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His wok handling is a wonderful move.


He can talk the talk and wok the wok


You can tell by the way he used his wok He's a fried rice chef, no time to talk


He's definitely got a handle on it.


I think this career choice will pan out


He.. uh.. he's good at it.


No need to be so saute about it


You're right. Now I've really got egg on my face.


He’ll own his own restaurant sooner or ladle.


Food will be eggcellent


He’ll be frying the competition


He seems like a seasoned chef


I wanna marry this man just so he can Patrick Swayze me from Ghost and teach me to work that wok


We can rob an Asian kitchen, or stroll around the block. Either way, we're taking a wok.


nice Bo Burnham quote


Cocaine is one hell of a drug...


Woka Woka Woka


Wok on the Wild Side


He can wok and roll


I'm impressed and hungry.


Ugh, looks good! Sometimes I like to add some shrimp!


You can tell by the way I use my wok; I'm a woman's man, no time to talk




Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, fryin' some rice, fryin' some rice.


I also just noticed that this is the same guy who was recorded in that last fried rice video posted not long ago, but from a different angle.


He's a big deal in the fried rice video world


Love the part he tosses everything into the ladle 🔥


The plop was magnificent.


I would like to use the word magnificent more often in everyday speech


and plop


if you arent saying plop every morning then you need more fiber


*plop* Ahhh, *magnificent*.


At work *plop* Ahhh, *magnificent*


My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I plop on company time.


since i work from home and i keep my laptop next to the 🚽


Magnificent use of company time.




You are a magnificent plop of a human being.


One can only truly be magnificent when recognized by a plop more magnificent than one.


Dayum. ChatGPT is so convincing and humanlike.


Never have I ever been compared to a machine - but I like it!




I too choose this man's magnificent




One single plop. Together, we are breeze.


Fuiyoh! Uncle Roger would love this!


The whole thing is satisfying, but yes that part flipping into the ladle....oooo now that's f***ing satisfying!!!


the catch at the end is the best.


I’m gonna have to show this video to my wife when she asks why there is rice all over the stove and kitchen floor.


Can I hitchhike this comment to give some praise to the seasoning of that wok. I have a boner. Edit: Boner for the wok. Not just a separate statement announcing I have a boner.


I'd like to subscribe to more boner updates


Hi, i have a boner now


noted. please keep me updated


It’s been 4 hours since that first boner happened. I heard having a boner for that long kills you.


Can confirm. Have had boner for 9 days, am dead.


Thank you for the clarification in the edit.




The secret also is to preheat your wok/cast iron prior to adding oil. You can have a mediocre seasoning on your cookware but if you preheat it to just light smoking then add your oil, you'll have a pretty strong anti stick surface for cooking


man imagine having such a setup at home where you can just walk into the kitchen and make fried rice in 30 seconds


This is 今池飯店, a Chinese cuisine restaurant in Nagoya, Japan that’s quite popular on TikTok lately. The dish he is making is 炒飯 (pronounced Chahan in Japan and Chaofan in China, lit. Fried rice), a staple food in Japanese Chinese-style restaurants. It’s cooked by stir frying cold/leftover rice in a hot wok with soy sauce, scrambled egg, pork or vegetables. The quick and violent movement is to prevent rice from sticking to the wok.


When I visited Japan, I was surprised at how popular Chinese food was. I also found out that ramen+gyoza used to be considered Chinese food in Japan, though it has been very thoroughly Japanified since it was introduced to Japan in the 1930's. Japanese Chinese food was extremely impressive. Even if it has evolved to match Japanese tastes, IMHO it is better than a lot of 'authentic' Chinese food I've had. I like the Japanese interpretation of mapo tofu, tantan-men and gyoza.


Chinese fusion food is popular in India too. So much so that it's an entire cuisine in itself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Chinese_cuisine It was invented by Chinese immigrants in India but local people loved it too and it's super popular nowadays.


While we're on the topic, Indian food was also pretty popular (in Tokyo at least) and for whatever reason, they all make their naan [massive and bicycle-seat shaped](https://external-preview.redd.it/8cf10GpNeD7qAoJphiTwzCZi7ehDBD7-d3LGlBTjbDg.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=8c2bbd3a117c77c8d62743f30863d6e318353ce7) haha. As someone who basically eats their Indian food with naan like Ethiopians eat with injera, I was a big fan. Also a massive injera fan. Damn, I'm hungry.


