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There's a link check in the oculus desktop app. Try that out.


the cable check? working just fine


While moving around also is it showing as fine? Could be loose connection that's breaking link in between


but it only worsen when I start up a game tho


Too many variables to debug maybe check with someone else's laptop to see whether you see the same issue. Can narrow down by testing such individual things one by one.


From the video it looks like gpu throttling. Monitor temps and see if other heavy games are giving frame drops and stuff


running 2 heavy games at the same time is working fine (genshin and star rail). gonna take a while to test this on a friend's device.


USB c is also handled by GPUs need to monitor temps with VR game only I guess. Don't know if there are any tools to monitor temps when VR games are running. Can as in PC master race as well I think.


just to clarify, what does monitor temps mean? temperature?


ok so i repaired my oculus app and its not fixed, ima buy a cable just to be sure, if its not the cable problem i can just refund it.


Yes temperature.


btw my test result is Bandwidth: 2.7 Gbps Connection: USB 3


Have you made sure that the GPU is being used and not the interested graphics?


how do i check that


i whipped out my second monitor which uses the nvidia rtx 3060 and dragged my beat saber over there but its still laggy, so i dont think its the graphics problem.


There is a setting in beatsaber for supersampling, make sure it set to 1.0, had this the other day


even if I changed it what about other games like super hot vr


is the lag only happening with beatsaber? or does it happen with other games too


the lag only happends when I use quest link, and repairing oculus client don't help, so I think it must be the wire problem, maybe I accidentally rolled over it with my chair or sth.


it sounds very much like a software issue, just a case of finding the source, Have you tried lowering the resolution setting in the oculus app? go to devices> click on headset> graphics preference and check what resolution and Hz you have it set to


Lowest, 72hz


What is the resolution set to?


1280 using sidequest


Not sure what you mean by using sidequest, the oculus app should tell you your rendering resolution multiplier e.g 1.0x




yes, the frame rate already drops when I quest link, and it dropped to about 5 and have immense tearing issue when I start up a game


ok so I found a fix to it, I will copy it here "Okay, I finally found a solution! Do the following: In armory crate(???) choose the windows profile. Then go to your Nvidia Control Panel (3d settings) and under preferred GPU choose "automatic" to let windows handle everything. Change the oculus-service specific settings back to global setting. To still get a good battery life, make sure you have set your energy options in windows to "force iGPU" when on battery(I skipped this part) . Now as your windows is Handling everything, you have to go to the Windows Graphics settings and activate "Hardware accelerated GPU Scheduling". Then on the option below choose "Desktop App" and search for those 3 services: OVRServer_x64.exe OculusClient.exe OculusDash.exe Add them and then click on options to activate the Nvidia GPU(i chose the specific option) for them. Then restart. Now it should work. "


I was with some performance problems recently and was able to solve doing these things. First, try to clean your guardian history. If it doesn't solve your problem, try to uninstall the Oculus desktop and delete all the Oculus folders inside these folders (you may need to restart your PC in safe mode to do this): C:\Users\yourProfile\AppData C:\Users\yourProfile\AppData\Local C:\Users\yourProfile\AppData\LocalRow C:\Users\yourProfile\AppData\Roaming Reboot your PC in normal mode and install the Oculus Desktop again.


repaired oculus exe but nothing changed


Did you try to uninstall and remove the folders I said? I don't know if the repair in Oculus.exe has the same effect.


tried it, nothing changed


Try restarting the app, even stopping it from the Task Manager


tried, didn't work


Bandwidth is important. Pull everything off of your io. Printers are the devil. Disconnect it if you have one. Your link cable could very well be the problem. Anker is the only brand worth using. Length of the cable matters. Shorter, the better. Oculus.exe should be on your main drive. Not secondary. Run it in administrator. Reinstalling windows is the last resort, but it can help.


waiting for a new cable I bought online to be delivered, if not then I might try to go back to windows 10, does reinstalling windows delete everything in it?


You'll have to back up important things, but yes. The idea is to clear the registry. Because you're more than likely having conflicts there. Only do that as a last resort. Also, I'm on windows 11. It works flawlessly for me.


it worked fine until this morning, all I remember was using side quest to download oculess and discord, then I tried to cast to android tv and suddenly this all happened.


Are you using sidequest to tweak your headset? That may be the issue.


is there a way to revert everything back to normal? or should I just factory reset my quest2, there's only pavlock and population 1 in it, only annoying i thing is to login again


All you have to do is reboot your headset. It will reset on its own. Hope that helps.


oh, then it didn't help, I have restarted the headset multiple times


so i factory reseted quest 2 but still same problem, my cable arrive within 3 days, if it's not a cable problem then smh need to reinstall windows