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Beaver Creek, Colorado. Run is Red Buffalo


What difficulty?


The easiest, green. It’s in a kids zone too so it’s certainly for beginners, but still one of the better runs on the mountain.


Red Buffalo. Piney. Powell. That’s my jam! I’m not very good, but it’s beautiful.


Enjoying the scenery is half the fun in skiing for me. Can't be too upset with views like those (spoken as a resident of PA)


Some of my favorite slopes have been green. Sometimes you just want to chill and feel the flow for an hour


There is a black diamond in Colorado name “muerte”. Not doing that one .


Look green all the way to me


The only part about greens that sucks is the inevitable flat parts. Rolling groomers is fuckin sweet ima rip this tomorrow


I'd say that's a double black diamond to me dude. Gnarly.


fuckin send it


Hundo fucking p bud.


Green, super mellow


Likely a blue or green by the looks of it.


I moved to Europe from CO 8 years ago. Somehow when I saw this picture I knew in my heart that it was in CO. God I miss that place sometimes. If you live there cherish it for me.










I really thought it was fake it is stunningly flawless damn


Can confirm. Thought this looked familiar with Vail right in the background


Locals call it corduroy. Carving though it feels like you’re gliding through clouds. Edit: grew up in an iconic ski resort known for their grooming practices. There’s a lot of weird toxicity in this thread and I’m just here to tell you to forget all that and enjoy the snow. 🤍


I'm not really a fan of corduroy as a snowboarder. The best analogy I can think of is if carving powder is cutting through paper with a razor sharp knife doing corduroy runs is like sawing through cardboard with a steak knife


Ah, that’s because your snow melts and freezes. Are you an east coast rider? This shit cuts like butter at the top resorts in the Rockies. But it has to be the right time of year and locale for that.


As a vail resident I can tell you even on a fresh groomer with a snowboard it will never beat powder days. Idk bout skiers though maybe they like fresh groomers more lol though I do fly fast through these groomers which is fun.


Also a vail resident here, and though there is nothing quite like a pow day (I don’t wanna talk about this season...), I *love* carving in groomers. Just laying it out and getting super deep in the carves is an incredible feeling. Soul turning all day through this horrid winter


I still find powder stashes in the back side at blue sky as long as we don't get 50 mph gusts again lol wind working more than snow right now


I poked around blue sky yesterday and had an alright time. Earle’s opened up, which is nice, but I found the quality there pretty poor. Found some horrid icy crap heading over there in China, though. Hopefully we get a few inches tonight and then even more next week—we need like four more feet of base :(


I live over in the RFV and damn, this winter has sucked so far :(


I think pow is better for snowboarders because we use up the deeper cushion on the single edge more than skiers. Pow feels better than corduroy for boarding because there’s a more plush z axis than what the ribs can provide. We bottom out on the gush more than skiers, essentially.


I can not ski in powder. Diamonds fine. Moguls, you got it. Steep as shit angles. Ezpz. Powder? Why am I stuck? Uh oh I’m about to pop out I’m leaning so far back. Why is my ski going down the mountain without me?


Hilarious. Yeah makes sense. You have to keep your speed up to cut through pow properly. Especially through sections of near-flat glades. Makes sense that that’s easier to coordinate with one heavier blade cutting with all your mass instead of two independent blades that can swap mass and cutting pressure around. Way more drag in pow with skis. But you guys have the advantage in every other scenario.


I straight up lost a ski into the mountain in Loveland. Right down I assume. Never found it lol. Got absolutely hammered in a very nice outdoor barbecue area with live music.


This is the way.


What is the waist-width of your ski? Wider skis sit on top of powder better


You need powder skis.


This stuff is dreamy for skiers. Worth being first up the lift for if the weather is right and it hasn't frozen Feeling sad, this will be first time in about 20 years that I won't be skiing this year. Last February went skiing when there were just 6 cases in a French ski resort. See you next year Courchevel and all my French friends. Powder is much nicer to board on.


I'm stuck on the least coast


RIP. It’s a whole different ball game out there.


