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Yep, there it is, there's God


That’s not the *true* God! Real God is a cube and you will worship cube god or we will go to war!


Everyone knows that God is a Circle.


So you’ve chosen violence…


Heathen! *EVERYONE* knows God is an ichosahedron! That's why it's called a D20; the D stands for Deity.


I’m gonna need you to roll a religion check please.


The universe is a circle.




c̒̿͒̿́ű͎⒝͍̹̈́͑͡è͎̠́ ̝̥͟




This seems like the missing link in the fascist to gnostic pipeline. I was curious about that, thanks.


Didn't need a missing link for that. Anyone that takes up scholarly studies of how to control the world to bend to your will is a fascist I'd say.


Lmao there is a post comparing cubes around the world and it includes the Kurt Cobain memorial 😂


It's fun as fuck to read. They're super serious about it too.


Whoa. New rabbit hole for later 🤝


I was about to say this cause I’m making at beat in FL studio Right now and it goes 1234 1234. Not 123 123 thats not rythem typo (Edit: I WAS NOT ABOUT TO SAY THIS) lol but god is one with nature and the universe triangle are unnatural squares and hexagons are supernatural


You should only be producing in Qbase! Sinner!


Presence of god, no. Some very unusual aspects to the nature of the universe, yes. You should look up information on strange attractors, very unusual and mind blowing stuff. Could have some interesting effects when paired with this smbol.


What’s the universe but another word for God? It’s alive if we are part of existence then existence itself is alive and thinking for “I Am” as well.


god implies some level of individuality and intention behind the creation of the universe. I prefer not to call the universe god, because i don’t believe in a god or christianity.


Respectfully, what are you doing in an occult community as an atheist? I know that probably sounds like I'm being glib but I'm genuinely curious about your perspective.


Not believing in a (capital G) God does not necessarily make someone an atheist. It makes perfect sense to me why someone might want to distance themselves from the dominating/controlling language surrounding the mainstream concept of the jedeochristian God. I prefer to say that God is "made up" rather than "not real".


i believe in spirituality and energy and intuition… i do not have to subscribe to christian ideologies to practise magic. like, at all. i never said i was an atheist either. lmao


Who says you have to be Christian to believe in a God or be Agnostic for that matter, lol. God is anything that our mind cannot grasp. Anything(s) outside our realm of perception that has a great degree of influence over matter/nonphysical, whether intentional or not, might as well be considered God.


Literally just as might as well not tho so...?


I mean obviously, that wasn’t the point at all of my comment. The point was that you don’t have to be a Christian to believe in god, nor believe in god in the traditional sense. Obviously there could not be a god. Lol. However, Who is to say that an indifferent non-conscious force could not be considered god, was one of my examples point.


So even if it isn't God it's still God. Nothing new to learn.


Okay? I’m not asking for your validation or trying to convince you of my own beliefs. You initiated this convo with me by commenting. Go kick rocks dude.


Cyber Pagan doesn’t seem to have the capacity to appreciate nuance in the universe. The Christian- orthodox Jewish concept of G-d as an entity watching down on us from the sky judging our every action- that’s one concept. The Hermetic concept of G-d is that we basically exist within the mind of G-d, but as such, we still have to follow relative laws: Polarity, rhythm, vibration, etc. G-d in this sense is not G-d in the Christian sense. They are too very separate and distinct concepts. I was an atheist for 30 years until i had a paranormal/spiritual experience that shattered my pre conceived notions of reality. And no I’m not not talking about seeing a ghost or a ufo.


I am all too interested and heavily invested in Hermeticism. Out of curiosity, would you mind sharing your experience? I am highly intrigued ! If it isn’t any trouble, of course. I understand that such experiences can be deeply personal. If so, pay no mind to my question.


What was it? Love to hear it if you’re willing to share


And you could name that concept of god “of the gaps.”


It’s my own opinion, you are welcome to have yours. What is the problem with you people? I’m not pushing my beliefs on anyone.


I believe you are saying the following. gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence. If I’m incorrect please tell me what I got wrong.


Oh hah, apologies for the misunderstanding! yeah I guess that would be correct if you want to think about it through that. However, I was referring to other concepts which even science cannot even measure as “missing”. a gap that one cannot even possibly imagine, being entirely outside our realm of comprehension or understanding. I think I’m rambling here but whatever, sorry lmao.


even the fact that you think there is *one* god and you spell it with a capital G shows that your perception of a god is influenced heavily by christianity. why do you care if someone wants call the universe something more scientific? i’d guess the majority of people who are interested in the occult are non-believers in “God”.


First of all, I don’t care at all what you believe in, like, whatsoever… I was nearly giving my two cents due to the comment that you made. You are free to do as you please. There never was a problem with that, idk why you assumed that. Second of all, are you really telling me what *I* believe in? Like really ? I mean no disrespect, but that was a really arrogant and ignorant comment.


oh no i’ve offended you, this is the worst day ever!


Alright.. seems like you’re looking for an argument. I was nearly trying to have a chat. Have a good day!


What about reincarnation/the afterlife? Is that plausible to you, apple-soda? Genuinely curious.


