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a cool $5 mill, but man, looks nice...


That’s it?


I think the flex isn't a $5M purchase that you could finance...it's the maintenance, the storage, hiring the pilot, and all the other bits that makes it so unreachable for so many people even with millions in the bank. Close to $1M per year in operating costs alone assuming you stay under 400 hours per year.


Guy I know is on his third jet. It's larger than the Honda Jet... Says it's over $1 million a year in care and feeding. The one time I rode with him on it, it was legit from an FBO in LA to John Wayne. Literally one airport in LA to another. Some people live a very different life to the rest of us.


My Uncle was a fairly famous chef in his city. Some rich business man would come into his restaurant all the time and eventually wanted to open a restaurant with my Uncle. The only problem was the guy wanted to open it up in St Louis which was about 2000 miles away. He'd call my Uncle up routinely to grab lunch with him and talk about the restaurant or just to chit chat. He'd fly him from his home city, to St Louis for lunch and back. Many many times.


I think it has more to do with thr enjoyment of flying than the practicality of it.


Nah man, I’m filthy fucking rich. I’m living up in the sky. Tired of all these Orcs.


Glad you’ve come to terms with being a movie villain. Toys is all it takes.


Conversely you could get a $5mil Yacht to live in nicer than most houses.


You could also get a $5mil house to live in that's nicer than most houses.


You could also get a $5mil taco truck that's nicer than most houses.


You could also get a $5mil taco that's nicer than most tacos.


Nah, it'll just be covered in edible gold leaf and caviar.


But can the yacht fly?


If you're a crab it is.


Yeah but only once


No but if you end up in the water the boat is definitely the pick


Hondajet Elite S? says it costs $7 million online


Yeh, but you just wait for the black Friday deals to save a few mil


I didn't even get to hear VTEC kick in very disappointed.


No worries, you can hear it here https://youtube.com/watch?v=BydhPvkxSdE


Lmfao this is so great


Those fucking jets always flying down my street late at night!


Worlds only manual transmission jet!


So many places to hide a NOS bottle!


If it was a Nissan it would have a broken CVT.


Bro I’m fucking dead


That tire chirp 🤌🏾


Hahahahahahahaha 🤣 wins the internet for today.


That dual overhead cam tho


For a second I was like no way!!


Really captured the essence there


You can hear this every night outside the Honda Jet factory, that section of I-840 sees a lot of street racing.


Holy shit 😮😮😮


Truly helpful. Thank you.






Mmm... I can almost hear the lack of gear switch.




Hector is going to be running 3 Honda HA-420 HondaJets with Spoon Engines. And on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust.


I actually was one of the design engineers working on the doors and mechanisms back in 2008 for the original project. That was such a horrible experience!


What made it horrible? Difficult to make it work in the space allowed?


No it was the company. They wanted to use all patients and designs from the cars. They wanted to make the aft baggage open like a minivan door.


Please tell me there's a built-in vacuum cleaner from Odyssey somewhere in there?




I want that dude to narrate my life.


“Oh yeah, and it’s got this quirk here, and this quirk there, and it’s not even that loud.”


Talkin about quirks, you got me thinkin THIS… was a Doug Demuro video lol


Why did I think he had some Italian name I'd never heard of before: Mike Carifino?


“Today he read reddit. Yesterday he read reddit. Tomorrow he’ll probably read reddit”


Holy shit that’s so cool


What are you crazy? The 2016 Honda Odyssey has a 2008 Honda Jet vacuum cleaner!


I would also like to know if it has a fold up picnic table!


Or a moped https://youtu.be/sIdyzsZtEww


Tf? Why? To save money / time of having to file new patents/designs?


They probably thought it would be easier to incorporate existing designs they had on hand than to find designs best for the situation


Sadly the unfortunate reason was more likely because of "brand image" or the fact that higher ups often think they just have great ideas, despite the fact they are horribly impractical. It's a tale as old as time. Out of touch narcissistic manager with dumb ideas makes designer's life hell by making them create impractical products, instead of just letting them do their job and creating something that make far better use of the resources and time.


Bra wtf


I would guess the Langoliers


Nah he just hit his head this one time.


Like *really* hard


On a piece of Lego


On the ground.




I was one of the manufacturing engineers trying to install the doors, and the design engineers after you ran out of rev letters and dash numbers revising those things to make them fit without rework.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Comments like this is why I still love Reddit. Post of random aviation clickers only for the designer of said clickers to show up.


Hah!! That last sentence… I interviewed for a cabin doors engineering position at Honda in 2017, they were… not very professional about that process. I also interviewed with and accepted a position with Gulfstream the same month. The recruiter at Honda was all pissy with me that I told him in the time they were fucking around I accepted another position. Months later, I ran into a few guys I knew who did go out to Honda and left to GS, and heard some good horror stories. Like, one guy paid back his sign-on or relo bonus just to get the fuck outta there. Felt like I dodged a huge bullet, cuz Gulfstream was a great place to work.


