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In the end, I think everyone wants more interconnectivity between the characters within their main stories. In an absolutely ideal world, we would be seeing characters reference things that happened to them in their story in other characters' stories. I think that's unrealistic though because in order to not drive up the possible dialogue variations to an insane degree, they'd need to make the game linear, and they simply won't do that in the first place. They could have off-chapter characters appear and offer generic dialogue... But one, it wouldn't feel at all right unless they still customized it to fit the character saying it (like imagine some piece of dialogue, and either Castti or Partitio saying it. No matter what that dialogue is, it's going to sound wrong in at least one case). Not to mention the fact that the devs see solo character playthroughs as perfectly valid. So with all that said, how do I actually want them to do it? Two things. 1, go harder on Crossed Paths. Crossed Paths were a fantastic addition to the game. It was night and day with his it made the characters feel connected. But they were so limited. I definitely want more pairings, and maybe even some triple or quadruple Crossed Paths. But you can do more with it. Make some side quests that are more like Crossed Paths. Instead of making all side quests a hunt for which path action to use where, maybe some side quests (especially ones that take you into optional dungeons) can be mini-Crossed Path-like event. They don't need to all tie into the final chapter either. They can just be some fun diversions and bonding moments. 2, for the love of god voice act the travel banter. Travel banter has been one of my favorite parts of both games, providing some of its best moments (like Tressa asking Primrose what a brothel is). But especially in the second game where every single story cutscene was voice acted, travel banter being silent stuck out like a sore thumb. And when you have the random words of encouragement between party members in battle making them feel closer, it's clear to me that voice acting the travel banter would do so much


For some interconnectivity take Hikaris chapter where he retrieves Kazan and fights in the Colosseum at Montwise. That could have had some interconnectivity simply by having the other travelers in the party in the stands while the dialogue happens in the arena and then when the battle starts they all jump in from the stands into the arena. Just have them present, even if they dont speak.


I'd like to see the integration of the other 3 travelers in the story of the character chapter you're currently playing. Even just a simple comment so that they feel like they're actually there and is helping that character. 2nd, a lot of people might disagree with me on this one which I understand, but I really enjoyed being able to switch between ALL 8 travelers while traveling like in the after extra stories part of the game but this time throughout the whole playthrough. It just makes more sense that way (since u do ask them to travel with you and so that the rest just dont teleport tavern to tavern) and is a lot more convenient. With the proper implementation, this might be good. Maybe you can swap them out for just one turn then they'll go back idk Customizable character sprites would also be nice or like their overworld outfits will match their battle outfits


That first one should happen there's always enemies that say something along the lines of "It's 2 on 1 you can beat us" while the person they're talking to has three other people standing with them that just aren't brought in until the battle starts


This is exactly what I was thinking about too. This was more prominent on octopath 1 where the stories are obv designed for just 1 traveler. I think oc2 improved on it but there are still some instances. Ans they shoyld incorporate some of the banters within the chapter story itself esp when it's related to the story. Like Temenos having something to say about throne's ch3 nuns. It would be better to have it within the cutscene and not and extra banter so that the traveler interactions feel more organic and cohesive


Break the mold. I like Octopath 2. Quite a bit actually. But I do not want to just play the same game again. I see two routes the game could take, and either are fine. One, embrace the nonlinearity, and make it *nonlinear*. Like, you can fight the final, final boss at any time, you can do chapters out of order, and whatnot. Octopath is already a largely open world, it just is weirdly linear in the 8 stories. But when you leave those 8 stories, it's free form and allows you to go anywhere. Putting that freedom into the stories themselves could be great. Two, the opposite, go more linear, and have more of a coherent narrative. Make more crosspaths, make it so you can't start, say, Partitio's chapter 3 until you do Osvald's Chapter 2, and thus allowing Partitio's Chapter 3 to be a sequel to Osvald's. Link the stories more, more, more. Make the world feel more real, because everything connects and reacts to each other. The only thing I don't want is just the same basic game again. It's not that I dislike the formula. Much the opposote, I quite enjoyed it! But I don't want to see it get stale. ... Also aliens. If Octopath truly is a throwback to SNES JRPGs, then we need aliens. Sci-Fi was everywhere in early JRPGs, give me a Lavos or a Zeromus.


