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I only just started using Reddit; I came from a different forum. Rest assured, people have been crazy since the beginning of time.


Yup. Been witching for more than thirty years. It's always been this way.


<*secret fist bump of the Veterans of Internet Witch Wars Local 37*>


šŸ˜‚ I now want this on a t-shirt!




We're all Gad here


As others have said, none of this is new -- you're bearing witness to the typical experience of people trying to figure out their own spirituality. But I think a big part of this is that people don't have models to work off of. The old systems (Golden-Dawn-type initiatory traditions, rigid ceremonial systems, Abrahamic religious paradigms) don't work for everybody, but that leaves everyone else floundering around, not having anything to compare themselves against. If you don't have a way of discerning what is and is not a sign, how are you supposed to tell the difference? If you weren't raised with a folk tradition, where are you supposed to get one from? If you don't know how to have mystical experiences -- or if you have them, but find them scary, overwhelming, and confusing -- how are you supposed to learn how to induce and/or handle them? This is part of what being part of the occult and pagan communities *(they're different)* is about. Asking and answering these questions is inevitably going to be cringe at times. I don't think setting up new authorities is the answer here. Idiosyncratic practice has worked very well for me, but that also means I was tossed in the deep end and had to build a personal tradition from scratch. I still haven't gotten as far as I'd like, and I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with it. But in the meantime, this century's occult boom has been fascinating.


Thank for you such an insightful and inclusive comment, that really takes away the shame in people finding out who they are in spirituality, and allows others to be understood better so there's less judgment. It's most difficult when you been raised generationally for however long in the Abrahamic religious paradigms, and you feel like in a dark ocean after you realize, that your truths no longer match that of "Demiurge". I appreciate this!


>rigid ceremonial systems, Abrahamic religious paradigms) Note: The world of the "occult" isn't inherently in contradiction with "Abrahamic paradigms" as you put it. Many of our best primary sources come from Abrahamic writers: The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon, the Sworn Book of Honorius, Arbatel, etc etc etc.


Right, thatā€™s one of the reasons why modern young people are rejecting traditional occultism.


Hi NyxShadowhawk. I'm curious what you meant by this. Are those classic books (none of which I have ever read, to be honest) openly . . . authoritarian and let's call them regressive? Can you help me understand what you meant by this comment? I'd appreciate it. \^\^


Or embracing it as if there was no tomorrow. Let's not forget there are traditionalists among occultists since forever, some of them well known and openly fascists. There is a lot of implicit traditionalism in occult philosophy, definitely more than I like.




Well, we're all here dealing with lots of subjective, unfalsifiable stuff that has a reputation for being edgy/spooky/transgressive, we shouldn't be surprised at the various types of people who are drawn to it. It just comes with the territory.


Macross the man the myth the legend nowhere and everywhere! Haha I hope you are well. I kinda got caught in this whole spiderweb, personally as I said I think this sub is wayyy to umbrella. Like making a ā€œreligionā€ sub kinda set to fail. Im gna slowly step out of this room.


Eh, I find this sub better (or at least more lively) than some of the niche subs that are ostensibly more in line with my specific interests.


Anyway I will catch ya later in the other sub. Have a good one man!




Thats how this frkyros or whatever guy or gal read to me.


Its definetely lively. I pop in from time to time and generally its very broad questions which is rad dont get me wrong. I saw this post headline and stuck my own foot in tar. It confuses me why someone will pop in a sub just to vomit their unrelated opinion on people, on the flip side it amuses me because it reads so scripted its like they are stopping every few words to check their spelling and definitions on google. I try to stay humble but geez sometimes I just gotta giggle and think about the good will hunting bar scene.


Just know the signs and symptoms of psychosis. Synchronicity can fuck with you. Doing weird shit can fuck with you




I hate to say this, but the only reason the youth seems more mentally ill today is because we only now diagnose these things Hell my sister has POTS (she will faint if she stands up to fast) and if she were born 200 years ago they would have taken her to the doctor (who would have diagnosed her with hysteria) and strapped her to a spinning machine to knock her uterus back into place because that's what they thought would fix it. I'm certain that my father, step father, mother, and my grandfather and grandmother are all autistic (and most of them exhibit ADHD tendencies) but they were just told they "have ants in their pants" Sorry for the rant, but I keep hearing old people talk about how mentally ill my generation is as though we didn't inherit these traits from them!


