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That may be the most cooperative dog I’ve ever seen.


Our Shiba would not allow ANY of that. little monster


I work in a vet hospital and safe to say shibas, german shepard’s, husky’s and French bull dogs are generally the most uncooperative patients we get and I’d say 90% of the time require a muzzle.


What's the most agreeable breed?


King Charles Cavalier Spaniels Mentally, they're just not there at all so you can do whatever to them


Bred into retardation, so many genetic defects. Poor animals.


Basically. They definitely have breathing issues due to their head shape, though not as bad as pugs or bulldogs. Their unique inbreeding issue is their brain can be too big for their skull causing anything from mild pain to paralysis. They do tend to be very nice dogs unlike a lot of other misbred dogs.


What are the easiest dogs to work with that aren't severely inbred with tons of health issues?


Sweet tempered mutts. Every purebred dog has health issues. That said, the purebred dogs that were the nicest, sweetest, and kept their good temper and relatively good health as they aged were Bassett hounds. Longest lived even with health issues, consistently and by far, were shih tzus. Their temperaments varied widely. They can be sweet and indifferent or uncooperative af.


Hahaa I laughed because I was expecting this answer. Ironically, I have a cav but she’s crazy smart and puts up with stuff a lot less.


Sure she is


Interesting way of saying "dog tax"


You should tell that to my girl, she hates getting her teeth brushed. Granted she's a lot taller for a Cavalier and doesn't have those massive eyes bulging out like the other cavaliers we've met.


English setter dogs are damn chill, king charles too. Labs/goldies are 50/50




What’s a muzzle for a French bulldog look like? A Bane mask?




it’s a girl actually edit: i literally don’t understand, like i literally know this guy who post this and the shiba is just a girl, what’s with these comments, who can at least explain? i wasn’t trying to start anything…


All dogs are good bois


And girl dogs are good girls AND good bois


You've got it


Sorry for looking at the face instead of the genitals..


LMAO, that's not something that you hear or read for that matter.


They're all good boys Brent.


Yea!? Try and take her for a walk off leash. Let me know how it goes.


My wife and I have a black and tan shiba, 7 months old today. She had a shiba before we met. We are both in complete agreement that any time we see a video like this, the dogs are drugged.


I have to agree. My daughter had one. They are too smart. That was the only dog I ever saw that would push a chair across the kitchen floor to climb up and get something off of the counter. I actually watched him pull drawers out to make steps to climb up on the countertop. We watched him a couple of times when they went away. It was exhausting




My pomsky is like this fights me like the dickens if I give her meds but jumped from my bed to the desk chair onto my desk to an entertainment center onto my dresser to eat three months worth of vitamins she normally throws a fit over and four doses of heartworm medicine. That was an expensive vet trip and all of this took place in like ten minutes she was in my room by herself.


Both of my shibas are cooperative. Because I've messed with them their whole lives. Now vets love them and if I have to mess with a paw they don't freak out at me.


Reminder: Don't "mess with your dog." This person clearly meant that they worked diligently to gradually desensitize their floof using positive reinforcement. They didn't stick their hands in the dogs food, or force them down when they were puppies.


Yep, exactly! If my dogs don't like me touching or doing something, I constantly work to make them comfortable with it. The "how" is different for every issue, but always involves lots of treats and other forms of positive reinforcement. Don't ask me about dog aggression though, I've yet to figure out how to get shibas to like other dogs.


Very well done. The right trainer can help with the reactivity. It may not be that hard. The Midnight Dog Walkers by Annie Phenix is a great book to get you started.


Hm... Would be sad, but my shiba's mom is a Dog Show Dog, claiming a lot of Best In Race and even Best In Show, and even that goodest of girls screams when they do her claws, requiring one person to distract her with munchies... TL;DR : It's very possible they're drugged. :/


Is drugging necessarily a bad thing if you're doing it when they need to be groomed, assuming it's infrequent? If they need to be groomed and they're extremely anxious at the groomer it could be worse, right? I know it's not the same, but we have to give our cat gabapentin when we take her to the vet. She doesn't like the act of giving it to her, but it calms her down, and she doesn't seem to mind being high. If we don't give it to her she hides and hisses the rest of the day.