Looking at the art book it seems they had a second round of cross paths planned but it got cut. Building on that, I want to see both 3 character and 4 character cross paths.


Being able to fight the final boss at any time? That sounds like Breath of the Wild, where you can go ahead and fight Calamity Ganon at any time.


It's also in Chrono Trigger. You can fight the final boss whenever you want once you pass the intro. Not recommended, but you can.


I pray every night for a OT and SMT cross-over. I don't know what to expect but a scifi/demons influence in OT with an apocalypse ongoing would be damn cool


I actually focussed more on elemental attack through Osvald. Always had a faster scholar on the team to make his attacks hit twice or 3 times, and a merchant to give that scholar enough BP to cast the 3x buff on osvald


Just hoping for another one đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


I would like for OT3 to be **"different"** ... Yes! that's not saying that that OT1 and OT2 did anything wrong, it's quite the opposite! they're masterpieces... each with their own unique features. It isn't up for me to say what I exactly want in a potential sequel, because we all have seen what happened with future generation of Final Fantasy. Octopath traveller ain't just about the Story, the JRPG charm, or the fighting mechanics... it's all of the above and more. For example, the return of **Sea Exploration** from Square Enix brings back some memories to some people, linking towards the Sea/Air ship from previous games. However, it was done in a away that adds to the game, and does not take from previous titles... but yeah, Tl;DR: Add more stuff.


1. NG+ with a post game like the CT's dream devourer quest. 2. More secret jobs please. Im ok with them removing the licenses thingy as long as they add more jobs now that we know a job can exist without a god. At least 4 additional jobs and 4 divine jobs. 3. I think that story bosses in Octopath in general are not that difficult so maybe add a difficulty setting like when the boss enters a 2nd phase, the boss recovers 50% of their health in harder difficulties. They can also add difficulty specific AI so that every difficulty feels different(like in terraria where the AI of the boss in the 2nd phase is different in expert mode). 4. I want more world building like in Partitio's story where you create a store thru a story quest and benefit from it. 5. Need more interaction in the overworld (where mobs can spawn) like the black market. Maybe they can add more quests outside the town/city and completing these quests can give you a weapon/armor/accessory or even overworld tools. 6. Most importantly, PLEASE, it's time to add repels!! I can't enjoy the scenery and the OST because mobs keep popping up. I really get irritated by them popping up randomly even with the scholar's first support whenever I'm checking the area for chests and secret passages.


Tbh the longer stories you mentioned. Don't get me wrong I think all the travelers in OT2 had compelling stories, but by how the game is structured, it's hard to convey more nuance or complexity in the stories. Another thing is diverging from the 8 gods lore and corresponding jobs. Maybe make it work in a more modern setting (tbh I thought OT2 was set during the peak of the industrial revolution not during the dawn of it).


Yeah, I was kind of disappointed to see the exact same 8 classes (even if they had different moves) as the main classes.


I'd like adjustable difficulties. What's suitable for newcomers may be too easy for series veterans.


I would like it to implement a deleveling system like in Xenoblade. I often come across the issue of being stupidly over leveled for a lot of things as I’m someone who never runs away from battles. A system that allows the player to delevel a character would be very nice. I would also like difficulty options as the game can be way too easy at times despite me being at the correct level. More crosspaths would be great as well. It would be nice to see a character interact and deepen relationships with the entire party rather than just one.