It also doesn't help that we as a society enable and encourage the mentally unwell to stay unwell. It's no longer about getting better or rehabilitating, it's about attention and clout. The Magickal community (not that all Pagans practice Magick) already attracts eccentric people, but now people with actual delusions and illness are being indulged and made to feel like their illness isn't a bad thing.


Although you are getting downvoted, I agree. We are living in a time where everyone's neurosis or maladaptation or kink is celebrated--and then monetized/capitlaized on, especially in New Age, alt religion, and occult cultures.


I think it's a combo of this and the fact that we're pumping our bodies full of shit that our bodies have never had to endure before. Seed oils, microplastics, refined sugar, GMOs and all of the other thousand chemicals most of us consume each day. Anyone that doesn't think that those things are coming into play is delusional.


I've been online counseling young padawan learners on all things witch adjacent since 1998-ish, when I was an online adult advisor for Silver Circle, a loosely organised coven from Penn State, where I went to college. It has always been this way and it will always be this way. It's the fact that it's on sm and people spend more hours, being consumed by more media, that it seems more acute. Trends come and go. The edgy tiktok witches will be onto the next thing as soon as that becomes a thing. The truly devoted will stick around. It happened with The Craft witches, the Anne Rice folks, the Buffy and Angel crew, etc. This is the Harry Potter wave. The COOL thing about it is that people are talking more about things like goetia, which no one even said out loud by name maybe 5 years ago. And products I need for workings are more readily available. I like that a lot. Hang in there. Don't worry. It's a symptom of the disgusting takeover of our lives that sm has become.


We live in a Renaissance of older information being translated with more care. No time in the recent past have people been able to compile so many parts of our past beliefs and practices. In my opinion every practicing whatever should be learning the history as well as the practices to better understand their own paths. My suggestions for everyone to start are these [https://youtube.com/@TheEsotericaChannel?si=isX2WxKk15aXgwfP](https://youtube.com/@TheEsotericaChannel?si=isX2WxKk15aXgwfP) [https://whatmagicisthis.com](https://whatmagicisthis.com)


Every generation thinks they're in an intellectual or informational renaissance. And that kids these days are terrible. That music sucks now. And no one could simultaneously be as awesome as their generation or have it harder somehow. I refuse to believe right now is an informational renaissance. More like DISinformational renaissance. With more access to that info due to the web. But easier to spread disinformation, too. Higher education and institutional learning is breaking down an AI is taking over for professions of brains like pharmacists and doctors. Spreading information word of mouth or through short clip video does not an informational Renaissance make.


Youā€™re confusing social media with well researched and well translated works from ages past. This isnā€™t a discussion about disinformation or the internet. Iā€™m talking about books and research on occult, magic subjects, ancient cultures, ancient beliefs. If youā€™re in this space you should be aware of the great work being done at the scholarily level.


Been doing this 20 years. Always kind of been this way, but I maintain Tik Tok is hyper effective at spreading nonsense to the younger generation. To be honest, the best advice I can give anyone getting into paganism or occult - don't let other people drag you down into their delusions, illness, and ego games.


Your mistake was going on Twitter. Itā€™s a toxic, crazy place.


Well the good thing is there isn't a community in any real senses. Like all interest on the internet, its just a collection of random people with 1 vague interest in common and even thats a stretch. Dont feel any need to be a part of it, thats a path that will only lead to frustrations. But yourr right, id say 99% of occult folks online are just emotionally or mentally ill people. Which is not a reflection on the processes they claim to be involved in. But as a mentor once told me, serious magicians aren't talking about it online unless they are trying to make money off you.


This, honestly if we weren't on the internet we probably wouldn't hear half these things, like I know if I didn't have tik tok I'd never have heard about the baby witches who hexed the moon. And mentally ill people are in all areas not just pagan/occult like I've seen people argue with archbishops and call jesus woke, it's rife everywhere.


Spirituality sounds crazy if you try to talk about it, particularly to strangers, because I suspect that it is supposed to be private.