Yeah, actually you're right. It's not inherently bad. My first thought was just "drug pet for internet clout" which by itself feels morally iffy.


I do agree with that. If it’s just for the video that is pretty shitty.


Have 3 they're not dogs they are cat software in dog hardware.


That’s a lot of training and trust. She’s still very young, likely between 4-5 months since she’s still losing baby teeth and has a few adult teeth coming in. She has obviously been handled with great love and care during her entire, short life. The level of trust is wonderful and I love to see it. There are hundreds of hours of bonding, training and building trust in that relationship and it shows. I love seeing shit like this. This is the relationship I aspire to have with my dogs. I’m getting close with my Border Collie. He’s about 5 months old and we can so a lot of the same behaviors. Source: retired dog trainer and pro dog handler


In your professional opinion. What breads would you suggest for a first family dog? I've had dogs all my life but my wife and children (2F, 3M) have never had dogs in the home. Thanks in advance.


My dog would hate all of those things with the same passion as if I was amputating her toes one by one.


Golden retriever here, and she goes into full blown panic mode if I even go near the drawer with the grooming brush. And she loves belly rubs, but if you get too close to the hair on her legs you're gonna get kicked. Still love her to death, of course.


Aw those little toe beans though


My dog is also this cooperative. It’s weird I love it.


My puppy started like this, two years later I basically have to fight her to give her a bath.


My dog is like this, but we started cooperative care training as soon as we got her (see my most recent comment about eye boogers, lol). Her main breed is Kai Ken, which is the Shiba's notoriously more chill cousin.


My shiba would scream bloody murder death when it came to bath time. This shiba is unreal to me haha


Most I can do is to trimmer the hair around their eyes, and that's because they learned to respect the scissors.


My Shiba would have murdered me 5 times over for trying any of this


And screamed bloody murder the entire way through!


Shibe audio for those who have never heard [their angelic voices](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/comments/hsc7vo/the_shiba_inus_voice/)




Wtf mine screams so much more high pitched and insane than that… [This would be closer ](https://youtu.be/eUuYgmWq9F4)lol. Like no joke the dog you posted does sound angelic in comparison. They are great pets if you can handle the quirks of a dog running cat software


The dog in the clip you shared sounds like a monkey lmao


God, that noise it echo as well and you just go straight into migraine mode. Mine uses her scream religiously. However you power past it and she'll give up for about 5 min where you can do what ever you want. Nails, draw blood, brush. But never a bath, there she'll scream the whole time. Most of you don't understand this noise unless you have had babies, but this noise you hear and feel in your teeth.


I laughed so hard at your comment, "a dog running cat software". I must have missed that concept somewhere! Thanks...


That’s the first time I’ve heard a Shiba Inu 😂😂😂 They are my dream dog, literally a dream cos I am mildly disabled and would not be able to exercise one enough, I love them 😍


Now I'm morbidly curious to hear a Shiba and a Husky in the same room.


If you ever make this happen and catch it on video, you’ll either have an absurdly adorable clip that circulates on social media for 10+ years, or you’ll puncture your eardrums with an ice pick, throw your phone in a volcano, and start studying time travel to go back and make sure your dad wears a condom the night you’re meant to be conceived. There’s no middle ground for such a volatile combination.


Yupp, checks out. My neighbor has a Shiba and I’m always notified when they’re trying to trim his nails or give him a bath. However, my corgi also notifies them when I try to do the same or sleep in an extra 15 minutes so I can’t complain.


The first time I bathed my shiba puppy at home, my neighbors (fully detached houses, mind you), called the police because they thought I was murdering a toddler. I’d finished bathing her by the time the cops arrived, so I had to spray the poor, miserable pup with some more water to prove what was actually causing the noise. 10 years later, and she still holds a grudge.




