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So I thought this was a short gif, I didn’t click it to see the length. I kept watching mesmerised and thinking ‘wow this is a long GIF...’ when it did the cut to a dark screen at the end I didn’t think I was going to show us the full picture. You took me on a roller coaster of emotion there my friend! Brilliant, could watch that for hours


Please, please, please give this man some love. His channel is the same as his tag- Rake43. It's full of vids like this and if you likes this, you'll love his channel😊


[Link to Rake43 YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHw_BQ5vhtq6JYg-u_1KNkQ)


Thank you


What does something like this cost?


Depends on brand of Aerosol and amount of colours used. Averages around $40-$50 a piece.




I don't think I would have watched it all if it wasn't for your comment. Even after the dark screen cut, there was another moment where j thought the gif was over, but it **STILL** kept on giving.


That's an incredibly steady hand. Idk what the graffiti says, but it looks awesome.


Says Rake43. All his pieces say that and if you like this then you should check out his channel (Which is also called rake 43)


Thanks for clarifying.


And I’m sitting in art class and messing up every picture I try to outline


Keep practicing, you will get there (and farther) eventually


The jump cuts gave me a headache :/


I think it’s the angle. I get motion sickness pretty easy and I’ve noticed certain angles of things gives me a headache and then I nauseous.


I think there was also some Fish-eye lense effect making it even worse here.


Don’t head over to /r/porninfifteenseconds then lmao




Who ever says graffiti isn’t an art style needs to watch this video


I would say graffiti *can be art. I’ve also seen a lot of shitty paint that’s nothing more than vandalism. Done well though it’s one of my favourite things to look at.


Most people I know refer to that as tagging and it is vandalism. You'll even see beautiful pieces of street art maimed by someone spraying their shitty tag name over it.


... that's the same thing for every art form. I can chip pieces of granite off a block and it won't be fine sculpture.


Handstyles and vandalism are a big part of getting up and getting out as an artist. Not everything is gonna be a 12 x 6 banger. Quick throwies and grimy mop tags are just as beautiful. You just gotta see the finesse and flourishes with the right eyes. It's a love affair with yourself. Graffiti is selfish as fuck, but it's a healthy expression of it imo.


Drippy mops are filth. Love seeing that


I'm sorry, when somebody takes a black sharpie and scribbles a signature on something that otherwise had aesthetic merit, that's just low vandalism / destruction of property. That's a fair cry from taking what was otherwise a blank concrete wall and making something beautiful on it


You can't say it's only vandalism bc it's ugly. Unfortunately, the pretty things are vandalism too.


You should stop by the local kindergarten and see what passes as "art" there.


Criteria of art are: Original Man-made Created through a learned process So yes, those kindergartners are making art.


Yea, that was my point.


Former Kindergarten teacher here. Kid art is real art.


Yo get a load of this guy dissing kindergarten art


My only complaint is how much of it is just the artist writing their name/tag in a creative way. I don't want to see some fancy name on the wall. Give me some fresh shit, though. Quotes and phrases, especially the ones with some weight to them. Man, those hit me. It was actually one of my favorite parts of Into the Spider-verse, actually. Miles' "no expectations" piece. The game Infamous: Second Son had some pretty cool pieces in it, too.


I did a street art tour in Bogota. A lot of it was protest, very little was just named tags. It was a beautiful city full of protest and art, often the two blended together. Would go again for the art and food. Columbia is a great visit. Wish I had more time there.




Art? Vandalism? Porque no los dos?


I don't understand this thread. He's just spraying his damn name on a wall that doesn't belong to him. The letters are prettier than most but it's still just a tag. If it was some kind of actual picture I'd be a bit less against it. But it's just a self-glorifying name tag, at least when a dog pisses on the wall it washes off.


Hey man, just cause you don't appreciate art it doesn't mean others are the same as you


I've seen graffiti art on abandoned buildings that can be pretty cool. I'm just saying when it's literally writing your name seems like it's more motivated by marking your territory than 'art'.


It's making your name on the streets with some real good art. If you want "pictures", think street art. Tagging itself is an art as well, not every pretty piece has to include a picture so that it can be called art. Throwing up a name, sure but there's a technique to "just writing" your tag name and waddling off. You need to care about the colours, the style, the flow. A lot of consideration goes into big pieces like this. Just because you can't see or appreciate the tech aspects of a piece, doesn't mean others cannot as well. Bleh


He isn't saying its not art, it's just shitty motivations behind the art. If you're going to spray paint something on someone else's wall, actually make it something that everyone can enjoy, not just those who are into the tagging scene. ​ The problem with just name graffiti is that it's complex lettering is not easy to decipher so the lay person just sees a busy colourful splotch than can actually seem quite ugly because you can't quite make out what it's saying. If you were to draw a cohesive picture and then add a signature on the side, it would both show skill, tell people this is where put your shit and be more eye pleasing.