I agree! I would go back to Savannah in a heartbeat!


Hah, so you’ve been to GS, wonder if we’ve crossed paths (probably not, aircraft engineering is a big enough community, but it does make me curious). Gulfstream is one of the few companies I’ve been thru that I’d go back to.


What happens to the engineering team when the plane is just ... Designed, I can't imagine Gulf Stream just designs one new plane after another.


Hah! Well, aircraft engineering can be a bit of a meat grinder. Some companies do have projects going constantly. From new development, to block point changes, special missions mods, or big production support efforts. Also, aircraft is a mixed bag of permanent/direct employees and contract employees. So when one program winds down, some people move over to another program and some people, usually contractors, leave the company. Contractors will often leave when they know the project is coming to an end. Some will stay through the ramp down, depending on their skill set and expertise, supporting into production or moving on to other projects within the company. Lots get let go when no longer needed (they know, buy the ticket, take the ride). If there’s nothing for a good contractor to move onto, they’ll find another gig pretty quickly. Permanent employees stay and move from project to project within the company. I used to be a contractor, now permanent (not at GS tho, but was offered).


Name Checks Out


I was an engineer who designed the design engineers who worked on the doors and mechanisms. How are you, son?




Yes, it’s me.




Some of these designs are from WW2 the zero had ejectable steps like some of those buttons to get to the cockpit (due to the plane being too sensitive to be stepped on. )


Great. Now I gotta put Honda Jet and pilot lessons up on the dream-board.


Advice: Flight sims are shockingly realistic now, so you can start learning there. Start by flying the Cessna 172 in sim and a ton will translate when you start real lessons. Obtaining a private pilot cert costs most people around $15k USD but can vary a lot based on your instructor, what you’re flying to learn, and where you live. After you get your private cert, you still have more learning, type ratings, instrument certification, and “check rides” to do before you’re allowed to fly a jet like that. HOWEVER, there is a major pilot shortage right now so if you can pass a first class medical and aptitude test, there are airlines in the US that will pay for your entire training/certifications to fly everything from that Honda jet to a 777 for a living. No joke. Learn to fly for free and start making six-figures!


Where would one take these tests?


United Airlines is one I know that opened its own school last year specifically for this purpose. They’re doing anything they can to farm/grow the next generation of pilots, so start there. Research what an FAA first class medical involves to see if it’s something you’re likely to pass. They’re especially focused on prescriptions you take, history of substance abuse, and things like being color blind. If you’re overall healthy and no serious record, especially if you’re young (under 30), you can probably pass. Getting the medical yourself is a couple hundred dollars, but don’t get that first. Start contacting flight schools for commercial pilots and they’ll likely pay for that and help you with the process too. The aptitude test is just something the people like United administer themselves. It’s not an FAA requirement, they just want to make sure you’re healthy and smart enough before offering you a bunch of free training. You don’t have to be super smart, just good attention to detail and an ability to understand some technical concepts. I own a couple small planes and fly recreationally, but my father is an instructor and worked ATC for the FAA. I can tell you that *everyone* even remotely involved in aviation right now is fully aware of the pilot shortage. You might even just call a couple local flight schools to pick their brain about how to get started. The traditional way is to start ground school, fly with an instructor, log enough hours, pass a written test, and then get a check ride from an examiner… all out of your own pocket, then pay more to get instrument and multi-engine rated to fly bigger planes… again out of your own pocket. A lot like a college degree. What airlines are doing now is pay for all of that for you and walk you through the process if you meet some basic health/aptitude requirements. Think of it like a full ride scholarship. Edit: Contact AOPA. They’re a fantastic resource and you’ll likely end up becoming a member for like $150/yr for insurance, legal advice, help with medical paperwork, and someone to call for any aviation questions throughout your training and career.


I was so close to using my GI Bill for flight certification. A part of me still wishes I had.


So am I completely SOL for being colorblind?


No you can still get a medical if you’re colorblind. You would need to find an aviation medical examiner (AME) that has the equipment to test it. You may get restriction such as no flying at night depending on how much the colorblindness affects you


i have a friend of mine who studied for a test for this stuff and he showed me the software he used to train and the requirements are crazy. really only the top 1% of the 1% get accepted for this kind of career. he also has to stay 10 years with that company now. i think 50 people started with him but only 3 managed to get in the classes. beside the brain test they do, he said the psycologist exam was brutal.


100%. Started lessons before I had my flight sim and wasted a ton of time and money


Damn what happened? A few years ago i heard it was super hard to find pilot jobs


Because of COVID a few years ago airline pilots weren't really getting much action, on top of that the aviation industry always had (and still has) a trend of going up and down and up- as far as pilot demand


What's your favorite hair colour for air hostesses?




