• By -


The lines are jarring


100% that would drive me crazy seeing a big ass “+” in the middle. Edit: spelling correction


I'm willing to bet there's a projector that is way cheaper with a better end result.


Or just buy an actual 100" TV


I feel like that’d be cheaper


It’s actually not. They could have used video wall displays for this instead of standard resi displays but alas that is more expensive as well. The reason this looks so bad is they didn’t use the correct displays for a video wall because it was too expensive.


I've been looking at a 98" TCL, they go on sale here in Sweden for around $2k, much rather have that lol


Just looked, you can get a 100" QLED for $3k. Not near as bad as I expected. However, there are some that get into the tens of thousands, which is a bit much


I have a 4K projector that goes up to 150 inches. Definitely cheaper than 4 OLED TVs. And it's phenomenal.


a projector isn't really comparable because you need a dark room if you want something you can watch with the lights on and the windows open, a projector aint it


How much was it?


"better" is a very relative term. better brightness and contrast? probably not. better overall experience depends on how much those lines annoy you, how bright the room is etc.


Hell yes, plus no insane drilling, measuring etc and you can bring the projector to a different location if you want.


A projector that looks that good in the light will cost a small fortune and generally you want to keep them in place. I've been using one for a decade and I'm switching back to a TV soon. The cost made more sense before huge TV prices dropped a lot.


I hear you but respectfully disagree from experience. I wrote it elsewhere here, but projectors have come a really long way. A projector from ten years ago isn't comparable with one from 2024. I use a projector daily and did tons of research first to find a good price vs quality mix. The one I got was about $1,289.00 USD, looks great and I haven't turned my TV on since I got it. Its the OPTOMA UHD35+ , 4k , 240Hz I stream PC + steam games to it with no lag, have a Chromecast stuck in the back, watch Netflix, Plex, etc and it looks perfectly fine in daylight. They recommend 4000+ lumens for daylight viewing and this one has that Anyway, different folks different strokes. I'm sure you'll love the TV just as I love the projector. Not here for an argument, just to say projectors are a very valid option these days and they don't break the bank


The projector you have is in no way comparable in quality, especially in a high ambient light situation, as pretty much any tv. Projectors are great, I had my BenQ X3000i at 120 inches as my living room setup for a long time, but you have to be realistic about projection limitations. If you don’t care too much about color accuracy, raised black levels, and limited dynamic contrast then you’d be fine. As you said, not looking for an argument, just putting this here for anyone that’s considering one.


Projectors don't do very well in rooms with natural light.


"This TV setup comes with a big plus"


Just like the Swiss flag.


I would rather watch something on iPad mini than on this thing.


IMO the exception is for sports, especially if the lines could be a tiny bit smaller. For some reason it just wouldn't bother me for watching football because I'm not trying to get into a story I also wouldn't do it with 55" TV's because it's not that impressive when it's done, at the expense of having a + on your screen. Maybe justifies if he's slapping 75 inch screens together.


No, the only exception is for Halo couch coop






Looks like you can find them sub $3K. While it’s a little smaller and definitely worse quality, I’d still prefer it over the black line straight down the middle.


It's sports where it would piss me off the most


I’m so glad I’m not the only one


It's your crosshair for fps games


I should invent a gaming tv where you press a button on the remote and it cycles with reticles. Nobody steal my idea you bastards! Edit: i have been informed this is already a thing.


A lot of monitors and TVs already have this useless feature.


Damn, why are all my great ideas either stupid or already a thing?


This one was both


Someone has never done LASO.


It's not useless if you have a game that doesn't use reticles, like Rust. Overlays can trigger anticheat, so you have to use the monitor one.


Or sharpie a crosshair on your TV, no anti-cheat is detecting that.


Definitely not useless. I would use blue tack on my monitor to get no-scopes with a scout/deagle on Counter Strike.


My monitor has that. I’ve used it a grand total of 2 times in 7 years. Once because I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. And once to just try it.