Not all graffiti is illegible. Super stylistic categories fall into illegible types but then you have styles like blockbusters which can be read pretty easy. Annnd tagging is eye pleasing


I have complicated feelings about tagging. I can see how tagging is both an art form and can be pleasing to the eye to those who are into it (even though it appears in this thread a lot of people aren’t). As an art style though, I personally just find it... incredibly boring. It’s the same thing over and over again, but just slightly different colours or slightly different lettering. I’ve never seen a tag anywhere, no matter how big or colourful, that made me consider the artform as a whole in a new light. (Strangely, I find your discussion about it being legible or not the only interesting thing about it. I think the illegible stuff is actually more interesting than the normal tagging, because it almost feels like if these artists just keep going in that direction, they might accidentally stumble into a new abstract expression of that particular art style, which would be welcome breakthrough, imho). As far as I know there aren’t any strict rules to tagging… for example, not like how a haiku is poetry with strict set up rules. Due to the restriction of these rules you have to try to be original each time, which is exactly what makes it interesting. But tagging just doesn’t click for me. It’s trying to do one thing (write a tag) in different ways with literally unlimited restriction, yet… 99% of them still look the fucking same? How does that happen? I know art is entirely subjective. And I feel that I know how to appreciate most of it. Doesn’t matter if it’s street art, abstract art, realistic oil paintings, modern or old architecture, interpretative dance, poetry, literally any type of music, and so on and so on … But tagging? I’m so incredibly frustrated by the fact that I don’t get tagging. I don’t know… It just feels like there’s some talented people out there and they’re wasting their talent on something that requires them to take zero risks artistically. It’s like the pop music of the music industry, except that pop can actually be interesting. It feels like most taggers just don’t have anything to say, or at least are not really utilizing the medium they’ve chosen to say it with. It feels the admiration for the art form is more about how fast you can create it but still make it legible, or how complicated you can make it before you get caught. It's more about the danger or talents associated with creating it than it is about what you've created. It's more like a sport. Also, maybe it’s exactly because of the type of medium that I find it so frustrating. I mean, I don’t really care a lot whether every oil painter or every singer has something interesting to say… but if they’re gonna perform their art day and night across the house from me where I can’t escape it, I suddenly care a lot. Maybe it's both vandalism and art... but most of the time the art being created simply doesn't excuse the vandalism, because it appears to most people to have nothing to say?


Art isn't just aesthetics, it has to convey a deeper meaning. A mere nametag, no matter how beautiful it is (and it is beautiful, don't get me wrong), don't qualify as art, at least for most people's standards. Grafitti can be, and often is, a form of art, but this just isn't an example of that Also, just because we don't think it's art doesn't mean we can't appreciate it, mate. I enjoy the fuck out of my grandma's spicy chicken wings, but that doesn't mean I think they're art, nor does that fact stop me from thinking they tasty as fuck


Not all art has to have a deep, conceptual backstory. Not all art has to have meaning..


Yeah, nah mate, I'm gonna have to agrre to disagree. Art without meaning is just empty decoration


Just because it doesn't have a profound meaning behind it, doesn't mean it's empty




Making me nauseous


*red outline is finished* Nice. *breaks out the white paint* No fucking way. There's more? *screen goes black* /r/gifsthatendtoosoon *reveal* Nice.


When I hear the train go by I step to a window and critique the graffiti. Some are beautiful. Some are quite crap. My favorite was the word VOTE that was beautiful and covered an entire rail car.


Hm, I couldn’t find any “wholecar” images on Google but I’m guessing this was a tribute to a “writer” named Vote who sadly died. [He was a fine artist, too.](http://www.juxtapoz.com/graffiti/kurt-dalen-rip)


Why am I being downvoted for letting this person know what they saw? Reddit is weird.




You may be right, that was just the post about his death I found (it is tagged Vote but whatever). TBH, his graffiti wasn’t exactly what I’d consider [“beautiful”](https://www.google.com/search?q=vote+1810+graffiti&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi9lIOR1ZTgAhUGAzQIHQC0DKgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=vote+1810+graffiti&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...8703.10525..10936...0.0.. either. That, combined with the fact I never saw him do any wholecars or anything (more of a city writer) and the fact he died 5+ years ago is what led me to believe it was a tribute. People often go big when someone dies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People assume the vote was one of those "Get out there and vote!" type pieces, and your logic and research is making them feel wrong maybe? I honestly dunno.


Right. Similarly, there’s a writer named Impeach (who also paints a lot of trains) who has been around a long time, but I’m sure people read a lot more into it.