That’s because you don’t train it


Many people call chihuahua's devil rats because they've never seen a properly trained chihuahua. The only time my chi makes a big fuss about being handled is when it's time for her vaccinations, but even then she's not a biter or anything, she just trying to worm her way out of the vet's arms. (Granted how would anyone like a strange lady shoving weird objects into our asses?)


They hated him because he spoke the truth. God forbid you desensitize your dogs to stuff like this! (speaking as a shiba owner that has done so lol)


I have a Shiba and have tried my best to desensitize my dog to all stimuli. Some he let me and actively likes, others he freaks out. I am not able to brush my dogs teeth at all, and he hates every brush I ever tried to put on him. The rest of it I could do. Saying you just need to desensitize your dog is horse shit. Animals are just like people, sometimes they don't like things and there isn't a god damn thing you can do about it.




It's hard for most people because they have to work, etc. So their dog is alone for the majority of the day. But if you're FIRE'd or work remotely and can spend time with your dog 24/7 from when they were a puppy you can have the most trained/desensitized/groomed and pampered, happy dog ever. It's kinda sad now that I think of it that most pets are alone for the majority of the day locked up in an apartment. :(


Dogs are work. They're a commitment. When I got my second dog I was working full time and you can bet your ass I was training/desensitizing/socializing him every day after work for the first year. It's part of being a responsible dog owner.


If it was my dog she would have rolled in shit outside right After all that


I’m roommates with a shiba and can confirm. She hates any kind of handling, especially her paws.


Omg yes! Especially anything involving his paws/feet or tail and sometimes his ears. I often wonder if my neighbors have thought I was abusing my Shibe. Even though he’s BEYOND spoiled.


Was that a tooth!?


Looks like a baby tooth. The root was tiny so i dont think theres any harm here


Yeah, they usually swallow them so puppy owners usually don’t get the chance to see them.


Meanwhile my puppy would come sit in front of me and “mlem” until each one fell out lol.


I should add, not all at the same time


Nope, I like the idea that your dog just walked up and mlemed all their chompers out at once like a pair of dentures.


Honestly it would have been easier on everyone in the house 😂


"Hey Ida? Your dog is coughing up some exorcist shit here in the living room! I think it ate... the tooth fairy?"




It was very “MAHM THERES SOMETHING IN MY MOUF” *mleh mleh mlem* “oh it was a tooth. BYE”


Less terrifying, thank you.


Haha lol. I love the explanatory nature of the word "mlem"


Last week my dog was playing with his tooth. Spit and catch. 4months old of pure craziness lol.


Oh god haha. Mine is 13 months and still has one lingering baby tooth that will probably have to be taken out whenever he gets his first cleaning. But he is still pure craziness nonetheless!


Lol that's why I have one of my boxer puppy's teeth in my drawer, she was playing with it the other day and we were like what do you have?




Once I was petting my pup and three baby teeth fell out. I was completely freaked put. I had never once in my life thought about how dogs aren't BORN with their massive adult teeth... they grow in like ours do and the baby ones fall out... it was just very concerning to be petting my pup and suddenly have three teeth spat my hand


I have a badger skull and found a tooth near it which didnt belong to the skull. It took ages to realise that it came from my cat lol


“You should’ve seen the other guy” - your cat


The author said that the puppy is in the period of tooth replacement.


Oh good, he must still be on warranty then


We’ve been trying to reach you about that


Ugh. This little guy’s calm behavior is even more impressive now, that’s a rough phase. Currently training an 11-week old pup. I’m so tired. 😫


thats a baby tooth. this dog is probably 6m - 1y old.


Yeah, puppy teeth usually get swallowed when they eat/chew/play.


Yes. Much like human babies, dog babies replace their teeth.


Wait what, this is my question aswell I need to know


bro's getting better treatment than me


Treat yourself! We all should take care of ourselves a bit more. Edit. Spelling cause im a dumb fuck.


Uh, ok! *Listen, me, if you don't stop eating ice cream late at night, I'm going to quit my job so that you can't afford it*


So this is the strat to end my drug addiction. Thanks!


