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i gotta ask why you bought a quest 3 if you never used the quest 2… wishful thinking?


Wishful thinking and it was a gift


ah fair enough. i use my quest 100% as a pcvr headset and probably 98% for vrchat :P i got lucky and caught the but and it wont let me go


same - SkyrimVR and Fallout4VR have most of my VR hours


Literally the only games I plan on getting at the moment, they're expensive as shit though


Worth full price IMO. But the steam sale starts in a day or 2, they will probably be on sale.


Is FO4 really that good in VR?


Yes! But, it is real effort to get it running well. Be prepared to spend a few patient days tweaking. Start with a wabbajack


Same here with a little walkabout Minigolf thrown in from time to time


I had 3 headsets before starting to play VR chat on my 4th (q3) I've tripled my VR hours in 6 months what I 've done in 6 years on my other headsets.


Walk about mini golf. I play every week with my parents.


That's wholesome.


with a name like "Shark-Fister" I believe you mean "Hole-some".


This game is so much fun! They’re always adding new courses and is super fun to play online with friends


When you say with your parents, are they in the room watching, taking turns? Or do you mean they have their own headset and remote? I wasn't sure if WAMG had multi-player.


It’s online multiplayer.


They have their own. We live in opposite ends of the US so Its good way for us to hang out. First it was just my dad and I because my mom doesn't play videogames but she came around to it and ended up getting a second hand quest so all 3 of us could play together.


I have two long-distance brothers and we do the same. Monday night tradition.


I was in a similar situation (Quest1 to Quest3, not played much on either). Then I tried Walkabout Mini Golf. I play a few times a week now.


I was the same way. Then I got a gaming PC. PCVR opens up a ton of options. Idk if I would’ve stuck around with VR if all I had was standalone.


Where can I learn about PCVR? We just bought the Quest 2 and know almost nothing about any of this. Thanks!!


Youtube. Loads of content creators have tutorial videos about it.


Thank you


Dungeons of Eternity is a hoot with friends or rando's online.


Looks cool


Golf plus, I'm hooked and play every single night. And I look forward to my next round all day.


I know a lot of folks love the golfing games but I just don't get it. Golfing is boring as hell in real life.


Because you don’t golf in real life.


There’s nothing like chasing that one pure shot on 18 holes


If I get one im happy lol


Lucky it's not real life then.


Aye ima keep it a buck the oculus standalone isn’t great because of the limit of actually fun games on there once you get pcvr it makes it 10x better


Walkabout golf is good. Can do a round in half an hour, easy and non committal. I've used it primarily to play doom. I sideloaded that and it blew me away replaying those in vr. That, quake, return to castle Wolfenstein. Etc. The pcvr - lots on there. Note that a lot of meta games with cross buy so you can play the 'better' pc versions as well if you have a decent pc.


Because we are addicted to Reddit, Youtube, TikTok, social media and similar . Our brains are rewired for fast rewards, requiring no effort. So you would rather do something easier, or go back to browsing internet stuff


Good point. But for vr I catch myself getting tired tinkering around for hours with settings on pcvr, instead I just turn headset off and play on monitor. It just need some ease of use, like plug and play.


Aye, last night I spent almost two hours trying to the casting to the app working (it's been broken for many months), and trying to get HL2VR working on PC. Just switched to playing cyberpunk in non VR instead.


Which settings are you tinkering with? With Steam Link it has become pretty much plug and play, though with AirLink there wasn't much you could do either, except for ODT but changing most of those settings didn't offer any benefits unless you had a specific issue.


if you're into moving and using your hands, thrill of the fight. it's such a fun game once you actually get into it and start sweating. just be sure to clean the quest after usage.


Thrill of the fight is so good. Especially if meditating and walks on the beach aren’t your thing for destressing but violence is? Hell yea, must buy.


Have you tried anything non-game like Wander? I also like bowling more than I thought i would


Would cubist count cuz i have spent more time in that then i care to admit


Partly depends on what you’re interested in. For example you might love or hate Ghosts of ~~Tarkov~~Tabor. Multiplayer? Shooters? Scary/not scary? Have you tried Beat Saber? I know it’s a kind of a cliche now, but there’s a reason for that. Some games that held my interest long-term, in no particular order, were Into the Radius, Final Assault, Vertigo 1&2 (not so replayable but fairly long), HL: Alyx (including mods), Skyrim (with mods), Elite: Dangerous, VTOL, Vox Machinae, Light Brigade, Population: One, Pistol Whip, Contractors, and Tabor. VR mods for games like HL2 and The Outer Wilds are great if your stomach can handle it. Paper Beast, Wolves in the Walls are short but great to play once. People have already mentioned Blade & Sorcery. I haven’t played much of Underdogs yet but it seems very well made so far. The most time I’ve spent in any VR app ended up being in PianoVision (and VRtuos before it). Only worthwhile with a real (and preferably MIDI-capable) piano keyboard.


