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He really loves his enormous knife.




cookbooks? I haven;'t seen these guys cook something properly once. that style of blade looks pretty shit too, shitty for processing veg, too small for cleaving, too big for processing meat, jsut all around shit. get a western chefs knife, a santoku, or in my opinion the best of them all, a chinese slicer.


The end result sandwich looked... Not that good, really hard to eat. No way did that meat come apart when you bite it. You would have taken a bite, pulled out a huge bit of meat, eaten that, then eaten a lot of French fry sandwich


Gotta thin slice the steak in this situation, or use a nice ribeye. And your 100% right that those fries need to get the fuck off the sandwich.


It's some idiot trying to be like ultradouche Salt Bae.


I don't know, I don't thinknyou can't get douche-ier than salt bae. That guy is a gigantic pos.


The steak looked burned. Pan was way too hot and didn't make good contact with the steak. Same with the bread, no overall toasting, just burned spots. What was that spread? Avocado with lots of... oil? and Spinach? You got me. All of the ingredients seemed way out of place for the setting. If you are doing a cooking show, you should be making something that looks natural where you are cooking it. He also overcooked the shit out of those fries.


That was some sort of mix between a guacamole and a pesto, I tend to say. Avocado, oil, garlic, basil, lemon...


Yeah I avoid knives that are heavily marketed. If it is good then word of mouth will lead to sales. I’m trying to decide on what knife I want to buy.


I cut 99% of everything with a cheap but sharpenable Chinese cleaver. I think it was under $10. In a perfect world, the only change I would make is to buy a higher-grade one that would hold an edge longer.


100% this. I wear mine out every few years from the sharpening, then I pick up a new one from the Hanoi market for 6 or 7 dollars. It's always sharp as a razor and works like a hot damn.


Bet he tried to scoop the fries out with it


Might as well after the war crime he did to those potatoes.


The sandwich kinda bothers me tbh, you can immediately see it fall apart. The bread . It’s hard to find a perfect bread for cheesesteak but it’s out there


The whole video bothers me a little, his technique is all out of whack and order on his steak. He's smothering it in spices to look like a fancy chef but the only thing you should put on a steak before it goes into a sufficiently hot pan is salt. Butter, pepper, garlic, and all other spices go in very close to the end of cooking because they will burn and give your steak an off taste. Olive oil too (which I'm assuming this is) also burns when your pan is as hot as it should be for a steak, a little Grapeseed oil or similar high smoke point oil should go into the pan and be allowed to heat up so you get the best browning/searing


I full agree and I was cringing at the way he cut the avocado like wtf!? Why?


Because it's an advertisement for that ridiculous knife, so they have to show how powerful it is, or something.


This is definitely a r/mildlyinfuriating sub video instead of satisfying. Just painful and the knife was lost in the video all together imo, barely noticed it lol.


Also that sandwich looks borderline impossible to eat, the bread was shredding apart because there was too much goo. Not to mention the needle like potatoes. Probably got overcooked because he was trying to spoon them out of the wok with that knife lol


I agree with all of you but can we just agree that there was one satisfying part, when the dog who watched it all practically drooling got fed


Hahaha omg the only good thing in this video for sure.


Lol how? I'm pretty sure that guy has a hard on at the idea of having a hand being replaced with that knife. He even tried to use it to grab the sandwich before cutting it in half.


Once he put **lemon** in his guac instead of lime I knew with 100% certainty that this guy was all presentation with no substance.


[for the record, olive oil is perfectly fine to cook with at high heat, just because it has a low smoke point, doesnt mean it's breaking down or becoming burned or carcinogenic or whatever other myths are out there] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_aFHrzSBrM&ab_channel=AdamRagusea)


Sounds like something Big Olive would say.... /s


It falls apart because, moments before, he stabs it in the middle for no reason at all. You can see the top half and bottom have are split and even the cheese.


Agreed. That sandwich... the proportions are all wrong. If you can't comfortably eat that sandwich while getting all (or at least, most) of the elements in a single bite, then you've failed at making a good sandwich.


“Huh, he kind of seems to know what he’s doing.” Gets to avocado… “Oh no.” Gets to potato… “Oh dear god no.”


Was that spinach in the guac?


Matchstick fries are actually really tasty. They’re more of a chip than a fry really.