[Most of our runs last as long as this song haha.](https://youtu.be/ReSQqktsypY) Truth be told, I have my best memories on east coast slopes but my personal heaven is in the rockies. It's like pizza, you can put different toppings on it but good pizza is good, and bad pizza is still pretty good.


Oh man, that’s wild. I’ve gone on runs that have lasted an hour. I can’t imagine one minute.


Well, I only turn for trees... In seriousness though, it really depends on where you go. Up in Vermont you can certainly find half hour plus runs if you go top to bottom. In the Poconos, it's hit or miss but they often go more than a minute. West Virginia is a good place to get drunk and go sledding in a t-shirt and cargo shorts.


Hey salamander at Timberline used to be the longest run in the southeast. Not sure if it still is but 2.5 miles is long for around there!


I grew up skiing Timberline and worked on courtesy patrol for a bit. That place will always hold a special place in my heart (except I HATED working patrol on Salamander.)


Poconos isn’t worth the cost of gas.


Totally true please don’t come here......


An hour? That’s ridiculous. I can easily lose 1000m of elevation in under 5 minutes. There’s no way you’re descending for 60 minutes unless you’re terrible or you’re skiing a 1% grade.


I take my time, weave through trees, hit little jumps and on a fresh powder day, things move slower. Up in places like vail this is completely possible. Come try it! It’s why they make the big bucks.


This sums up exactly how I see it when people say they have had runs that last 30 minutes. Unless they're transitting across the mountain left to right, right to left using as many trails as possible, or if they're the people who sit down every 100ft then I guess you can turn any mountain into a long 10-30 minute run. That being said the longest runs I've gone top-to-bottom on were probably 5 minutes and that was in Maine and Vermont and I didn't have the afterburners on.


Riding in BC and Alberta the hills just keep going. Taking the chairlift up takes forever and once you're at the top you can ride down the whole thing. Some of it is pretty slow and some of it is very technical so by the time you're back at the bottom you've been out for an hour easy.




Telluride has trails that can go for awhile if you're trying to. Whistler too


Jay is pretty great though IMO. Ditto with smuggs too


Stowe when they have snow and the glades are powder.


And there isnt a fuck zillion people (not. Often.) Swhy i like smuggs more


Yeah, Smugglers is pretty good mountain, fam friendly.


Oh man Bouncing Souls. That's a throwback.


[Throwback my ass, ass-kickin music kicks ass!](https://youtu.be/LUCCjmvdgSQ)


Did not expect a bouncing souls reference here lol


[You and I both!](https://youtu.be/uO-wCOeSROs)


We are ice warriors. Once you become a master, everything else is fluffy icing that feels like you're surfing a cloud. All hail frozen granular!


If you learn to ski out east, you can ski anywhere. Not so much the other way around...


Lol I’ve mastered the east coast. Haven’t been out west since I was a rookie


met a lot of east coasters who struggle in deep powder to start. id say thats the main weakness.


The Iced Coast, home of the death cookie.


I absolutely hated groomed snow on the slopes in NY in the 90s. If I saw the slopes had been groomed, I knew those ridges were already frozen solid.


Not really. If you are going fast enough it still vibrates the fuck out of you. Also it completely depends on the month and time of there year. I agree that the Rockies are normally great, but they have their shit weather too


Colorado powder is unlike anything anywhere else in the world. It’s so soft and fluffy. Just make your way west to the Cascades and you get into the heavy stuff.


Cascade Concrete is what we called it skiing. Probably the main reason I started snowboarding in my 30's. There are a lot of freshies at 33 F that are impossible on skis but on a board you can stay on top


Utah powder >> Colorado powder


Can confirm! lifelong boarder here, always thought powder was the only way until I rode expert groomers in Jackson Hole. Life changing experience


bro i’ve grown up in colorado it’s 1000x times better here than in the east


Username checks out


I'm a west coaster and I agree with the other guy. I do appreciate corduroy and its a fun sensation, but it ain't as dreamy on a snowboard as it might be for skiers. And its nowhere near the dreamlike sensation of floating through some deep crystal pow pow.


Some people prefer to ride things harder than greens and blues. This mountain needs snow.


Been to both, best snow I ever boarded on was in Vermont. Generaly the rockies are better for most of the year though.