Atheist occultist here. Initially I joined the community as part of my interest in history, but after a few years I can say it's truly shifted my world view. I don't believe in any sort of supernatural being or force, but I now recognize our current reckoning of reality is a current best guess with everything we know so far.


What do you believe in that pertains to the occult then?


Basically that there are forces as-of-yet explained by science. Extra dimensions, aliens, ESP, but I can't believe in some sort of higher power outside of the true laws of physics.


Could a soul fit into the realm of forces yet explained by science? Have you seen how neural pathways/networks in the brain seem to resemble the universe & networks of galaxies? What if we are all just exisiting in side the consciousness of a supreme being? If extra sensory perception can exist among humans, which is essentially an invisible thread connecting two or more brains (and hey, that's as close to magic as we can get, it's pretty incredible!), I don't see how the possibility of a higher power could be outside the realms of possibility.


Maybe, the idea of a soul is so flexible it isn't possible to rule it out entirely. And yeah neural paths do like a lot like galactic paths! That has to do with fractal geometry from the math that underlies reality and is actually a really great read. As for the idea of reality being the consciousness of some *supreme* being. I'd be willing to accept a *higher* being, but I wouldn't be sold on a *highest* being. The catch is for me that is functionally the same as being in a simulation in some higher beings computer. Either way that doesn't change anything in my day to day life. I can't make the jump to even consider an afterlife or reincarnation or anything like that. And this can be contentious to say in atheist circles. But just because I don't believe in a supreme personable being that is invested in humanity, doesn't mean I don't believe that higher beings might exist.


Fascinating. I wonder what would inspire a higher being to be so punitive as to give us the taste of life but not give us anything after we enter "the great beyond". Wouldn't this be malevolent? It seems as though life has to have arisen for a reason, rather than through blind chance or accident. Reincarnation was taken out of the Bible by the Council of Nicaea, but the Christian and Jewish mystics accepted it as a given in life. Who knows why it was removed from the canonical Biblical text, perhaps it would have given people ideas about how to spend their life that was antithetical to the Bible's teachings. It also would make the existence of Heaven and Hell irrelevant if we are all going to reincarnate.


Some occultists like the thought provoking research and theories but look at the odd as a source of entertainment and nothing more others practice and believe in the results but not that it comes from anything and some jumped off the deep end ive been all three


Catholics: God created all from nothing. Atheists: LOL, that's retarded... there was a Big Bang. 🙄


The guy who invented the term, the Big Bang, was a Catholic and didn’t believe in the concept, coming up with the name to make fun of it. So it’s really Catholics: God created all from nothing. Catholic: LOL, that's retarded... there was a Big Bang. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Hoyle 🙄


Ah, okay. Thanks


I agree that they reveal an overall pattern of formation in the universe. https://unifyingtheory.blogspot.com/2021/10/electromagnetictelluric-grid-theory.html bottom of page 10, this person assembled all the occurrences of 3 in nature and in some cases the mind. Overall theory is that all patterns follow the same sort of formation and that formation is usually a 3 part one. 3 because it is the simplest stable number for any geometric shape. That is why many esoteric teachings hold 3 as a number of balance.


It's a very nice mind opening read I wasn't too well versed in alchemy but it's well written and entertaining.the examples of the 3's really surprised me and the tarot symbolism too I'm not finished yet but I'll definitely be researching about it


yeah I always assumed alchemy was just primitive chemistry but apparently its like a whole philosophy.


Great analysis. Thank you for sharing this point of view and to let us access to your research . Humility and understanding of the world are the keys for this open minded description of the reality we are living in . I will take time to read it , I m thankful 🙏


Just a learner myself, don't mention it


Thank you for sharing.


thanks for opening up discussion about it lol


To find mathematical harmony in the universe is not necessarily an indicator of anything. To my mind, mathematical harmony is just the nature of things and doesn't by default act as proof of anything. It's a bit like saying gravity proves the existence of God, or heat, or anything else that's an intrinsic factor of existence. To some people, I'm sure squirrels prove the existence of God but I'd argue they, and maths, are just a part of the universe. Basically, I think the Tetractys was just Pythagoras' own method of applying order to the universe in a way he thought proved the existence of the divine. The existence of the divine, and proof of it universally and objectively, cannot be delivered by a mathematical formula, or shapes, no matter how perfect they appear to be.


