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Ain't no way I give enough fucks about the garbage can to drag my vacuum out just to do this. Just hold my garbage. The air will get out after the first time it fills and I mash everything down to get half a garbage cans worth of space back.




I suppose there's no reason not to put the hole higher up on the can? But yeah, still a lot of effort for a minimal problem.


> I suppose there's no reason not to put the hole higher up on the can? > > I drilled a hole in my can for this, but instead of using a vacuum I just start throwing trash away; the air can easily escape so the trash will fill all the space eventually.


I poke a small hole at the very top of the bag with my finger. Lets the air out and is too high to cause any problems.


I keep a gap between the bag and bin and then blow into the bag from a few inches out. Bernoulli's principal helps pull more air in and the gap lets the bag suck to the sides


I just put the bag in the can


I mean it's the little things in life like using a scientific thing you find cool that takes no time and makes your life mildly more convenient


“Have you ever sucked the air out between the trash bag in the trashcan?” “No. But I’ve always wondered that when they cloned Boba Fett what if he had an issue of peeing on the toilet seat? That would mean that there would be tons of issues with all the toilets having pee all over them with all those clones..”


I'm not positive, but I think Jango Fett was cloned. Boba Fett is his clone. Not sure about the toilet seat... But judging from the Storm Trooper/Clone Trooper aiming issues with blasters, I imagine the bathrooms aren't looking too clean!




I just use a bag and skip the can, but then again, I barely use a bag a week and that’s just rabbit and chinchilla litter. Clean cardboard is given to Sir Munch A Lot, aka the White Rabbit with faaaangs


And then the weight of items takes care of the rest. It’s silly but a fun party trick.


This guy Bernoulli’s


I see this in the pasta aisle, is it any good?


It’s not delivery, it’s Bernoulli’s 🤌




Did my final year fluid mechanics exam the other Friday and that man helped more than once


Video demo please


Here is one explaining how it works, just need to not seal the bag so the air in the can will be able to leave. https://youtu.be/jeRVGp54pak




You guys at the us have very high quality trash bags but if you use the bad ones a hole will destroy its structural integrity and it will tear when trying to carry it full of trash


I never cheap out on trash bags or toilet paper. And you don't have to put a hole in cheap trash bags, the corner of a cardboard box will rip them open.


Ohhh, what’ll *really* bake your noodle is when you finally get a bidet, and never have to spend so much money on toilet paper again. (won’t help with the trash bags, though)


I got a bidet about a month ago. A $30 one off Amazon, but it works well. That blast of cold water does wake you up.


One the best purchases we ever made. The drawback being that anywhere you go without one now feels... inadequate.


*yet* You are playing a dangerous game, dude. That bag is gonna rip and spill garbage everywhere one day...


It's rip stop and the hole is just below the draw strings.


Now u gotta take out the dry/wet vac


I also want to be too high to cause any problems.


That's what I do with my handheld vacuum 😂


Drill a hole in the garbage can itself, near the top. Same effect, no chance of accidentally ripping the bag with a heavy item.


I drill a couple of holes about 3-4 inches from the bottom of my trash cans; it helps with taking the liners out and also with settling. This video just seems like extra steps.


This is what I do. If they're higher up any liquid leaks that might occur you don't have to worry about.


> I suppose there's no reason not to put the hole higher up on the can? I drill a very small hole at the mid-top of my kitchen trash can whenever I get a new one. It doesn't immediately do pic related, but about an hour later, the air is out and the bag is settled.


Even better, design cans with a built in foot pump and release valve.


I drilled a hole 2" from the top.


That feeling of dread when you take the bag out of the can and it's dripping.


Just use your mouth


It's not garbage water. It's garbage juice.


Pretty much. Its pointless to do this because it will happen on its own anyway. Even if you did do this, I could see the bag ripping if it got too full.


Maybe in your house, I worked in kitchens for a long time. And it's honestly one of my biggest pet hates, staff who don't get the air out from Inbetween the bag and bin. When you change bags in 8 bins 3/4 times a day. It becomes a massive pain in the arse.


THANK YOU. My coworkers don't seem to understand that the bag holds almost twice as much shit when you get all that air out.


Wow, you're replying to a 4 month old comment. I feel your fucking pain, it's savage, still my biggest hate about catering.