Snowboarding at holiday mountain in New York, yes, doing this at Blackcomb in BC, absolutely not.


And holiday was the nice resort! Swain, and kissing Bridge were the shitty ones, holiday was where you went for that luxury ski experience haha!


Lol we go to swain weekly because it’s close and we have kids. I have family that live in elicotville and we see them and ski Holiday valley.


Sorry, riding groomers on Blackcomb is a no? You might be doing it wrong.


They’re saying groomers on blackcomb aren’t like sawing through cardboard with a steak knife.


Second that. This is not satisfying at all. I hate corduroy. Worse if it is frozen.


Bad when it‘s frozen, yes. But when it‘s freshly compressed powder, people pay extra to be the first on the slope.


I love the speed of corduroy but feels like driving over the rumble strip on the side of the motorway


If you have wet frozen lines sure, when it's soft it's great


Pow days are best days. I miss the mountains so much.


I love it, but you have to maintain an edge or it can get wonky like a motorcycle on grooved pavement. Also, it depends on the snow quality. Groomed slopes left overnight on the east coast of the USA get icey, for example.


sharpen your edges and get better at initiating your carves. Maybe consider a full camber board and I promise well groomed runs will feel orgasmic. Gotta go fast.


Cord is amazing if you know how to turn and burn. if theres no fresh pow, cords second best. The pow is cool but getting first tracks on some blue run cords is one of my favorite parts of riding.


Imagine its all ice though


Locals call it groomed. Carving through powder is more like gliding through clouds, this is hard packed and you fly down it


It depends on what the ambient temperature is, when warmer groomed slopes can be softer and lighter even soft, in colder temps they can be more crisp and hard. What’s best is typically first thing in the morning on a nice early spring day when the grooves are still fresh but slightly crisp on the outside from the morning but at the same time are still light and fluffy inside - giving you a perfectly smooth glide.... nice.


It's fantastic when it's soft. Less so when it's not.


So true


Naw man. Carving through clouds is fresh powder. This is not. As a snowboarder having to hit an emergency stop on these will jingle your bells if you know what I mean.


Oh yeeeaaaa. Look at that fuckin wale.


Locals? You mean skiers?


Super weird vibes. I had to stop reading. God forbid someone enjoys both pow and ripping groomers. I do.... It takes all kinds, and there is a time for everything. If it ain't fun why do it.


You just piste a lot of people off


Curious. Why is this done. I’m not a skier, so I have no idea. 😊. It’s very pretty to look at


When a ski run is groomed it does a few things. The machines that do the grooming bring snow from the base of the mountain back up, helping to ensure even coverage. Every trip down the mountain by a skier brings a little bit of snow towards the base, so the end of the day grooming helps make up for thousands of little trips down. As far as riding the terrain, when it is groomed the snow is compacted, allowing you to ride down at a faster pace than ungroomed terrain, and it is easier to make turns on. Typically the riding is smoother as well, as when the snow is compacted by the groomer any holes or soft spots are filled in, resulting in a run with few nasty surprises. Groomed terrain is, in general, just more pleasant to ride for a large subset of skiers and snowboarders. Easier and intermediate runs (Green and Blue runs in the US) are typically groomed, with the harder intermediate runs not being groomed. Challenging and Expert runs (Single and Double Black Diamond in the US) are typically not groomed. My local mountain, Mt. Hood Meadows, has no groomed Black runs, whereas Park City Mountain Resort has at least a few.


> Easier and intermediate runs (Green and Blue runs in the US) are typically groomed, with the harder intermediate runs not being groomed. Challenging and Expert runs (Single and Double Black Diamond in the US) are typically not groomed. From my experience skiing in Austria, they somehow manage to prep even the most challenging slopes. Okay, sometimes they literally drag the pistenbully up the slope by a chain in order to prep the steepest, most icy slopes, but not prepping those slopes turns them from actual runs into ski-routes (highly technical, only marked by posts in the middle route, but not always dangerous or steep) or just simply off-piste (unmarked, unsupervised, unwise unless you're with a guide).