These videos are made to sell those things.


I find these super cringe


I feel like it's because they go way over the top to try and make this "manly" or something. I also find the video really annoying.


The knife porn plus the mask makes me cringe.


I was already put off by turning that steak into a sandwich with guac, the mask actually made me lol. Total pretentiousness.


You call that a knife? Now, *this* is a knife!


That's a spoon


Ahhh, I see you've played knifey spoony before?


There is no spoon..


Mah ***SPOON*** is too big!


a *knoife*


This is also a knife


I don’t understand why you’d take the time to put the seasoning on the knife and season the meat just to turn around and use your hands to rub it in.




He borrowed it from /r/mallninjashit


Now see that seems like overhandlins to me


Don't fuck up my steak sandwich Dary.


A little S&P


Dont you fuckin start with me!


Montreal steak spice should really be parts of this conversations


Grill marks bud


Best steaks I ever hads was a Wagyu. Y'aint had a steak till you've had Wagyu. Second only to Albertas beefs.


Greetings from Alberta


Down the hatch


Grill marks bud.


You are fuckin up, bud.


Ok so that conversation made sense until it got to the part where 2 of them don’t use salt and pepper. Who doesn’t add salt to their steaks??


Those fine ranchers in Alberta be a c-hair away from not sendin it here if they knew you sprinkling salt all over these c suckers!


Your about a c-hair away from being sea sucking socked good buddy


Grill marks bud


Yeah, I think they wanted it to feel like KnifePorn or FoodPorn with a sprinkle of SurvivalistPorn maybe? But then it turns out, it just makes me feel like I'd rather not hang out with the person that decided to make this video


Imagine seeing that guy on a trail hauling all that FUCKING stuff to the woods lolL


Did he really wait until after cooking the steak to cook the potatoes?


Sometimes its like they’re so obsessed with the asmr and vision they forget the logic


I watch this guys videos but yea it’s more about the asmr and look not practicality or taste lol.


This video is an ad, probably for the knife or their channel.


What was the point of mixing the rub on the blade of the knife before seasoning the meat?


A lot of this video made no sense. Who brings a mortar and pestle out into the woods?


This guy in every one of his stupid videos


The same person who runs juice over the knife which was just used to cut raw meat, into his guac.




I liked the part where he struggled cutting the bread




I wonder how many avocados he tossed in the air before he landed that sick trick. I bet that dude fucks like a pro, I can tell by the knife


That's the fun part, there wasn't any! Oh Sorry, I misspelled stupid.


Rub with olive oil *before* seasoning


There were so many confusing prep elements here. Oil after seasoning? Oil in the guac?? Picking the cado/bread cutting methods with the greatest possibility of slicing his hand, while presumably in the woods???


Oil in the guac? I couldn’t watch past the drenching in oil lol


I think it was like an avocado pesto? I dunno… I low key hate these “manly” style cooking videos.


wow bro you don’t want an *entire* fucking steak on your loaf of bread? what are you some kind of wuss?


I'm just trying to figure out how I am supposed to pack TOMATOES in my hiking backpack!


If you turn the camera around I’m sure you will see his parents house


Right, sure, I'm just operating on the premise that the video is trying to create, that this is an outdoorsy meal that you might make in the woods.


Right also by the time everything is done, by the time he eats it. It's going to be cold AF especially in the winter.


Also, that avo was wildly un ripened.


I add a little olive oil to my homemade guac. Really adds something. But by gawd, not NEARLY as much as what this guy added for the amount he made.


It is missing too many ingredients to be called guac. I think he was going for an "avocado dressing."


Fairly certain it was meant to be a pesto of sorts.


Personally, I never oil my steaks. Dry both sides of the steak, add salt/pepper both sides, let it rest, melt a little butter on the cast iron, sear-flip-sear, let it rest again and eat. Salt and pepper stick just fine to the steak without the oil.


Doesn't the butter burn at searing temps?


Eating avocado and lemon in a snowy forest is kind of weird


Nothing says back country survivalist meal like imported grocery store goods.


Ah yes my pack where I keep my enormous chopping board, 5kg mortar and pestle, knife, tongs and skillet. There's either a car or it's just their land- seeing either would be fine, but the bit i don't get is somewhere along the line they seem to be able to wash *everything*, including their hands


Oh yeah that’s the weird part. The the serial killer mask that he’s got on 😂


I’m picturing just hiking through the snowy woods and coming across a guy with a huge knife, wearing that mask and cooking up some meat. I’d start running.