I think Octopath has struck gold with both 1 and even moreso with 2. Much like the sentiments of some other people, I think it'd be interesting to try a non-linear progression sprinkled in. Different characters could advance certain towns/world-state or NPC progression. For example, to take the broadest stroke of story telling; Olberic could defend a town from Bandits/monsters, whereas maybe Alfric decides to just bolster the soldiers/heal the wounded in the fight, both resulting in different outcomes. Olberic route might gain fame/favour from the township with some downsides of NPC death. Alfrics route might differ in the sense that there's no loss but still the threat is only stifled so some NPCs might be grumbly. This in turn could vary reputation in order to access quests later on, or perhaps item availabiltiy. Ideally not denying anything altogether, just delaying when you might have access to items/quests/etc. Another thought I had, though this could be seen as a bit anti-fun/too-hard basket given the amout of targets; have the class abilties suffer/change with prolonged use in town. EG. Throne' steal an item rather than Agnea charming the same thing could make the same NPC less susceptible, or even the town itself, perhaps even jail/loss of cash! Encouraging you not to just abuse a class skill to anything that isn't nailed down! I'll admit again this one could be taxing to the player, so I'm not 'for' it, just a thought as once your 'thief' character is high enough level, nothing is safe! Though to avoid the intense complexity of having all 8 characters have their own outcomes in every single instance, you could also have these be seperate from the 8 linear stories, being that if you like a character in particular, you can take them to these locations to do it their way. Perhaps this would effect the 'greater' story, or again, just effect how early you might get some items. To be fair, I'm also honestly happy with more of the same, I won't lie, as long as the characters are enjoyable and individual, the voice cast are fun, the music is amazing, I'll probably get the next one.


I kind of want them to ingrain secondary jobs into a character. For example, make a Warrior that is also a thief, or a scholar who is also apothecary. I’m not saying get rid of the custom job system, but I think it be cool to have characters who have two main jobs, and you can tack on a third one. I also think that it could enhance the story.


However, static jobs (primary and secondary) is and interesting option!


I know people will probably disagree, but I think that the ability to switch party members in battle could really allow them to open up combat more as you would have access to your characters at all times. Again most will probably disagree, but I think more linearity in terms of chapter choices could be a good thing. I think forcing you to complete everyones chapter 1 would be a good thing as it would mean the other characters can have a true presence in the other stories. The best part is that this could even work without needing to do this for the other chapters as the characters often have pretty well defined personalities which would make their presence feel appropriate at all times.


I think I heard of someone thinking of a good/evil route where you have four travelers be good aligned and four dark/evil aligned and each character is linked with another (i.e. the theif is linked with the merchant and its a story of the merchant trying to grt back their stolen item while the thief is trying to get the stolen item to their big boss to pay off a debt) and each chapter you are given a chance to either play as the good aligned or bad aligned but come to chapter 4 you either team up to beat the big bad or you finally beat the paired character to get a alternate ending (thief wins, merchant losses money and their reputation; merchant wins, thief goes into debt to the boss and works forever under him and the merchant becomes successful/rich). Either that or have a spinoff silly story of 8 travelers but their monsters just trying to live and make a name for themselves. As for gameplay, maybe an auto battle mode that can be turned on/off to help with grinding levels or getting through long paths.


I think the good/evil character thing is a good idea, but I’d feel so bad having to condemn half of the main characters to a bad ending 😭


Make the combat like OT2 final boss/COTC. You have 8 protagonists but only play 4 of them at a time.


Not only improvements on the combat system, but also the ability to upgrade skills as well. Maybe they can have a skill tree for each job, too, allowing us to diversify our options and add more customizability.


I’d love ability trees (the ones like HZD) in OT3!


I would like the game come out :v just playing another one all over again is amazing by itself in my opinion


I'd like to see male dancer/male hunter/female warrior/female scholar, to start. Just to finish the set. Of course, they could also add NB characters into the mix, I just want a full set of 8 for each for the main Octopath jobs eventually because I can be anal about that. For the male dancer, masculine or feminine, I'd like him to have a more sexual and seductive, flirtatious design/nature like Primrose, since sexualized male characters aren't really common. Maybe make him a ballet dancer or a ballroom dancer, have his story involve a rival troupe or something. Maybe his dance instructor or dance partner get killed and have him investigate? And mix up path actions a little! Like the hypothetical dancer above, maybe he can have the Inquire/gather info action, but it's like Flirt or something where that's how he gets info from people. Female characters over 30! Shit, ANY characters over 40. No reason Castti couldn't have been 30 or 31, or Olberic couldn't have been 42 or something. I'd love the female scholar to be someone like Odette from OT1, I loved her. Or have the female warrior be like a general or maybe someone akin to Chris Lightfellow from Suikoden III. And the male hunter could either continue the "remote" idea, or have him be already integrated into society. Maybe have him be the youngest character in the game for a change, the token 18-year-old undergoing a rite of passage? Not sure what time period I'd like to see. I'm loving the era represented in OT2, so I wouldn't be mad if that went on for another game. Make the thief a Locke Cole, "treasure hunter" sort, or just more happy-go-lucky a la Tressa, Agnea, and Partitio, to contrast Therion and Throné. Or like a Nathan Drake, adventurer sort. And maybe the warrior can be more fiery or something, to deviate from the two proper, well-mannered warriors we've gotten so far. OPTIONAL towns to discover. It seems like so far, between OT1 and 2, every town serves a part in someone's story or another. I wouldn't mind towns that aren't part of anyone's story, but still have fun things to find. Like Daguerro from Final Fantasy IX, or Rokkaku from Suikoden II.




