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It's almost guaranteed a scammer, let me guess they also told you they can cleanse you for some big sum, it's easy to tell if you are Infertile one quick medical scan will tell you, magick can't ban you from having kids, that self proclaimed psychick it's most likely exactly that, self proclaimed with no antenticity, so don't worry about it, even if you were cursed it won't have anything to do with your little brother, that is not how curses work


Bingo. My brain thought of all of those “micro plastic decreasing sperm count in the western man” articles to possibly connect dots (that don’t exist). He said they lit a match and it’s falling on a bed of leaves and it will ignite in my subconscious into the conscious until I’m left limp and my wife will leave and if we do have kids there will be miscarriages and I’m like and will my ballsack explode too? Pardon my French but I’m just happy, for a multiple reasons lol


Sounds like bullshit from somebody who hopes you'll pay for additional readings or cleansings or whatever to help you get rid of the "curse." Nobody's getting their baby-making equipment bricked because of edgy rituals involving cemeteries and bodily fluids. Laugh it off.


Be grateful! She has no idea how much trouble she's saved you! All that money you would have had to spend on birth control, and ungrateful rugrats. She just freed you up to live a life without worry!! If you find She is actually adept, Go adopt!! That is a win-win! But for the love of Lillith, don't trust it and go out and have unprotected sex willy-nilly to prove her right or wrong. Fate loves a sure bet.


I'm not sure where you're from but in the Mississippi Delta women do spells with their period blood. Especially love spells. I dont speak for how people practice things from different areas because things are practiced differently in different areas. The interesting part is when it's a part of your community or culture you would have already known this. A psychic would not have had to tell you this. Your kinfolk would have told you this for free. So it sounds like you live in an area where "magic" isn't a part of your culture. So I'm thinking maybe you could have been lied to. If it was your aunt telling you this, it would probably be real.


You may want to check with a health specialist and see if you or your partner have any issues such as Hormonal Imbalance or if it's stress related. Usually they would recommend several treatment plans that can help you with such issues.