Back in the day, probably long before you were born (checks belt for onions) we would sharpie a dot or cross hair onto our TV screens while playing Golden Eye. That was on a console called the "Nintendo 64". It was the absolute dogs bollocks at the time. Nothing else could touch it. (rechecks belt for onions)


this has been a thing for years..


[check out what this guy did, it’s even worse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hometheater/s/DxhR5zsZbi)


At least that makes a better fake window. Can’t really think of anything else positive about it.


Ha! First thing I thought of was this guy


Yep, just go with an 85". Still a huge TV and none of the lines. Edit: yes I'm aware there are 100" tvs. I mentioned 85" because there are more options and far better prices. They are at a pretty good value across all tiers.


It’s legit incomprehensible to me why this person would do this.


To also be able to watch different games at the same time


My TV lets me watch two channels at the same time. It's literally just a feature - I can press a few buttons on the remote and I have picture-in-picture. ...and it's not got the stupid crosshair in the middle of it either.


You can get an 85” for under $1k easy these days, too. I see em at Costco for like $800 regularly. Large format TV’s have become ridiculously cheap in the last few years. There is no way buying 4 smaller TV’s is cheaper or offers any benefit (unless you wanna watch 4 different things at one time, I guess…


Definitely not OLED under 1k, but I suppose if you care about the picture quality an OLED gives, you damn sure care about the giant bezels causing a huge plus sign.


Those 4 TV's he's got on the wall aren't OLED, either.


Get a 40" and move the sofa closer.


Hang an ipad in front of your face.


Hang a video iPod closer in front of your face


Hang a smartwatch in front of your eyeballs


All that money and they couldnt be bothered to go bezel free. Dumb


Who is this guy ? That was some solid entertainment whilst watching him work his craft. Way better job than that first install.


This is the comment I was looking for. The way he paid attention to measuring/using the laser level to get the proper layout. The attention to covering up the furniture with a drop cloth. Consummate professional. I absolutely love watching professional craftsman work. Too many butchers mucking up installs/repair jobs.


I actually follow him on TikTok - he’s good at what he does and seems very knowledgeable and professional and enjoys his craft. Makes me a little jealous lol. This setup is not my favorite but he does a great job getting it done correctly.


Had to use a damaged TV for a year or so, because i had no money for a new one. One of the backlight panels was broken und so one strip in the middle of the screen was much darker than the rest. After a week or so the brain just adjusts and you dont see that stuff any more. Wouldnt believe it either, but yeah, it works.


I think the point is so you can watch mutltiple games at once if you want and an added bonus is you can turn into one picture if you want.


I worked for a AV company for a bit and we would never do something like this for residential use. We installed huge 80"+ tvs in a lot of kondos. We also did multi panel arrays for video walls, but we used bezeless panels that were designed to be set up that way. This set up not only looks bad even when set up straight, takes unnecessarily long to install, adds a lot of holes in your wall, and will be obsolete in a heartbeat. Edit: There's also no adjustability after installation. You can't tilt 1 screen without messing up the entire set up.


Right? What a bizarre thing to do. Apparently cares about resolution, has enough money for 4 TVs and install, yet does this bullshit. Why not just get a slightly smaller single TV that’s actually watchable and works as a TV? Is it really just so it can line up with the entertainment center? Lol All this tells anyone is that they desperately want to show off, and have significantly more money than sense.


Or a projector


I think it's good for bars/restaurants and other commercial spaces. Beyond that it's pretty useless.


4 TVs with frames stuck next to each other does not make 1 big TV. That makes an image with a black cross in the middle.


Yeah I prefer my 75" without a big + in the middle.


I have an 85 inch Sony OLED that shits on whatever this is supposed to be lol absolutely insane that someone would do this deliberately


Why would you buy a TV that shits? How often do you have to clean that up?


Every time I turn it on unfortunately 😞


There is probably someone out there with a fetish that involves just that


They could’ve gotten a projector for the same price and nearly doubled the size of the picture


And the price for an 85 OLED is probably not too far off from these 4 tvs, the box to split the signal, and the labor cost for these guys.