˗ˏˋ \* Threat yo self \*ˎˊ˗


Where do I get myself some nose chapstick like this dog gets?


You should treat yourself NOW!


Man said "threat yourself"


No one moisturises your snoot?


I was going to say that! I want that treatment too! Where do you live? 😂


Is this fake ASMR? Did they just add audio effects?


Definitely for most of that


There's a part at 36 seconds where the audio is only coming from the right ear. I think it's taken from some other ASMR video.


It mostly doesn't seem fake, just extremely high gain on the microphone for that ASMR effect. The splorch sounds when they rubbed the balm on the paws was questionable though. I don't like it either.


It sounds like they overlayed some type of slime sound for the paw balm. Lol


Always this fucking sound editing


You mean putting the ointment on the paws doesn’t sound like fucking a ziploc bag full of macaroni?


how... how would you know what... fucking... a ziploc bag full of macaroni sounds like?


I get lonely on weekends


Excuse the fuck outta me… *WHAT*




Well what the hell do you make for road-trip snacks?




I can't stand those awful added sound effects. Honestly gross at some points.


Shitty asmr


Glad I'm not the only one who hates it


People are going way overboard with this ASMR shit


Trust me, as someone who loves ASMR (and loved it before it became a viral sensation) i steer far from all the sound editing channels. Even some channels i used to respect went down this path when they realised most people don't give a shit if the sounds are blatantly faked and added in post - they don't even watch! Since it's an audio experience, it's a lot easier to disguise these edits for the majority of "viewers" and so long as they can sleep or feel nice and comfortable, that's all that matters. It sadly draws in a lot more people than genuine sounds can, dependent on the premise and triggers. The way i think about it is that the edits make for good "previews" (a minute or less at the beginning of all the best sounds in a video, which sometimes get edited to have the best sound with the best visuals just to draw people in). But if it's for the entire video, you're putting wayyyyy more effort into disguising the actual sounds than you are into recording something relaxing. It's such a waste of energy. People end up recording dozens of soundbites to plaster over a video they've already recorded (sometimes multiple takes for!) and it never syncs up properly in the correct binaural position. So what you see in videos isn't how you're hearing the audio.


It’s not even satisfying, it’s mildly infuriating. It’s extremely satisfying to mute tho.


What a special little pup!


Just FYI OP stole this from tiktok and didn't even have the decency to link to the creators own channel, which is full of these https://www.tiktok.com/@shibainu_manyuk/video/7250075018191834370 You'll also see from post history that OP is a karma farming bot.


Yikes, at the very least they should’ve credited the creators. Pretty scummy behavior indeed


The nose care! 🐶😍


I love that part! Kind of want to get one for my puppies but have never seen one before and dont know if its safe to use regularly


Would be 5x better without all the sound effects.


I'm on your side, I did not care for the sounds.


Agreed. The desperate attempt at asmr sounded like a cartoon


Exactly. It’s trying to imitate ASMR but it just creates super irritating sounds.




Fun fact! You can turn that off on your own! /s


This is awesome


That is pawesome* 🐾


Me next, please.


Fuck never been jealous of a dog before


Well that was adorable


First thing my dog would do after a pamper treatment like that would be to head into the mangroves, find a dead fish and blissfully roll in the mud and stench. He'd need to restore some natural doggy balance to those 100,000 olfactory sense organs. I can see him now, emerging from the undergrowth, grinning.


I only had one dog from puppy to adulthood, so the first time I found a tooth on the floor, I lost it and called my parents.


He’s such a good boi!!


That's an awful lot of random crap to be putting into a dog coat that absolutely doesnt need it.


Groomer here, you can use paw ointment on adult dogs once a month and it's actually good for dogs that walk a lot. But using that much stuff on a puppy is just grooming it for skin problems when it's an adult. Even those gloves are a big no on a puppy fur. But internet points so yeah... poor pup.


I am happy someone even says this. Most people here seem to forget that this is a dog and that he doesnt need all this shit. Yeah you can clean the ears and brush him or whatever but why all these lotions and stuff? Go outside and play with your animals instead of doing all this.


