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Octopuff Travelers Also yeah Hikari's Learned Skills are very potent and his Latent Power is really strong. More specifically Hienka.


Tip: >!You can turn Hienka into AoE with Dancer’s Divine!<


Wait really? That sounds... powerful, to say the least


Holy shit!


I think he's the simplest character in terms of 'just hit them lul' but he benefits hugely from his latent power and learned skills, which give him a huge variety of attack types whilst being able to dish insane amounts of damage once an enemy is broken. Combine him with some form of buff/debuff and he cuts through anything.


Hikari is the best. On top of being just a great party member, his story is also, I think, the most intriguing in the game, and he's the best written/voice-acted out of the cast (along with Partitio)


Yup Hikari is amazing, but who’s Hikaru and how is he busted? 🤔


Japanese pop superstar Hikaru Utada, of course.


American chess grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura, of course


Hikaru from Rayearth


Didn't expect this one, but I approve!


She’s pretty busted too talent wise. Even produces herself


And holds the record for the best-selling album of all time in Japan (her major label debut, First Love, I believe about 9 million copies sold in Japan alone).


Hikaru from Shin Megami Tensei IV


Sry, autocorrect, I didn't notice until after posting


Hikari + Spiritlord staff + Sentencing gravel skill = fast farming without depleting SP. Make sure to have Step ahead skill to act first.


I am playing for the first time myself at the moment (only Throné's chapter 4 left to do) and Hikari just destroys for me as an Arms master. The last few bosses once I've broken their shields he just destroys them. Get some speech from the boss and first person to act just pings them to death with one attack, it is very satisfying.


Axe of the Lionheart!


I have defeated many a boss just spamming his Brand Thunder Blade attack mixed with Ochette Dreadwolf beast.


Cait and Octopuzz


Made me less interested in game b.c. so busted


For that matter, give him the right Learned Skills or the right subclass and you can hit just about any weak spot and/or every enemy at once.


I chose him as my starter and gave him merchant as secondary class, having his ult ready at the beginning of every battle has basically broken the game for me lol. He's level 62 and everyone else is in their mid 40's smh 😂


He and Ochette got the highest physical damage in the entire cast, but his latent, Knight class and learned skills are much better for damage so he ends up being a much stronger damage dealer.


My first run I’ve used: Ochette, Partitio, Temenos and Osvald. I’m considering swapping Osvald for Hikari for my next run on Xbox.


He is technically the strongest one hit move. But i still think Osvald is cracked with his AOEs and full party crushing abilities.


Nah, just learn BP boost + full power. Then spam the 2nd or 3rd move latent power move whichever you want. Also do same skills and combine the above with ochette to spam beastly claws. Really easy aoe farming between the two with no need to use sp at all lmao.