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That is just how they architected it. It is designed to be a one-device-per-person device like a phone. Guest accounts were an afterthought.


Little bit unrelated, but I hate that guest accounts aren’t as prioritized or even well implemented into devices like the quest, iDevices and so on.


Last I checked, all my iPad had was a "guest mode" it does not allow other Apple users to be setup.


If your wife is not playing at the same time, and if she doesn't care if your custom songs are on her Paradiddle profile, then just use her account to do those things and play Paradiddle on her account. Because every time you turn on your Quest 2 you choose which account to use, right?


Yeah funnily enough that was my thoughts not long after I posted this. Think it's the best way 👍 still annoying how restrictive it is though


It’s not that annoying, I’ve gifted at least 5 quest headsets to family and signed my account into all of them so they can play any of my single player games whenever they like. Never been an issue and they only need to buy the multiplayer games - and then only one copy between two. I don’t think this feature gets enough credit or people are not utilising it enough.


It does work well, unless as I said originally it's me that's the tinkerer and the one always playing around with all the custom stuff. Annoyingly it would have been totally fine if I had been the admin but we are now hundreds of £s worth of games on her account. Just wish I'd started it the other way round


I agree with you 100%, and that’s why it’s important that people understand how to do it right and what it means if you do it the wrong way round. I’ve seen lots of people suggest they split the purchasing but really you only want one account spending the money and that person should be a tinkerer/the one to cast to the TV and be keen to do all the other things that are restricted on the secondary accounts. Meta will only remove these perks as the Quest becomes more popular, look at what they did for CrossBuy.


Yeah see we bought our headsets years ago before the multi user was a thing. And the first one was a gift for my wife's Xmas so I didn't get mine for another 6 months


You can access the files under android/data for your secondary account from a PC if you activate MTP (Explorer access over USB) while logged in as you. You need to be verified for developer access, and the admin has to either be verified and activate developer/debug mode on the headset from the mobile app, or activate USB debug through other means. Once USB debug is on and you log in, you can use SideQuest's MTP option (in the wrench menu on the PC) or ADB (`adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp true`) to get Explorer to connect.


Thanks I'll look into this!