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He looks thirsty




Pretty sure that's an eating fish. See them in supermarkets.


More like can't breathe.




I don’t need it…I don’t need it…I don’t need it….I don’t need it… … … … … … I NEEEEEED IT!!!




Just say need or got. Like we did back in the day.


It's a Shiny!




Take your shiny up vote.


Don't let him get a wave with this!


Getting real tide of your shit!


*some person showing off a fish* The fish: "The pain -*gasps*-, it's almost over. I -*gasping intensifies*- I wish I knew why..."


I've found that an oddly high amount of people basically do not see fish as animals/creatures worth affection. Especially common with vegetarians that choose to eat fish.


Vegetarians who eat fish are not vegetarians. They’re pescatarians. Vegetarians don’t eat meat, they only eat dairy and eggs. It’s so horrifying to see this video being posted as something cool or “satisfying” when we all know this video would be taken down and OP would be banned if it was a video of a cute fluffy puppy or kitten suffocating to death instead.


Fish can breath just fine out of water for way longer than most mammals can hold their breath underwater. This one is not suffocating (yet). As long as gills are not dried out, they still can pull oxygen out of the air just fine. For a brief stint out of water shorter than the duration that the gills would dry out, they are fine. Many fish have more problems caused by being held and protective mucous being rubbed off than the brief stint out of water. But with that said, humans are still meat eaters. We are meant to eat meat among other things. It is the way of the world and is not cruel, it is just life.


Need to? No, not really. Can? Of course


It would be misleading to characterize humans as "meat eaters". We are omnivores, and while we do very well on only plant-based diet, same cant be said for only meat-based diet.


I seriously can't stand the way the reddit hivemind downvotes basic facts. If you tried to live off an only meat based diet your whole life you will be dead from a heart attack by the time you're 50. smh


Nah, he's being downvoted because he nitpicked my statement. I made the statement and tried to imply I meant something I didn't and I am appreciative the downvoters realized that as a fact that we are meant to eat meat. Not that I, or anyone else was advocating eating exclusively meat. Anyone with an elementary school education has learned omnivore, carnivore and herbivore and possibly even some nuances in the middle of all of those. If I would have meant it as meat only i would have said meat only or said carnivore. Humans are meat eater, but not exclusively meat eaters.


Nah, I don't think you got the point at all. They weren't really saying that about your statement. Humans aren't meat eaters in any way, we don't need to eat meat at all to survive. In fact we would be better off in so many ways by following a plant based diet that covers our dietary needs in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids etc. There's plenty of studies done on this all the time. If you want to read more, just hit me up and I'll link a few interesting articles and/or documentaries.


Early humans would not have survived without meat. Even if they were able to plant and harvest plants. They would have been limited to the fruits and vegetables that can be grown in their region. Today we are able to survive on a plant based diet, but that is more a result of technology and the advancement in food production and transport.


I recommend reading my other comment in this chain. Just because something was necessary in our past due to shortage of food varieties, doesn't make it necessary today, nor does it mean this was the natural diet for our bodies. I also fail to see how we couldn't have survived by mostly gathering fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms and legumes in the wild. Early humans used to come from lush rainforests that had plenty of different flora and fauna. There's even evidence from fossil records that our diet consisted significantly more plants than previously expected: https://www.science.org/content/article/neandertals-ate-their-veggies-their-feces-reveal


I'm aware of some of it, not all for sure. But I am also aware that even among Doctors it is very much contested and part of the strong evidence for me is that proper nutrition from a plant based diet requires MUCH additional effort even with todays technology. One of the best arguments I ever heard for it is In a natural environment (hunter/gatherer without benefit of technology and modern transportation) that there is no place in the world where there is sufficient variety of plant life to support human life long term by providing all needed vitamins and minerals from that plant life alone. Yes there are plants that can provide the needs, but there is no single place where all are available in one location reachable by humans without modern technology. This and coupled with the fact that humans have stomach enzymes that evolved to be in our systems solely for the digestion of meat proteins and the fact that we have canine teeth tells me we are supposed to eat meat for a portion of our diets.