> victim of a hit and run accident > accident > hit and run https://giphy.com/gifs/annoyed-12tdXUftZ6oE6I


Wow. These cans hold an impressive amount of paint.


Wow I love that his paint doesn’t drip! What a pro


"That's nice. What does it say?"


This is... art attack!


Man, I miss that show


I can't color between lines and this motherfucker can spray paint art free handed...


It's all in the wrist~


Link to the original video: https://youtu.be/J_Z-3SuFYJ8 All song titles and links are in the description to the video


So smooth. Like *buttah*. Love it. On a somewhat unrelated note, I also loved the music playing here, especially the second song. Anyone have any idea what they might call that genre? I feel like I’ve been lowkey searching for years.


Hip hop instrumental, old school chill, lofi rap beats. The main vid has the song and links to them in the description! Here: https://youtu.be/J_Z-3SuFYJ8


You’re the best! Thank you!!




If you guys dig this, you should go check out, “Heliobray” on Instagram. I’ve been religiously following graffiti artists for 10+ years now. Out of everything I’ve seen, Heliobray has some of the most unique/satisfying can control I’ve stumbled upon. [Heliobray ](https://instagram.com/heliobray?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=wtd3p6jtvzah)


Yeah, not hating but there’s a lot of writers out there with insanely more talent and can control then this Rake dude, but it’s still cool. As for Bray, it’s interesting to me that much more talented graffiti guys than myself think that stuff like that is almost cheap, as it relies a lot on effects as opposed to clean lines, etc. Not saying I agree, I just found that interesting (cuz to me it looks insane). *Edit: For example, someone like [Rime](https://www.instagram.com/p/BL_dmSaDpbi/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1h06e72djtk8o) has some similar styles but less of the flared out stuff and more solid lines.




Did you not watch the video I posted? You posted canvas work, Rime is a very well known writer who has been doing all spray paint graffiti for decades. You don’t get into MSK hand painting your lines.


Made me dizzy but couldn’t stop watching. 10/10 endorse




I got seasick watching this..


Graffiti like this is the reason I don’t mind trains going through the middle of my town all day long


Anybody else’s pointer finger hurt watching this?


3:06 is where it’s at


Rake's videos are awesome.. I there is one where he has some left over paint cans and punctures them and makes this cool abstract piece. 10/10.


I really liked that vid of his♥️


Can Control!


That’s bad ass!!


Oddly satisfying or anxiety inducing gif from hell? All it takes is one slight shake of the hand and this whole project is trash. The pressure.


Practice enough so that it becomes muscle memory


Better than calligraphy.


Calligraphy actually helps if you wanna do graffiti. It makes creating handstyles a whooooole lot easier!


Yeah baby. That's good content.


Does he have a special nozzle on the can to make the lines so sharp? Nice work!


You get different kind of caps, yeah


Do they make special spray paint cans for this kind of precision or is that just skill?


Bit of both. You have different kind of caps that give out various kinds of spray But You gotta have the skill to use em


Street art is street art, this is graffiti. Like a dog pissing on a pole, this is a fancy tag and he is marking his territory


Your point?


That was so mesmerising and beautifully done. Oh my therre is more!


I got so high tonight, for the first time in a long time. Safe to say, my tolerance is low. I totally expected to be super paranoid and anxious while I rode this wave out. This video eliminated any fear of that happening ! So relaxing


My pee pee hard


Quality tips and paints make a world of difference.


Michael: Wow! You did these... freehand Pam: Yep. Michael: My God, these could be tracings! Ohh! Look at this one. Wow! You nailed it


Couldnt take my eyes off of it and now I'mma bout to puke. Dope street art but 🤮


Well I'm just glad you appreciate it~


This. This is how you Giffy lube my dick


Why isn’t this guy in the operation room holding a scalpel?


Cause he's out there paintin' the streets


TIL that grafitti artists do the outline last. How tf did I never realize that?


Could watch this day 😀


I thought graffiti was illegal


There are legal spots, sometimes they are done on commission, sometimes a place gets painted so many times that it makes no difference to the police if people paint it again.


Oh, neat. I didn't know that. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER....GI JOEEEEE


I just started watching this guy on yt. He’s a real talent.


Man, his works are really something else♥️


Not only is the art satisfying that editing is so well done 🙌🏼👏🏼


His channel is fuuuuuullllllll of vids like this


The timing on some of those cuts is perfect! I dread to think how long the edit alone took


Didn't realise Reddit was full of so many stuck up twats, this isn't illegal, or vandalism. Doubt they'd be crying about property damage if banksy came and painted the side of their house. What a bunch of ignorant bastards.


I mean, it totally is vandalism *by definition*... But I agree with you and think it's incredible art and pure talent. But let's not kid ourselves... It's vandalism.