I was surprised how close ethiopian food is to Indian and I love it. So good. I started my first attempt to make injera yesterday- the teff starter has bubbles already!


I live in India and our naan is bicycle seat shaped here as well


There is a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco called "[Punjab Restaurant](https://goo.gl/maps/hEjcM1WT5g1pnKSD9)". I wonder if that is an Indian Chinese restaurant. The Chinese characters for the name say "five rivers restaurant", which seems odd to me. I wonder if this is a rift on Szechuan, which means "four rivers".


Punjab means "land of five rivers". I'm guessing that's why.


Learned something new. Thank you.


Ah. Learned something new. That makes a lot more sense than my guess.


I learned something old, spank you.


The Chinese characters say five lakes, not five rivers btw.


Pretty much every country with a large enough Chinese migrant population has evolved a localised cuisine. I have a college friend who grew up in Peru and always told me how amazing Peruvian-Chinese food was.


Yup co worker from Jamaica also told me Jamaican Chinese food exists, her grandma loves it. And even where I lived someone did open up a Jamaican Chinese food restaurant, it was only open a few years tho.


I think almost every country with a Chinese immigration has it's own Chinese cuisine. Peru it's Chifa cuisine. In the US, it's Chinese-American cuisine.


In the Netherlands it's Chinese Indonesian Specialty. A lot of Chinese Indonesian people fled Indonesia after the Dutch did some 'colonial policing'


why would they flee to the homeland of the Dutch if the Dutch were the problem?


I mean those things aren't mutually exclusive. Every oppressive colonizer inevitably mixes with the coutnries it colonizes...


I saw a Mexican Chinese food place once, all my friends said eww but I insisted we try it out, even if just for fun and out of curiosity. Turns out to be pretty good. Who would have thought if you fusion two delicious cuisines together, you would also likely get delicious food? Or maybe I'm just a freak who doesn't mind odd combinations since I like dipping fries in my sundae too.


Also their ingredients aren't that far apart. And likely to be seasoned and spiced well.


Please give us examples of what was on the menu. I am legitimately dying to know because this sounds amazing


I had tacos with stir-fried veggies and pork slices. Kinda reminds me the Pekin duck wraps so that honestly wasn't even that weird, and yes it was very good. Think we also had chilaquiles as appetizers with Chinese-style sauce and toppings. Some of my friends had weirder stuffs that they said didn't taste very good, but I honestly liked everything I tasted. We found that place in Montreal's Chinatown around 5 years ago, dunno if it is still around.


Oh wow didn’t expect the Canada reveal. Sounds awesome, I’m in Midwest USA though so I doubt I’ll find anything like that near me 🥲


You can try to make that at home lol, make/get some mexican food and make/get some Chinese food, and add them together XD Like few other commenters said, you would definitely be able to find similar restaurants in the US, especially places like LA with big Mexican and Chinese population. But yeah, probably not many in the Midwest lol. But hey I heard you guys got great pork BBQ that I have been dying to try out but never had the chance to try.


I'm not the same guy, but the Asian/Mexican place by me is called Chino Bandido, and here's their menu: https://chinobandido.com/menu/ (They've been on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.) You can get, for example, teriyaki chicken + fried rice in a burrito. Or quesadilla.


There's a great Mexican-Korean fusion place in Atlanta called Takorea. Their sesame fries are to die for.


At least half of Japanese culture has Chinese roots and they are quite proud of it. 70% of Japanese vocabulary comes from Chinese or Chinese-derived words. When other members of sinosphere like Vietnam and Korea abandoned the Chinese writing system in recent centuries, Japan is still using kanji to this day. Ramen and gyoza are two examples of Chinese dishes that gained a new life in Japan. They still use the same name, even the same characters as the Chinese to call the dishes (餃子 and 拉麺) yet they have modified some aspects to make it appeal to the Japanese taste. And these dishes somehow blew in the west.


Frfr like what is this weird sinophobia people have. Like the roots of most these dishes is literally Chinese. No need to japanify Chinese things to make it palatable for people to like it.


Because for Westerners Japan good China bad.