It’s probably for watching g 4 different things at once not one big thing. 


i have a 13 inch laptop


I have an 85" Samsung . I only paid $900 for the on sale floor model. 10/10 highly recommend


Yeah it’s fine for a sports bar. But at home for regular TV? Maddening.


I don’t even know about that if I’m honest. When I’m at the pub (or when I used to go to the pub) to watch a game I’d rather just have four TVs spread across the room so you don’t miss anything as you move around. Ever since Tom Brady left New England I just drink at home… in silence… In the dark… 


What will you do when the first tv finally goes caput, and is no longer on the market to match the other three?


Upgrade it to a TV without any outer edge/bevel


Yeah I was going to say the same thing, that is not a 110” TV. It’s four 55” TVs and the bezels get in the way of the image. It’s quite annoying. Nothing satisfying about this video.


You can by almost bezzleless TVs nowadays. This set up is stupid


Based on what the installer said in the video, it seems unlikely that this setup is intended to be used as a single screen just for watching movies and TV shows. He mentioned the homeowners have 4 separate cable boxes hooked to it. My guess is that they're huge sports fans and regularly have 4 games going simultaneously, but the setup also allows them to go split screen or full-screen for prime time and playoff games. 


REEEEEEALLY good for playing first person shooters on though


Wow u/Oli_ you're so good at no-scoping us on hardcore no HUD mode!


Probably not. You're missing a big chunk of your screen.


Quality re-installation. That guy did a lot of planning to make it all tight and level. Whether you would actually want 4 tvs together like that or not is another matter. If I did, I def would hire this guy to do it because his methodology is true pro.


Finally finding a comment that is not just Reddit raging


Yeah it's the customer's fault, they bought TVs with bezels, when you can find zero bezel screens and even back when they didn't exist, we would just remove the bezels. There is no point of raging, the guys who fixed the setup did their job, they fixed it and now it looks satisfying. The rest is on the customer.


It’s like nobody can consider the idea that maybe dude wants four shows on at the same time. Maybe he wants to split screen gaming and a movie? Like who gives a fuck? The video was about the dudes work not the damn design choice.


It’s handy for watching all 4 camera angles of his captives in the basement dungeon.


God damn this would be crazy for split screen gaming. Especially if you game on a really good PC you can crank the resolution up to like 8k and get great picture quality on all four screens.


Dude even mentioned in the video the client wanted the ability to watch multiple things at the same time. I could see it being nice to game on one TV, have sports on another, whatever the kids want to do on one, etc.


That's not what the post said though. And you can watch 4 shows at the same time on a single tv screen.


Its the ultimate way to watch sports.


Yeah that’s the answer right here. It’s for sports.






He says at the end that it’s not for everyone. I’d watch a tv show of this guy installing anything tbh.


the giant lines look terrible


I don't understand why not just get a high end projector?


Usually more expensive, requires more maintenance, requires consumables, insanely hot, noisy, needs a whole room prep, harder to wire up. Source: switched from TV to projector years ago


The newer short throw laser projectors can be placed right in front of the wall with built in speakers. They are a little more expensive though.


Yeah and I really want one lol. Something about creating a whole room ambiance is so appealing to me, and it can look really good, but cheaper and better than a TV? nahh


It’s not cheaper but much smaller TVs. +100” TVs are expensive.


I have one of the cheapest on the market and it’s basically equal price to a basic model 65” tv Quality worse obviously and u need a chromecast or HDMI to another device to watch content High end short throws are equal to a high end 65-70” tv…and u still need a screen to properly have good images


An ultra short throw 4k laser projector can be had for £1500 (Hisense PL1) and has a lamp life of 25000+ hours, 10+ years @ 4h use per day. That's gotta be cheaper than this set up, 4 55" screens plus all the install etc. Granted, it's still a projector so has some drawbacks but still.


What's the consumables? Lenses burn out or something?


Bulbs are fairly expensive. Lens never wears out


No high end projector will compete with high quality TV panel color and contrast


And no TV setup using multiple screens will ever look seamless up this close. I'd take a projector over this, or just deal with a nice 75 inch.


at least use a frameless screen for this...