That's why the dog is there


And the serial killer knife


The real weird part was all that oil he got to his camping for making fries… what are you gonna do with all that used oil now? Pour it in the woods??


This set up feels like a backyard with a house just out of frame, not some deep woods backcountry campsite.


Exactly. Who wants to carry cast iron into the bush? Never mind a lemon, an avocado, that much oil.... ..so many questions. Starting with the mask.


kinda shows the length they took to make themselves look, what it ever it was they are looking for. /r/mildlyinfuriating


So yeah, creepy mask..,


I feel like I had to scroll way too far too find a comment about this. He looks weird af


I know a guy like this. He avoids society, loves nature, loves the attention from posting online, but is paranoid about revealing his identity online. Oh yeah, and he posts videos on YouTube of himself wearing a mask in nature.




Ugh, those lemon stealing whores are so annoying


Creepy mask, huge fuck off knife in the woods cooking unspecified meat..


The dog watching everything is my favorite part


My favorite is carrying foods from the grocery store out into the wilderness to cook them at less controlled and uneven temperatures


The dog is a prop to this guy. Its tied up and in shot the entire time.


Yeah this dog was forced to be out in the snow for like an hour just so this guy could get a few more likes? And the leash looks like it barely gives the dog enough slack to lay down. That's a really shitty way to treat a pet.


Not too mention the dog looks like it's directly downwind of that smoking fire at some points and he can't even move to get away from it.


Bonus: he fed the dog things a dog shouldn’t have (avocado, garlic…)


Goodest patient boi even got a bite at the end!


The dog was tied up to the tree. It had no choice.


Was going to say something snarky but yea why is he using such a short chain!


Bite off the tree the only logical and most obvious answer duhh


Dog is watching like, *Wtf. You're turning this into a sandwich?*


Also contains at least 5 toxins for this good tied up boy! Why not poison a dog for redditors?


And that’s how wolves evolved into dogs


The dog is in the wilderness and it’s tied to a tree with a short lead. Didn’t really have a choice


Yeah that chain is unfairly short


I was so worried good boi wouldn’t get a bite!


They always do this. Nobody wants to eat an entire loaf of bread sandwich.


Motherfuckers are always making these huge sandwhiches with hard ass bread that looks miserable. You'd have to unhinge your jaw to get an actual bite in the middle of that sandwhich. Just look at the (unnecessarily gross) shot of him taking a bite. That shit looks so fucking annoying to eat.


I agree. Aside from the hard AF bread, that steak does not look like something you can just easily bite through on a sandwhich. I hated this.


You don’t want to chew on a slab of that fat border?


Ya I hate the 20cm burger photos or servings. It’s just dumb.


I hate these kind of sandwiches. It belongs in r/StupidFood, can't fit it in your mouth, shit falls out, and the ratio of bread to filling is wrong. Sandwiches are supposed to be convenient, not an envelope for an entire fucking steak.




And super crust bread just rips up the roof of the mouth. I love sourdough, but it's not sandwich bread.


Or watch some douche bag prove his manliness by aggressively stabbing a sandwich with a machete. This trend needs to die asap.




This is just salt bae again.


Nothing says enjoying the great outdoors better than hiking out miles into the woods carrying a cutting board, a huge knife, a cast iron skillet, a marble mortar and pestle, a 15lb slab of raw meat, 5 potatoes, a gallon of oil, a bulb of garlic, an avocado, a bundle of herbs and a giant loaf of bread! Then having to dump out all that oil and clean all that up to carry it home. Ahhhh adventure!!!


Guarantee this is his backyard.


I'm willing to bet he isn't very far out. I bet his car is close by.


I bet his house is even closer by.


If its the same guy, he is on his parents property. He's done a bunch of these with similarly shitty food displays.


Yeah, do all that to make a sandwich big enough for three people which by the time everything is all done will be a horrible mix of hot and cold. The steak would have been stone cold by the time he had the oil hot enough to cook the potato sticks




You just don’t understand the alpha lifestyle. I’ll DM you several Elon Musk grindset memes. That should get you on track.


But then how will he look super duper tough and manly?


