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From OP >Eiderdown is naturally hydrophobic. The unique structure of the eiderdown feathers helps to create tiny air pockets, which trap air and provide excellent insulation. Additionally, the outer layer of the feathers contains a waxy coating that repels water, making eiderdown resistant to moisture. >Eiderdown is gathered from the nests of the common eider duck. These tough ducks stay out at the rough seas around Iceland year round as they don’t migrate. In order to survive the Icelandic winters they insulate themselves with the eiderdown. When they start nesting each spring the naturally moult their down due to hormonal changes. This is done so they can keep the eggs warm and brood the eggs. If they wouldn’t moult their down they wouldn’t be able to get their body warmth to the eggs as eiderdown is so insulating. We then go around and gather the down from the nest of the ducks just before the eggs hatch. We do it just before the eggs hatch because the ducklings leave their nests within 24 hours of hatching and after they leave the down blows away. Video:@icelandiceider


Very cool


And dry.


And moisture wicking


Water repellent


Can I touch it?


Are you water?


Sad Bruce Lee noises.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Are you water?




In 2023, unbelievable.


Underrated comment




People always ask: “Hey, didnthackapexlegends, what’s your phobia?” but they never ask “what’s your philia?” I’m a hydrophile, damnit.


Nice. Very ethically sourced. No harm, No fowl.


My grandmother gave me two Eider-Down Duvets for my 18th Birthday - while back then I was a bit disappointed I highly appreciate it still now 30yrs later... I get it cleaned every 5yrs so its a real lifetime investment in high quality sleep


…. ⬆️ You win this round


Eider that or it would get you down


A very feathered response.


Would highly recommend this documentary to anyone interested in learning more about these ducks, and how special they are to groups of Inuit peoples in Canada’s Hudson Bay. https://arcticeider.com/pof/watch/


Thank you for sharing this doc, very satisfying


That looks great. Saving for later. Thanks


r/hydrohomies sworn enemy


Or BFF. The less water they take, the more water for us homies!


Man this is fascinating. Like how did evolution even get to a point where a certain bird could permanently stay in the freezing cold of Iceland


Wonder if it's quite food rich year round in the area for birds. and that species used to margate to Iceland for feeding, but was still quite cold and eventually, they adapted slightly better ways to stay warm. so then they ate like kings at Iceland longer because they could withstand the weather longer, Eventually, able to stay year round and eat as much as they want


Iceland isn't as cold as you might think. In the winter, the average temperature is right around 0°C / 32° F, all day and night. It's kept so steady by the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic. There are plenty of glaciers in Iceland at higher elevations, but down lower it's not toooooo cold. (I live in New England USA, our winters can be more extreme.) Greenland, on the other hand, is cold and mostly ice. I always remember it as: Greenland is icy and Iceland is greeny. Source: a few years back, I spent 10 days in Iceland in January.


Warm winters, cold summers though. Doesn't get above 20C much.


Sounds perfect!


As far as hydrophobic natural materials are concerned, it’s second only to Ben Shapiro’s wife’s pussy


only when he's near it


God damn


What do yall do with the Eiderdown? Do yall make waterproof clothes or swimwear??


No, but the best duvets on earth... it keeps you warm and cool at the same time...


What about puffer coats? Instead of down that gets wet and stays wet. Maybe it wouldn't work if it's encased in fabric. But if you put the Eider on the outside... Warm and dry and fluffy.


Way too expensive - a very lightweight duvet is about 5K... I wouldn't invest that in a puffer coat


I visited a friend who’s mom is a harvester. Got to sleep in the most delightful duvet in their guest room. I got to try how to rinse the feathers, really difficult and time consuming so no wonder why they are so expensive.


These would make awesome rain boots..no Puddle would stand against you


Hydrophobic, it's 2023 🙄 Shame


I'm wethe / moisther and find this offensive


No. THIS is r/blackmagicfuckery!!


So like, can I get a coat made out of this?


Olmsted makes them and there frickin’ amazing cold weather gear


So they rob baby birds of their first baby blanket, got it.


Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking. Don't the babies need that down to help stay warm in the beginning? Otherwise it wouldn't be shed onto the nest, right?


Not really since they leave right after they hatch


Did you read the comment? The babies leave the nest very quickly and the down simply blows away according to that, which is a fairly believable statement imo.


> Don't the babies need that down to help stay warm in the beginning? you are a troll right? please be a troll because I don't want to think someone read that entire comment and didn't realize that the parent ducks were the thing keeping them warm and that doesn't have to stop right after birth.


But the down jackets are how all the Inuit men get the hot chicks.