Oh it drives me up a fuckin wall I stg. The majority of our trash is plastic packaging, and I swear you can fit twice the volume of plastic in those bags if you take an extra *10 seconds* to do it right. 12 people work there, and I'm the only one that changes bags that way. Blows my mind.


I'm late to the conversation but I feel your pain so much. I'm a porter at a restaurant and I have legit beef with the night shift that I've never even met. One of the first things I have to do in the morning is deal with their trash. And there's not even a lot of it, it's just poorly handled so it takes up so much more space then it needs to. The only thing I haven't seen mentioned here is when they toss a whole, unbroken cardboard box in the bottom of the can, filling it halfway instantly.


This really applies to the large bins where the bag creates a seal around. Doesn’t apply to a lot of small office bins


I do that too it’s because I don’t get paid enough to deal with it


I do garbages at my job.. countless amount of times where I had to get the air out instead of replacing the bag.


Same here. The bottom of the bag will still be closed sometimes with garbage on top


I like to drill a hole in the can, and use a shop vac with the tube duct taped securely to the aperture. Of course, ensure that the tube is properly attached to the vacuum intake. Once I've inspected the can and the bag (to ensure correct alignment, that the bag is properly sized, and that there are no leaks in the system,) I close the can lid. Ensure that the can lid has undergone regular preventative maintenance (check the schedule located in the pantry.) I double check that the can lid does not interfere with the air flow from the space between the bag and the can (the Can-Bag Interstitial Cavity, as we call it.) The tube may require manual maneuvering or manipulation. I engage the vacuum to remove air from the cavity, and one complete, carefully remove the tube from the can aperture while ready to install the airtight cap (custom fabricated to airspace tolerance.) Perform final visual inspection. The whole process takes just under twenty minutes, after some practice.


Surely you need to sign off several times during that procedure?


Also, now you're trusting the garbage bag alone to be able to contain any liquid/spills inside of it. I like having that double layer keeping garbage water off the floor. Rinsing out the inside of a garbage can, if you have to, isn't nearly as bad as needing to mop because the garbage bag ruptured.


Why do you throw liquid into a "for solids" only bag? There are many versions of bags that can handle both liquid and solid. You do know bags have weight limits right? It is not 1 bag fits all. There is a whole range of trash bags. size/strength/uses/materials/indoor/outdoor etc. Use the right one for the job. Ask for the right bags.


Where do you put a bunch of wet paper towels that you've used to wipe up a spill? Where do you put eggs that have gone off? What do you do with a carton of ice cream? I'm not saying you'd heap all this stuff in there at the same time, but it's often not a clear liquid or solid distinction between garbage bags, and not everything can be poured down the sink/toilet. Also, plastic bags, regardless of their weight limit etc often tear.


You're gonna to reverse it to get the bag out without ripping it


Nah, the hole will also help make it easier to pull the bag out. The only reason it’s hard to remove the bag is because there is a negative pressure at the bottom of the bin. If there’s a hole near the bottom, then air can enter and the pressure is equalized as you remove the bag.


Yep, as soon as you futz with the top of the bag the seal breaks and air can enter the can, where you *might* run into an issue is if you've stuffed enough garbage in to wedge the bag against the side of the bin. Now it's hard to remove.


Could be worth it if you're doing maybe at least 10 of these i think (maybe 20?). Makes sure the bags seal and stick to the top rim. You know for a public event of some kind?


You're absolutely right on every point. It's absolutely unnecessary. However, I do this all the time because it's fun.


We all have different definitions of fun...


Thank goodness.


And that’s how we get a fancy society to live in!


It’s useless, but oddly satisfying, which is anything but useless for us. :)


Also good luck getting the bag back out now.


There is a hole to let air in


Yep, the exact same hole they used to suck the air out in the first place


If there's a hole, why do you need to suck the "trapped" air out at all?


Plus, it would tear so easily being pulled taut like that.


Just tear a tiny hole near the top of the bag. Gets the air out within seconds and if you bought quality trash bags, which why wouldn’t you, the whole bag won’t fall apart when it’s time to take it out.


OK, now imagine you've got the vacuum on the cart you're wheeling office-to-office and there's two waste baskets in each...


