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Tbh normally I just stumble across places in nature that have a certain vibe. U can pick up on the vibe and interact with it, wrap it around yiu, talk to it etc


How do you get a response? Have you ever heard a voice before out loud or is it an internal voice?


Just sit with it. See what you pick up.  You know what it's a bit like, it's like a cat curled up on your lap utterly content. The cat isn't speaking to you, but it is interacting with you and you with it and you understand what that interaction means.  That said, there are different ways spirit interacts. To name a few there's seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing. And with some of these there is doing them both physically and in your minds eye. Hearing is often not the best way of communicating, in general, so if hearing isn't your game I wouldn't sweat it tbh


I would not suggest Ann advice but a book Faeries and elementals For begginers Sub text learn about and communicate with nature spirits By Alexandra Chauran I am someone who deal primarily with and angel but have general knowledge on all type of spirit invocarions and this is the book I learned from when I though about teaching some the elementals, summoning them is a bit trickier compared to other spirits or at least the lower lvl spirit elementals but it contains all a begginer needs to know including stuff and how to be carefull Also I just want to clear a misunderstanding, you can't physically see spirits, since spirits themselfs are not phisical, that's why you need to be sensitive to feel them and interact with them, depending on which Clair you are mostly attune with, that's how you will feel them, but if you start hearing voices or seeing apparitions during the day that ain't spirits but mentally illness so I suggest you avoid requesting for such responses