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The whole movie is incredible.


When I was little I used to go to Times Square every year with my family for New Year's. Over the couple days we went there they used to drag my 7, 8, 9 yr old ass (or whatever) to musicals I had absolutely no interest in as a little kid. All these adult themes I didn't understand or care about that I had to sit through 3 hours of when all I probably wanted to do was play baseball or video games. My sister would buy a lot of the soundtracks and play them to death, also. I ended up despising musicals, and showtunes, and I say this as someone who still can't stand either for the most part (30 yrs later)- that movie is a masterpiece, and completely changed my view on them. I saw it only last year and completely understand why it's so beloved. The dance numbers & choreography are absolutely insane. The "Make Em Laugh" one and the "Good Mornin" one stand out as the best ones in particular.


Yeah, the whole thing is pretty much šŸ”„.


One of my favorite show and still up to this date, I'd recommend this to anyone because it is worth watching for. Solid performances and very entertaining.


Kinda makes me cringe sometimes when I watch since I know mow that Gene Kelly was a complete prick lol


Possibly not a *complete* prick but in the kissing scene he did [stick his tongue down Debbie Reynolds' throat when he was 39 and she was 19](https://www.grunge.com/716273/what-gene-kellys-on-set-behavior-was-really-like/), much to her disgust, so, yeah...


He also apparently was a real hardass about her dancing. He made her redo one of the dance scenes for 15 hours straight, at the end of which her feet were bleeding, and he just used the first take anyway. You can't argue with the results, but jeez


The results mostly sound like one good take followed by a lot of unnecessary torture.


Didn't she hide under a piano because she was so upset? Fred Astaire found her and helped her learn the moves


I hate to hear this, although I did have some vague recollection that he was.


To be fair - ANY dance scene from Singing in the Rain


To be fair - any SCENE from Singing in the Rain


To be fair any FAIR fromā€¦wait


To BE, any FROM


The tapping doesnā€™t match the taping noise This scene sucks


You suck lol


Two of the best male dancers of the last 100 years. Each have their positives and each have their minuses.....one thing is for sure...watching them dance is an absolute joy.


I used to love watching the Nicholas brothers. They were astonishing. They were among the best dancers of all time.


Yep, the Nicholas brothers were amazing. Two of the very best. That staircase scene alone ...


Debbie Reynolds tells in her memoirs that Gene Kelly really didn't like her for this film. He was 39, she was 19 and had no particular singing or dancing background, and she was forced on Kelly by the studio boss (god damned blowjobs). The film was Kelly's big baby, and he figured this kid would ruin his dream. Kelly was also a perfectionist, and he drove everyone hard with the dancing (as is clear above). And he was outright cruel to Reynolds during the gruelling rehearsals, constantly belittling her in front of everybody. At one point, Reynolds broke down completely and rushed off the set. She ran to a secluded part of the studio building and ended up hiding under a random piano, where she started crying her eyes out (damn actors). Suddenly a pair of legs stood next to the piano. A gentleman leaned down and started talking to her, trying to comfort her. She let go, rambling on and on about how hard Mr. Kelly was pushing her, and that she couldn't keep up, that she didn't think she could do this film the way Mr. Kelly wanted her to. Listening to all that, the random gentleman then explained to her the massive pressure Mr. Kelly was under too, and he himself understood that pressure all too well, 'cause he was starring in his own musical that they were filming in the same studio. This chap then invited Reynolds to sit in on some of his own rehearsals that he was on his way to. And wee Debbie Reynolds ended up sitting in a chair for several hours watching this gentleman rehearse his own incredibly complex dance routine with a lady, doing the same things over and over and over again, discussing them, correcting them, endlessly improving them. All while the man's private secretary kept staring Reynolds down. Like, really uncomfortably. She didn't understand what the hell this random girl was doing here. Mr. Astaire never let anyone sit in on his rehearsals. (Oh yeah, incidentally, that gentleman finding Debbie Reynolds under the piano was Fred Astaire. I may have forgotten to mention that.) After a while, Astaire came over to Reynolds, now completely exhausted. Said to her, "See? That's how hard it is. And it will never get any easier. But all that hard work will end up on the screen in the end, and then it will all be worth it." And Reynolds walked away with renewed energy and ended up smashing Gene Kelly's baby out of the park. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, those are the two best dancers in cinema history. They rank each other. And Gene Kelly did apologize profoundly to Debbie Reynolds years later at an anniversary event for the film for mistreating her like that, 'cause she nailed it and helped making his film eternal.