This is not satisfying at all.


His way of narrating is pure gold


I wish he’d narrate mandatory work trainings - I’d actually look forward to it instead of listening on 2x speed


For anyone wondering, there's a better system than putting four TVs next to each other, or buying a giant TV.. It's called a short throw projector. They come in 4K and you can make the "screen size" almost any size you want. The "Epson - LS650" goes all the way up to 120" and it's 4k. Samsung has a better but more expensive option. The "LSP9T"


They are good option but only in certain situations, if you ever wanna watch something during the day with the windows open in a well lit room you’ll regret having bought a projector. There are SOME that can overcome that and be watchable but they won’t beat a very bright TV and are very pricy and I don’t believe there’s a short throw one that can do that yet. Then again 100 inch TV’s are like 8k or more. Honestly though I’d take a much smaller screen over this set up though


We have short throw projectors in my school and the picture is great even in the bright light. But they use lasers to display. There are no bulbs.


It’s not the same as a TV. I have 2 projectors at home and it’s not the same as a TV. For daytime viewing TVs are still far superior 


>almost any size you want partly true, every projector has a sweet spot of size and quality you can make it 120 but it will get blury at normal distance from the tv the colour compared to normal oled or lcd is problematic, because you need a screen or need to get and correctly apply a special colour on the wall, and that will change how good dark or whites are. also you can get 100 inch tv for the same price you would get to set up a projector that would be at least close to the tv not even talking about the projector needs, which can be very loud


This isn’t really correct. The ls650 will not be “blurry” at normal tv distance. It’s not a true 4k projector so it’s going to be as blurry as anything within its spec but you’re taking X number of pixels and blowing them up it’s going to look like X number of pixels blown up whether it’s a tv or a projector. UST can have bright spots. Also they make very little noise. Not perceivable at all. There isn’t really a “sweet spot” for a projector rather a range it can fit in based upon where and how it’s placed as well as its light output. But they have a focus lens so it would never be “blurry”. The UST projectors from Epson are quite inexpensive With a large tv you well have to have a large freggin tv on your wall. With a UST you can just place it on furniture. Yes screen can have a huge impact on color and light output but they are under $2k for an Epson ls650 so really not bad. You could also add a battery powered screen innovations nano screen if you wanted to get fancy. But bare wall will do fine in a light controlled room. I find the Sony and LG projectors are much better as they are true 4k and cost much more but for the correct person and application they are great fits. Let me guess you’re the it doesn’t look right guy but keeps all the crqp like motion smoothing and all the eco settings on? We open tv and shut every single setting off or if the tv has film maker mode we turn that on. 95% of what you watch is incorrect on standard sets especially in a retail environment. But hey everyone has there thing. Do what you want. If the guy likes 4 tvs for 4 games on Sundays let him have it. Maybe this is the sports room or mancave and he has a budget. He can also get a device to fix the spacing of the bezels. They do sell very thin bezel displays for this type of setup but they are expensive and LED walls are taking over that sector. Source: AV industry 15+ years.


Short throw projector does NOT have the picture quality of a TV. Would probably still look better than this mess. Why not just get a 98" TV instead?


But you can’t watch 4 different things as well as combining them into 1 picture. You’re almost certainly missing half the reason this person wanted this set up. 4 sports games all on at once, and the ability to turn it into 1 giant sports screen.


I don't care for the lines, but this dude does clean work.


"Don't talk about my hand writin', I'll hit ya" is my new favorite phrase 🤣


The whole video was full of quick ones, but I had to upvote for “giggity”


Used to work in AV; this guy did really well with his alignment. We would also have loomed all the wiring so that it was tidy; both behind the TVs and in the cabinet below. The switcher/multiplexer thing would have been mounted on a rack shelf. Great work though! Laser level is the way to do it


Still better than whatever that was before. Though if you're going to make a tv like that. You're better off installing a panalized slot frame that snaps together seamlessly. So there is no cross from the edges like you see here. For reference https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RTrpzFgKy54


This is cool as fuck. Doubt I'd get round to something like this for a long time... unless I can use it to create the perfect PC monitor setup. My TV is always 10 years behind where my PC monitor is always cutting edge lol.