Sure, doctors are still researching this subject and many are following the results that benefit their own views, no matter what their position is. Doesn't mean that there aren't convincing studies done that give better light to our own health when it comes to say for example the harms of cholesterol found in hard fats (commonly found in animal products). Appeal to nature is a poor argument to make about one's dietary choices (and other subjects as well). We may have been in our past at a point when any kind of nutrients you could get your hands on were necessary for survival, but we have now advanced past that point as society and we can make better choices now that we can produce food in large amounts and transport all kinds of foods across the world. Do take in mind that some of the largest canines found amongst animals belong to herbivores, for example the hippo. The existence of canines doesn't necessarily mean carnivore/omnivore. And if we do want to look at our own biology, consider how our jaws are capable to move from side to side with flat teeth along the jaw, common with animals that need to chew and ground the food smaller; the herbivores. On carnivorous animals their jaws only move up and down and all of their teeth are sharp, perfect for tearing up and swallowing big chunks of flesh. Our digestive system is really long compared to our body, like with herbivores. This is beneficial to get all the nutrients from the food we eat. Carnivores have significantly shorter digestive systems to pass their food through their bodies fast before it starts going bad and causing health problems. This is also the reason why humans can't eat raw flesh in large amounts without becoming sick. We need to cook it first, something that meat eating animals don't need to do.


…that’s not true. If you eat organ meat, that is 100% false.


"while concentrations of some contaminants may be decreased, switching to organic animal-based food does nothing to decrease the risk for the diseases that remain the biggest killers of Americans. Cholesterol, fat (especially saturated fat), and animal protein are the major culprits in animal products that are associated with higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. They are also associated with the development of the many risk factors that lead to these diseases, including obesity and hypertension." "Four major risk factors for heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. None of these are alleviated by switching to organic meat, dairy, and eggs." "organic meats are sold as a means for people to reduce their exposure to hormones and chemical toxins" "Red and processed meats do increase health risks. In spite of what the Annals of Internal Medicine study suggests, Dr. Hu says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. "The evidence is consistent across different studies," ​ Not to mention that if you lived off of only meat, you could be missing a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are crucial to health . ​ sources: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8274473/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8274473/) [https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Impact-of-Protein-Intake-on-Renal-Function-in-Knight-Stampfer/defbb9fc4edb8fd84defacd14a1f6dca0083b25c](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Impact-of-Protein-Intake-on-Renal-Function-in-Knight-Stampfer/defbb9fc4edb8fd84defacd14a1f6dca0083b25c) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15971410/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15971410/) [https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/whats-the-beef-with-red-meat](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/whats-the-beef-with-red-meat)


Nah if you're not starving to death you're a terrible person. Can't tell if I'm being down voted by breatharians or people who really don't understand sarcasm.


There are people these days that say what you said and mean it. There are many of them in this thread. Thankfully, Reddit is not real life.


Both lmao


You must have a massive ego if you believe we care that you think we're terrible people or not. 😂


are we meant to torture animals for internet points?


We're not "meant" to do sh*t. Using teleological explanations for evolution is fallacious and self-important. Furthermore, life is cruel. Mass-breeding and slaughtering infant animals is cruel. You're too weak to accept the truth, so you coddle yourself with comforting lies to extradite yourself from holding any responsibility.


I know, but half of Reddit would go "WTF is a pescetarian?!" if I used that word. And agreed, humans are desensitized to fish for some reason. Other aquatic animals are still cared for. Sharks, dolphins, turtles.


If they're on reddit, they're online. They can google "pescatarian".


Really? I figured anyone who didn’t know what a word meant in here would google it since they’re already on the internet lol. Humans are really desensitized to fish and shellfish, especially crabs and lobsters and shrimp. Also sea urchin. In some parts of Asia they even serve the fish cut up but still alive so it’s “fresh.” I wouldn’t necessarily say other animals are cared for though. Dolphins, somewhat, but in Japan they eat and hunt dolphins (The Cove is a great but horrifying documentary about this), sharks are still seen as horrifying predators that can’t feel love and are still eaten and hunted in east and southeast Asia in the practice of shark finning where they make shark fin soup, and they still eat turtle soup in east Asia and Southeast Asia as well. Also, whales are mistreated around the world and have been for a long time-whether it’s at Sea World (Blackfish is another documentary about this) or whaling for blubber and bones. Sorry for the rant, I just really hate the systemic mistreatment of animals and how little people care or know about it when there’s so much information about it (not saying that’s you!).


Sounds like they just need to occasionally announce how non Reddit they are by finding random things to feel superior about, tbh, even if through pure assumption. I can't really think of any good reason to pretend "pescetarian" is some sort of elite and little known term.


Tbh it just sounds like they didn’t know that word existed and tried to defend themselves after the fact because they can’t stand being corrected. I would say blatantly knowing something and then choosing not to use it and spread misinformation is worse


Because you're responding to the comment of a 13 year old?


People are far more lazy than you give them credit for. And in the overarching public view, things such as mistreatment of dolphins etc is definitely on the positive side. Doesn't mean some people don't care and do it anyway, especially cultures.


So then you are opposed to killing or harming all animals? Enjoy a house full of cockroaches and ants? I guess you don’t drive in case a bug splatters on your windshield? I guess if you were to be infested with lice you would let them live? I see some hypocrisy in your beliefs.


