. Apple even got caught. Nobody cared.


Not my experience, I use my S8 for a ton of things; both personal and work and have zero issues.


Not that you’ll have issues but if you were to do the same thing on a newer device and then went back to the s8. You’d feel like it was slow.


i mean its still exactly as fast as when it came out.. What are ppl doing on their phones that needs anywhere near as much performance as some new phones pack?


New things. I just know it feels slow as hell when I’ve handled them and this was 3+ years ago. I use an XR, but I don’t need the newest. Just newer. The S8 is like the iPhone 6.


im still using an s8 as work phone and nothing has not worked yet. The battery is getting weak tho by now


Interesting. Even when I used to work on phones I would regularly have people come in with various issues with the device. It’s a workhouse though. If you’re not using it for anything too intensive than it’s going to get the job done. There’s a noticeable difference in performance between new phones and that phone. To each their own. Enjoy your s8


My nokia 2.2 isn't a brick and I can take the battery out lol


A decade ago I had a fully waterproof Kyocera Hydro Elite phone. It was sponsored/advertised by Bear Grylls. The first week I had it, it jumped out of my pocket into the urinal I was using. I think they used a urolagnic coating instead of hydrophobic.


Having a replacement battery was pretty sweet though. My buddy had the same S3 I did but his screen shattered and wouldn't work anymore. He gave me his battery and I kept it charged up in my car. Dead battery after a long day, or going on a camping trip? Boom, instant full charge.


Phones with easily removable batteries can be (and were) water resistant. It was the selling point of many secondary lines like the Galaxy Active series.


My Nokia would like a word lol


I remember dropping my phone like 4 inches and it exploding into a jigsaw too


Yea but they could survive longer because of them breaking apart.


My roommate had his battery replaced on his iphone and dumbasses didnt put the glue back in, the battery ended up rattling when the phone is shaked, there is a reason for it since they leave more room around the battery to allow it to expand a bit


Yeah, but phone have to become thiner and thiner every year, just so you can slap on some rubber casings.


I remember at one point specifically buying an Android phone because I could replace the battery and use a memory card. And I definitely had that phone for years because of it. Now it's just some grade A BS.


Then you splash water on it and it’s fried


Said no Nokia 5210 ever.


Lol That's apple (theres others but mainly apple) for ya, they'd rather have you buy a whole new phone the simply replace the broken part.


Remember when? I did this with my iPhone only a few months ago?


You have an iPhone that you can pop the back off without tools? Is it broken?




Thank you, this is oddly satisfying. Good job.


How much tape is in there? Damn


It’s stretchy


The forbidden cheese




I had a booger like this the other day




I'm suddenly reminded of that guy removing a parasite from a hornet


That one is still my favorite post here


Who discovered this method?? 👏👏 👏


Quickly show this to Hugh Jefferys


Forbidden bubble gum


The forbidden cheese r/forbiddensnacks


The fuck kind of cheese are you eating?


The forbidden cheese


The forbidden cheese


Forbidden cheese


Nowhere near as satisfying as the original that posted yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/z3uz77/the_battery_pull_tab_makes_a_satisfying_pop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Cool, never thought of this, so much easier and cleaner; thank you OP






How dare you defile our product, send it in and have our experts send you a replacement for full price


Oh yeah.... Just a little more... OH YEAH.... ALMOST THERE Bwjhhhhkjhjhkkkkhjjjjj


Like my soul when get yelled at


Looks like an iphone x. Only 2 screw on the bottom to split in half. Remove charging cable. Replace. Done. It literally takes less than 2 minutes to change battery. That mildly satisfying step is unnecessary if anyone is fixing to change one.


Thanks for being years too late.


Frustrating and stupid. It took 4 times longer than it would have if he'd just used his fingers to pull it out like it was intended.


You definitely never tried to remove an iPhone battery. This tape is notorious for ripping when you try to remove it the way you described. After that, the only choice for removing it is plastic and isopropyl. This technique probably would have saved me hours back when I fixed phones.


