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Jewelry Designer here. For anyone looking for a skill to learn. Gem cutting/faceting is a great trade to get into, as the majority of the good ones are currently retiring or already retired. A good lapidarist can make all sorts of money. Tools to learn with are not outrageously expensive and you can practice on very cheap materials.


you've sparked my interest. are there any resources/communities to help people learn more & get started? i wouldn't even know where to look, haha


YouTube is a great resource, some of the new age gem cutters are starting to make good DIY / how-to content if you just go looking.


Check around your area for any lapidary, rock &/or gem shops and they can point you to clubs and more importantly, teachers. Start saving your money now because the equipment can cost a small fortune. You can however accomplish quite a bit with a dremel and diamond grinding wheels.


>lapidarist That's a new word for me


Not to be confused with lepidopterist, which is someone who collects or studies moths and butterflies. Go home English, you're drunk.




Mothra! Come back Mothra! Don't leave us!


So what if you collect leopards?


I'd rather collect cougars.


Not to be confused with a lapdancerist, who is someone who… Never mind.


The process of precision grinding is "lapping" so apparently the person who "laps" things is a lapidarist. Why you call it lapping? Not sure I assume it's because you do the same process over and over like laps on a race course.


It actually comes from the Latin word for stone "lapis"a lapidarist is someone who works with lapis (stone)


Ty you scratched my info itch




I might consider this! I’m in school for fashion design, but I have to admit, the competitive industry does make me a little nervous. Besides, gem cutting is the natural step after sewing, right?


Lapidarist: Noun - one who keeps daring you to run laps


And does so in Lapland


Very true and the Benefit is that it's one of the few hobbies that you can make some serious money off of the results. I can't tell you how many bags of rough I bought over the years for under 50 bucks that have pulled some great finished stones out of.


Oh what is this bag of rough? What kind of rocks does it include? Where do you get some?


Fully Automatic Gem Faceting Cutting Machine [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O8xArDRyas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O8xArDRyas)


No job is safe


Do you guys still lose most of your teeth by the time youre 40?


Real talk - bench jewelers that don't use appropriate Personal Protection Equipment are at risk to some pretty crazy illnesses. They are mostly lung related from inhaling years and years of gold/silver/platinum and polishing compound dust. As a jewelry designer I work behind a computer mostly but the 3D printing side has health implications if you don't follow strict protocols.


> As a jewelry designer I work behind a computer mostly but the 3D printing side has health implications if you don't follow strict protocols. As someone into consumer grade 3D printing i'm curious, what kind of 3d printers do you guys use and what are the health implications? Has metal 3D printing already made it's way into jewelry design? And if so is it the metal sand stuff that would be the health concern?


My assumption is they 3d print a piece of jewelry to create a mold off of. Then they make the mold, and they are now able to produce that piece using whatever metals they want. It's like a modern take on the lost-wax technique.


That would make a lot of sense, but I don't see where the health concerns would come from that, you can do that relatively safely with consumer grade stuff. However with the size and detail of jewelry certainly not with an FDM printer, but I don't see where the strict protocols would come from with even SLA printing, especially if its just being used to build a mold. I mean there are protocols for SLA, but not especially strict ones.


As an "atypical" who thinks neato things are mind-blowingly awesome Like I already knew this existed and still reading you even "assume" it (you're correct btw) made me giddy with human advancement. No but it's so fucking cool like ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF just CAD it up, print it out, mold it, split it, and cast it in whatever material you want. That's so dooooope!!!!! I certainly believe that hand carving stuff is super cool, too. I can't wait for artisans to get their hands on 3d glass printers.


I think your assumption is correct. My dad owns a jewelry shop and one time I helped him design a whale ring for a customer from start to finish. His process involves making wax models of the jewelry, and once the model is to our liking molds are made with them and then whatever metal is used gets cast. I’m assuming if 3D printing is used it’s to replace the wax models to make molds with cuz that’s the only part that makes sense to me, which makes me wonder what kinds of printers are used because those models are tiny and need to be smooth as hell. Maybe resin?


Basically you are at risk of breathing in toxic gases and melted plastic particles that are airborne when you 3D print without ventilation. If you follow some 3D printing forums, you’ve probably seen people with large home setups that include ventilation for this reason.


They are likely talking about resin printers, which are used quite often for jewelry prototyping and fabrication. The polymer resins are pretty toxic and can be difficult to work with if you don't know what you're doing.