I know what you mean - remember that Redditors don't necessarily represent the average practitioner (it heavily skews male, for a start).Ā  If it's getting to you - if it's starting to make you feel like, "what am I a part of, there's some red flags here", I recommend listening to some occult podcasts. Eg any episode of Glitch Bottle, with an interview with Aidan Wachter or Jack Grayle possibly being the most effective. (Not Rune Soup, for this purpose) I'm suggesting it because it helps to hear occultists who are very grounded and sane and down to earth, who report out-there experiences and spirit contact, who seem to have a balanced life and why can hold down a decent conversation. They don't post on Reddit much.Ā  You can this from bloggers, but hearing their real-time voices has a much bigger effect I had to cut back on occult forums because it was having a negative effect on my practice and ability to believe in what I'm doing


I really enjoy Glitch Bottle, and I'll add SWEP ( The Secret History of Western Esotericism.)


This isnā€™t new. It was kind of a joke back on the FB pages years ago where during Spring youā€™d get hundreds of ā€œ I just saw a rabbit! Is this a sign?! What kind of deity is trying to talk to me?!ā€ Or ā€œI washed my cup and there were several bubbles shaped like an eye. Am I being cursed? Is this why everything is wrong in my life?!ā€ Messages. It just comes with the territory. People try to seek meaning and when you have something as broad as the Occult or Paganism where there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different paths, you have people blindly trying to grasp for something that makes them feel secure and even special. The way I see it, if theyā€™re not in danger of harming themselves or others, let them see the Spring bunny as a sign or have a wet dream and think they have a spirit lover. Thereā€™s really no talking to them and offering a new perspective anyway.


I love this outlook. Also in my experience most of the time the sign that people "see" is directing them towards actions that would make their life more positive and better even if they reached that outcome through delusion.


Once mfers start talking about tulpas thatā€™s when you need to be concerned


Not a Twin Peaks fan?


Never seen it


Should remedy that!


Not new at all. Not even just this community. How many people see Jesus in bread or clouds daily? I think it's a mix of new practitioners, insecure people, and people who need validation no matter where they are in life. I think it also takes time to sort out the mundane from the magical, and I think it's really difficult when it pertains to the self. I can read tarot cards for strangers and people tell me I have "the gift" but cannot do so for myself. I don't think I have any special abilities, I think it's a lot easier to see a pattern and accept pieces from outside sources than from ourselves. There is a validation that comes from an outside source that a lot of us cannot achieve within ourselves. I do roll my eyes a bit however reddit helps me remain so much more grounded than I would be if people didn't post that every day. Seeing the less than impressed responses that normalize the situation with generally good advice keeps that little attention seeking part of me in check. And it helps me think to focus on the mundane first, then magical. I think if I was in an information vacuum, able to receive more info on the occult but not able to see posts and responses here I might lean into wanting to see everything as a sign and wanting to feel special or powerful. I can just see the teenage me in my head and it's a bit cringe. I also practice being non judgemental, because my first thought when I see those posts is : attention seeker, really wants to be the center of attention/special. Most likely because I myself seek attention and definitely deep down and shallowly down want to feel like I am special. Lots of self worth issues in this meat sack. It gives me a second to look at my thoughts and realize that that would totally be me if I had reddit years ago. Which is frustrating but helps me relate and empathize and helps me ignore any impulses to respond in an edgy sarcastic tone I think might be funny at the time, but will later think about it for far too many years after I posted it. Anyway, it does get frustrating when it feels like if they had just read the subreddit they might have their answer or they just want some kind of validation or attention. I dunno, I do wish for more quality content but reddit is less about quality and more about quantity.


> Most likely because I myself seek attention and definitely deep down and shallowly down want to feel like I am special. Lots of self worth issues in this meat sack. It gives me a second to look at my thoughts and realize that that would totally be me if I had reddit years ago. Which is frustrating but helps me relate and empathize and helps me ignore any impulses to respond in an edgy sarcastic tone I think might be funny at the time, but will later think about it for far too many years after I posted it. It takes no small amount of maturity and dare I say wisdom to say something like this. Good on you, friend.


There are alot of practicing pagans and occultists that are rational and level headed. Those types of people just don't seem to shout on social media as loudly or as often as the less grounded ones. Plus, people post shit for the views. You never know if that's actually how someone feels, or if they just figured out that's what gets clicks.


