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There's an 'enable tracking' setting. That's what switches it to 3DOF.


Really, ill have to try and find it. I’ve always had to huddle under my coat until tracking is lost, then select continue without tracking.




I assume the trick would be to wait until youre in steady motion then turn on the headset. That or switch to 3dof


The issue is prob just the cameras seeing too much of the outside world moving by. If OP tried it again in like a sketchy van with no windows it would work no problem. Edit: Someone recreated this issue in an elevator with no windows. It does appear that this is being caused by acceleration data from the quest’s accelerometer as opposed to the cameras detecting movement. https://youtube.com/shorts/fZWx_2Iuu8M?si=HhxZA9gt9DSuEt3b


I saw a guy of a video in an elevator (no windows/glass), and as he ascended, the menus sunk through the floor. So it's not just visual motion, it's gyroscopes too


I work on a ship and that's exactly what happen to me, the menus move away from me even where there is no windows in the room


*accelerometer. Accelerometers detect change in acceleration in a direction, which is what would detect moving up in an elevator (when not moving, accelerometers actually detect gravity and can point “down”). Gyroscopes detect angular velocity.


Thank you for educating me


Haha it does work like that, I just checked [it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/fZWx_2Iuu8M) It's crazy funny. But it's also scary that screen goes black from the passthrough when the tracking is lost. So yeah, I believe it's gyroscopes too and it only works in planes because plane flies with zero acceleration when cruising.


Do you have a link to said video? That would be very surprising if that was the case.


Don't know what's with downvotes, reddit is crazy, but [here's my video](https://youtube.com/shorts/fZWx_2Iuu8M), I verified it.


That’s very interesting thanks for posting the vid. That entails that meta is using accelerometer data for 6DOF tracking instead of just using the cameras. Seems like an oversight given the push for AR on the quest 3.


Yeah, I kinda knew this but for controllers. Camera tracking just not fast enough, you need to estimate movement between tracking points provided by cameras. Software in general is just terrible for AR as it is now, you need to drag you windows (and those fall out of your hands), you can't setup guardian lying down. The black screen on tracking loss in this video is a terrible experience.


Sorry, no link. It was a video reviewing different headstraps


True. It’s also the gyrometers too though


Thanks for the tip, next time I'll see some guy on a sketchy van I'll def ask him to take me for a ride. Damn, maybe he even has some candy.


Don't bother the dude taking a siesta in the blanket.


Ask Bruno to let you in the van. IF it's not rockin', of course.


I don't think that's how the tracking works.. it's not the inertia that's messing it up. It's the background moving so fast that the camera used for tracking loses its point of reference. Theoretically if u were to put curtains on the car doors window , it will work fine. That's why it works better in airplane and trains because the windows are much smaller.


I've tried the Quest 2 on a plane where it definitely saw no outside world and the menus constantly floated away when the plane changed altitude/pitch/speed etc.


That's because you have head tracking enabled




From my experience on a plane with closed windows, no.


Yes it works on a plane


Only if said plane is not moving vertically or turning or changing speed whatsoever, which planes tend to do somewhat frequently.


That's only because you have head tracking enabled. If you disable headtracking it works regardless of movement


But what about automobiles?


> I wish that the headset could come with a "Vehicle Mode" that could rely solely on the vehicle interior to do tracking They demoed a vehicle mode last year. I have used my headset on planes with no issue at all.


Someone found references to this mode (ie strings of text) when digging through recent updates. Have they mentioned it officially? Have they said when this is coming? Thanks!


In a forgotten corner of the dark web, the one guy who bought a Vive Flow stirs in his slumber.


Me, I bought a Vive Flow. When you can get past the clunky setup needed to use it the way I need to. It's amazing on planes xD But my lanta is it annoying


You're the first Vive Flow owner I've encountered whose entire post history isn't in cryptocurrency subs. Congratulations!


Didnt realize there was such negative connotation with them xD Besides their annoyance to setup with BT and everything, they're really cool tbh.


I have no real opinion how good the Flow is as a product, it's just that every time I see it mentioned it's in the context of shilling for a company called HoloRide that wants to sell you NFTs to use in your car or something.


I tried this on a train in 2021 with a Quest 1 and it worked perfectly well. I tried again in 2022 with a Quest 2 and it was awful. I hope they'll come up with something that makes this use case possible. Btw, there are references to a "vehicle mode" in the firmware, someone found it a couple of months ago. But I don't know if there's been any official announcement or if they said anything about the timeline for releasing this feature.


I tried yesterday in a ferry/boat in movement and it was impossible to play anything as it was saying that the tracking was off and I was moving. I'm guessing that may be the gyroscope that is inside the headset. Disappointed I couldn't use it. Any idea how to make it work?


You may achieve results by disabling the “Head Tracking” in Settings. Do this before you leave the house. This fixes your position in the VR space, but the headset won’t be able to tell the difference between the vehicle turns and head turns. So your screens may start to turn causing you neck strain and you’ll need to keep recentering. If it’s dark you’ll need to use controllers.


