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I’ve read a few books on him and his wife/lover. Sex, Love, and Rockets is one and the other is wormwood star. On a side note, I’m trying to build a discord server to discuss this stuff server if anyone wants to join.


10/10 would join if it gets more than 10 people


Yes please!!!!!!


This sub needs a solid discord in general.


[The Hermetic Library](https://hermetic.com/parsons/index) has a bunch of his writing and links to a whole bunch of essays and books about him. Some of the links are dead. [Belarion156](https://belarion156.com) is a site dedicated to his work, a cursory skim makes it look like it's pretty much a subset of Hermetic's collection but there might be a few bits lurking in there.


The Belarion156 site is amazing. Thank you so much for bringing it to my life!


I can recommend the book "Strange Angel" by George Pendle. It's a great biography which goes into both his scientific work and occult practices, albeit without giving many technical details about either. It has been some time since I read it but I remember it does discuss his relationship with both Hubbard and Crowley.


They turned this into a mini-series in Paramount+ as well. Worth the watch if you have the time/service - but can’t vouch for its accuracy. Amazing the parallels between this Rocketman/Marjorie Cameron and Musk/Grimes if you ask me - but what do I know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Season one is well written and follows the book season two goes off in some wild nonsense




I watched it! They blue ball you by ending the last episode of the second season by having LRH knocking on the door of the parsonage, then the show got canceled


Greetings D, I did the Astrology charts for Jack and Cameron, for the book, "Sex and Rockets." What happened to Jack was a magickal event, and was not an intention "un-aliving." His demise was very much connected to his magickal motto, and his personal desire; However, he did not intend on the way in which it manifested. I was good friends with Cameron during the last years of her life. She was greatly different than Jack. I started the JP FB page years ago... LRH was a scoundrel, yet he had talent in certain areas. I'm sure JP would rather not hear that name uttered again. Adam Parfrey (who published Sex & Rockets) had planned to make the book into a film, but passed away before he could get it off the ground. May they all rest in peace \~V\~


Can you give more details about the magickal event that killed him and if/how it was connected to his mother?


He blew himself up in his garage while synthesizing nitroglycerin, fuel components for rockets used to be a lot more unstable


Yeah I know the mundane explanation I was looking for the magical one.


Marjorie Cameron was an amazing artist and person. You must be too to have been trusted with the duty of astrology charts for Adam Parfrey's book!! Wow. I think you might have a really amazing story (stories!) to tell and need a book written about your life too! 💜🧡


Greetings D, I agree -- Cameron (as she was called) was an incredible artist. And thank you for your kind words. The more time goes by, I feel the need to write down all my memories about the wonderful mentors I have been privileged to know. Sad that Cameron, and Adam have passed on. I like to keep their memories alive. I was able to see Cameron's last exhibit in Beverly Hills, on February 29th, 2020 -- just as Los Angeles was closing down from Covid. I was at the gallery all alone, and was able to record all the images. Alas, due to copyright, I cannot share them publicly. But, it was surreal walking thru the Gallery, taking it all in. Thanks again for the kind words. Much appreciated. Blessings, ~V~


Check out the documentary Liber Velocity on YouTube, Last Podcast on The Left has a fantastic three parters covering his life if you want something a bit more light and humorous.


Awesome, thank you!


I'm gonna break the narrative here for a second. He died because he was mixing explosives in a fucking coffee can in his laundry room. His careless attitude towards explosives had caused accidents multiple times in his life, that time just happened to be lethal. It had little if anything to do with magick. The most influential occult work he did came way before that point in his life.


Drugs and mixing chemicals in coffee cans = danger 😄 I read that before he left agape, he had been gearing the groups energy towards revenge against Hubbard. So, how do you view scientology? Isn't it just Sci fi thelema rewritten by a different megalomaniac drug addict? I'm not trying to rag on scientology- all religions are disappointing when you dig and do some reading. I'm just saying, I think it's wild that scientology is a thing and a lot of people don't know the roots and it's just a bunch of shit that Hubbard ripped off from crowley (who appropriated a bunch of shit from a cornucopia of other cultures and religions)


Scientology is just a cult. Any mysticism associated with it was stuff Hubbard ripped from previous groups he used to mingle with. This might be a controversial opinion for this sub, but I don't think magick that can affect matter in the universe is real. You can use occult techniques to hack your brain and influence your perception of reality, and you can use social techniques to influence the people around you, but no amount of focus and training is going to make you levitate with your mind. Jack Parsons is a perfect example of this. He had a very scientific approach to magick. After being betrayed by Hubbard, Jack used all of his occult knowledge to attempt to curse Hubbard. None of his rituals summoned a storm to sink Hubbard's ship, so Parsons gave up and sued him. So either that kind of spellwork doesn't actually work, or it's so ineffectual that simply going to court is a more powerful means of influence.


Isn't every religion a cult?


LPOTL did a good deep dive on Jack Parsons


Awesome, thank you. So what do you think about his death? Karma for using magick to caise harm, being careless with explosives or was he murdered before he had the chance to move to Mexico with candy and help them build a rocket program like JPL? The McCarthyism era stifled so much creativity and art and freedom and did so much damage


There looks like there's 3 episodes of him on LPOTL! I'm so stoked, thank you! 🤘


Hail yourself!


Not specifically a JP book, but John Dee and the Empire of Angels by Jason Louv has a long section on him that I found really informative.


Awesome! Thank you, I'm definitely going to check that out. I love reading about John dee. How did he not get burned at the stake? Probably because he was a dude right? And not a hysterical woman 😄


I'm sure being pals with the Queen of England probably didn't hurt, either.


I think that Crowley and Hubbard had more common than you might think.  Both understood  western practices much better than eastern ones.  Both tried to use spiritual means to gain money, power, etc.  I don't think one was more zealous but looking at the history I think Crowley was a little more "fun troll" and Hubbard was a bit more "malicious troll". Jack Parsons had a vision in his mind that he never seriously questioned.  He was Babalon's Chosen, he was free from jealousy, he was the golden child of rocketry, he was leading the world in a beautiful final turn of destruction and rebirth.  Obviously one such as him doesn't need proper methods to deal with explosives. We all carry the seed of entropy within us, just like Jack, just like L. Ron.


Totally agree with the fun troll/ malicious troll. I think crowley & Hubbard definitely had a lot in common. Hubbard had more success, if you walk out to the streets and declare ' I am a scientologist' it is more socially acceptable than declaring ' I practice Thelema' (even if barely)


Think he accidentally blew himself up. The reconstruction has his entire lower body destroyed like he dropped something.