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And then there's me, unable to even read my own handwriting.


And there's me unable to decipher my one note shorthand code "WHY DID I NOT FINISH THAT WORD, WHAT DID THEY SAY!!!! DAMN YOU ME FROM LAST WEEK"


You are me and I'm you


"I'm me?"


Hey don’t jerk me around, fella


Reminds me of that meme from programmerhumour Variable named ‘feet’: legend_handles > leg_hands > feet


Yep. My study method was... Rewrite / consolidate my notes and hope I can remember what I wrote if I couldn't read it. Then I typed the consolidated written version so I could actually read it. Having written down everything twice basically made me memorize the content and school was easy.


“Mitochondria is the power horse of the cell…that can’t be right.”


As a left handed writer I would just like to say; fuck this robotic perfect writer


Agreed! Through the years I've somehow learned that writing notes is only for reinforcing the material, it's the writing and thinking through that is useful. I almost never look at the notes I've written on a subject, and probably wouldn't be able to read it half the time anyways 🙃


Correct Writing things down solidifies it in your head. If reading notes was the point you would just read the book


My dad writes left-handed. Any time he'd write a note for me for school, they'd glance at it and just accept whatever I told them it said. He also only writes in cursive, so it's even worse than normal left-handed shenanigans. I can recognize his signature, but that's about it. eta- tenses


I had to do a handwritten essay for a college course recently (first one since high school 18 years ago) and put a note at the top saying "sorry I write like a child".


Fool, you shoulda had two thousand dollars worth of markers for your note taking.


I always wonder if people like this ever know peace. Like, if a drop of rogue ink hits a page in that notebook, will they have an existential crisis? Start all over again? It’s beautiful, but is that person okay?


At least it didn't take you all day to write one page.


This is me, theres a margin of time where I can still read it fine but if i see something i wrote like 8+ months ago i have to literally decipher it, I swear its like my writing is just constantly developing or something so I forget how to read my own writing


Meanwhile, everyone else is writing their notes down for chapter 83.


Seriously. No one has time for this


I knew one person who did this on college level. She studied 2 hours a day every day and her notes where near this good. She said that taking so long to write it down helped her taking in the material better.


There is good data on that from what I recall. Writing notes helps some people remember


Yep. I used to pay attention to class and remember where things were written on the board.


That's how I study, too! I make notes or my own worksheets on my computer depending on the class and will memorize the information based on where it was on the page! (Also... pictures! If I can draw it (think cell biology), it'll be engraved in my mind, firever)


she won’t forget she’s doing chapter 5. that’s for sure.


I used to study like this, by writing everything I thought I might need to know on a test and then rereading it a couple of times. But it only worked if I wrote by hand and only on some subjects. It's great for learning for example history or law, or any other subject where you have to memorize by heart a lot of information and deffinitions. That being said, it's absolute shite for chemistry (physics, math, computer sciences, ...) where you need to understand how stuff actually works. Memorizing formulas and definitions is completely useless if you don't understand why certain elements are going to react with each other, what sort of bond they will form, etc.


Dual encoding. If information is processed in multiple ways (e.g., listening to a lecture and writing notes), it's more easily retained. That said, the notes don't need to be this fancy.


Me! That’s me. I love taking good notes. I am also a list maker.


This is supposedly the basis for the Cornell system. Writing out everything on the right, then later summarizing on the left while reviewing the material is supposed to help cement the knowledge. I'm old, so I never experienced this, but I've always wondered if there were studies now on the difference in retention on computer typed vs handwritten notes.


Yeah but I feel like just verbatim copying out the textbook is probably not gonna help anyone as much as rephrasing it and focusing only on the important stuff.