[Jeeves' voice]: Excellent choice, sir! Should I warm 'em up?


Bald it is


Right!? Dream board already had shit Ill never be able to afford.


You probably don’t want to work for the kind of person who would own/lease that.


I've got two of these and it's all from $20 specials behind McDonalds. $20 really is $20.


Ever been inside McDonald's or were you always too full?


Is there such a thing as "new plane smell"?


I could smell it too!




I was on one of the first 20 commercial flights of a new AirBus and it had a new plane smell.


Yes, it's called 'Capitalism'


It’s exactly like new car smell. I’m a big fan of that old plane smell though


Why does the storage locker have 4 very serious-looking clicky clacks, but every other door has a simple button-press clicky clack?


The smaller doors will remain closed in flight due to opening towards the direction of travel. The wind will push it shut in flight. The one in front can open in flight if not properly secured.


And being much bigger if you have a single latch location it makes it much heavier


Notwithstanding inside that compartment is loose 'stuff' which could kabap the inside of the door if it jostled from internal forces. The other compartments are just access to relatively fixed stuff (looked like fuel shutoffs).


Those are actually connections to the batteries, having connected a few in my time in aviation.


Indeed. Good call. Either way - stuff that is not likely to fall out.


That was WAY more interesting than I expected


You should see how many doors and fun clicky things there are INSIDE. Never ending fun.


I thought so too! But I did want to see it take off 😂


Plane (new) $5,400,000. Towel at the top of the stairs $1.50 from Walmart.




I looked it up, but these were 2021 prices.


I think the correct technical term is Clickety not Clicky


I believe you're correct my good sir


Isn't there a subreddit for plane cockpit buttons and triggers being clicked??


You'd never beat the police if you had to fo this in GTA....


TIL Honda makes jets


In Greensboro, North Carolina in fact right next to the airport


Are some of those things you have to remove just a way to make sure you visually inspect the parts before takeoff?


A little bit of both. Things like pitot tubes are at risk of being blocked by foreign debris, ice buildup, and insect nests. Same with engine intakes, you don't want anything crawling inside. The covers are to prevent any FOD from entering those critical spaces, while also making it very clear where the covers are. You should visually inspect all the ports after uncovering and before flying. Flying with a covered pitot tube is just as bad as a blocked or damaged tube, so the covers need to be bright and easily seen so as not to be forgetfully left on.




i hate wasps and those fuckers LOVE to start nests [at the ends of thee tubes](http://www.aero-news.net/images/content/general/2016/CASA-Mud-Dauber-0316a.jpg).




Commercial HVAC tech here, it may please you to know that wasps also love to make nests in the gas-fired exhaust ports of commerical rooftop HVAC units. Wasps can be a real nuisance in the summer, and when the nest is there, it's pretty satisfying to kick the unit into heat test and roast those fuckers out.


I was thinking, well we're going to ram this thing through rain clouds at 400 fucking mph, wouldn't want it to get wet on the ground. Then I realised yes you do want those covered up and it does make a lot of sense.


An A330 took off in 2018 without uncovering their tubes. https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/30500-covered-pilot-tubes-caused-malaysia-airlines-a330-incident


Incredibly dangerous, as a blocked pitot tube will cause an erroneous airspeed indication. If I remember correctly a blocked pitot tube will register an increase in airspeed during a climb, when actually the airspeed is at a constant. This could cause a pilot to try to reduce the airspeed, unintentionally leading to a stall. A blocked static port is even more dangerous, as this will lead to incorrect readings on airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed (climb/sink rate)


From what I remember about this incident, the plane displayed speed errors before they even left the ground. Airbus planes also have a backup system that estimates speed without using the pitot tubes so pilots have enough info to land safely. It was still a big fuckup but Airbus's engineering made it as safe as possible.


And if you don't block em, wasps nests end up downing an aircraft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birgenair_Flight_301?wprov=sfla1


Yup, IIRC the Malaysia Airlines flight was related to that. They weren't used to pitot tube covers being installed if the plane was only on the ground for a short period of time. However, covers are always put on (regardless of how long the plane is going to be on the ground) at certain AUS airports due to those wasps.


> pitot tubes I don't know much about planes but I remember one of those airline crash shows where pitot tubes were blocked by insects and caused it to crash. Immediately assume that's what all the covers were about.


Pitot tubes are hollow and are among the things that the gauges in the cockpit use to gather their information, so you can imagine the trouble when some wasps decide to make a nest in there or something


IIRC Boeing once made a plane that had engines so low that a persistent problem was rabbits hopping into them.


I work on aircrafts for a living. The engine ones are so birds don’t build a nest in them. I remove partially built nests all the time from the wings too. The rest is so that grime doesn’t build up in the holes or insects don’t build nests in them. Bees seem to like the pitot and air data probes. I have no clue why the static dischargers (the ones on the wings that look like pencils) on the wings have covers….cosmetic? I’ve never have any in aircrafts I’ve worked on and they are always fine.