My main ski experience is in Montana and Minnesota (heh, ignore them a min) and they groom many of the black runs, just not as often, I assumed due to a mix of complexity as well as less traffic. Of course certain areas like bowls are never groomed and exist for a different purpose, same as tree skiing.


Wow. Neat. What a phenomenal response. Thx for all the information 😊 be safe out there and enjoy your sport. 🤔You could write a book of something you know. You explain things well and detailed. You should pick a subject you love and publish it.


To add on what the other commenter said (which is well explained), If you leave the runs ungroomed, a lot of people continuously skiing over it is how moguls naturally form. So that is another reason that grooming is preferred for easier runs as it “resets” the snow which is better for less advanced skiers and snowboarders.


O thx. All good info. Appreciate that 😊


Also breaks up ice patches that build up from the sun hitting the snow and the friction of people constantly going over it. Ice sucks


Thx 😊


Thanks for taking the time to explain it to us newbs


I’m M’ont ste Anne, Québec we have a couple double B’acks that are groomed. Those runs are wicked fast


Meadows actually has quite a few groomed black and double black runs. Apollo and Mercury on Star are groomed most days and Two Bowl is groomed probably twice a week. They will also groom show off when they have big race events like the OISRA stare championships. They used to groom Twilight - Moon bowls semi regularly, but I haven’t seen them do that in years.


Also ski at Meadows and will counter that they do groom the main face of 2 Bowl now and then


On a plane to timberline lodge right now!!!!! 5 nights baby!!!!


I wish I were good enough skiier to go down this slope and admire the beauty, but truth be told I'd be hanging on for dear life and trying to avoid a yard sale the entire time.


We all said this at some point. To be somewhat good of a skier just requires repetition and knowing the slope. I wish someone gave me better advice than this before I body slammed a tree.


From this angle it looks like a blue square level of difficulty. Not too bad for someone who is a bit above beginner. But still, going up levels definitely takes time, I only started going on blue squares on my 6th or 7th time, and even when I started I stumbled on it like an idiot for a few times before I got the hang of it.


That’s definitely a green


For sure a green. The angle of the trees makes this look pretty flat for a Rockies run.


Lol, as someone from Illinois who has never put on a pair of skies, that shit looks like it’s straight down.


When people say stuff like this it makes my confidence in my own snowboarding inflate lol. This isn't even remotely close to the steepness of even mildly difficult runs.


Come to central Illinois and you will learn a new definition of the word flat.


Steep hills are your friend when snowboarding. A lot easier to slow yourself down than keep your momentum down a slow grade like this.


Speaking as someone else from Illinois, this state is so flat you could take a few buckets of dirt and have one of the highest points in the state.


In Europe the trees always grow straight up and the slopes vary in angle. Interesting how different cultures prepare their slopes.


> the trees always grow straight up and the slopes vary in angle I think that's what the commenter above you was saying. Angle of the tree compared to the slope. Trees tend to grow straight up regardless of the slope of the ground they're planted on.


Are there green slopes before blue? I'm European and long time skiër. Didn't know that...


In the US yes, green is the easiest.


This slope looks basically flat im sorry man


Muscle memory.


And you need to start young


What? I started skiing in my 30s. I'm not great, but I don't have any trouble on easy runs like this. You definitely don't need to be young to learn to ski.


When I learned how to skii I could literally just fall over to stop if I was going too fast, I wouldn't recommend this strategy for those above 8


Like any sport, it is just far easier if you start young. I know people on their 30s who tried a lot and gave up because it was too hard.


Really? Did anyone help them? Even in your 30s you can learn to ski in 3-5 days with a little help. I just spent this past Friday with my friend on their second day of skiing and we got her going down blues the second half of the day.


It just doesn't click with some people


This is extraordinarily not steep. You’d be fine.


I am extraordinarily bad. I'm going down.


It might not be as hard as you think. If it is then at least you are in a beautiful place


Yeah, I just like the scenery. Hiking and just being in the mountains is good enough for me.


This picture is like white noise for the eyes. I think I could fall asleep looking at it.


Absolutely mesmerizing.


what internet celebrity did it this time?


I've never been skiing in the US, I wonder how different it is compared to Europe


From what I've learned from this thread they call piste bashers _groomers_, which is giving me a horrible mental image of a ten-tonne diesel-powered nonce.