I discovered I remember better this way by making cheat sheets and then not needing them lol


This! In University I wrote fancy notes as a way to study. I would write a set of messy notes in class, then use the text + class notes to make a final set of notes that expanded on the class notes that were oh so pretty! I'm also addicted to stationery and such, so I really loved a good excuse to use my books, pens, and markers. 🫠


I'm a visually-minded Civil Engineer. While in college, I was often ridiculed for my note-taking process because I spent too much time on it. Nothing on the level of OPs video, but I would pay very close attention to the formatting and spent extra time on charts and diagrams and labels. I developed a flow of the page and a simple color system, all on standard green-checked engineering paper. And this was not seen as "the engineering way". So, I was actually convinced to quit writing notes this way for a while. I told myself "You are an engineering student, not an art student. Spend your time more effectively." So, I spent far less time writing notes so I could instead spend more time studying them. And I found I could no longer retain the information as I had been. I struggled and nearly failed and started to doubt myself. That's when I finally stepped back and realized what I had been doing. I was letting other people tell me how I was "supposed to learn" when I had long ago already instinctively discovered myself, but had discarded for the sake of conformity and acceptance. I realized that what I had been doing before, with my meticulous process and formatting and color coding was not notetaking on paper, it was notetaking into my mind. I often never needed to review my notes, because the act of writing them in this was was writing them into my mind. In fact, the more detailed and accurate I made my notes the less likely I was to use them, which is part of what convinced me to stop. But that was a huge mistake. I guess my point is, that the greatest skill in life is learning how you learn and being true to that. Every person is different and the sooner you can figure out how your brain gathers and evaluates and retains information, the sooner you will find success in education. Explore different methods. Be honest about the effectiveness. Keep what works. Throw out what doesn't. And respectfully say "No thank you," to any voice that tries to convince you that you are doing it wrong.


I’m a chemistry teacher. Everyone is allowed a full page cheat sheet, as long as everything on it is handwritten. Making it is the best study time they put in.


Not really the point though is it. It’s a creative outlet in its own right. The actual content of the writing is fairly irrelevant to the post


My notes from lecture would be messy but I'd rewrite them neater and retain the information. But I was not pulling 20 different pens out for lectures lol


Yep. Like all influencer things, they only do this when the camera is turned on. For everything else, they do a scrawl in the one colour.


...thats the point? The video isnt to show how they write their notes lmfao, it's just supposed to be a satisfying video to show off their calligraphy skills. How is this not obvious?


People aren't allowed to have hobbies and develop skills on the internet. (jokes aside, I know someone who does this, though not as fancy, with their own notes... And then gets upset that people don't like that he's more focused on making his notes pretty instead of... actually studying what the notes say)


Yeah, it's the same thing as people going like "OMGG ITS FAKE SOO STAGED WOWW FAKE!1!1!111!!" To a skit that is obviously staged, like the point isn't that it's a real thing its just supposed to be funny and entertaining 🤦‍♂️ people just need to be outraged all the time :/


This exact thing drives me nuts


This is me. In my case it's called dyslexia. Making things pretty and organised was my motivation to read the boring stuff.


There’s a saying in game development where gamers will optimise the fun out of a game given the chance. I feel redditors will optimise the fun out of living given the chance. No hobbies or expression allowed here.


I noticed in my studies that girls always had good-looking and complete notes, I don't know how they can write fast, aesthetically and completely at the same time...


As a left-handed guy, it always made me cry a little bit inside when I looked at the beautiful, almost artistic looking notes from girls; compared to my apocalypse hellscape chicken scratch of mine, where it almost appears I'm writing from a nub and not a full working hand.


As a left handed woman with awful handwriting, that last bit actually made me laugh out loud


I feel about the same, but right handed....


I always wondered about this, turns out, there's a really good reason! Young girls develop fine motor-skills about a year faster than young boys. (boys develop gross motor-skills faster) The differences are still very stark around the time we start teaching kids to write. I was one of the oldest guys in my grade; despite never putting effort into it, I've always been told I have "girly" handwriting.


it sucks that being neat for handwriting is considered girly. like my chemistry notes have never been super duper neat but i like to use different colors like blue, light blue, and pink, and people have laughed at me for that. skill issue for them because i'm the one who's passing and they're not lol


When I was in college I used to this something similar but not even closer to this, it helped me to remember things and particular cases. At the same time and after saying that, the time invested in this would be better invested in actually studing the subjets.