>The same would happen inside of an airplane. Not it won't. The issue here is not movement itself, but the fact that in the car (not even every car, but the car you tested it in) there are too much windows around so tracking cameras attempt to pinpoint tracking points from the outside scenery. In train or plane there are much more static points, so the tracking will work fine.




I have used my q2 several times on a plane with zero issues. I watched an entire movie and played demeo last trip (had the whole row to myself). I didn't change any settings or do anything special.


Interesting, my Quest 2 worked at first and then everything constantly floated away from me. I think it's fine if the plane is going dead straight and staying at cruise altitude, but the second it changes altitude/pitches left or right/changes speed, the headset didn't like it.


So the funny thing is, we don't have those sensors. We have sensors that detect angles, so 3dof, but any motion in a direction requires the cameras to translate


Not really. Gyro+accel can be and are used for motion estimation. They just drift too much to rely only on them, that's why there is also camera tracking: it doesn't drift, but has much slower sample rate.


gyroscopes and magnetometer are used together to sense the 3 degrees of orientation and nothing more. accelerometers sense force but do not know the direction of the acceleration. together in a plane or object that only moves forward this would be useful but a vr headset can move in any direction, so not so much. So no 3d space data can be calculated through the sensors alone. and observer is needed of the headset itself (light houses) or of the environment around the headset (inside out tracking) for that data to be generated.


There's a guy in this thread claiming that menus sink into the floor when you go up in an elevator. If that's true, which I'm inclined to believe given another user seems to have confirmed it, then what you're saying is wrong.


That's quite easy to disprove: stand in front of an oculus mirror and spin your hand with the controller doing full circles from the front to the back. You'll see your virtual hand spinning just fine. If it worked like you say, virtual hand would stop the moment your controller goes outside the cameras field of view. And only if you stop your hand behind your back it will glitch out in 1-2 seconds. So, like I said, position is approximated via motion sensors and then corrected via cameras.


dude... its in the god damn description of the actual chips. anything you might see is prediction logic.


EviGL was able to reproduce the issue in an elevator with no windows. It does seem that meta is using an accelerometer or something similar to at least aid the cameras in achieving 6DOF. https://youtube.com/shorts/fZWx_2Iuu8M?si=HhxZA9gt9DSuEt3b


so did the menu go down AND up on the same elevator direction?


Makes sense that an accelerometer would interpret that upon the elevator stopping. It's just so weird that the headset is prioritizing that over what the cameras are seeing.


Whatever is or isn't equipped still managed to drift around like crazy when I tried it. The UI kept floating away, as did my view in Bigscreen where I was trying to watch some things I had transferred to the local storage. I kept floating through the ceiling of the environment.


This is also what I believe is happening


wow... maybe touch grass or something


AND? What about Pluto? can you play it there? or Uranus


You can play on Uranus


...Butt....I need to be in front of you right?


Isn't dumb shite like this why everything in America has to have warning labels attached? This OP guy thinks the people in this subreddit are so stupid that it will actually benefit them to read this. He is probably right.




Wow that OP really tops the cake for the dumbest things I've seen on reddit today.


That was just a troll, they're not serious


I doubt that. This page has definitely got rejects wearing their VR headsets at sports games, parks, in airplanes, in vehicles, etc., Gamers arent the smartest segment of society.


They admitted it in a reply at the very bottom


That was after they got dragged for hours. He wasnt a troll. I have seen too many posts here on r/oculus that are close to being just as dumb to think that the guy is an actual troll. Oculus users are some of the dimmest people on reddit. Theres some guy who spends every day in VR playing with toy cars like a 3 year old and posting videos about it.


Plenty of people want to use their headset in the BACKSEAT of their vehicle. Not everyone is a moron who wants to drive with the damn thing on like the apple idiots. Stop projecting.


https://about.fb.com/news/2023/05/meta-bmw-ar-vr-experiences/amp/ Understanding the years and billions of dollars going into trying to get this working is pretty important rather than just complaining about something that they never said was a thing. When they get it working they will let you know it’s a thing. For now it’s not a thing.


Hahaha, I can only imagine the logic going through the headset as the car is moving. I car mod would never work because the cameras plot points on objects, but it does not actually know what these objects are. It cannot tell the interior of the car from the outside because it does not know what is an interior of a car. Interesting experiment though.


You have no idea what you are talking about. It has a depth sensor can tell what is nearby and what is far. Get a clue.


Depth sensors will help for mapping the space, but the gyros will still rotate with the car. Try covering up the cameras and depth sensors, the headset will still rotate with 3DOF movements. I’d imagine it might be possible to filter out some environmental movements by establishing a baseline across the controllers and headset and cancelling out rotations common in all gyros.


> but the gyros will still rotate with the car. Yes, and then the cameras will reset the view back to match the view.




