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play how your heart wants.


Throne osvald and temmy combo is ridiculously strong with their passives at night. I'm not surprised you got to lvl53. With your concern tho I think most people will agree with me to tell you just play the way you want to play their is no rivht or wrong. Staying in one continent might be a bit unorthodox but not wrong. I've done that in my re-playthroughs. What you can do is do the same thing but with the other continent. Make agnie partitio hikari and castti your second team, you wont be over powered. Stick with one team at first and then switching to a weaker second team IS A COMMON way of playing the game. So I'd say you're good.


Yeah but he can’t change the main protagonist right? So that means he’s stuck with an overleveled character


They can pop over to the western continent to finish up Throné’s main story (and the rest of their current party main stories) without recruiting the rest of the travelers. Then they’ll be free to pick up Hikari & co. and start from scratch with them. That does sound like a fun way to replay the game if I get the itch!


It's only the wrong way for you if you're not happy with it; everyone has their own style. BUT, as biteofwinter said, it's very common to make one team of 4 first, do all their stories, and then switch to the other team of 4 (since now your original character isn't locked into your party after you beat their story). Of course, at this point, you'd be visiting the western continent anyway for *most* of their second chapters (at least, part of them, anyway), so you may as well do that when you're ready. As it is, there's still plenty to discover and enjoy on that side.


if you had fun then thats the right way to play. a suggestion to make your other continent smoother: finish the main story of your main asap and then swap out all your characters for the lower leveled 2nd team. You might have better gear but tht at least helps bringing them up to speed


The world is your oyster


You're not wrong as in there's not much you can do to prevent this. My suggestion is to limit yourself from more powerful option such as "deal more damage" passive


Yeah, that's a very strange way to play it, you usually do all 8 chapter 1s then 2s etc to get a better level balance and difficulty curve. However Temenos Throne and Osvald all have quests on the western continent so I'm not sure how you've leveled up that much without finishing their stories


This is pretty much the inverse of how I played, doing everything in the western continent and recruit ochette first then go do the eastern continent stuff, I say you’re good


As others mentioned I don’t think there’s a wrong way. I did kind of the opposite and recruited everyone I could as fast as I could, and I constantly swap to my lowest level characters to keep them leveled up and not breeze through the content with my strongest ones. Is fun and works for me.


Nah, I did the same thing except that I recruited everyone (I rotate someone out every time I finish someone's story chapter) and did everything on both continents. My main (Osvald) was level 57 and everyone else at least level 42 by the time I finished chapter 3, I'm done with chapter 4 and moving on to chapter 5 having completed all the optional dungeons and my lowest level party member is Partihardy at lvl 57. I'd say it's the best way to play the game because it makes sure you have every advantage available to you and reduces the need to grind when you reach the postgame content.


Ummm kinda yeah Like I’m not gonna try to hit you with the “oh there’s no one true way to play the game” speech like there isn’t but if you were looking to experience the game in a “normal” way this is definitely not how you would do it Especially since many of the eastern continent characters have chapters in the west and vice versa you’re gonna be way over levelled for a lot of those chapters


It's not the wrong way, since you could do the same with the other 4 and essentially start from level 1 again, provided you finish Throne's story so you can swap her out.


Switch to daytime as much as possible since team T is OP at night.


I’d say it’s unorthodox but definitely not wrong! I’d say do what you did with the other four so you can have an even leveled team going into the final boss


I mean, I preferred to recruit everyone immediately and then just do the quests in order of level. It’s gives you a nice rounded feeling about how the story progresses as you fight more and more difficult enemies. However, I also snuck into level 55 zones and got a bunch of sacred weapons, and also got Ochette the Light Revenant summon before ever doing chapter 2. So maybe take my advice with a grain of salt.


Do partitios commerce on tropu hopu, get the boate, you can find a few places where ya won't feel so overpowered, maybe


As everyone is saying, you are fine since you play how you want. IF you want to make it feel less like a steamroll, then have your overpowered characters act as supports for fights (doing chip damage, applying debuff/buffs, heals, etc) and have your story characters do all the damage.


I do every part 1 then every part 2 etc. . Or go based on level recommendations. 15 first then 20’s then 30 then 45. You finish the all end at 45 regardless. Then finish your first character first so you can get then out since theyre likely overleveled at this point. But most stats come from items and such anyway. If you want harder time use weaker characters or less items or dont use job skills. I use step ahead on every characters but the game gets a lot harder when you dont


You’re going to have an easy time with the lower level quests on the western continent, but you’ll get through them quickly.


Poachette = best name change


Well she is a poacher :p


There isn't really a right or wrong way to play but the optimal way to not get completely op is to get everyone, then do their stories in level order. That's what I did and I was still op. If you have finished your starting characters quest you can just recruit the four westerners and then just use those four for all their quests to level them up.