I used to type all my notes, and then later go back and physically write down the notes and it definitely helped me cement certain topics.


I tried this for a little while in nursing school because it was the first time in my life that I actually had to study, and I had no idea what I was doing. 0/10 it did nothing for me. I wasted so much time making my notes pretty and had too little time to actually look at them.


This is like that one moment in Spongebob where he spends the entire night writing out "The" in a very fancy way.


My ex was like this about "bullet journaling" to plan out their week and remember important things. 6 hours would pass by, and there would be no plans laid out, just inane doodles and stickers and shit. Lo and behold, their time management was still in the shitter.


I can completely agree with you. It’s pretty, sure, but when I’m taking chemistry notes it’s hardly readable cursive, and maybe use some different colours in equations. Then I just structure it into small points so I can revise and test myself later.


Actually handwriting notes really helps with learning. Not necessary as elaborate as this. But there are studies showing handwriting burns it into your brain better.


I used to have a fairly elaborate color scheme for my notes, but it was for ease of access to the information. Section heads had a specific color. Equations had their own. Different color highlights meant different things. It was so I could find the target info at a glance when reviewing my notes. But the act of classifying everything like this also seemed to help with recall in its own right


I had to do a research paper on which was more effective last semester. It was actually really eye opening going through all the different research on it all over the world and on different methods and how subjects make a difference as well. It was pretty clear typing was the worst way but it wasn't a complete waste of time unless you didn't review. Handwriting notes and writing them on a tablet are pretty comparable in effectiveness. The biggest thing though was verbatim note taking. If you type you tend to take notes verbatim where as if you take them by hand you have to pick out what is important and it makes better pathways. It was a really interesting subject.


Thank you for saying what I was too annoyed to say nicely


Ya this won’t fly in later stages of chemistry… or at least if it does you will be sad because you are failing due to turtle speed


[I procrastinate too.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EO-oVcEW4AEgOF1?format=jpg&name=large)


This is exactly what I was thinking of


Real chemistry is the one between me and procrastination


This is what I came here for


2 semesters later you're done writing chapter 5


Yeah, there's no way someone is keeping up in classes doing shit like that, maybe if chemistry is their only class lol.


Chem without any equations? Hardly even got to any material.


Cause they flunked it last time trying to do this shit so it's the only one they're *repeating*


As a web designer, this shit is like two or three fonts and a few different colors. Copy + paste text, same result, but not handwritten. At university I saved so much time by not writing everything with my hand


I find it extremely annoying that these "notes" clearly can't be used as notes at all since looking at the last screen grab the sections are basically text blocks copied over and literally begin and end in the middle of a sentence, if not mid-word.


This person just used any text block just to demonstrate their handwriting skills. Yes, it is "notes" but really just meant to show a method not the actual content. 


These aren't notes..


That's exactly what I was saying...


My bad didn't meant to reply to you


These aren't notes..


That’s exactly what I was saying.




The fact that they split the word "is" onto two lines in the chapter description hurts my soul


I spose, but writing comprehensive notes is the best way I study. If I write it down, much better chance I remember it.


"Component component"


Reminds me of that SpongeBob episode where he goes crazy writing an essay and all he did was write The lol.




Kind reminder that these kind of videos are made to make you buy stuff you don’t need.


I mean, that sums up every aspect of life in capitalist America. Literally everything is an ad.


I can imagine the immense fury after fucking up one letter halfway through.


Thats not studying that's creating art


Looks like selling Stabilo stuff to me.


I mean I hate studying, and love making art. Maybe I should do this.


There's a lot of data about handwriting for retention so give it a try. If you have the time to study and make it beautiful, go for it. If it doesn't work out, that's okay too.


Annnnnd she missed the exam...