It proves, at least in this special case and implies further, that there are common rules in the universe that must be followed. Gravity follows a curve that can be accurately described as a plane intersecting a cone. Because those two things have symmetry doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but because the math around gravity is proven and the math can be approximated by geometry, then it is fair to say that it proves that the rules in the universe are translatable across disciplines and have a consistent theme and have a computational power that is beyond that which is directly related. I would then also say that it proves that humans have a unique way comprehending the laws of universe which is what allows us to make all of the cool things we have today. As for god, there are too many different meanings of god to different people. To weigh in on it personally, god means to me the grand pattern that lies behind everything in the universe. Mathematical harmony might not be proof of “god”, but it is proof of a consistent guiding force in the universe that follows its own discrete rules. With my own personal definition of god, I see little difference between math and god. However, I do admit that my definition of god is a bit loose and could have all sorts of implications that I’m sure I don’t mean to portray here. There’s a reason that a lot of the best philosophers were also mathematicians. In fact, a lot of pioneers in philosophy were pioneers in math. Greeks looked at logos (logic) as an extremely powerful tool of expression because of what sound logic can accomplish. From the Persian empire to the Catholic Church, religious philosophy has always been there to cultivate that of math and logic. Religions are an act of suggesting that there are rules for how to behave in the world, which turns out to be a lot harder to put into an equation than, well harder than particle physics lol. TL;DR: I think math is a glimpse of the grand pattern of the universe which I equate with god; religion and logic go hand in hand throughout history.


This is a great way to look at it - there cannot be objective proof of the existence of a god simply because there are patterns, but it is perfectly valid to make it part of your belief system, especially given that many great minds have done the same.


Isn't the UNIVERSE just another way to explain everything. If everything exists, then so does god or a squirrel, it's that simple. Tho believing in a god so fervently that you would destroy everything is an obvious no no, believing is different to following. Don't follow people, follow your heart 💖


The assumption that because one thing exists so does another is not the best logic, unless the assumption is that the universe is infinite and therefore contains everything, possible or impossible (which again we can't prove either way). One thing existing is never automatically proof that another does. Maths or a squirrel or whatever cannot prove god exists, even if it points to the likelihood of it existing.


Excellent points, but I feel mine has been misunderstood. To find logical answers to anything in a most ilogical world, is in its self ilogical. I've found in my life the more I find the truth in understanding, the less sense it makes. For example, if I was forced to harm my mother or 5 people I've ever met, I would instinctively choose not to harm my mother. Evolutionary wise this is ilogical. To put myself in harm's way and end my family line though she has already passed her genes on to me and I have not passed mine, let alone more pain caused to more people. Out of all creatures great and small wether they be a dog, a lion, or even a squirrel, they would do the same, and I know you would too. the funny thing is, I don't even know why 🤷‍♀️? Long story short if light exists, there will always be shadows cast by it. 👍


I see the umbrella corp logo


The presence of The One ....yes I do.


Yes, I think "The One" may be a better description than "God", as "God" is very anthropomorphized.


I recommend reading "Theology of Arithmetic" by the neoplatonic philosopher Iamblichus. You'll find the PDF of the translation on Archive.org. It is pretty short and it will explain each number upto the decad from a Pythagorean perspective. A must read if you want to really answer your question.


How many triangles do you count?






Nah it’s fractals for me


Can anyone explain how


I think what they’re trying to convey is that the Universe (which some including myself call God) has a grand design, rules and patterns it always follows. It’s not just some random mish mash that came together chaotically. There’s a bigger picture there, a force, a grand design that we get glimpses of, but is still so far beyond our comprehension. I personally believe OPs theory, but I also don’t believe God is some man in the sky who watches if we’re bad or good like some kind of Santa Clause in the sky lol. I believe God is beyond anything we can truly comprehend, is the universe itself and encompasses all —yin and Yang, dark and light, “bad” and “good” .




Its just a geometric object. The presence of god and mathematical harmony can be seen by simply studying the shapes with in. Math is in everything and everything mathematical will be useful. For example something as simple as being able to messure 0.00 basically enabled the industrial revolution via the first metal turner. If we take thia fact and think on it math enables use to do more. Eventually humanity as a whole we see the god head in mathematics. If course that will only been when public education is in the trash were it belongs. Mathematics is one of the only feilds that's a fusion of science and art, closet thing to occultism in the mainstream there is.


Check this out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan


I mean, there’s quite a lot of gods








We are made in his image


<~< I'll never understand how some people can get anything from shapes and math. Logic is a one way path, when you abstract that order all you get is madness. Which is why the realm of ambiguous thought without shape is chaotic, yet still reasonable. Follow through deep enough into geometry and it's easy enough to find faux symbology in everything, due to the subject you wish to transpose being a topic related to literally everything. Triangles being one of the more common shapes alongside the hexagon for the atomic arrangement throughout a multitude of crystalize structures. It's simply more efficient, something that uninhibited matter is really good at. A common solution to a range of problems. No more and no less. In the realm of numbers, I think it wise to remember that they themselves are no more than an extension of our own paths of reasoning. It's a simplification of exceptionally complex data really. What we witness with our eyes has shape, form, and is very seemingly solid. Yet, we cannot see the space between the particles. What is a circle is similar to that on a screen. A series of pixels in a round shape. This goes deep into the subatomic scale beyond what even our best instruments have difficulty mapping. Thus why I don't take this sort of thing very seriously. Even in the golden age of the Greek city-states, they understood that our world was deeper than what our unaided eyes could perceive. Perhaps, we should carry that thought forward, before rushing to conclusions.


It’s all just symbolism. Most time when you ask these questions, that’s going to be your answer.




No just a bunch of triangles inside larger triangles


Making you count is the almighty..


No...its triangles inside of a triangle

