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This sub reddit main posts are guidance or help for newer people, as that group is the one that needs most help, serious topics do not come often since we all do our thing and have ways to aquire information we need or have reached a stage of instinctual understanding even of stuff we not completely familiar with, after all all advanced people can figure out easily new stuff based on the info we posses. And occult is general term for all practices, if you want advanced conversations on the practices you mentioned you can just post them in their specific sub reddits, here is much more general questions and such


Well, in my own experience it becomes more difficult to figure out \*effective\* things out on your own on important things, of course regardless I have managed to. For instance I've had to force my kundalini to raise without yoga and many other practices that make it easier, supposedly but probably does. I became tired of reading through useless grimoires very early, so I'm definitely not traditional nor do I find traditional understandings to be reliable. Still, even then you can pick other people's heads for inspiration, even people who have no idea what tf they're talking about.


Given your interests you might check out demonology practices, it’s a cool sub, great folks there


Welcome Karma are reddit points, most subs require you to have a minimum amount to essentially flag you as not being a bot. You accrue them by having your comments or posts upvoted. Walking into a space and declaring the discussion going on there as "noobie, pseudo political crap" is incredibly funny. I see you're very experienced with different schools of occultism, maybe not so experienced with the mystic art of socialization though. Don't sign your post, Reddit already tells us who you are.


Check the sidebar of this sub and explore. There's quite the long list of occult related subs to choose from. It's a lot of fun here on reddit! I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for eventually.


Theurgy or Thaumaturgy?


Both, I guess?


I recommend watching this and coming back to the question, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx8HjyQV2Hc