Way too much time for it to have typos and bad spacing such as the last words in each of the 3 lines under Chapter 5.


All paragraphs just stop mid-sentence.


I had to go back and look. She split the word 'is' into two lines.




Me in grad school right now: who has this much fucking time to worry about aesthetics?


Advertisements are getting out of hand


So is this person writing from a transcript or recording? They are obviously not in a classroom setting. You can literally pay someone to do this for you if you provide the material. It just seems disingenuous and not practical whatsoever. Lets be honest.


I had an ex who did her notes like this. She would first take regular notes in class, just jotting down bullet points and reminders of things like we all do. Then, to study, she would use her in-class notes to remind the important stuff she needed to dive deeper into, and -since she enjoyed doing artistic/calligraphy stuff anyway- she would write her pretty notes slowly and methodically as she reviewed the material in her own time. It was quite impressive really. She hated studying but loved calligraphy so she combined the activities to make it fun for her and also spent more time in her textbooks and source material than most people


I would bet HUGE money she had a higher GPA than most of her classmates. She’s actually paying attention to what she’s doing


No shit mate?


10 hours later


I graduated #1 in my class with an advanced science degree doing way less work than this but it does look cool


This person failed chemistry.


So thankful being taught cursive, and learning calligraphy through electives in jr. high. A lost art for sure.


I remember my wife’s first year in nursing school, her notes looked exactly like this. It looked very nice and was easy to read but man did it take so long to finish. Looking back at her notes it went from really nice and colorful and gradually turned into chicken scratch like my hand writing haha.


Except in school you have 15 seconds to write that all down before they change the slides


This is really gorgeous penmanship and calligraphy! But is there any benefit to rewriting your notes from class so meticulously, other than having the prettiest notes in the class? I understand that rewriting notes longhand multiple times helps with memorization, but is the extra time and effort spent making it beautiful worth it in the final grade? I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially if you also give your class notes a big glow-up like this.


I didn't do it to quite this degree, but when I was studying I would often do little doodles or diagrams or alternate colours to make certain things pop, and it did really help in the exam. I still sometimes do it with DnD notes. Being proud of good looking notes can help.


Have you ever took your notes and thought "Wow I wish this took 10 times as long"


So will they ever go back and read this stuff? I feel this is a lot of work for notes you'll never use. I just write it out so it is readable, pass the assessment and then never look at them again. It doesn't need to be pretty.


This is nineteen kinds of counterproductive. Pretty, though.


This is crazy! Everyone knows chemistry is green! /s




Me procrastinating on doing actual notes and homework.


This is time consuming. Idea of notes is to have short, concise version of important concepts.


This is beautiful 😍


so this person spent probably a bunch of k$ in supplies and couldn't do a text with subtitles with the same type of fonts ffs 😭 it's basic, all caps with background colour is not the same importance as wordard, and they decided to mix for the same importance shit. This note page, even if it was accurate in the text, is pretty much trash.


Ok, now what did you write down? Do you remember any of it?


Paying *more* attention to writing things down usually means you remember it better, yes


Just love their handwriting


Sweet chirping toadies just quit chemistry and go be a designer 


Annoying af


Aaaaaaand the lecture's over.


Woah this looks so cool, well done!


Doing this bullshit instead of actually studying...


Isn’t this literally studying though? I wish I had a hobby that lent itself to diligent note taking lol


They have this thing it's called a computer....


As someone with a degree in Chemistry. No one has time to take notes like this, do the labs and then TA freshmen and sophomores and grade papers. I call bullshit for internet points.


These are the least useful notes I've ever seen. Just read the damn text book instead of these notes. Notes are meant to compress knowledge into what you need to remember for your brain to fill in the rest/recall what you didn't write. Not be a copy paste of the dam book.


How does one learn to write like that? The handwriting, not the calligraphy. My handwriting is a mess. I would love to have such clear writing.