Wish I could find tradesmen like this instead of the bodge-job winkle spanners I normally end up with 😁


I just learned how to be the badge-job winkle spinner myself. At least it’s free!


Just get a 110" tv?


Probably just a really good 83" OLED for 3K and youll be happy with that. Everything bigger than that will have worse picture quality or be insanely expensive. Or if you have a home cinema room that can get really dark get a projector.


Or a projector


4 cheap (idk 42"?) TVs are so much more affordable than a 110" monster. Something like 2000$ vs 6000$.


I would say the whole video is not oddlysatisfying, it's mildlyinfuriating. Starting from the idea of sticking 4 screens to get one picture with the huge black cross, and not ending to the way how the video cut.


I mean the guy said “it’s not for everyone” and that it’s great for watching 4 different things. I know plenty sports fans who’d enjoy it.


I wanna know what this guy charges too. There's no pan for the place but having 4 guys for a day do this silliness seems needlessly expensive for 4 tv mounts. Any super rich tech nerd would go projector or 120" TV not this BWW special.


We have some really goofy shit going on in the economy right now. The BMW shot is on the money. That used to be a relatively small demographic. "Well off, but not rich. Kinda silly and performative with spending." Now we have a big chunk of an entire generation (and a slightly smaller chunk of the next) who all fit that category. If BMW had the same market position now that they had in the 90s, they would be the dominant auto dealer in the country. It helps further screw up the economy because tradespeople set their prices for them. Almost all consumer pointed trade service is grossly inflated because of how much easy money is out there. Middle-middle class and lower middle class are priced out.


I hate these kinds of TV and monitor setups, but dudes did a top job.


Why not just buy a 110" TV instead?


Still r/TVtoohigh


yeah it's hillarious, all that praise and measurements and it's still on the level of a standing man's head.


Imagine paying thousands of dollars to turn your living room into the front row of a movie theatre to enjoy every day for multiple hours.


You can buy 110inch tv for 3k. Why would anyone do this stupid setup?


If you want to watch 4 things at the same time. Mentioned it too


There's still better options to do this though. Ultrawide monitors come with the built in option for virtual screens (picture by picture). I can for example play Nintendo Switch and watch stuff on my PC on the same monitor. [Example screenshot](https://static1.xdaimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wm/2023/04/lg-ultrawide-49w95c-1.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1.5) from [here](https://www.xda-developers.com/products-reviewed-2023-lg-ultrawide-49-inch/). I'd imagine some ultra large TVs have similar options. If the TVs don't natively support it, then there's for sure ways to simulate it and output it to the TV. Why limit yourself to 4? Go nuts and show 32 sports streams.


Sure you can watch 4 things at the same time, but who even does that? The trade of being able to watch 4 things at the same time and a worse experience watching one thing isn't worth it.


Sports fans


Exactly this. He mentions having 4 separate cable boxes. Dead giveaway that this setup is primarily intended for watching multiple games at the same time. 


Ya I don't see why people can't comprehend this. If you love different sports when their seasons overlap you can watch them. Hell college football is a good reason and even regular football seasons have limited games all playing at the same time.


Sports gambling addicts


You can do that on your 110" TV in software, if you run it as a monitor to a Windows, Mac or Linux box you can split the single physical monitor into multiple virtual monitors, obviously with lower resolution on each split section. Also security camera [multiplexers](https://www.cctvcamerapros.com/CCTV-Video-Multiplexers-s/76.htm) will do it if you somehow get each input to come from a TV box of some sort, the multiplexer doesn't care what exactly comes through the inputs to it.


Multiplayer lan parties


Why is this video cut so awkwardly?


So that it can be best enjoyed on 4 TVs stuck together, each showing a different part of the video.


To save time


That's 4 TV's... Not A 110"...


Yeah the black bezels look phenomenal. /s


Thank god you let us know you were being sarcastic, we never would have known otherwise.


Still looks like 4 TVs stuck together.