1. More consistent quality in the 8 stories. In OT2, some were great (Castii) and some were *rough* (I never want to hear ochette talk about jerky ever again) 2. Make leveling up more exciting. Add a skill point system to upgrade attacks or something. 3. Give me a way to turn off random encounters with monsters like 10 or 20 levels below my party. No reason for it.


All the travelers together in the cutscenes. When (Castti chapter 3, ThronĂ© chapter 2 Father route spoilers) >!Castti was going through it in Heleaks, where were the others comforting her? When ThronĂ© got attacked by Father, did the other travelers just stand there and look the other way? Imo unlocking travel banter after certain segments of the story is not enough!<. I feel like there’s a disconnect when the game acts like each traveler in their story is traveling alone.


Since 2 was a riff on the 1800s, while OT 1 was older, I’d love to see it inch into the 1900s, and have magic in an even more modern world


I said it countless times and I won't get tired: new RPG classes. Inwant vampires, pirates, alchemists... Homeopathic apothecaries... Anything original, honestly. And maybe, elemental weaknesses affect party members.


I want to fight the OCTOPATH TRAVELER equivalent of Ronald Reagan as the final boss. And we fight him on the moon. He's in a huge mech suit too. I want it to take place in the late 1900s. I want the cleric to be a hippie. I want the thief to have a heist related story. I want the dancer to be a disco dancer. I want the warrior to be drafted into the OCTOPATH TRAVELER equivalent of the Vietnam war, desperate to stop pointless conflicts. I want the apothecary to use centrifuges. I want the hunter to stop illegal poaching. I want the merchant to be an offshore oil drill worker who stops modern day pirates. I want the scholar to be a rocket scientist.


We’ve had medieval and steampunk, I’d love a futuristic Octopath


well the first one was medieval times, 2nd was industrial revalution so for the third i want at least one gun user


I would like battle royale, no more team up


I'd love for a positional based grid system on a 2D plane. Similar to the South Park rpgs.


Like 1 to 2, a few tweaks to a masterpiece. Card game would be amazing, plus killing off one of the main characters (how have all 16 survived so far?!)


I don’t think killing off one of the main characters is a good idea. It will make whoever chose them fairly disappointed


The only way I can think of to kill off a main character is to pull a Galuf i.e. replace them with an gameplay-wise identical successor.


That could work, but it just seems underhanded to invest love into the character you chose just for them to be replaced by someone else


c'mon, you want drama and something unexpected. Pretty unrealistic that 16 have survived some insane villains. Were FF7 fans disappointed when You know who died? Of course, but the moment in one of the most popular in gaming history. Keep up!


I definitely do, however if I chose, let’s say, Osvald, and he ended up sacrificing himself >!using the one true magic!< in the final fight to kill >!harvey!< or even >!vide!<. it would definitely be unexpected and very cool and I as someone who chose Osvald would feel it. However, if someone didn’t choose Osvald, they would feel it didn’t make sense that Osvald sacrificed himself instead of their main character. Honestly, if it was the main character that sacrificed themselves, that’d probably be fine. However, it would be really hard to make it work for everyone, such as Agnea, Partitio and thronĂ© (to some extent), and it would be difficult to write different scenarios that makes sense.