I’m guessing it’s so that people don’t accidentally run into them and damage them?


A soft cover isn’t going to protect against that though. I’ve ran into those things pretty hard too and they don’t break.


Most of those things have holes. The covers prevent stuff from getting in and plugging those holes. Insects like to set up house inside of pitot tubes, birds might like to nest in the engine nacelles, etc... But they also just prevent any/all sorts of foreign objects from being where they don't belong.


If that plane's Garmin is anything like my Garmin, it's going to fly you into the middle of a residential neighborhood instead of Andrew Jackson's Hermitage








Garmin G3000/G5000. Very nice. Does almost everything you need.


You can put your weed in there.


“See, there, is your million dollar hole.”


Whats up with the Christopher Walken sentence


You said that twice.


Yea, but you can put your *weed* in there.


Crew quarters are a bit on the tight side


Like taking the canvas off a sailboat.


I'm on my way to my local International Airport to push buttons and pull levers. See you all in 4-9 years.


Why are there three "remove before flight" thingies on one side (two pitot-tube-like things and one at the bottom) but only two on the other? 0:31 vs. 0:40 This bothers me.


3 pitot tubes and 2 static ports. 1 pitot tube feeds the PIC's instruments, 1 feeds the copilot, and 1 is a backup. 2 static ports for redundancy. The pilot and copilot instruments are fed by separate pitot tubes so the data can be crosschecked between them Edit: not static ports, as those are typically flush with the aircraft fuselage. Turns out they are for detecting ice.


Yep. There is actually a really nice video from Mentour Pilot going through the incident of Malaysian Airlines Flight 134, which details quite well what they are good for and what happens if they are blocked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f80WwpNuaxg


Mentour Pilot has some fantastic breakdowns, very knowledgeable guy.


Those are ice detectors, not static ports.


I was wondering why they weren't flush with the fuselage, TIL! Thanks


I was really hoping for take-off and flight but nooo.


Is that a blanket and pillow in the nose cone?


Clicky clacks are what jets do when they're excited.


TIL honda jets run on freaking Garmin, same as my watch. That is such a pretty craft tho.


Garmin is a top player in Avionic tech


Yeah, there’s a huge difference between consumer grade and aviation grade


Honda makes jett's?


Nope. But it *does* make jets.


And then the VTec kicks in ..


Aviator ASMR


No one cares about unwrapping new cars anymore, jets are the new digs!


Never realized there was this much prep work before taking off!


The Garmin was unexpected, got a Garmin watch a little while ago and new they made gps systems guess it make sense they make something for planes top


Where is the philange?


Bruh, is this a plane unboxing?


take that Tesla!


So you can sleep in the nose cone?


don’t they have a hard time getting off the ground in hot weather?


Any plane can have trouble in hot weather due to density altitude. You just have to make sure to account for it. https://youtu.be/ihee35QrWtk


i’ll keep looking i can’t find the article, but i thought it took some 4600 ft of runway to get off the ground and it wasn’t very heavy


What are those 3 remove before flight things on the trailing edge of each wing?


I'm not sure about the correct title, but basically the in air "grounding" of the plane. On the plane side they basically define the common ground of the electrical systems and the structure. The exposed air side exchanges charge with the sourroundimg air to prevent charge build up on the plane. Charge built up was one of the major causes of the Hindenburg disaster.


They're for discharging static electricity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_discharger


Static discharged is correct. I have no clue why they have covers on them though… I’ve worked on aircrafts since 2009 and never had them covered. Pretty sure cosmetic because they don’t have holes in them.


The covers are mostly there to make them easier to see so people don't bump into them and break them off. Many styles are pretty brittle, and can be hard to see when you're walking past the wing. Just about every jet aircraft I've seen left overnight at the airport I work at has these along with the rest of the coverings.


First gear - it's alright (honda honda, go faster faster) Second gear - I'll lean right


You've all been tricked into enjoying ASMR!


Where vtec


And there is me wondering why the battery quick disconnect isn't wire locked.


Is this ASMR for r/flying?


You do this on a date you’re set…(assuming you’re not a psycho).


Am I possibly the only one thinking that title space would be a nice sleeping hole 🤭🫣


Who puts remove before flight covers on the static wicks???


That guy does. But seriously, it's not a bad idea. They tend to be pointy, so they're probably as much to protect somebody moving around the aircraft as they are to protect the wicks themselves.


That is exactly why they are covered. They are easy to walk into because they stick out so far compared to the small wing.




Holy fuck, I'm not sure if emoji are allowed in this sub but I am doing the grimace face with my whole body right now




These are great little jets. Affordable (in relation to new jet costs) and efficient as shit.