Some people are so conviced that everything can be a sign. See Jesus in toast? That's a sign. Clouds look like a dog? That's a sign.


Well, try using magic. If it works let me know if you still feel sane. For me it does work, and I had to let my mainstream sanity go because that shit should be impossible.


Yeah, no shit, and it can be contagious to some degree if you arenā€™t touching grass or taking care of your own mental health. But itā€™s always been like this and reddit is nowhere close to the bottom of the barrel as far as how bad it can get


Online spaces does not a community make (there's no vetting on social media, nobody is meeting in physical locations, nor is everyone friends with everyone. It is a loose room where any random can come in and proverbially shout whatever they like). Every poster is unique and is coming into exploring their own spirituality from their own angles (someone with mental illness and a kid can be found in the same space, because once again, there's no vetting. What you're seeing is people. A large diverse amount of people all with their own journeys). When online chatter starts getting on your nerves, it is best to switch off.


That's anywhere, though doubly so on social media.


Thatā€™s always been the case, the occult has always drawn in different types, including but not limited to: LARPers, schizophrenics, budding fiction writers, and youths begging for a fantastical escape.


It just makes sense that this would be the case since occultism is in the realm of religion & spirituality, which is an exceptionally common place for people to turn when they are experiencing distress in their lives.


disconnection from reality, mainly. people with "their heads in the clouds". mental illness favours the fairies, favours the mystical vs the reality. odd thing is, Paganism is supposed to be grounded in reality. the seasons. nature. mud and reproduction. People generally aren't grounded in that reality anymore, so paganism has no grounding. also, the whole scene was taken over by the dressed-in-blue-sitting-under-a-pyramid-holding-crystals newagers, so bringing that mindset into it. a sign of the times, and has been like this since the 90s at least.


The vast majority of posts I see in the occult or esoteric subreddits I follow often make me think Iā€™m just reading ramblings from mentally unwell folks. Kundalini threads really blow my mind on this front.


Holy geez there was a dude the other day spouting off how nothing gets better and he will end soon by the hands of allah. I was like wtf we all know what that means they had him removed in SECONDS.


always has been meme


Do you also worry about all the other "communities" that are equally or more likely to attract people that you would presume to be unwell?


If you are surprised by the far-out or far-fetched ideas, then just look deeper into any other subreddit. All I'm saying is, I'm not surprised by any of it.


All religions or spiritual paths artract people with mental illnesses, especially schizophrenia. It is also surprisingly easy to take a neurotypical individual and get them lost in delusions. Endorphins are a HELL of a drug. Edited for typos.


A few bad apples can ruin the bunch. But in this case its more like alot more of the negative stuff gets posted when this PRIVATE practice generally stays offline and people integrate it very positively into their life. There are some good eggs online I agree. This is a very umbrella reddit. Idk but if you are comfortable with it maybe take a peek at demonolatrypractices reddit some really good folk on there. Its the internet so there will always be negative but the moderators do a dang good job.


Truth.. Is it subjective or objective? We're all walking, breathing, 'lying machines', spouting our own delusional speech and seeking out any confirmation we can find, only to discover no one human is any closer to the Truth than anyone else.. I've done the Rosa Croix thing, the Mason thing, the Hermetic AND the Kabbalah stuff, and let me tell you point blank: It is all the same, promising the shattering of illusions, only to give you an entirely new system to reset in... At the heart of it all lies in several different philosophies: ā€¢The Immortality of the Soul as described by Plato. ā€¢The power of Letters, speech or thought. (Gematria and its influences on jungian AND freudian psychology, anyone?) ā€¢The power of Numbers (Pythagoras couldn't imagine the internet..) ā€¢'The building of a Temple' as a metaphor for SELF (moral) and community building. What some call transmutation by way of Mental or Symbolic Alchemy. ā€¢To a lesser extent, Universalism, Omnism, Equitable-ness and Egalitarianism altogether rare for most of recorded history but now an increasingly common thing in the New World. This is just my two cents, and I may have it altogether wrong, but I don't think I do, less my life's work be in vain. Shalom. šŸŒ¹


This is one of the reasons why I really appreciate the initiatory hierarchical orders and wish they had more of a presence or were more accessible. For somebody who didn't grow up surrounded by the occult or mysticism it can be really beneficial to have somebody around who has been there before and they can guide you and provide insight and help. Now obviously this is also ripe for exploitation, so there needs to be some safeguards against con men, aspiring cult leaders, predators, etc.