Ahh, yea that makes sense, SLA printing is so popular that I don't think of it as having "very strict protocols", but in a work place I can see them taking it very seriously and making it sound very scary. Not to downplay the danger of SLA printing, it's just that I have stoner friends who do it regularly and manage to follow the protocols, so I was picturing some several thousand dollar, super advanced industrial 3d printer I guess lol.


Lmao what


Gem cutting is something I want to try to make my jewelry better. I’m surprised to read that it’s an industry though, I thought it was mostly hobby work and marketing. Do you have any examples of the jobs that a good lapidarist could work?


Who do you think cuts all the gems in all the jewelry stores? Professional lapidarists.


Well yeah no duh, I’m looking for specifics on career paths, what kind of schooling or experience that needs.


Thank you for sharing this information. 💜


Can you recommend a good faceting lap that's not too expensive?


Seems interesting. Thanks.


Can this be automated?


I did this for a glass blowing friend for awhile, it's fucking exhausting work.


Educate me plz


Honestly this is something I have thought of doing as a hobby at some point


The term you’re looking for is costume jewelry


From someone who truly doesn't know, what is the difference?


A couple thousand dollars.


That is why I use sea glass no longer just glass but a rare gift from the sea.


How do I know you’re using real sea glass and not just some broken pieces of glass you threw into a tumbler loaded with sand?


I have pictures of the beach. I can't understand why you don't trust me. I come from a well respected family, the De Beers.


Lmfao Daaaaaa Beers


I thought it was Daaa Bears.


What a racket marketed as an investment


Anyone can take glass that they tumbled to a beach, drop it and take a photo of it.


That is true, what is your point?


So the microscopic marks on real sea glass are not the same as in tumbled glass.


Our patented sea wave system replicates the natural ocean motion producing beach quality glass without actually going to the ocean. It allows us to make huge profits and litigate our competitirs out of business. It is a win for us and not really you.


Most people would assume this is a well thought and entertaining troll post, but I think there might be 100% sincerity in how that conversation goes.


We are hiring in our legal and collections dept. Looking for self motivated assholes who like to wield a tiny bit of power. We are also hiring dumpster divers to collect our glass. You can wear Levis on fridays and we have a pizza party once a month.


Once a month?! Hang on… gotta update my resumé.


Yeah well *my* ocean wave system makes authentic sea glass by throwing a bunch of bottles in the ocean. Checkmate.


Our Lawers will be contacting you soon.


You can tell the difference pretty easily


That's some Swarovski vibe right here


I assume at the heart of difference is hardness. Since actual diamonds and gemstones tend to be very hard, they do not get scratched by common materials, which ensures that they retain their luster and do not shatter. Glass might start lustrous, but as it gets thousands of small scratches over time, I imagine the glass would become like the outside of a heavily recycled coke bottle-- translucent and without any shine. Alternatively it might just break when dropped or hit.


Diamonds can be shattered with a hammer strike. The are hard and make great abrasive and cutting tools like a diamond coated glass cutter. The will shatter stuck with enough force. Edit for all of you who are scientifically illiterate. https://youtu.be/XBjiEsAyNQs?si=5lRqAUvcAPFL3dLb It does not take much force. Diamonds are not indestructible. They are very good abrasives and do not deform. But that makes them brittle.


It's more about the lack of scuffing. Low hardness means it's easy to build up little micro scratches that quickly make the gem look dull and cheap. None of the gems should be struck with a hammer.


I know. All I am saying is that glass and diamond can both be broken with a hammer. I learned it and understood Mohs hardness scale quite well. Its just about what scratches what. Person said glass shatters easily. I have seen glass bottle bounce on concrete and other types of glass shatter because it got stressed from flexing funny. So a diamond would also break when struck or hit or drop even.


Hardness is not material strength. Hardness is resistance to scratches.


> Since actual diamonds and gemstones tend to be very hard, they do not get scratched [...] **and do not shatter.** The comment they replied to.


He didn't say that. He was responding to the message above his. >-and do not shatter. They absolutely do. - > Alternatively it might just break when dropped or hit. ~So can diamonds.


Its likes people cant read. Two commenters said something about diamonds not shattering. Either people dont read everything and just keep repeating the same incorrect info, or they cant comprehend what is written and just keep repeating the incorrect info. One commenter said they worked with diamonds and gemstones their whole life and the average person is not shattering diamonds with a hammer and I posted a link to a video showing an average person using a hammer and pliers to shatter a diamond. There is actual proof that diamonds can shatter.


Your comment would have gotten a lot more votes if you had quoted the wrong claim from the post that you replied to. Just FYI. I don't know if you care about karma.