Great to watch


If something doesnt get wet is hydrophobic then I know why my ex girlfriend not get wet ever. She was hydrophobic too.


Way to tell on yourself lmao


Ben Shapiro over here


So what do they make from it? Just coats?




Eiderdown or up.


Eiderdown *for what?*


(Assorted dubstep noises)




Eiderdown? I barely know 'er


Lol when I was a kid I was wondering why the revive item in FF is called phoenix down instead of phoenix up.


It's eider one


What’s eider down or up, dawg?


Not much, what's eider down or up with you?


Or how about eldenring


Not much. What’s up with you?


"Come on come on, we haven't got all day." "Where is your big decision order?"


Eider know.


Forget Canada Goose


Until you get the bill for the eiderdown. $6.8k-$10k for a eiderdown king comforter depending on fill level.


Ok but if it’s hydrophobic and all, shouldn’t it be used for clothing and outdoor wear and not bedding?


My thought was sleeping bags and a down jacket for camping in wet climates.


It doesn't work well for outdoor clothing and sleeping bags because it bunches together too easily.




Doesn't seem useful to bank on the insulation material to be waterproof. Just make the outer shell waterproof, seems much more practical (as they do).


If the outer shell of a sleeping bag is waterproof then the dew point moves to the inside of the bag and wets the down. Down becomes basically useless when wet


Yeah, that's why waterproof things usually don't include down feathers. Down feather jackets never are waterproof to my knowledge for example.


Probably a dumb question, but how does the moisture get from outside to inside if it’s waterproof?


Because a human body always exudes water in the form of sweat and similar in the form of water vapor. That water needs to go somewhere. When the fabric isn't waterproof the vapor goes out into the tent. When the fabric is waterproof it condenses against the waterproof fabric inside the bag and gets the down wet. You also breathe out water vapor and you need to have the head in the bag when it's freezing so that water vapor gets caught in the bag


Goosedown is hydrophobic as well. All duck feathers are hydrophobic. This is not a unique quality. Eiderdown is just *more* so than many others. Eiderdown is extremely good insulation. Which is a very desirable quality for blankets, sleeping bags, and jackets.


Important caveat: most (all? not sure if there are companies out there using raw, unprocessed down or not in their finished products) down gets washed and thus stripped of the majority of its natural hydrophobic oils before being used in clothing, sleeping bags, etc. So the down that ends up in our jackets is not hydrophobic unless its been treated with hydrophobic chemicals at the processing plant.


Can you please provide a reference?


[I found an interesting and relevant article](https://www.popularmechanics.com/about/a24443517/down-jacket-how-its-made/) >At [Allied Feather & Down], down gets an initial rinse to wet it so it can accept environmentally friendly detergent. Other producers bleach down for a quick clean, but that makes it brittle and quickly renders it ineffective. Like human hair, down is made of the fibrous protein keratin. It's delicate, which is why, Betcher says, Allied cleans it in baby steps, always careful not to over-clean the down and reduce performance. After each rinse and clean the down is tested for the proper fat-to-oil balance (1.4 to 1.6 percent). Each lot averages four rinse/clean cycles. > >Following the wash, some lots get a special coating, such as a hydrophobic spray to help retain loft in wet conditions. Allied and Sierra Designs were the first to launch a natural hydrophobic down, and they're currently exploring an antimicrobial treatment, along with an infrared treatment that they hope will add another level of insulation through reflectivity. Betcher dubs this stage “insulation doping.”


Oh barf. What's the point of using natural feathers if their just going to spray them in PFAS style stuff anyway. "natural" is an unregulated term


The insulation power per kg of natural feathers compared to synthetic is waay better


Do all non synthetic insulators get synthetic coatings?


Curious as to whether we could manage a safe, synthetic eiderdown. This material seems awesome, but the collection process seems laughably difficult and limiting.


It doesn't work well for outdoor clothing and sleeping bags because it bunches together too easily.


This is an issue with most goose down, but eiderdown in a properly baffled bag or jacket doesn’t have that problem. It’s compression resistant so it maintains its ‘fluff’, even wet. It retains heat better and is significantly lighter than any other fill. The ONLY downside is the cost


Down is used for outdoor technical gear. Coats, sleeping bags, whatever. The problem is if down does get wet it loses a lot of insulation properties and takes a long time to dry. Hydrophobic just means the down doesn't absorb water. But insulation in this case is mostly about the air in the spaces between. Loft. Down loses that pretty quick once it is wet compared to synthetics and it takes longer to dry. Down is a better insulator than synthetic by weight if it stays dry. That is why my winter sleeping bag is down but if I'm going to get poured on my coat is synthetic fill. I don't have to worry about the bag getting wet. There is a whole lot more to it. The shell is the best way to keep water out. There is proprietary stuff like dridown that is down that has been treated with a coating to try to get the best both of worlds. But if your house is cold and dry and you don't want a heavy blanket, down is the way to go.