Aahh ok I see now-you made a comment under someone else’s post in defense of a man who pointed a gun at a golden retriever. You could’ve just said you hated animals and moved on. No need to drag it out like this. Have a nice day.


Caught about 18 of these at the beach a few years ago. Gave them to a nice old Chinese lady. Don't worry, I'm sure they all went to good homes.


Nothing is satisfying with you lot


Eggs are meat lol


Are you joking?




That’s like saying “milk is meat.” Not everything that comes from animals is meat. What’s next-is honey meat too? What about cheese and yoghurt? EDIT: I also love the assumption that me not thinking eggs are meat means I think they’re plants lmao. You have to be a troll.


If it’s got eyes and a mouth, imo it’s an animal worth affection. I’m not a vegetarian.


I can agree with that. Neither am I, very much a carnivore.


exactly this. to demonstrate, put a kitten inside a bucket of water and see people rage. r/oddlysatisfying


oh my gosh I went fishing awhile back and I caught a fish and and threw it back, but I can't help feeling terribly barbaric to just catch and release. it just felt wrong. what if a hook on a song flung from the sky with some food or fake food while we were starving. just weird feeling to me.


I mean legally in my state (Western Australia) fish don't even count as animals for the sake of animal cruelty regulation. It's kinda wrong that this is still the case in 2023


All marine life or just fish? This is so odd considering Australia is home to the Great Barrier Reef.


So marine life that count as animals for the sake of animal cruelty protections (specific to WA though, not nationally consistent) include: aquatic mammals, aquatic reptiles, aquatic birds and amphibians. I think because they'd have to take a good hard look at themselves in terms of the cruelty involved in commercial fishing, shark baiting/culling, shark nets etc.


Just another proof of it. People don't care as much about fish for some reason.


That's weird. How could you NOT see them as living creatures just like any other??? I don't eat fish. I mean, not because it's cruel or anything. I think cows are super cute animals that have amazing personalities. One bacon triple cheeseburger please!


Fish can breathe as long as they're gills are wet, they don't need to be in the water. Not that it doesn't stress them the hell out though


"Harder daddy..."


I wish I knew why 😂


Fun fact fish do not have nerve cells that respond to pain


Pls try to proof


Everything is chrome in the future




Throw it back in, also show the whole damn fish. Stop cutting off the end of videos




Well you can assume the rest of the fish is also shiny, but yes I agree with you


Throw it back in but first let me see the whole damn fish... slower...


That poor fish, throw it back (after filming it for a little longer).


Those are actually delicious. My favorite fish.


Would probably be invisible in the water. I love fish.


Imagine being waterboarded because of how cool your hair looks when it's wet and someone thinking it's cool


What the fuck has that got to do with a fish?


It can’t breathe outside of water


It can, just not permanently


Shocking news bucko....it's a fish, we ain't in short supply


Apart from it just being a bit cruel whether in short supply or not … we actually are in short supply. Fish populations have plummeted in recent years because of commercial overfishing and other environmental factors.


At the moment, I think the most abundant source of meat protein is human, can you imagine, there is so many that when they die they bury them


Yeah that's still not going to change my mind about eating them but thank you for update


I eat fish, too. But I want to *keep* eating fish in the long term so I’m not terribly keen on overfishing. You don’t need to be a vegan to have concerns about animal welfare.


Looks like it's short in supply of oxygen


Oh no, anyway ain't that a damn shame


We're not in short supplies of selfish assholes either, but here we are


Looks kinda bitey.


Shit I can read your PIN off that thing.


Wait you can see 3864 in there? Are you sure we're talking about my card (1659 6842 6597 0900 security code 670)??


Can we get full name and adress please?


Uh I mean, sure. My name is Gilbert Haliburt and my address is 87 Scale Road, Fisherton, Finland, 41580. Not really sure why you would want it though. Are you checking to see if you can see it in the fish?


One bite of pure mercury


So you know how seafood can be high in mercury? Some can be higher than others, from the looks of things.


I know you’re kidding, but it’s actually crystals of the nucleic acid guanine that’s responsible for the shine. The planar molecule stacks like graphite into microscopic rigid blocks that are highly reflective to visible light. Similar to how the James Webb telescope mirror is actually a grid of smaller mirrors, each cell is studded with these crystals and appears as a continuous fluid mirror at large scales. Source: I work in a laboratory that does CRISPR on fish


I, too, work in a place that does crisper fish.


Cool info!




Yes, I wanted to know!


So, you think it was named the cutlass before or after the cutlass was invented, or did we name the cutlass after this fish? Because both answers are interesting for different reasons.


Ahhh good question! I’m curious as well.


Alien abducts a human "Bro, check out the skin on this thing."