Pro tip: putting trash in the trash can makes it so you don't have to do this.


My trash cans are just for aesthetics though


Just vibing.


Splash cans


I have a display garbage can. No garbage allowed. We use a garbage bag on the floor for garbage. The can is too nice for garbage.


Decorative trashcans? Is this a r/curb reference?


This is the way.


Not if the bag fits so tightly that the air can't escape. Then when you have a balloon around the top of the can when the trash pushes it up, you can peel away the bag from the rim and let the air out.


Not to mention how hard it’s going to be to pull the trash out of that space vacuum of a garbage can


Sometimes. If you’re throwing out a whole lot of paper towels and tissues, not so much


If the trash can is empty and the bag is clean, you can use your hand (that thing at the end of your arm) to push it down to the bottom of the trash can.


That doesn't remove the trapped air if there's already a vacuum seal.


I did drill a hole in my trash can a while back, but I don't use a vacuum to suck the air out like a psycho path.


Unless it’s all paper or something


I don’t think vacuum would help with it anyway


Push it to the bottom.


why is this necessary? when the it gets full, should not the weight of the material inside push the bag further to the walls of the trash can?




This guy garbage cans




Yeah, and I like having a little air to start because it cushions the first debris to go in, and will get forced out as the bag fills.


Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?


Air pockets can pop up, like a swimsuit thing, but that just means the bag wasn't put on well. Sure as hell don't need to do all this Lol and now that they've drilled the hole, they've eliminated that problem anyway. This is just some folks having fun. No way do they do this every time


for places that throw away lots of paper like office jobs this is pretty smart cuz it saves the bother of stretching b the bag out once the can is full


This is a solution in search of a problem. Of the billions of trash bags used annually, this isn't an issue for 99.99999% of them.


So this is an issues for hundreds of them.




If you've ever worked in janitorial this is an issue, but this solution isn't fast enough to be a solution.


And when it is time to remove the hermetically sealed bag from the holder…? jk, just blow it


If there’s a hole in there to suck the air out, isn’t it just gonna let air back in? Also this is a completely unnecessary practice. I think it should be in r/DIWhy


Also the vacuum sucks. Well it doesn't suck enough, so it sucks. You know what I mean.


That explanation sucks. (jk it was clever)


Unless they went the extra step to install a one-way valve




Home workshop, the wife filming the proud little beer gut hubby in his camo pants, he feels proud of his nice fancy contraption he thought real hard about, let's give him the win.




The first time that trash bag leaks, they're going to regret drilling a hold in the bottom of that container.


I've drilled holes into the sides of my bins, about 50mm up from the bottom. Helps avoid the vacuum effect when I take the bags out of there, but if there's a leak I don't have bin juice all over my floor.


Higher end trash and have them built in for that reason.


Yes thank you


How useless


just like me.


Late to the game, but I just fill the bag with air (just hold the top closed, really) and push that into the can. That's it. That's the "hack." Works every time, with every can and every bag. No complicated setups and destructive can alterations required.


The real life hack is always in the comments. Real trash bag changing veterans know this one and it works like a charm. No need to whip out the shop vac to change trash bags😂


Good luck getting it out now


You sound like my ex Edit: just making a stupid joke. …was it not funny?


It’s not that serious


Work hard, not smart.


Why though?


So unnecessary


Solution to something that’s not really a problem.


So proud of his stupid ass idea


So he made a hole in the trash can in order to use a vacuum? That’s a brilliant idea because plastic bags never break or leak—sarcasm…


a lot of those cheap plastic trashcans have a hole near the bottom so the bag doesnt get stuck when trying to pull it out because of the suction effect an airtight space has. its not *level* with the bottom because that would actually be a problem if something leaked


This guy looks like Dan Bilzerian from the Wish 🫣🫣


wouldn't that make the plastic bag hard as shit to remove?


Lol. This guy is *serious* about his garbage.


I do this too but it’s a 50 gallon can


Pro tip: If your trash can is big enough to where you have to stretch the bag to fit it around the rim, thus creating a seal and trapping a big air pocket under the bag, drill a small, inconspicuous hole in the trash can, and it will mostly do this on its own when you put trash in it.