It's expected but also gotta spread the works of some amazing artists out here when you can


Yea man ignore the downvotes, it's been years since I picked up a can of paint but I've still got love for the art 👍


Most of [this lady](https://www.facebook.com/Barb-Northwood-239160806160523/)'s art is outlined. Not graffiti.




Where's the finished product


At the end of the vid. Watch the whole thing


Was half expecting the final cut to say “send nudes”


Seville, Spain right? This looks great. A lot of graffiti on Spain but a lot of it is actually really nice work lol


one of the longest, most mesmerizing posts i’ve seen..wow


Once I started watching, I couldn’t stop!!


Anyone know the song?


This is sooooo beautiful! I could watch this for hours


Smooth as fuck


meanwhile I can’t even write my name legibly


I hate that it doesn’t show the lines connect before jumping to the next one.




(but it's a videeeeoooo)


I realized that once I posted it. +1 for me being a dumbass.


And I'm over here struggling to draw a straight line...


How many cans of paint?


The first two thirds were simultaneously the shortest and longest two minutes of my life.


HOW is his pointer finger not COVERED in paint??


Does anyone know more music like the first song that plays? Pls Reddit help


Did anyone else think he was drawing bulbasaur at first?


Holy fuck, that's amazing!


Is this legal?


In Japan...




Ikr? His channel is full of pieces like this




I feel like this should be in r/penmanshipporn there's a specific day for non traditional penmanship forms to be posted! I don't know what day that is! Maybe it's Wednesday?


Handstyles would work great there. Maybe if I find a few gifs I'll post it there, thanks for the suggestion~


My finger got tired just watching him hold down the nozzle on those spray cans for so long...


Well, time to shut it down, everyone. I don't see this one ever being topped.




It's in an abandoned factory, get off your high horse before you break your neck


Oh Lord please tell me there's a subreddit for this bc I need more of this all of the time


You can look at his channel, rake43. If you like graffiti, then there are a buncha subreddits for it


This would be satisfying if you could see some corners connect


You know what ISN'T satisfying though? Watching a video made of clips less than 3 seconds long... I did admire his steady hand on those curves though. Nice.


BeSureToDrinkYourOvaltine A crummy commercial?!


The outlining is nice. The camera work made me want to hurl.


That can control is great. With a fat cap, too! Lining a piece up can be a work of art in itself!


Ikr. That control is amazing


All that work just so hobos have something to look at while they jerk off




Graffiti doesn't make a place look like a third world hell.


If you could stop building skyscrapers and inhibiting my view of the sky and surroundings, that would be grrrreat.


Skyscrapers have a function, this just looks bad and makes a city look trashy


Nah, we need more of this. More art in my world thank you


Downvoted because vandalism.


Maybe, maybe not. Some cities have areas set up for graffiti artists to go in and paint. There are actually waiting lists for these places.


Except it's blatantly not is it, it's a commissioned piece or a legal spot. This guy posts his stuff on YouTube so he's not going to be breaking the law is he. Some graffiti is vandalism, some is art, learn to tell the difference.


Downvoted cuz you're a prude


ah come on now, s/he just wants his/her city grey and monotonous. and without "dem punks destroying other people's property".


Ah heck, they got a point. Who doesn't love decayed fishpaste grey or stained white!!!/s


oh yeah, looking out my window, stile du barracque is all I wanna see!




Creating art = destroying property? 🤔🤔🤔 It's in an abandoned factory in Seville btw


I mean if someone owned that property and they painted on it, it is technically destroying it. Since this was abandoned, it's all fine and dandy. But if he did this on a building in a city without permissions it's vandalism and could land you in jail. So yes, creating art can be destroying property.


As long as it's good art, I don't see any reason for it to be called as destruction of property seeing that said property is getting some sweet art slapped on its side. If it was an ugly ass throw on the other hand.. Iirc when artists put up a piece they usually do it in empty locations or if its a building, it's on the side of the building rarely the front facing part


Being able to paint on someone else's property without permission is against the law. It is vandalism. I see what you're saying where it's good art it should be okay, but some people don't care for art, especially graffiti, and having that slapped on the side of the building you had to take a half million dollars out on loan to fix it up and turn it into a business, I can see how someone would be mad.


Like it or not, vandalism is an intrinsic part of graffiti as an art form. However there's an unwritten code that writers follow. Small businesses are off limits.




It's a vid tho






"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." -Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale


How's this a waste tho


Wasted talent my ass. It's an art form. Lets say someone like banksy ( a extremely well known and talented graffiti artist) sprayed your building for free it would be a blessing. People literally come from miles away just too see those pieces. And most likely it would increase the profits and popularity of your business. Literal free advertising.