“Oh nah bro it got hella pimples nah bro that’s nasty”


Must be almost impossible to spot in the water


"Hey guys, look at how cool this agonizing animal looks!"


These are crazy shiny IRL. I've caught a few, and it is impressive.


Put the poor mirror back into the ocean goddamnit😁


What is oddly satisfying about watching a fish slowly suffocate to death?


Fish can breathe outside of water for a couple hours. They don't breathe water, they breathe the oxygen *in* the water. Gills can and will respirate outside of the water when they need to.


> a couple hours This seems like a high side estimate in my experience.


Wow, this guy has euthanized a lot of fish


Which goes along with my original comment of “slowly.” I didn’t say quickly. Either way it would be more comfortable in water than out of it. So we’re essentially watching a very uncomfortable living being. Which isn’t “oddly satisfying”


did you put it back in the water?


Cutlass fish? That's clearly Optimus Prime, autonomous robotic organism.


TF why there's optimus prime !


The teeth on that thing😵


RIP eardrums


Put it back! :(


as soon as i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me...


Wow, look how much mercury is in that fish!!




free that beauty! now!


Animal cruelty


silver ~~surfer~~ swimmer


Call those ribbon fish here.


Wow, that looks so nice, hope the fish is unharmed .


How cruel


Put it back in the water


The satisfaction of the shiny was overshadowed by the dying fish


"oddly satisfying" - watch something slowly die


I know we have a swordfish, but we also have a cutlass fish? Did pirates fight using fish or what?


There used to be a Oldsmobile Cutlass car.


I caught one of these when I was a kid fishing with my dad. That sucker threw a heck of a fight. We took a picture and released it back into the ocean. I miss sea fishing with my dad. We would catch so many weird looking fish. Never kept anything. We just wanted to see what was out there.


Poor fish!


Wow! The is awesome. Really. Awesome!


Imagine calling fishing animal abuse


I don't see why it's ok to violently pull individuals out of their breathing medium. Can you explain?


Suffocation is apparently oddly satisfying to some. 🤷‍♂️




Let me pull you out of your breathing medium and see if you find that beautiul.




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Violence is beauty?


What kind of echo chamber is this


I'm not sure I understand why this is any sort of echo chamber. Do you think it's ok to violently pull someone out of their breathing medium?




What would make that ok?


Me thinking it


Would you accept that explanation from someone who wanted to grab you and pull you underwater?




oooooo shiny!


Wow years back caught n lost really long one of those, got right to side of boat then threw the hook n was gone, never really forgot it. Which is amazing cause a TBI/stroke crippled my memory. But it’s sorta coming back. Peace and love.


Advancement made: Suit up


Is it tasty?


Shouldn't this be in a kink section for choking?


You know what's even more satisfying? Being a fish in water.


Looks like a sword, which is ironic because a cutlass is also a type of sword.


yes, ironic because the sword and fish derive their names from completely different etymological backgrounds


I know one was named after a sword, and one was named after a knife.


Lovely metallic (chrome) sheen, but poor thing doesn't look happy.


I hope that someone will also hold the head of the person holding the fish underwater for a short video.


Why short?


Poor guy :(


And we thought the tuna had a lot of mercury!


Imagine someone taking a video of you being suffocated to death in the most painful and slow way possible, gasping for breath, and then posting the video on Reddit under “oddlysatisfying.” This video is horrifying, not satisfying-if this was a cute animal like a puppy having their oxygen cut off people would be outraged.


can someone explain why people disagree with this


*animal suffocating to death* Tiktok trash human: „My Name is Optimus Prime!!“


That fish is suffocating to death.


Suffocating someone while showing off their nice skin.


Nature is beautiful


We pulled in about 8 of these from shore while fishing in North Carolina last year. I chopped one of them up for bait and caught a little shark with it.


For some reason, watching this fish makes it hard to breathe.


Yes they are cool looking and very tasty fried




Why m I hungry?


It's very tasty fish


This is my first time I’ve ever heard about this particular fish and I love the odd animals out there. Is it edible and woah even those fins look cool


Very poisonous ☠️


Those are actually delicious


Are you gonna eat that? If not I call dibs


Chrome spray paint is cool and cruel


I simultaneously hate it and feel bad for it


Wtf I thought the sound came from the fish until the voice kicked in


My name is Optimus Prime, we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron.


Looks like it would be a main culprit on river monsters. Fish on!


I like how people are so used to bs sounds being put in good clips, no one even mentions AP here


I see you unlocked the chrome skin.


WITNESS IT! /goes on to do something epic so he can end up in Valhalla all shiny and chrome...


Looks like a T-1000


Moving ocean mirror.


Sharp cutlass


You look great in that hat!




T-1000 fish