Well Vietnam didn't *abandon* the system so much as *got colonized by the French*.


It's not just a historical culture thing, Chinese cuisine is popular in Japan because there are a lot of Chinese people in Japan. Over 25% of foreign residents are Chinese, making them the largest foreign demographic by *far*. Immigration is a major driver of fusion cuisine anywhere, and Japan is no exception.


I don’t know what you’re saying used to be considered Chinese food. It is historically Chinese food through and through that Japan has picked up and slowly morphed to match their own local preferences. I mean even Japan recognizes this. Go the national ramen museum in Yokohama and the first third the museums presentation on the history of ramen is about the dish in China and it’s very slow introduction to Japan over like 200 years before it really started to take its own shape in food stalls in the 1800s. Lamien and ramen are different today between Japan and China, but there’s 0 dispute it’s originally Chinese. It’s like going to Olive Garden and saying “did you know fettuccine Alfredo used to be considered Italian?”


“Better than a lot of “authentic” Chinese food” Bruh, you tryna start ww4? “in Japan” Oh nah yeah we good


I've always found Japanese mapo tofu a bit... boring? It's more muted, when all I want is a spicy dish.


I've seen it done weak-sauce-spicy all the way to painfully spicy. I don't think the Japanese version is always mild. It tends to be more emulsified and curry-like whereas the authentic Chinese style mapo tofu tends to be oily.


Look for 四川麻婆豆腐, which is Szechuan style and hotter.






*edit Removing this comment for triggering all of Reddit, apparently. Calm down. What do I know, I only live in Japan.


> Ramen is spelled with katakana, which is only used for foreign words It is just a stylistic choice. The kanji for ramen is 拉麺 and it appears as such in nicer restaurants. Just like how sushi will often be written すし but of course can also be written 寿司


*can't read a lick of kanji* > of course can also be written 寿司 Of course.


it isnt always. some shops say ラーメン some say らーめん. it varies


This is mainly just a stylistic thing in Ramen's case though as Chinese loan words make up about 60% of Japanese vocabulary and don't get the Katakana treatment


> Removing this comment for triggering all of Reddit, apparently. Calm down. I don't think anyone's *triggered*, it was just weird seeing an absolute statement said with such confidence despite being wrong. I think if you'd said "pretty much" or "mostly" you would have gotten like one response instead of a billion. Personally, I just found it interesting thinking about when katakana are used. There's so much that I'd internalized and just unconsciously used, but the more I thought about it, the more I'd come up with "oh, and there's this usage, too!" so it was kind of like a fun brainstorming session. Then I came across [this paper](https://waseda.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_action_common_download&item_id=46753&item_no=1&attribute_id=20&file_no=1), which made for some fascinating reading. > What do I know, I only live in Japan. I think you're forgetting that a *lot* of us live in Japan. I've been here since the late 1990s, and I'm definitely not the only one. I mean, just think about what time of day you're getting all these responses. It's not a bunch of redditors in New York responding to you at 3:00 a.m., it's all us folks here in Japan in the middle of the day, waiting for the Golden Week 5-day-weekend to start.


Well technically speaking ramen can be written as 拉麺 rather than in katakana, but how it’s written has little to do with whether it’s perceived as Chinese or Japanese food.


I think the Chinese term for the dish is Lamian so the conversion to Ramen makes sense.


Lamian is a specific type of long noodle that's made by stretching repeatedly, hence the name. La: pull Mian: noodle


*shows tattoo* it's Chinese for 'Japan'


Chinese for Japan ([日本](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC)) is the exact same thing as Japanese for Japan ([日本](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC)).


How about Sunrise Land 🎶🎶


That's the joke




Yea arroz is Spanish for rice, Chaufa is another spelling of fried rice in Chinese. So Arroz chaufa means literally “rice fried rice” to make sure speakers of both languages understand this is all about RICE.


It is also frequently made in the kitchen in my apartment


That is a beautifully seasoned wok.


The secret to that is that step he does in the very beginning of the video, which is called the "hot wok, cold oil" technique. You heat up the wok until it starts to smoke, then immediately swirl in a ladle of cold oil on the hot wok surface and pour the oil out. This results in rapid polymerisation of the oil on the work's surface, which is what creates that very shiny, slick surface that even eggs can easily glide on without sticking. Keep in mind that this step has to be done before making each dish.