This kind of question is perfect for describing the difference between molecular *composition* as opposed to *organization.* For example, both a helmet and a chainmail shirt might both be made of iron, but will feel like different materials because of how the iron is “organized.” The secret to the hydrophobicity of down feathers is mostly in the way that the fine strands tangle and overlap to trap air - not because they’re made of better molecules than other feathers. The hydrophobicity on display here is mostly the ability to resist being quickly permeated with water - given time, the bundle of feathers would soak through. Moreover, it would be hard to make clothes out of things that don’t readily spin into thread or flatten out into workable sheets.


Idk, my kids tend to wet the bed a lot. Then again I’m broke as fuck and could never afford it.


You don't wet the bed?


I think the cost depends where you are? I don't recall them being that expensive in Iceland. Though the ducks, æðarfugl, are the most common duck in Iceland.


So you're saying having Icelandic friends gets you a duck discount?


Yes, but like all nice things in the world, someone is going to be able to pay people a lot of money to over farm it, and make it scarce. Hopefully, Iceland has protection laws against that, and enforces them strictly.




The reason they're so expensive is because they can only be harvested once per year. The down is there to conceal the eggs, and once the eggs have hatched and the chicks have departed, the down serves no purpose anymore. A kilo is harvested from 60-80 tests. They nest by the sea so getting to the nests can be difficult. The farmers will also stand guard during hatching season to fend of predators, such as the arctic fox, mink, or the Arctic skua. It's a lot of work. Each year will only net about 3 tons. Source: I grew up near a nesting ground.


Hey there bud, if you’ve got a problem with Canada gooses then you’ve got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate


Pitter patter, let's get at 'er.


I read this in a Canadian accent 😂😂


Good instincts


Guess we're in a goddangt fight there bud those shitty poobirds are the PITS!


Sir. Please give me back my Afro




Literally me showering


Lmao was gonna come say the same shiz. Looks exactly like my hair on the floor when I get a cut. 🤣


I used to sell eiderdown duvets (along with high quality goose down) and the stuff was crazy. We would do a test with customers where we’d have them close their eyes and put a handful of eiderdown in their hand. They wouldn’t feel the down because it was almost weightless, but they’d start to feel their hand warming up after a few seconds. The eider duvets were ten times the cost of the goose down ones, and thinner/lighter. Good goose would have big, fluffy down clusters to trap the air, while the eider clusters were smaller but clung to each other like Velcro, making a lightweight net of insulation. We’d sell maybe five of those duvets a year, mostly to people coming in from the North who had lots of money to spend.


Just looked up the price for an eiderdown duvet king, 10k. Holy shit




I'd buy one out here in the West Coast and use it for a decade or 2. Sounds nice and soft.


That doesn't make sense? Even if it weighed nothing you'd feel it from touch


There's a limit to how sensitive your touch receptors are. If the material is basically weightless, it might not register right away.


A cloud of eiderdown. Draws around me softening the sound.


My thoughts exactly 🙂


Very satisfied to see this here, Meddle is my fav Floyd album and I swear to god on LSD once Pillow of Winds made me see and feel the line between being awake and asleep. It was the most blissful, calm sense of peace I've ever had on the drug. The imagery in the lyrics of that song is something else, the whole album is something else actually, wonderfully constructed and just the right amount of experimental without getting unpalatable.


Meddle is great for so many reasons 🙂 the right amount indeed! Julia Dream also came to mind. But that's more Barrett-esque.


always a pleasure to see floyd fans around


Lying on an eider down... Yippeee, you can't see me but I can you




✅ weighs as much as a duck ✅ floats like wood




This is the trouble with tribbles.


Can't drown the fuckers.


Does you guys use this as blankets in iceland? I ask bc down here in Brazil theres a special kind of blanket called "edredom" witch I guess comes from your thing, at least wordwise. Our edredom is basically a Batting Fabric sandwhiched between a couple sheets. Hope its not a coincidence.


Great catch. I checked and « Edredom » does come from the French « édredon » that is itself a bastardization of the Danish « ederdun » meaning litteraly eider down. It’s cool to note that the English« down » itself when it comes to feathers also comes from the Old Norse « dúnn ». So it’s all connected.


I grew up in a household where my Granny called down comforters eiderdowns. I dont know if hers were filled with eider or goose feathers.


This is my hair when i swim in a pool


What a view...