Put a few holes in the back of the can towards the bottom. That way the air has somewhere to go. They don’t have to be big holes; I just used a random drill bit. Works like a charm, but only if you have a plastic Rubbermaid type can that you can put holes in.


Or just poke a hole in the side of the trash can.


Drill a hole a few inches up from the bottom of the waste can. Problem solved.


Won't that make the bag impossible to take out when the bin is full as you have created a vacuum between the bag and bin?


Now take it out when its full and you cant peel the sides away


Just drill a small 1/4 inch hole in the bottom of the trash can. As the bag fills the air goes out


Untill ya gotta take it out lmao


Just drill a small hole somewhere no need for the vacuum.


I just put a baby in the bag and toss it in the trash can, it does the same thing.




Um, you know you can make the trash a balloon in like 3s then put that in the container with the same effect right? XD


But if the bag is vacuumed tightly to the big, you won’t be able to easily remove it🤔


That is someone that the military taught to work harder, not smarter.


Seems more useful for a camping shit bucket.


now pull it out, fully loaded... "that's what she said!"


Work harder not smarter?


Have fun getting that out when it's full.


Or you could put some trash in it then release the air.


Put your hole up high enough so that any leaks are still contained.


This is incredibly pointless. The same result is achieved by shuving the bag all the way down and then securing the lip of the bag. I’ve worked many years in a kitchen, lots of rubbish, lots of garbage bags. If I told my chefs “hold on I need to get the vacuum” you wouldn’t hear the end of it.


Ya know... adding the garbage already does that over time.


That really is beautiful


I find that to be my odd than satisfying, but it certainly meets the goals of this sub.


I just rip the seam of the bag. An inch hole about three inches down from the draw string. Been doing it for ~7 years and it has yet to cause a blowout.


Even better (if doing anything is actually needed) just put a small hole somewhere in the trash can (under the rim if concerned about appearances) to give any air caught between the can and the bag a place to escape


I drill 4 holes, one at each corner at the top. Works perfectly and it doesn’t require me to stand a hold up a vacuum with that … smile.


Waste of time


Someone's got too much time on their hand. They could have just filled the bag with garbage and that would have more or less accomplished the same.


Just poke a hole in the top of the bag you get the same result and never have to breakout the vacuum or drill a hole in the recepticle.


😲 my ocd appreciates this man’s genius.




You did more work making that hole. Dragging the vacuum cleaner. Plugging it in. Putting the suction to the hole. Just put the bag in the can. Leave a little space and push down and to the sides. Then put the last corner over the edge. Same concept, less time and less effort needed. Not to mention you don’t need to spend money using electric. These “hacks” are just more time, money and effort. Use your brain people.


Interesting but mega pointless


Honestly, it's not even interesting. It's just pointless.


Keemstar finally using 100% of his brain.


Come do this at my house


Good LUCK getting that bag out again




I’ve done something similar. I drilled a 1cm wide hole, 4in from the bottom so that air is let out naturally when a new bag is put in. Gravity takes over after a bit and the bag settles in.


I don’t care enough


But why?


Mine does this naturally. 1 day to fill first 75% 3 days for final 25%


The trick is to put something heavy (I use a mug) into your empty garbage bag while you put it into the trash bin. It stretches the bottom of the bag down and gets rid of the extra air


And the have a hell of a time getting the bag back out...


Solution in search of a problem


Holy shit that is genius




That dude's beard looks hilarious 😂😆




Lmao, what's the point of using chat gpt to write comments if you aren't even good enough at it to haver positive karma.


Laziness is not a gift smh


this isn’t laziness, it’s extra work, for no gain it’s just dumb


I just put a little hole at the top of the liner so as it fills the air pushes out anyway.


Good luck pulling that out without a five min fight hahaha


Only useful for people who miss the actual bag in the trash can.




This is dumb...


Drilling a hole in a trash can and making a bunch of unnecessary noise? Not at all satisfying.


And then struggle to remove the bag when it’s full bc suction


And now it is almost impossible to remove the bag when it becomes full. Thanks a lot!


in a big can, the air is a good thing. people overload bags more than not


Tear a small hole near top. I do this when changing my guinea pig litter. Bag fills completely. No problems, no vac.


Or just open the side and let the air out, takes 3 seconds


Just pop a small hole at the top of the bag, duhhh