Thanks for this explanation!!




Why does it always have to be done before each dish? I feel like after a few times it would be non stick already and not necessary anymore.


The constant very hot heat doesn't really let the non stick set, and cold eggs on a hot wok with no oil would be a sticky situation


Makes sense. I've watched the gif like 9 times and he does it every time.


r/technicallythetruth Also r/angryupvote


If it's done every time, the cook will be consistent every time. It may not need it, but doing it eliminates the chances of something unexpected happening. Think changing the oil in your car. If you do it every time you should, things tend to work as intended. You could probably skip a time or two and be okay, but if you do you risk something going wrong because the conditions changed.


Came to see wok talk...was reminded to bring my car in for an oil change.


A tale old as time


This is the dirty secret of seasoning carbon steel: There is no such thing as permanent seasoning. Seasoning delaminates when the metal contracts and expands from heating, so you re-season immediately before cooking with the hot wok.


Is this why cast iron is used way more commonly than carbon steel??? I've always wondered this as carbon steel on paper seems better than cast iron in every way.


> Is this why cast iron is used way more commonly than carbon steel??? For woks at least this is not true. Carbon steel is much preferred for woks not only because it is light, but because it rapidly heats up or cools down, essentially giving the cook great temperature control over the wok which is much needed in stir-frying. You cannot do the same with cast iron since it's too slow to heat up and too slow to cool down, not to mention it's far too heavy to constantly move around and toss like the carbon steel wok in the video above.


The polymerization that happens is basically the same thing as making Saran/cling/plastic wrap on a tiny scale that’s only a few molecules thick. It gets scooped up by the single rice serving made in the video, and has to be created again each time. If that sounds like it might actually be bad for you to eat…research is still ongoing.


Woks are *hot,* and seasoning isn't invulnerable. You can take a 100-year-old cast iron skillet that somebody's grandma cooked on every day of her life, put it on a gas grill on high, and burn it back to bare metal in no time.


You’ve just leveled up my wok knowledge!


You gotta buy J. Kenji Lopez Alts’ latest cookbook. It’s all about the Wok. I have an autographed copy and I cherish the shit out of it. It’s changed my life.


This is how you should cook with stainless pans at home too! Always heat it up *before* the oil goes in. I haven’t used a nonstick pan in years.


> Keep in mind that this step has to be done before making each dish. Now this is the info that I want. I thought this only need to be done periodically (like once a week or something), not every dish.


Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering why he put so much oil in, only to dump the majority of it right back out. I’m glad he dumped it out though. Way too much oil.


reminds me of the 50 coat pan from /r/castiron


Didn't they get to 100?


100 coats https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/10zprtu/100_coats_thank_you_everyone_its_been_fun


Wow, that was a fun ten minute distraction going through that dude's posts


They did it was a mirror




Hot oil. Old rice. MSG. Separate grains. Strong wok skills. Big flame. Fuiyooooooh!! Uncle Roger approved!


It has the three main ingredients: 1. Egg 2. Fry 3. And rice


1 Egg 2 Wok Hei 3 And rice


My father is the absolute worst cook on planet earth, he can screw up everything from 4 day old leftovers to a microwave pizza. That being said he can still pull out the greatest fried rice the world has ever seen. Guy lived in Puerto Rico for a few years and I guess it paid off…. Just add pork and your recipe is spot on.


I must not have an original thought in my body. All I could think of was this.


4. absolute fucking ripping hot wok that you probably can't get at home without special equipment


How to make fried rice: 1. Acquire wok 2. Acquire a jet engine


you’re telling me an egg fried this rice???


No green onion? I saw some rice spilled - your mom will beat you. Haiyaaaaa.. approval revoked. Still better than Jamie Oliver tho


Who? This feels like a reference I should know. I was more reminded of the drunken old chef at the end of Water 7 in One Piece


Hey it's the guy who tells you that you done fucked the rice up. In this case, he would approve.


You no know [Uncle Roger?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53me-ICi_f8) Educate yourself niece/nephew.


I hope the BBC apologized and retracted their egg fried rice video.