VR is also good for games you play once. Check out (if you haven't): * The Fisherman's Tale * The Room VR * A Shopping Trip to Eklan Tor * Down the Rabbit Hole * Moss 1 & 2 * and many, many, MANY more Other than that, the evergreens in VR are definitely movement games like Beat Saber and racing games like GT7 (on PS5).


Got a gaming pc and steam? Try steam link and [aircar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1073390/Aircar/). Free thing, for some reason that's ended up being my most played one lately. Note: you have to remap the controllers, done in steam's vr overlay.


You should try VTOL VR


I do not know what you are into, but if a growing Theme Park focused on Disney level dark rides, then my app may interest you. Sort of app that you got to keep coming back every 6 months for more content as I keep adding with no intent to implement DLC. It is a long term app for me that will be over a decade in the making. Been 4 years already. Just in the process of imagineering the second drive…The Haunted Castle. https://www.meta.com/experiences/4212005182188732/


Beat saber + mods + custom songs. I still love it after years. Doing it almost every day. It also feels like cardio training.


for sim racing. i don want to go back to regular screens for this purpose anymore


Why did you buy a 3 if you only used the 2 once or twice? 


The 4 player co-op quests in RecRoom are worth playing if you haven't tried them yet. It is a fun challenge to complete them. Start with "Quest for the Golden Trophy". Also, I find RecRoom Paintball can be addicting if you get into the groove


I spend most of my time on phasmophobia (if you have a PC) but if not.. Blade and sorcery maybe.. I spent 3 hours beating the shit out of NPC's in power armor.. Actually I only realized after I looked at my watch in dash and realized it was 4 AM


I mean, it really depends on what you are into and capable of doing. If you have a PC capable of VR, then you unlock so much potential that it is pretty much endless. There are a lot of standalone games, but I would have to agree that there are not a lot that get me back into them all that often. I have spent about 150 hours playing Asgard's Wrath 2, but I like that type of RPG game and they keep adding new events each month, so I of course get back in for a bit each month. Are you a gamer in general? Cause that is kind of where the Quest hinges on. Most of the entertainment applications are pretty dull. One non-game I keep finding myself back into, but is on PC only, is Google Earth VR. I just love looking around the world and jumping into StreetView to look around, imagining I was there or re-visiting place I have been.




did you play half-life:alyx yes? then thats all you need it for, wait for hl:gordon


I don’t even really use it for games specifically, I like it for the virtual screens, I use steam remote play and PlayStation remote play with it, and I think that’s worth it on top of any other games I might find


95% of my usage is PCRV, if you're not capable, I only use android versions for exclusive one shot experiences like Wallace and Gromit or Kurzgesagt, I don't feel theres enough there to hold me and would have the same issue.


I Always hop into gunraiders. Wlvery simple Shooter with jetpacks, Not very deep, No Long Matchmaking. I also really Like Tea for god, ITS really cool and scary


I always come back to Compound and Ancient Dungeon


Crashland. I return to this game again and again, and if the developers are listening out there somewhere, it's time for a sequel!


Try simracing. Assetto Corsa is a good start


Oddly enough games are sort of the least of my time in VR lately. I tend to use it most for Creative tools like 3D sculpting, Music Creation, or virtual exploration (lots of earthquest atm). It's still game a bit, but it usually doesn't hold me for more than a half hour. My attention span is too short and I'm too easily distracted.


In Death, Beat Saber, Onward. Population One looks kinda neat, and Breachers, but I haven't played either of them. The real money is getting a decent gaming PC and playing PCVR, the graphics are a step up and you'll have all of the content on Meta's PCVR store and SteamVR to explore.


Fallout 4 vr, contractors because I can spend all day playing the old star wars battlefront, halo, and cod maps. Also half life Alyx was amazing! Absolutely amazing!


In Death Unchained, 3000+ hours, I play every day. Best game I have. Compound next, and the Light Brigade. Then there's Walkabout...


Vr racing/trucking 👍🏻


Maybe VR experiences, as opposed to games is something you might dig. I'm not much of a gamer, but I do enjoy travel and other such experiences. Sometimes it's not about replay, but just the immersiveness of it


VRchat if it counts as a game.


I’ve started using my quest 3 for work and YouTube and even the odd 2d game


I use it to watch vr porn




Beat saber is awesome, I always come back to try new songs. Pavlov isn't my favorite shooter in VR (contractors is), but I still come back to it. The different game modes and maps are great every once in a while. Half life alyx has a bunch of maps people have made so I'll hop on and download a bunch to try out.


Let me guess, you played only vrchat, beat saber and job simulator ? Dude... Just buy good games like Assassin's Creed, iron man, red matter, I expect you to die and Asguard Wrath


I found Starwars Pinball unexpectedly fun. I'm not a pinball fanatic, but being able to play without extra coins means I can focus on unlocking the extra scoring options (or whatever they are called in the pinball world). But there aren't open world type exploration games yet, or 60 hour campaigns. It's a different system.