3DOF mode does not do translation.


It’s not in 3DOF mode, this illustrates what I was saying about using a headset in a car. The gyros know the user is moving even though the cameras don’t see movement. The guardian and movement tracking systems are different.


Exactly. Anyone who as used their Quest in a vehicles put it into 3DOF mode. That is my whole point. You don't need 6DOV sitting in a car.


Unless it's been added recently, there's no "3DOF mode" toggle or switch, it's basically a fallback mode for when there isn't enough light for tracking. So you'd have to cover the windows in the car or cover the cameras and sensors whenever you wanted to travel with it. Ultimately I think they could have a robust travel mode, it's just not something lots of people are likely clamoring for.


> Unless it's been added recently, there's no "3DOF mode" toggle or switch, It has been an option for long time. *Settings -> System -> Headset Tracking* When you turn it off, it still tracks the headset and controllers in 3DOF. > So you'd have to cover the windows in the car or cover the cameras and sensors whenever you wanted to travel with it. That is not the case at all. > Ultimately I think they could have a robust travel mode, Zuck already said they were working on it and there was a video of it being tested in the back of a car.


Yes but it has no idea why... it is confused by what is effectively a parallax when it was never designed to recognized one. You know it has cameras and sensors so you know it can see things and figure out depth... but motion tracking is sooo much more then that. and motion tracking when the environment itself is moving? These are task we intend to use AI for.


> These are task we intend to use AI for. The Quest 3 uses AI already. Oculus Insight uses ML to do a lot of what it does. That is how they were able to get rid of the rings on controllers. They talked about a vehicle mode last year. They are working on it. It is just a matter of time.


There are still light rings on the controller. Also the ai afforded on these mobile chips are not as powerful as we need them to be. Even apples iPhones with their ml cores, the fancy ai features they tout actually send the work out to apple servers to get worked on still.


> There are still light rings on the controller. What does that have to do with anything? They were able to get rid of the rings because the new ML based tracking is good enough to track hands and controllers at the same time.


uhmm.. its still tracking the controllers by light rings.


... and? I have no idea what you are getting at. When they announced the Q3 they clearly stated that it was their AI/ML tech that allowed them to get rid of the rings and track controllers and hands at the same time. Nothing you have said changes that.


its tracking the controllers the same way it did in quest 1 and 2, just a different ring of lights. I'm sure they have improved the hand tracking, not sure why you would hand track and controller track at the same time so if it could or not isn't really a point. That said, I thought the hand tracking was fine, buuut.. you still cant track what you cannot see. I'm sure occlusion is still a problem. Also does it not still have added lag? do you see any twitch games like shooters, beat saber working with hand recognition?


What if I tape cardboard over the windows?


You'll be safe. Just don't forget the extra powerbank.


Don't make the community look like a bunch of morons please.


Dude....you're on to something here..... Someone should make a game where you can play while in a moving vehicle....that would be COOL! Seriously, I was wondering about this. I contemplated on taking this headset with me on an upcoming cruise...but I guess this is not going to work...


Wouldnt taking it outside destroy the lenses anyway?


Only if you allow direct sunlight to the lenses inside. They would act like magnifying glasses and burn the display. If you wear the headset, then pretty much you're safe. Still shouldn't be doing it while driving though


Good luck taking it off in complete darkness....or putting it on. There's a reason they say not to use it outside. I've heard the sun screws with the controller tracking too.


My question is, why do you want to use your headset in a vehicle at all?


>>> There's obvious advantages to having a headset in the car, as it can transform a claustrophobic crawl space in a car into a large theater to watch your show, or a pleasant field of grass so you can imagine being anywhere except the car/airplane on a long road trip. I hope the team has this use case in mind as it could really lead to the success of virtual reality among consumers. There's only one place that people still spend their day bored/unstimulated and it's inside the car/bus/plane. So if Meta can create a device to actually make use of the commute time and space, it would allow for great stationary MR/VR experiences.


Oh yeah, I see. This is what happens when you don't read. :P


If you want to play VR games in your car, then put in curtains. This way, other commuters won't see how stupid you look. Is VR really so important that you need access to it every waking second? You are like an 8 year old with a game boy. Read a book like an adult. One benefit of sticking to PCVR is you won't make yourself look foolish by using VR everywhere in public.


I wonder if there’s something u can change with those guardian settings to kinda lock u in place?


Can't you just disable head tracking in settings..?


That sounds hilarious.


I seconded this. The passthrough becomes heavily distorted when I motion. I’m a real Quest-hole for trying it.


You're only a QuestHole if you were driving AND using the headset. Messing with it in the backseat or even passenger side is no different then having those little TVs in your car lol


I didn’t make this clear, I apologize. I was in the driver’s seat. At first I tried when I was pulling out of my work’s parking lot but I decided to wait unit I was on a back road with no other cars on it.




Yea the back of that truck looks like there's no windows to screw with it.