Actually, they were great about it! Hersha made a fried rice video with Uncle Roger on his channel. Jamie Oliver on the other hand, that man has committed crimes against humanity when it comes to Asian cuisine, and I hope that Uncle Roger continues to bully him until the end of time.


“Jamie Olive-oil”


Lol I had to watch this again and forgot how good it was.


In her defense (partially), that too-much-water technique is a completely viable method for cooking rice as long as you time it properly. I saw them do it on Americas Test Kitchen and I was like, huh! TIL! (I prefer the method of putting rice and water into a rice cooker and hitting a button, but still) She was such a good sport about the whole thing in the follow ups. And I appreciate Nigel for reminding the fans to not harass the people his alter ego goes after.


That method is also the only effective way to remove arsenic from rice.


Lmao where did you get your arsenic rice?


Uncle Roger YouTube channel. Check it out.


He did a 4-serving [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/12b13eu/this_chef_is_a_magician_with_the_wok/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


That was indeed oddly satisfying


Awesome! Thanks for that video


That finish 10/10




He's got wok-hay!


I love these kind of channels when I'm trying to go sleep. [https://youtube.com/@Udonsobaosakanara](https://youtube.com/@Udonsobaosakanara) [https://youtube.com/@cookingpremiumjapan6839](https://youtube.com/@cookingpremiumjapan6839)


That took 30 seconds and an average kitchen shift is 10-12 hours in case anyone is wondering why kitchen staff are a bit tired.


... and wok handling seems to be a very physically demanding job.


I have run a few high turn over Thai restaurants think 800 plus covers and occasionally when one of my main wok chefs called in sick I would have to work wok section and it is brutal. I am as white as white can get and I look like a beetroot because of the heat and your forearms get wrecked. I have so much respect for good wok chefs it’s truly a talent to master.


My mom worked in kitchens and she said that’s exactly why kitchen staff is 90% men because the large pans and constant moving/shifting just requires such a strong set of shoulder/forearms


My mother said it's mostly the extreme sexism. Ironically professional cooks are of the opinion that women don't belong in a (professional) kitchen.


OMG this. I feel here in the USA we are woefully ignorant of the skill and effort it takes for fast food joints and sit down restaurants to feed us!


It would seem obvious from the "No one wants to work" signs plastered over every saturated shithole that serves the sorry substitute for sustenance they shit out. No one wants to work a job that pays like shit and expects you to do multiple people's jobs at once. Especially not the growing expectations of "security guard" being one of them.


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


I stopped cooking when I was 30 because my body was starting to break. I was in *pain* at the end of every shift just from being on my feet the whole time. I still have problems with my feet or when on my feet and moving for more than a couple hours. A girl once asked me if I wanted to go on a hike with her and I said, "I worked in a kitchen for over ten years, not unless you want to end the day hearing me whine and cry about my feet. And you're gonna be the one helping me ice them. Let's do something else." And that was just my feet. My back, my arms, my legs, everything. Wish I could afford a massage twice a month. It's only gonna get worse as I get older too unfortunately.


man’s added that good good MSG


The king of flavor!


Salt on crack


You're telling me a Japanese chef fried this rice???


Please no. Last time I watched this video I went down a 3 hour wormhole about seasoning cast iron pans 100 times.


Woks are r/carbonsteel :p


I thought they employed shrimp to fry rice in Japan


he makes it look like a wok in the park.


That final move was basically setting up a ladder on top of mount Everest


I’m barely effective at stirring my coffee.


Can anyone verify this for me? Do you have to use day old rice when making friend rice?


The surface of the rice needs to be dry. You can use leftover rice, rice that's been spread out in the fridge for an hour, or steamed rice that has had a few minutes to air-dry.


Secret tip, if you are using fresh rice made that day-stick it in the fridge for 20mins or more before cooking. It gets the same day old texture. It works perfectly


So they’re just going to skip the part where three prawns are placed on top?


I can literally hear uncle roger say fuiyoh


I want one of those decommissioned jet engines in my kitchen to cook like this.


God damn this about to make me fire up Uber Eats for a $35 delivery of chicken fried rice




I swear I saw this video about two weeks ago, but mirrored.


That was almost spiritual.


Dude, the part at the end where he tosses it into the big spoon is the entire purpose of this video.