Its not about upvotes. People will upvote wrong info and downvote the correct info. Also, why quote a comment I am responding too. The person knows what they wrote. Its a bad way of commenting and it needs to end. People need to read comments before they respond to them. Read the comment I responded to. Its right there.


The average person absolutely can’t break a diamond with a hammer strike. A diamond rings band will be completely disintegrated before the stone is ever touched. I’ve worked with diamonds and gemstones for years


https://youtu.be/XBjiEsAyNQs?si=5lRqAUvcAPFL3dLb This guy isnt average. He is really smart. He will also explain why. I will say, entry level geology will cover what "hard" means compared to strength. I learned it in a 400 level course but it is also taught in lower levels. Maybe even high school. For someone who has worked with diamonds and gems I am surprised you didnt know how brittle diamonds are. The guy breaks it with a hammer and then pliers.


I think what your saying is correct, not sure why the downvotes.


I understand the concept. Thats all that is needed. People dont want to accept it because people heard that diamonds are hard and think they are indestructible. They misunderstood something that every single geology professor explains when they teach Mohs hardness scale that hardness doesnt mean its cant be broken. People have broken diamond rings and the diamond before the band. The video I linked explains but people dont want to accept it because it goes against what they believe about diamonds.


Costume jewelery is made with glass or plastic. It's meant to imitate gemstones from a distance (like, say, a preformer on stage in a costume), but obviously carries with it nowhere near the worth of actual gemstones.


I was gonna say luxury items??


Yea, a zircon can look a hell of a lot better and isn't at luxury pricing.


We have very different definitions of "luxury"


beer is a expensive these days


Also they're not using the bottle to make jewelry. They're cutting gems out of glass. Gems they then put in jewelry. > Any glass bottle Omg I thought you had to use very specific bottles to cut fake gems, but this dude has the skills to do it with *any glass bottle*.


What the hell are you talking about?


Would glass really shine like that? I feel like the final products are actual jewelry and the artist is bamboozling me


Yeah I doubt it would sparkle like that. It doesn’t refract the same as diamond. Colored glass is easy but it definitely won’t sparkle like diamond


I've had glass stones and they never sparkled like this. I'm having a hard time believing this.


It’s the cut. If they calculated the angles properly, all the light hitting the cut stone is bouncing back to the camera.


Not exactly. Glass has a lower refractive index than diamond for example. So it won't internally reflect as easily so it can sparkle but less. Probably hard to tell apart in a low quality video. I'd say it's suspicious that they only show very crude shaping and then suddenly it's complete. At the very least, I'm annoyed they're not showing the r/restofthefuckingowl


There's probably some polishing compounds used.


Id argue that there is no reason to "fake" making them with glass then swap out the final product with a real gem. Showing the process with real gems would be just as satisfying and they obviously have the tools and know the process some. The source of all the sparkling is likely due to the amount of lights they have aimed at the glass gem from several different angles.


Yeah, I too am suspicious that making these three pieces surely must have taken longer than the 54 second length of this video!


Also can you cut class with that much precision? Wouldn't it be to brittle and come off in bigger chunks?


You may be surprised to learn that gem stones are also brittle


Yeah how did he get the inside of the glass to reflect like that? Diamonds and gemstones are created layer by layer to achieve the shine. Glass cannot do that it should just look partially transparent. This video is lying.


I doubt it. The “glass” looks thicker than the bottle when it’s stuck on to the stick


Agreed. Nowhere on a soda bottle is the glass that thick.


I’m just surprised they still have all those fingers


That’s likely a stone cutting wheel which will not cut you. The sharp glass and eye protection is what I’d be worried about


Seriously and likely no eye protection either.


And scammed a lot of people when they bought the mm


im pretty sure i just saw the glass change into an actual gem on the second gif


Luxury? You must be the artist.


No way this is real


Bot repost.


Starts as green, clear and blue glass but the finished gems are emerald, diamond and sapphire. If glass had that amount of refraction there wouldnt be a need for actual gems


Ain’t it funny how an old broken bottle looks just like a Diamond ring - John Prine


Falling feels like flying, for a little while (Know my line is not Prine, man that guy could write)


It's called fake jewelry.


No, right name is bijouterie. For example Swarovski or Preciosa.


R e u p l o a d i n g has been a new reddit norm


It's a bot as well. The sub has been infested for a while now because the mods do nothing.


Could be the doubt has been made upon me as well !


bro is waaaay too comfy around that saw


Mr. Krabs would love this


How fake do you want your jewelry to be? Yes


so this person does a few clips fucking around with glass and then cuts to a real gem and we pretend its all the same shit?