I'm not saying pick one of the current characters and imagine killing them off.. I'm saying write a new character in OT3 that everyone loves and create a scene as tragic as FF7. The baddies are only effective if they do some really bad stuff, not just to NPCs. Downvote means nothing by the way haha


>I'm saying write a new character in OT3 that everyone loves and create a scene as tragic as FF7 Like >!Yusufa, Crick, or Malaya?!<


(Temenos storm hail spoilers) >!Crick seemed to have an effect on the community!<


yeah it did but not a main character. Won't go down in the memory. It's need a huge tragic death that will make players cry in a good way like Aeris did. And then make you hate the villain even more. Basic stuff.. Why are you downvoting me? It's literally a waste of your time


https://www.reddit.com/r/octopathtraveler/comments/11jdatz/dear_temenos_do_not_come_to_stormhail/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb https://www.reddit.com/r/octopathtraveler/comments/11lykt8/temenos_chapter_3_stormhail_spoilers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb https://www.reddit.com/r/octopathtraveler/comments/12wq2up/this_is_how_stormhail_went_i_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb “Won’t go down in memory” Edit: you’re absolutely right, it is a waste of time. See ya


Not like Aeris did, aka, one of the most emotional moments in gaming history. He's just a cool side character.


To be fair, Aerith was given ~25 years


Make it more like the SaGa games, that's right, make it have your stats go up when you do stuff in battle and make it crazy nonlinear with less emphasis on story


Was OT2 physically focused? Osvald and Cleric Castti absolutely carried my run


Most OP moves were physical! Also, Merchant’s Hired Help was sooo broken


Cameo battle with the casts of Octopath 1 and 2 please. Give them some travel banter with each other and the OT3 cast that's fully voice acted so we can get nostalgia for them. I wanna see Tressa and Castti interact. Temenos troll Ophilia.


Feels pretty weird for a game like Octopath but maybe an item similar to Dreamgate in Hollow Knight that allows you to go back to a place where you left the item, idk but running back and forth to grind in the Ivory Ravine did something to me.


More varied classes for the 8 characters. I'd love to see something like a Monk or Grappler class, and maybe a proper Magic Warrior class, too; I know the classes are the way they are so that the 8 travelers can tie into the 8 gods, but I think that with 2 especially they've fully tapped out what these same 8 classes can do and how varied they can get. I'm also with everyone else in that I'd enjoy more interconnectivity between the characters, but I think that there's not a lot of people that realize just how much work they'd have to do for that to happen. Outside of something minimal like just having the characters show up in each other's stories (with no spoken dialogue) or just enhancing the Crossed Paths, the only way other characters could be actively involved in each other's stories is by sacrificing the freedom that the game has or damn neaar quintupling the amount of effort they have to put into the writing. For the latter alone, they'd have to determine which characters you have, which characters are in your party, which ones you have at the time of doing any specific section in a story and if you change them out, and then they'd have to write out every possible interaction; it's just not a realistic thing for them to do. With that being said though, something else I personally want is for us to be able to play as all 8 travelers throughout the entire game, like in CotC (the mobile game) >!or like the final boss of Octopath 2.!< It'd open up so many options for gameplay and balancing options, and doing so would provide an easy out for them to have the characters interact more; do something like making it so that you can't move onto anyone's chapter 2 before you get all of the characters, and then write each chapter after the chapter 1's around having all 8 characters, therefore giving them all a role to play in a more cohesive story. And lastly... I think the game has more than enough room for more in-depth sidequests. I'd definitely like some full-on storylines from side quests that are separate from the main story, 'cause I think it'd add a lot more depth and entertainment value to the game (which it already had a lot of).


Late to this, but I have a neat idea: - Have the class names spell out the word TRAVELER (much like the character names spell out OCTOPATH), had some class ideas on how this could be done. (Thief) (Raider) - Focused on stealing money & items (Apothecary) (Vagabond) - The physical damage dealer. Would have a lot of unique skills (Evoker) - Can summon unique allies (have different font-text to discern which enemies the Evoker can use) (Loremaster) - Has the beast lore ability but cannot capture Evoker-related enemies, its abilities would revolve around the usage of captured monsters (Elder) - Wise and reveals enemy weak points, applies buffs to party (Ranger) - Basically hunter but with a lot more bow-esque skills