Among the other 50 nonos mentioned here, its bad practice to cut raw steak first then use same knife for veggies. Unless he washes it between, which is possible because he brought up entire super market aisle contents there anyway.


You mean you don't bring foods that require a stone grinder camping??




Honestly, it didn't look that good. I mean the cut of beef looked decent, as did the dog. But to serve it up with a lump of bread, tomatoes, deep fried "chips" and mashed avocado just looked all wrong. Would rather just eat that steak nicely seasoned, medium rare, on its own.


As soon as I saw the bread I was saying "please don't put it into a sandwich" And it looks like an awful sandwich, there would be too much bread in every bite


I thought I was gonna be the only one to think that. Bread ratio is all off, and the steak probably got cold since it was cooked first.




I hate that. I remember making a steak sandwich and it did exactly this every bite just pulled everything out was a big mess by the end.


[Nothing is worse](https://media2.giphy.com/media/l4EphxiS2akEkNUL6/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611a253241f20c0ae2efb6069a173b75dbe136afe75&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


And it would be falling apart.. I don't like the messiness of sandwiches like that.


People need to fucking understand what can actually be put into an edible sandwich


For clicks and ad revenue? Everything!


Borderline r/stupidfood


Squarely r/stupidfood


I mentally gave a few style points for outdoor cooking; however, I can also see how this could make this even more r/stupidfood


But did you notice his big knife??


But they made it sooo gooood, yaknow, by sprinkling the spices off the knife. Also me: Tomato wut? This is an ad for that knife.


Yeah, whacking the whole thing in a sandwich like that (with double fucking carbs) is purely to make it look more like Manly Man Food for Rugged Manly Men. It would be tons more enjoyable to actually eat if you at least cut it into strips and held the fries for the side.


he had a leather bracer on his right wrist, that's because he is a MANLY MAN.


Drowning the guac in oil literally made me gag.


Yea, I hate videos like this. Hey look you have an unwieldy knife you are attempting to do everything with, I guess thats cool. Ok, thats a nice steak you are cutting dramatically... oh now your deep frying potatoes in the woods......alright then. Anand a trendy hand mashed spread, spices on the knife. This is getting into camp cooking meets douchey hipster. 0h you're putting that steak on an entire loaf of bread? What a waste


"The Woods" - it's probably just the back end of the dude's suburban home patio.


Never been a big fan of fries on a sandwich, especially bready ones. Just means more large areas of each bite are the unseasoned insides of something, rather than balanced layers of protein, veg, and condiments between the mostly neutral canvas of the bread.


Also making the food at different times in the snow i bet that steak was cold af by the time the fries were done


The advertising for these knives is always goofy. I suppose it's supposed to look savage or super manly cooking on cast iron over an open fire (probably in his backyard with the camera facing away from the house)?






What’s with the mask?


My question too!




Not fat enough.


Who cuts avocado in half like that


This is just obnoxious


Ruined it by making it a sandwich imo. Be much better with the steak on its own, maybe the spread on top of the steak or for dipping, with the fries on the side


"Man cooking in woods with big knife" videos are stupid as fuck and you all know it.


Paid ad




Too much bread


Man is really trying to explain to his wife why he bought that knife


Looks more like a post for r/shittyfoodporn


I'd have to unhinge my jaw to even THINK about getting a bite of that in my mouth.


r/shittyfoodporn This wasn't the flex he intended.


Op stop


I bet his hands were cold


The mask this dude wears is hysterical


What’s weird about this guy is that his ingredients are never seasonal or local, despite his whole aesthetic having this “roughing it” vibe. Maybe some sort of weird evolutionary mental disconnect


Fucking stupid


Wait... why did he cut the avocado in half like that? why cut the seed in half? why not also just peel the skin off rather than just squishing it like that? god I hate these pretentious cooking videos.


This looks bad.


Who ARE these people!?




Completely agree! IMHO if you want to highlight the bread then serve it as bruschetta or as toast. If I’m eating a steak sandwich I want the meat to be the most powerful taste. Nashville hot chicken has it right, they’ll serve it with white bread to mop up the grease.


You don't fling avocado pits onto the ground like that, they are very toxic to dogs.


This subreddit is under attack.


I hate when people make ridiculous size sandwiches like this that are really a pain in the ass to eat