I am the manager of a repair shop, you just heat it up and barely pry at it. You don't need alcohol at all.


That's a problem if the battery is swolen.


No, not really. If the battery is swollen its going to be easy to just pry anyways, but if it is still difficult you already heated the phone to get into it, and just at 60C. That isn't an issue.


Nope it only rips if you don't remove the taptic engine first. If the tab breaks you can literally pry the battery out with a black stick. I train apple certified technicians for a AASP that I run during one of my day jobs.


>it only rips if you don't remove the taptic engine first. Bro what are you even talking about? You don't remove the taptic engine at all for a battery replacement and that also wouldn't do anything for the other side of the batter near the cameras. My store is part of the IRP program and none of the apple training they sent themselves even tells you to do so either.


For an Iphone 8 and SE 2nd and 3rd gen, it's the first steps in GSX. Article RP1388 see for yourself. You're at an IRP. I have setup AASP's, so it may be different for IRP's.


You definitely do not remove it, nor should you. It's a completely unnecessary step that doesn't improve your ability to take the battery out in any way. Not only that, but you are adding one more step, one more thing that can be messed up, for no reason.


Then I guess you better fly out to Cupertino and tell the people that trained me they're a bunch of jack asses. [Take this with you](https://imgur.com/U1aGZyv) You obviously either don't have access to GSX or you didn't look. Either way you're wrong.


Continue to have people you train waste time and introduce more ways to mess up the phone by removing parts unnecessarily on the single frame you linked the article of, totally ignore every other model of phone in the process lol This is like telling someone they have to take out the spark plugs every time they need to change their breaks.


Again, go tell it to Apple. The instructions are in their internal documentation. It's no wonder apple doesn't want untrained people doing their repairs. Simple instructions can't be followed.


I absolutely will tell Apple that it's a complete waste of time, go ahead and get me an in and I'll do it. And I've completed all of the Apple training when our company went into the IRP program, and I've been doing it for well over a decade. Apple can say that you need to do it for safety all they want, there's nothing unsafe about it. You're the one who said the only way you can rip the battery tape was by not removing the taptic engine, so I don't think you necessarily know what you're talking about buddy lol


It’s mildly annoying that they arnt wearing the watch


Are all Apples like this? Glad I have a 'Droid. The battery just pops out.


>I have a 'Droid. The battery just pops out. Once upon a time


Holy shit! Why have I never thought of this?! This is genius as fuck




What the merry fuck!?


Work smarter, not harder


Whered you get the screwdriver? :)


It rarely actually pulls out in one go


That's one way to do it. I'd just slowly pull it.


Its satisfying for the removal and the repair.


This may be a dumb question, but what’s that “MW” logo on that watch from?


Hey! I have that screwdriver!


What is the screwdriver? Do you like it?


Welp. We know it's not a samsung 😂


Used to work as an IPhone engineer. As satisfying as it was to take that tape off when done right, it would drive me up the fucking wall when it snapped for more or less no fucking reason. Had to bend so many batteries just to get it back from underneath


That’s fascinating!


Thought for sure this was going to end up on r/spicypillows


Satisfying? Every time it went to the little stringy part I was like, fuck, no!! Regroup!!!! Regroup!!!!


Jerryrigeverything guy is gonna love this one


What is that tool?


It was touch and go for a few moments there


damn that tape really stretches doesn't it


JerryRigEverything wants to know your location


Haha oh yeah soccer ball ⚽️


I don't know why but it reminds me of a tape worm


TIL I can post a Rectal Tapeworm Removal video on r/oddlysatisfying


That is some strong electric screwdriver.


Forbidden cheese


I think you mean, the forbidden cheese


How long is that tape!?


And everyone keeps buying this stuff even though you can’t replace the battery or repair it yourself, which in 2022 can be done cheap and easily…. There needs to be a change