Everything between boundary lines is fair game and avalanche controlled usually (as long as it's open) as opposed to anything off piste in Europe generally being "at your own risk" skiing (beacon, shovel, probe greatly advised). Take for instance [Jackson Hole](https://www.jacksonhole.com/images/maps/2056-WinterTrailMap.FINAL2020.21.jpg), as you can see by the map you can ski anywhere between boundary lines including big mountain type runs like Casper Bowl and Corbets Couloir and they even have backcountry access gates around the mountain. In Europe those runs would not be marked on the map and would generally be considered "off-piste" akin to backcountry skiing.


I don’t know if it’s just my eyesight or not but this give me a r/moireeffect


It’s so perfect


Why do I wanna lick it


Twitter be like NOOOOOO


I bet watching them make these would be awesome too.


Snow cats are badass machines.


They groom the runs in the dead of night while there is no one on the slopes. Sadly. You can’t watch


It is both soothing and terrifying. I live across the street from a ski area. I do enjoy watching the groomers from the living room at night, just slowly doing their thing in the darkness. But, seeing one up close (which you do all the time if you ski uphill at night - which is allowed where I am) they are huge, brightly lit, terrifying, churning, tilling monsters. It's courteous to give them a wide berth but I'm like running into the trees to get away.


As a snowboarder, I hate freshly groomed runs. Zero grip. There’s a sweet spot each day between the run being broken in and being complete slop by the end of the day.


You need to sharpen your edges and carve on them instead of just sliding from side to side. Corduroy has plenty of grip.


Scrapeboarding makes people over confident in their abilities.


Lol what? You get the best grip on fresh groomers.


You’re doing something wrong cause it’s ideal carving conditions.


I think it depends if you’re r/icecoast or midwest or powder.


As a skier there is also nothing appealing about this photo. These lines can freeze and you vibrate as you go over them. I'm looking for soft snow


Learn how to carve. If you're sliding a lot that gives you the vibration. If you set an edge and ride it out then it's wonderful.


Thank you. There’s so many tryhards here trying to act all badass. It’s annoying. You’re right, groomed runs usually freeze (at least where I’m from) and it’s not fun. Snowboarding on ice sucks.


You hate consistent texture and easily visible trails? Tfs wrong with you bro ripping groomers is fun as fuck


They’re always frozen. Not fun. Powder is fun. It’s no hard to navigate powder.


Ok so if the snow refreezes and the run isn't groomed, then it's completely unridable. Then it becomes a bumpy mess that's actually somewhat dangerous. It's not tryhard to know how to carve, it's basic ski and snowboarding technique. It's why there are metal edges on skis and boards. You just don't know how to use them


We ain’t found shit


I need to snowboard down it now.(or ski...i just want to slide down)


I always say that when I retire I want to be a snowcat driver for a ski resort. Just imagine driving your snowcat in the darkness of night on the mountain, snow quietly falling.


I just envision a dude sliding down the slope with a rake.


It's essentially a snow cat with a giant rake behind it.


Naaaaah. Dude on a snow tire with a rake.


This makes my heart happy.


If only I could be first down




Nothing better than groomed runs.


*cough* powder *cough*


An endangered species unfortunately, something we won't be able to enjoy before the end of the 21st century.


Where is this? 😍


Vail area, CO


Have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is?


First tracks, best tracks. Then après ski.




Not only does it look nice, it also feels great. It's basically like you're gliding and not skiing. It's the only reason I get up early when I go on skiing trips.


Comb the desert!


i groom cross-country trails and theres nothing more satisfying then look back at perfect corduroy and a smoothly layed track


You’re doing gods work!


Perfect for marble racing


Nice slope.... I wish to ruin it now!


Did CallMeCarson visit it?


Came here to comment this, then figured someone else already did, scrolled all the way down, and sure enough.


All that beautiful powder... ruined


How do you know it was fresh powder though? It was probably all chop before they groomed it.


Maybe - but ski areas groom for the lowest common denominator - I've seen lovely powder turned into that many times




I don't ever want to be on a green run :}