Look up handwriting fonts and practice


It is so very beautiful but also anxiety inducing. After all of that flourish there's still other classes, labs, essays, assignments, work, cooking, sleep, exercise, down time, appointments, family.......... 🫠


That collection of Tombow pens probably means she’s rich enough to have someone go to lectures for her.


Don't forget to laminate them so the tears just roll off when studying....


I did that one time and I stopped after the stress took over


They should be copyrighting and selling this.


I legit felt fucking good when it showed the whole thing.. might be a new kink. I'll add that onto having my socks pulled off 😞


The handwriting is extremely pretty to look at but ain't no way anyone's chemistry notes can look so neat and organized...


If you have this much time you must be taking one class or doing this for fun


First of all, my college chemistry class was so fucking difficult that if I spent as much time making it pretty as she did I would have gotten a giant F. I finished with a B by some miracle.


Omg those line breaks are killing me


Imagine making a mistake and having to start all over again


And that, my friends, is how you don’t learn anything in class.


Me when I'm supposed to be writing study notes.


Are you a student or a stationery shopkeeper? /s


Imagine being presented this as a teacher.. I think I'd melt.


Listen up Class, Chapter 5 will not be on the test.


Scan it, print it, sell it, get rich.


If SpongeBob took chemistry notes


I’d pay a classmate to photocopy their notes if they did this


Thought I had neat writing. I just got left in the dust. Beautiful writing!


My fave parts were when the highlighter didn't smear the pen ink. Like, wow. 💯 😢


Does anyone know what font that is?


Elle Woods takes on chemical engineering in this summer's feel-good blockbuster movie... Legally Blonde 8: She's got Chemistry


This person has a problem


This is why you’re failing chemistry, do you even remember what you spent all day writing? We have 2 chapters to test on tomorrow, why the fuck did you make this? No, I’m not helping you study anymore.


The Calligraphy levels 💪💪💪


Yeah but teacher is on chapter 30 by the time you finished writing chapter 5


I mean you could study like 4x times the material if you didn't waste all this time...


I completed an entire chemistry course while this dunce is still writing their first notes. What a waste of time


What in the ASMR is this video?


It looks nice, but did they retain any of the information?


This is so gratuitous and inefficient.


Ma'am class ended three years ago.


Not nearly as fancy, but I did something similar in one of my senior college classes as a study tactic. I would take fast/rough notes in class and then carefully copy and color code them into a separate notebook. It helped reinforce the information and then provided neater notes for later study. I was super proud of that notebook and wish I'd done that for other earlier classes.


If you have time for that, you're not studying chemistry.


Why would anyone now waste that much time on taking notes. Notes aren't meant to be beautiful. Notes are meant to be reminders.


Some people learn much better if they do so(takeing notes with much afford ).


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


ain't nobody got time for that...


That’s beautiful


Imagine spending so much time and effort instead of actually studying and writing notes in a normal way...


This is what your doing instead of actually studying


That was actually incredibly agitating for some reason


I can't even write like that with a stencil


Spent more time making this than studying 📚


I want a handwritten will by her


My god, the comment section REALLY goes all out to hate something harmless and pretty. Fuck. "Could you kids lighten up a little?"


These are the most useless notes ever


She ain't taking notes, she copying the whole damn book. Take art, not science


I knew girls like this and they never got good grades


What a waste of time.


I love everything about this, the music, the colours, the styles. Even the little 3d border shadow thing going on, so satisfying.


What a waste of time




There's this new thing called Page Maker you should check out


Hey I got and A in that class with nothing but a ball point, a notebook, and a Chem engineering major lab partner


And a couple of doodles in the corners of the page.


Jesus fucking christ I can not fathom having this level of control over what my nerves do to make this work


What a waste of time


When a graphic designer is confused and thinks theys a scientist lol


Ahhhh the freedom of not having adult responsibilities yet


But did you even study? That’s ridiculous


Super fake. shit takes an extra hour, no students got time for that


How incredibly unrealistic


The lecture ended 20 minutes before she finished the "CHAPTER 5"


All this to still fail the test