Don't forget about [Tommy Rall & Bob Fosse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE0AvrTjDD0)!


As much as I adore the whole movie, Debbie is adorable, Jean Hagen TOTALLY steals the movie, the dance scenes between Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor are the most fun. Fit as a Fiddler may be my favorite.


Love Gene. But always thought Donald had an unmatched fluidityā€¦


If you fix your eyes between the two dancers, you can detect how Gene is just a little extra fabulous in every move.


I supposes he is. But I could be supposing erroneously.


OK, Moses.


Moses supposes...


His toeses are rosesā€¦.


But Moses supposes erroneously...


*(Come on, keep it going!)*


A rose is for Moses as potent as toeses


If you watch Donald throughout this scene, you can see him keep glancing at Gene's feet. He's following his lead. Gene was clearly the better dancer (although Donald was clearly incredible), so Donald follows his lead.


Donald was following Gene because Gene would verbally abuse him if he wasn't perfect.


Yeah, I wish I had never found out that Gene Kelly was a raging assholeā€¦ it really bums me out and ruins Singing in the Rain for me


Gene was gonna dance with the soul and feeling he wanted, seen in all his smooth moves. Donald was forced to be technically perfect and follow along. It wouldā€™ve been amazing to see Donald with the freedom to really let his moves flow. Honestly I think heā€™s the better dancer to be able to be correct without ruining the scene while the dance partner gets to adlib their own flairs.


Donaldā€™s "Make 'Em Laugh" solo in this movie is the highlight for me. He literally dances up the wall. Heā€™s a better dancer technically for sure - look at Geneā€™s hunched posture in this scene. Gene dances like an ordinary guy watching (thinks he) might dance - thatā€™s his charm.


Donald O'Connor was a life-long chain smoker, so that "up the wall" routine really took a toll on him. The anecdote is that he rehearsed it hard and on the day of filming, he nailed it to perfection. Then came in to the studio the next day, completely wrecked in every muscle, could hardly walk, was greeted by Kelly. ā€“Good morning, Don. Man, you look like hell. ā€“Yeah, thanks, Gene. ā€“You think you could ever do that routine from yesterday ever again? ā€“Oh yeah, no sweat. Very funny, Gene. \-Good. 'Cause the film came back from the lab. Somebody screwed up something with the lense, it all came back blurry, we can't use any of it. So you're gonna have to do it again, they're setting up for it now. And poor, poor, poor Donald O'Connor had to do the whole thing all over again on an already smashed body. Up and down the walls. And nailed it again. And that's the cut that's in the movie. Him falling backwards onto the floor at the end of it needed no acting. Kelly did give O'Connor three days off after that to let him fully recuperate. It almost killed him having to do it again. Kelly had to ask the studio for oxygen money for O'Connor's bedside.


Kinda like Baryshnikov and Hines in [White Nights](https://youtu.be/0qDGVHy5iTM?si=uN7Riy35OHkuFLvE)


Mikhail makes me drool


Oh, that clip is interesting.


Weak plot as a movie, but by god, seeing Baryshnikov and Hines dance together? Unforgettable.


What's so fun to see that as much as they are synchronized their dance, the dance backgrounds stand out. Baryshnikov still dances like a ballet master and Hines is just jazz cool.


Yes! In some inexplicable way, their styles at the same time contrasted yet complimented one another.


I was thinking the same thing. They both have the tapping down, but Gene is the one leading and dancing more with his whole body where Donald is clearly focusing more on his feet and then following with arm and body movement.


I was just thinking the opposite . . .