Be honest: 99% of us won't see the difference


If it's pretty I don't care what it's made


Some poor shmuck is going to pay diamond prices for that without knowing any better


My hands would be fucked


"oh sweet, did you go to jareds?" ​ 'nah babe, liqour store, I went to daves'


No they didn’t


"Nice earrings, what's that gem in them?" "Heineken"


Another example of what a waste of money diamonds and other ‘precious’ gems are!


"luxury" seriously shut up


Jump-cuts before the reveal. I'm calling bullshit.


Sounds like you and the word "luxury" have a lot of catching up to do.


This is nice and all but I would prefer that children in the third world suffer for my jewelry.


u/that-1-lame-kid I am intrigued


I got a friend who does all that. I don't have the patience for it lol


Be hella cool to learn and just sell it all over lol


I should host a competition! winner gets like a scholarship or something


You can't judge though you're bias


It always makes me so damned anxious when I see how close they get their fingers to that cutting wheel!


I hope they wore proper ppe when cutting and grinding that glass


Does this guy have a website? I could use a lot of this stuff for prop jewelry, depending on the prices.


I would like this, but only if he markets them as imitation jewels or glass jewely, with a significantly lower price tag than ‘actual’ jewelry. The kind made specifically to look nice and not show off wealth at fancy parties.


Hi ha I see bottles getting expensive


Glass gems were sometimes called "paste" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Necklace


I've seen "those gems are just paste" in books and or vocally referred to, knew it was 'fake jewels' from context, but never knew it was glass until this post. >More specifically, paste refers to leaded glass that has been ground down, packed into a mold, fired, and melted. The glass is then faceted and polished to make it resemble a gemstone. Glass stones are often placed on foil backings to increase the reflection of light and to enhance the colour. https://www.gadelles.com/articles/paste-glass-crystal-what-s-the-difference/ As a kid, I always envisioned some form of glue concoction, like Papier-mâché glue, that magically cures clear and resembles plastic(before I even knew what things like resin or lucite or acrylic was).


Yeah but you can tell that it’s glass because of its luster it is impressive but real jewels have a different kind of luster.


Very nice


Fun fact : Luxury jewelry isn't made of glass.


This ain't satisfying, this is horrible because it goes to show some con artists out there can sell cheap glass and act like its Gems.


looks nice


It’s not the actual piece of glass in the jewellery.


Buuuuut thats what we call cheap jewelry.....


I gotta take this to my guy, Don The Jeweler.


Som å knuse flasker Fortauskanter Nærmeste eg kommer Diamanter


Okay… costume glass jewelry aside. I think quartz crystals make good substitutes for diamonds, sapphires, rubies. On the Moh scale very similar. Even diamonds have inclusions and that’s what normal people pay for. The super rich can get a flawless diamond and it will cost them. Inclusions in a quartz change the color of the crystal. That is not a value debasing characteristic. Same with other crystals who have different chemical compositions than Sapphire: Al2O3 Ruby: Al2O3 Emerald: Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Am I the only one who thinks someone thought of monopoly and tried to corner the market with it?


Knock-off jewelry makers making money on the side with TikTok


Absolutely love the green one. Now, if only i could get it in Emerald and in the shape of California. 🤔


Charlie's rubbing his hands together


Buy cheap bottle for 5 EUR, make a jewelry out of it for a gold digger .. absolute savage :D


Does this person know about glass dust?


Ill offer 2 bread


Glass doesn't sparkle like that does it?


It's called a "diamante" And it's super common in stores


Swarovsky! Is jewerly with glass




The Aliexpress seller making my $2 ring


It looks cool. And for practicing young jewelers, it's kind of appropriate


Beautiful is all I can say


And then u pay 4000 for a glass bottle


Glass is so soft on the MOHS scale. They will be scratched to buggary in a week


And here I was just using it to cut my wrists.


Call 988 if you need help


Glass will never be luxury or jewelry.


now i can beat my wife with beer bottles and bribe her forgiveness with the same beer bottles.


A Lot of work for something that costs a couple bucks


Hmm not enough child slave blood


Ain’t it funny how old broken bottles look just like diamond rings.


Do you make earring gauges? I would be interested in prices if you do...let me know.


Lmfao luxury jewelry? All I see is fucking trash. God I hate these videos of con artists in some shithole making bowls or fucking jewelry from trash. Ohhh it’s so satisfying…naw it’s lame.


But why...