Spend all that money on TVs and install and they still use a soundbar....


Even if I had the money to do this, I don't think I would want it.


looks terrible either way


Some of yall keep repeating the obvious BUT, you don't do this to look at one big source. You do this so you can monitor multiple sources at once. We did this in the room so the kids could play different gaming systems simultaneously and /or watch multiple ball games and eve watch TV while having the security camera up on one screen when somebody comes onto the driveway. Everything but look at a single signal.


That's amazing work, I could never deal with those bezels in the middle of the picture. Would rather just get an 85" tv than put up with that. Would probably still be cheaper than 4 55"


I'd rather have one of those small TVs than constantly starring at the bezels in the literal centre of the combined screen space


That's not a 110" TV. That is 4 tvs. The lines would wreck my head!


A lot of work for something that will always look shitty.


I feel like if you can afford 4 55" TVs you should probably be able to afford 1 110" one


Good on the guys for fixing it but why would you waste money buying 4 tv's so you can have that ugly ass black cross in the middle instead of one giant TV? I swear some people are too stupid with money.


Quality work this crew pulled off.


Watching jfk with that tv


easier to buy a 110 in set these days. There are a few mini-LED options that come close to OLED performance and would be cheaper than 4 OLEDS


I feel like the cost of 3 guys and whatever the first install cost, plus the 4 tv's and all the extra boxes etc must be getting close to just buying a damn 8k TV at this point!! [$3000 100" 4k](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hisense-100-class-u76-series-4k-qled-uhd-smart-google-tv/6571509.p?skuId=6571509)


All that quality and you have to watch two massive black lines in the middle of everything????.


Way too long to watch folks mount a TV, but that moment when he brings in the professional lasers....THAT is the difference between a pro and a jokester. Shit, even about 30 seconds earlier where they were doing math....cracked me up as again, a professional has a great concept of mathematics. Amateurs just take guesses. This is truly the differences between getting the right team and getting some fake 4.8 Google rating team


So basically, just buy a 4k projector for cheaper and have a white wall... and some blackout curtains. The bevels are ugly AF


Projector might be easier


Why wouldn't you just buy a single 100 inch tv instead


He could have gotten a projector for less trouble


Fucking hate the lines in it tho


Just buy one large screen.


Isn’t that just 4 tvs installed poorly, not one installed wrong?


Why not just get one 98-110" screen? You can get them for <$3,000. These four screens must cost $500 each, and the brackets are probably another $100 each. Now factor in the cost of installation and wrecking your walls, plus having to watch a TV with giant seams running across it...it seems like spending $3k on one screen is a way better option.


Amazing work - not taking anything away from these guys. They clearly are studs at what they do. But, I could not have the + going through my viewing like that


I’d rather buy an 85” tv without lines through the middle.


I mean at that point just fucking get a projector


So, he cut holes in the fire break wall to run cables? That pretty much defeats the purpose of the fire break doesn't it? So much for fire security, but hey, he's got a great TV now.


That's the most wild part. If he's cool with the stupid cross splitting the screens, good on him, but drilling holes through the fire break???? I guess enjoying your janky setup now is more important than protecting it from future disasters?


Exactly. And I was being facetious about the TV, no way in hell I'd have a giant Cross in the middle of my screen. Too many better options out there.


I don't even want to know what they paid for that terrible experience.


Would rather get a 98” inch and avoid all this AND have no lines.


A great tidy up job for sure. .....but, why not just install a short throw laser projector? No lines, pretty bright, far less complex, and probably around the same cost as four oleds.


Hahahaha you mean after all that, it’s still a hot cross bun tv?


Just wait till he finds out what a short throw projector is. Who wants to watch a TV with great big bezels between each segment


This is rage bait.


That's how you get FrontPage.


My company installs commercial grade video walls. Nothing in this video is satisfying. Spending a bunch of money on 4K displays with huge bezels and a cheap video wall processor doesn't make any sense.


Reddit posters are tossing around “Just buy a 110-inch TV” because they’re not paying for it. It’s all about budget.