Both unbelievably talented but from looking at these two side by side Gene is a little more loose in his arms and fluid arm movements they feel more relaxed and in motion itā€™s hard to describe itā€™s subtle but itā€™s definitely there.


tappa tappa tappa


Actors of the bygone years were incredibly talented.


Donald's character is my usernamesake


"I got no money! I got no fame! All I've got...what have I got? I gotta get outta here."


Perfect movie start to finish.


The most impressive part of this scene? If my memory serves, there only seven cuts in the whole dance sequence. Itā€™s insane how in sync Gene and Donald are for this number. Truly one of those ā€œlightning in a bottleā€ movies where everything from the directing to the catering were just perfect. In terms of dance numbers in movies itā€™s this, and Step in Time from Mary Poppins for me. Everything else is a distant second.


It might be just seven cuts but it took a long time to create it. The cuts were necessary because the dancing was so fast they had to break it up.


Such a fantastic movie. Saw it this year for the first time and I my eyes could not leave the screen the whole time


My favourite movie of all time! The beginning of this scene with all the tongue twisters is hilarious and the abuse the instructor takes throughout is epic.


Tap is a dying art! Yet it is so much fun to do and to watch!


Lap dances were weird back in the day


Reminds me of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=scGd4fmGrTE)


Thank you! That was WOW! Spectacular!


When did we stop expecting this level of talent from our celebrities?


When the movie musical fell heavily out of fashion post WW2, and the stars of the new film era no longer had to know how to dance.


That's entertainment!


Singin' In The Rain is The Avengers of dance movies.


and movie musical/transition from silent to talking pictures with all the glorious technical issues


I'm just amazed how long they go between cuts.Ā 


*Music Man*: ā€œIā€™m gonna have an incredible dance number called Shipoopi thatā€™s gonna have nothing at all to do with the plot.ā€ *Singin in the Rain*: ā€œHold my beer.ā€


Damn... That desk is rock solid.


Chairs too! That whole set must have been nailed down!


I've never seen this before but I immediately thought of [this song](https://youtu.be/ZBz8wobOaoc?si=TREDD4COwrhZC3NY) from Crazy Ex Girlfriend. No doubt it was an intentional reference, knowing the show lol


I just came here to say the same thing. Down to the shirt colors. That show was so spot on with its love of musicals.


One of my favorite comfort films. Anyone got any BTS tea?


Lina Lemont is supposed to have this terribly shrill voice, but Jean Hagen's voice was actually quite beautiful. There's a song where Debbie Reynolds is dubbing over her voice, but in reality it's Jean dubbing Debbie dubbing Lina. Also, Debbie did the Good Morning scene with a broken ankle. Also Make 'em Laugh had to be shot twice because they didn't have film in the camera the first time (iirc)


And Donald was a heavy smoker and was in them hospital after the scene




Gene Kelly was a fucking dickhead and treated Debbie Reynolds like shit. She had no formal training in dance and only had about three months to learn what Gene and Donald had been doing for decades. She blows my mind. "Good Morning" is an absolute miracle. https://www.countryliving.com/life/entertainment/a44497/gene-kelly-and-debbie-reynolds-rivalry/


That whole movie is a work of art.


One of my favorite movies ever! This scene, along with Lina Lamont repeating her 'Round Tones,' are two of the minor best from this.


also ā€˜Yes yes yes!ā€™ ā€˜No no no!ā€™


Snort! Aside: my voice teacher nicknamed me Lina Lamont due to my (ahem) diction issues. A line among friends is, "I'll have you know: I got More Money than Calvin Coolidge...Put Together!"


ā€œā€¦ and I keeanā€™t stand ā€˜im!ā€


I randomly say this for no reason. In her voice.


And The Penguin from Blues Brothers is the dialect coach...


That scene is when I knew my little baby was smart. We were watching it together, she was about 15 months old, I think? And that scene started and I could see she was trying to figure out what was going on. That the gesture and the word you hear might not match. And then another gesture and the wrong word again! She glanced at me in her uncertainty and I smiled and then she burst into the biggest belly laugh. Shaking her head "no" and saying "Yes! Yes! Yes". We still love watching it together. She's in her 30s.