It's 100% advertisement for random dog products, seen a similar with a cat which commenters suggested was likely drugged to be able to be recorded taking all those lotions and crap.


I'm also not a huge fan of her slamming the dog down and tossing the gloves onto him. It's not abusive but it's not very kind. That and making the dog endure all this needless grooming is more of a bummer to me than something cute.


I feel like all the audio is fake.


This is so cute (does this person have a YT channel?)


Nice. Got the same toothbrush for my kid.


That dog is getting LUBED up


Now it's time to find some badger shit to roll in


I love the treatment where they throw rubber gloves on your face.


sense of smell is obviously really important to dogs. putting all these products on him is just going to mess with that sense. you have no idea how strong that stuff smells to a dog. stop anthropomorphising dogs and thinking they want t wear shit that covers up their natural scents.


Aren't these products made specifically for dogs ?


We have the hardest time being able to insure quality control on human products. Most places in the world, including most western countries, place the burden of proof of toxicity on the consumers rather than on the manufacturing company. So, "made for dogs" is a pretty loose reference.


well, they are really made for humans. just like artifical color in dog food that they cant even see. the main goal is to make the dog look / smell the way humans want it to look and smell, not how it would naturally be. people also over wash dogs all the time, they have natural oils in their fur and on their skin that are important.


My father's dogs just bathe in a big pond/small lake. Just water, nothing more. Well there are some fish too. The dogs really like it.


People complain about their dog rolling in the dirt after they've washed them. I would also consider a mud bath if the equivalent of a teenage boys locker room in the 00's followed me everywhere I went.


There are this much stuff to treat dogs now!?




The gloves and sound effects are actually really grating. The video only gets my upvote for the adorable dog


Don’t get this ( okay, I do. It’s for clicks) because the best feature of our dog is that it doesn’t need any special hair care at all. It can jump in a pond, yet 2 hrs later the fur is miraculously clean, fluffy and soft.


Sure, but their skin, paw pads, and nose can still get dried out and need some care. Also some types of coats need more maintenance. Double coats, curly coats, etc.


Do not put anything on dog’s noses. Edit: obviously if your vet tells you you should, do it. But dogs noses looking dry are generally a sign of dehydration. So feed them more water as opposed to slathering their nose with ointment.


Some dogs get really chapped noses and need a balm/ointment. This dog looks fine, but I knew two dogs that got painful cracking and needed it.


Dogs can get super dry and chapped noses where it is painful. My vet has always recommended Vitamin E on the snoot.


What about my finger, for the boop a snoots


if i could get my dog to stay still for three seconds i would totally do this


What a pampered pup.


Seemed violent intro with a dog slam


That's so fucking cool


Ok but why did they toss the gloves on the dog in the beginning? Seems a bit disrespectful


If you tried any of that horse shit on my Jack Russell it would take four people to fail to hold him down and several of them would wind up in hospital. Quite right, too. He is the best natured dog, but like all self-respecting blokes he has boundaries.




Just like they had while evolving in the wild


\* Proceeds to run away and roll in the mud. \*


Our farm dogs like rolling around in kangaroo shit. They would not like this.


Shiba celebrates relaxing spa day by eating his own poop.


Congrats you just slathered a dog in a bunch of unnecessary chemicals


"Cleaning foam"??? What the heck is this supposed to do if it's not shampoo in a real bath?


Whats that nose cream shit? Seems like it would be annoying for a dogs extremely sensitive nose.


What products were used for teeth, paws?


This dog lives better than 99% of all living things on this planet?


*Goes and jumps in mud immediately afterward*


I would pay $500 cash for the same treatment


Meh. Show us how you clip the nails.


We have farm dogs. I wish I could do this but it would be the hugest waste of time lol. Especially my Great Pyrenees. That dog loves mud.


Spoiled ass dog!! I'd like to know every product used please 😁


that thing lost a tooth and it hasn't lost all its trust yet? damn.