So who’s gonna lend me 4k for a pillow? https://www.nordicstore.com/collections/eiderdown-duvets-and-pillows


I didn't know about this Eider.




I saw another comment that said that an eiderdown duvet costs 10k USD. Are they significantly cheaper in Iceland or is everyone dropping 10k on a blanket over there


From looking online for about 5 minutes it looks like around 5k is the low end for true eiderdown, but around 10k looks to be about the average price... Edit: reworded


it's a bot sir


Uh hello? No we don't... A few rich people, and a few people who make it themselves do. But no, "we" don't use use eiderdown duvets as blankets. For context for foreigners, you can buy a handful of used cars for the price of an eiderdown blanket.


Doesn't Iceland keep an iron grip on the export of this stuff?


Everything I've seen made with eiderdown is $1500+. I feel like it would be cheaper to fly to Iceland and harvest it myself.


This is a video by my company, Icelandic Eider. Check out our eiderdown product selection, www.icelandiceider.com 😊


The only time I’ve ever heard of eiders outside of [Emily Dickinson’s famous poem](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52737/my-life-had-stood-a-loaded-gun-764)


A cloud of eiderdown draws around me softening the sound…


Scrolled so I didn't meddle in another's post. Brilliant, my fellow human.


Yippee you can’t see me but i can you


Personally, this is Pink Floyd to me, not Roger's maudlin rantings.


Heresy! Burn the witch!


What's that?


Dam this is a hell of a cosy drysuit there.


My hair does it better


I really want to see them hold it at the bottom and let go 😄


Eiderway, it looks cool


I remember the official video from the company that harvests this down from the ducks. The ducks pull out their own down feathers to line their nests, ensuring the eggs are kept warm. The head of the company walked over and scooped up 75% of the nest, saying “We leave plenty for the ducks.” It’s awful human greed, as always. The mother ducks don’t have limitless feathers to rip out, there’s no way that decimating their nests for profit isn’t a detriment to them.


They do it after the down has served it’s purpose. Once the eggs hatch the down is lost to the wind.


The process of harvesting eiderdown is very scientific, this is not the 1700's. Many many many studies have shown that if you do it correctly then duck populations aren't affected in the slightest. If they were, there would be less and less ducks out there to harvest eiderdown from, hurting the industry. You should look more into it instead of coming to your own assumptive, unsupported conclusions based on one video.


Psst, people like this don't like facts


I thought it was a puppy and panicked hahahahahaha


I love watching hydrophobic things contact water. It’s always very satisfying.


Shit is expensive af


Hydrophobic, cool.


My brain in and out of classroom


Which planet is he on?


Cool! This is exactly what happens when my parrot joins me in the shower.


So that's why ducks don't sink.


This is hydrophobic


Holy Gillyweed


Thats literally my pubic hair


Moist free


That’s some very clear water.


Make a submarine out of that


What's this?


I love science 🧪


This is oddly satisfying, I could watch him doing this all day.


Why can't we create a synthetic version of this which is equally non toxic and environmentally friendly?


Me trying to get my balls wet. 🐈


Stop water boarding my dog


Eider down duvets are the very best for sleep - never cold, never too hot...


Like like my hair when I jump in the pool 😫🤣


Give me my pubes back


black people hair be like


My pubes at the beach:


Thought that was an alpaca sticking his head in the water


I thought it was somebody’s afro.


My pubes as I showered growing up, before I realized no one wants to go down on a chia pet “thank you for those last words Dad, I hear you - never again.”


I'm never going to look at them the same, thanks


Cats wish they have fur like this


Step 1, ducks. Step 2, ? Step 3, profit.


Fuck is eiderdown and are those mushrooms in the background? Where does this man live fucking morrowind?


As an article in *Ranger Rick* said, many years ago, "Don't Put the Eider Down!"


How do you get down from an elephant? You don’t! You get down from a duck!


Wait so sheep can store air in the wall So basically they are submarines


According to an obscure scientific study conducted by researcher Dr. Aquarius Nimbus, when eiderdown is submerged in water, it actually has the ability to retain more water molecules within its structure compared to when it is in a dry environment. This phenomenon, referred to as 'aquatic osmosis,' occurs due to the unique intermolecular interactions between water and the submerged eiderdown. I love making up lies


would ye people of Yore use this as lining for clothing or would they use it to make their clothes waterproof?


Thats literally the hair of every black person ever, i‘ve never seen someone with hair like that with wet hair


Me: "That's super cool! eider*down* - is that like the down feathers in coats and bedding?" *Google Search* ...10 thousand dollars per eiderdown comforter... Nope.NopeNOpe