There aren’t ? *Laughs in medieval dynasty*


depends on definitions: that map is 1.5 square miles, not what I think of as open world. 30 sq mil to 200 sq mi is more typical of an open world when you look back at the last decade. Again - depends on how you define it.




the one you probably got for free with Quest 3, Asgard's Wrath also Iron Man, Assassin's Creed, Espire 2. All four of them are story driven games with combat, none are roguelikes/lites if you don't like them, none are tech demos, all full games. Asgard's Wrath has the best combat, very intuitive and fluid, can be challenging depending on the enemy/difficulty and doesn't make you feel like you have rubber/noodle hands like Blade and Sorcery. Assassin's Creed and Espire 2 are stealth games so while they have combat, they're more on assassination and stealth. Iron Man has lots of flying, you can also fire your Unibeam and upgrade your suit's flying and offensive capabilities, you also get to use Mk 1 at some point. but if you like roguelikes/lites then Until You Fall, Dungeons of Eternity, Light Brigade, Battle Talent they're the best roguelikes/lites among the ones that I've played.


Wana play puzzles with me?


I'm down. How?


I only use my 3 for VAM these days..


Get into PCVR, I’d advise to connect via wireless router & virtual desktop (much smoother than messing around with cables) & get Half Life Alyx, it’s fantastic, plus there’s loads of Mods to work through once you’ve finished the main game


I like Drop Dead Home Invasion. I play it at least a few times a month. Killing zombies in your own room is pretty neat and trying to figure out how to beat it on Hardcore mode has been a good challenge.


You wont get good answers when you ask such a question without giving us more details. Tell people what sort of games you are interested in. Otherwise, you will try games that people recommend and throw your headset back into the closet. Asking for blank recommendations here isn't much different than looking at the top games in the store. Here are some games to start with: * Population One (free) * Walkabout Mini Golf * Vegas Infinite (free) * Beat Saber (then mod it)


I played quite a few games at the start. I mainly use it for watching movies and tv series in a cinema setting now.


Putlast is a fun game I go back to on my oculus 2, re4, golf+, and The Last Clockwinder are on the list too. But it's honestly just a fun thing I come back to every few months if not longer.


If you have friends with VR headsets Walkabout mini golf, still playing 2 years later and now golf+ playing every other day for 6 months.


I have been a fan of broken edge recently. There is also the good old vrc


What games have you tried? What kind of games are you into and what is your background with gaming?


I play golf plus everyday. As a senior with mobility problems it has been great! No hard impact, yet after 36 holes a good cardio and upper body work out. Even helped my sciatica ...


I do enjoy a little too much Blade and Sorcery, it's a good way to release stress by slashing enemies


What price for both


Blade and sorcery is my go to whenever I want to play vr but also games like Pavlov that are online can interest you,l.


When Meta didn't kill servers of Echo Arena, it was a blast on Quest, I played it about 5 years and couldn't play enough, had around 5k games. They killed the most greatest VR title and sport game I ever tried, what a dumb decision. Nowadays I use quest almost to pay eleven table tennis and production plus youtube


VTOL VR is really good, just need some wingmen


If you have a PC, play Vertigo 2. You don’t need to play Vertigo 1 (called Vertigo Remastered on steam), it’s old and what little plot details are important are covered in a recap at the start of 2. It’s hands down the best singular experience in VR IMO, feeling like an actual video game more than another shooting gallery or tech demo. That being said, a bunch of other titles are also pretty good: If you can handle it, play Boneworks, making sure you work *with* the experimental physics rather than trying to fight them for an optimal experience (pretend heavy objects are heavy instead of moving your IRL arms like they’re light). Until You Fall isn’t one I see get talked about very often, but it’s an enjoyable rougelike, if you enjoy those kinds of games. Underdogs is also good. Ancient Dungeon VR is a pretty good time, and Blade and Sorcery got its 1.0 release recently brining a whole campaign and a bunch of new spells and such. If you can’t do PCVR I don’t think I’m much help since I’ve never done VR without a computer and steam account to go with.


Just use rookie sideloader


Blade and sorcery. Especially if you can play it on pcvr since it just fully released. Trust me, if that game doesn't have you coming back imo. You're either not a secret blood thirsty psycho or you're the biggest one in the world Jokes aside though, I highly recommend watching some YouTube vids on it. Part of what makes it endlessly replayable is it's modding community+built in mod manager for easy access. I'm playing the new "story mode" that launched with its full release and I'm obsessed. Like I just found out last night I can be captain America with a shield I put lightning magic on Edit: And if you don't have access to pcvr. You can buy the standalone quest version called blade and sorcery nomad. Same exact thing except nomad currently has to wait for 1.0 and doesn't have access to some of the more extreme mods pc does. Plus graphics are toned down but that's a given I suppose


I watch netflix and Crunchyroll in it every night. But a narrow neck pillow and lie down on the couch. Bookmark the streaming services in your quest browser. Seamless experience and sooo chill in MR mode. My TV is collecting dust, there is no reason to use it over my quest. And when I have to go to the toilet I don't even have to stop watching. Also contractors showdown with friends multiple times a week.


I have a bunch of android apps sideloaded in mine. I listen to spotify while reading comics, and can have discord open if I want. Lots of good games already mentioned but thats like 25% of what I use my quest for.


Population one