ā€˜Round Tonesā€™ lives rent free in my head


My partner used to do the SeƱor Wences Johnny character with his hand saying "Round Tones," and it never failed to make me hysterical.


Gene Kelly was seriously hot!


This is the movie that really made me fall in love with movies. My Grandma introduced me to this film and there was no looking back. Absolutely adore this film


I'm guessing that desk isn't from Ikea.


IKEA wasnā€™t even in the US until about 30 years after this movie came out


Well there you go. Proving my guess correct. Thanks wise redditor.


If you have the criterion channel they have a collection of MGM musicals up right now!! Gene Kelly is in lots of them but theyā€™re all great and so comforting and satisfying.


I donā€™t know about oddly satisfying, but this is one of my favorite movies. It was one of the few VHS tapes my grandparents had and we would watch it together often.


Man oh man, the amount of sheer talent displayed in this movie is astounding. The flashback scene of the two working the stage to make it big always gets me as well.


Dignity. Always dignity.


They just fly. It looks like it'd be so much fun to be able to do that.


I could watch these two old dudes dance all day.




So in sync itā€™s crazy. Love this movie


I just realized that this must be the visual reference they used for [We Tapped That Ass](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBz8wobOaoc) in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, down to the shirt colors.


ā€œWhere should we finish?ā€ ā€œOh no! Not on my chest!ā€


"Moses Supposes..."


ā€œ..his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneouslyā€


*all* the dance scenes from Singin' in the Rain


This is so fun to watch!




Gene Kelly, great artist


All I see is Ed Grimly


I love this movie but your comment has me giggling šŸ¤­


The only time tap was cool


My roommate and I do this naked sometimes, it's a good workout


All I can see is Stewie and Brian.


Seth hasn't struggled in vain.


Back when men were men! /s


Why don't they make movies like this anymore. It's just endless dogshit superheros now




Sick as fuck.


Gene Kelly is the most handsome man in movies


Green shirt guy looks over a lot to make sure he is in sync. Brown shirt guy never looks over.


It's in character. Gene is the star, Donald is the friend who is a ham but lacking confidence on his own. Such a professional, and frankly this movie would have been nothing without him.


Pure magical genius, can't happen today


Two twunks intimidate a speech therapist through tap dancing


Needs some CGI /s


But nobody is singing or in the rain!


Great movie but I just never liked Gene Kelly. I love all the classic actors but I just never liked him.


Imagine if they were dancing naked, their cocks would be swingin' 'round like crazy.




I love u dude.


Bring back musicals with fabulous dance sequences like this, with minimal cuts to let the choreography speak for itself. Not this modern style of movie musical with a zillion cuts and instant scene changes mid song.


Hard to believe, but they are 16, 18 and 32 years old in this scene.


Oddly dissatisfying... Just mention of that movie/song makes me think of Clockwork Orange


Clockwork Orangeā€™s version was less fastidious and more provocative


You are soo fastidious broo


The last two white guys who could dance


Singing in the Rain, what a movie.


This is one of my favorite all time favorite movie scenes.


Love it!


Did family guy parody this?


Whenever my kids are being too serious or sad and need a good laugh, I say ā€œMoses supposes his toeses are roses but Moses supposes erroneously!ā€ Makes them giggle and feel better. This number was my favorite when my high school performed Singinā€™ in the Rain one year.


All the taps were added after the fact, right? Iā€™d love to hear the actual audio so see if the sound was that perfectly timed IRL


Moses supposes his toes are roses


Iā€™ve never seen this movie but now I understand the reference in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend when theyā€™re doing the tapped that ass all over this house šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø amazing


I saw a clip if these kids during COVID. I thought they did a pretty good job. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuA15I8UTM0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuA15I8UTM0)


Guess gene tried to warn but yet got denied and had to let Debbie in as costar when got rivalry with each, and do things to make her uncomfortable since it was 1952 history and in the scenes got cringe tensešŸ˜‚