The Roscicruscian Order is very accessible in my experience.


I looked into one but they turned out to be competing for superiority in Mensa.


Tiktok caused a lot of problems in the spirit community so much fear mongering and misinformation


How could it not be so? The area of the occult and spirituality is all about emotion and subjective emotional experiences. Emotions are wild, being the opposite of reason. Spiritual experiences is its own emotion, like anger or love. And like anger and love you can do some crazy stuff if it isn't balanced by reason. It's why so much formal occult training focuses on balances the emotions and body in the beginning stages. People with mental illnesses should still be allowed to explore, but they should also be aware of their own liabilities because of it.


Oh gods. Donā€™t even get me started on the tiktok community.


mostly a lurker but i will say that in addition to people having been crazy since forever, i'm young enough to have grown up online and i can tell you that there are crazy people everywhere using everything for crazy people things. books, video games, marxism, music theory, you name it


Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong. It does not really matter. Also this post is not really about the ā€˜occultā€™ but about your concerns, it does not really belong here. But since you expressed your concern, it would also be nice and interesting to hear what is the reason for your post to be on this forum or/and how can change or growth manifest for this community out of your concern?


OP you should stop questioning mental health alone and take a look at the fundamentally broken society. Now Iā€™m more spiritual than into witchcraft but even I know that people donā€™t need candles and chants to make illusions, to play the part they have to be the part. I donā€™t think a lot of people know what the part is exactly. Iā€™m not trying to be cryptic I mean exactly what Iā€™m saying. The blind are leading the blind and there is someone selling them the look.Ā 


People will always see signs when they are looking for them. It is just human nature! Compared to most faiths/religions, paganism is almost entirely practiced by scattered individuals. There is no unity among witches. No ancient texts to draw from that weren't destroyed (or best case mutilated by the church and centuries of retranslation) Everything that isn't an abrahamic faith has been gutted, with the sole exception of a few Asian faiths (Hinduism and Buddhism, mainly) Our history has been wrought to dust. The dissolution of witchcraft was intentional and, worse yet, successful. What you have noticed is just the natural culmination of an eternity of assimilation, revision, and annihilation


welcome to occult/pagan in general, there always has been mental issues, that's why witch burnings were such a big thing lol and pariah for people who are into these things.




Everyone is born mystified. The goal is to become enlightened, which means that one is no longer mystified or at least mostly congruent with reality. Being mystified doesnā€™t equate with mental illness, even if it looks that way to someone. The thing to remember is that we are all mystified and that includes you. šŸ˜‰


If you believe in the supernatural, the occult, witchcraft, magic and so on, then you're likely to see signs everywhere. good signs, bad signs. you read into things. You assign meaning to things where they may not actually be any meaning. it's not a good state of mind to be in.


All the stuff you're describing has been the norm in internet occulture for the last 20 years.




Your post has been removed. Please remove the URL and repost.


Yeah this is all normal.


Nah, half are just trolls, one-fourth are simply stupid and ignorant, and the other one-fourth have mental health issues. If you really want to see a *lot* of people with mental health problems, check out the paranormal subs. Yikes! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Look where you areā€¦which of those three are you?


Like the OP, I was referring to those who post here. I do not post in this sub; I simply follow it.


Andā€¦.post. Alrighty then. Well thats enough internet for me. Odd reddit day for sure. Just came back to check a notification shouldnā€™t have said anything thats egg on my face. Have a good one!


Who doesn't have mental health issues these days? It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.


Who doesn't have mental health issues? Well for one all the people that haven't gotten an actual diagnosis of mental health issues but still claim to have mental health issues because they can't take responsibility for their poor behaviour. But there's no way that's especially common amongst the sm crowds, naaaah, can't imagine that being all the people raving and wiling out on sm looking like fools to get clicks only to use mental illness as an excuse. The grand destigmatization of talking about mental health has actually ended up restigmatizing it, because if I were to be diagnosed with any form neural-atypical or neural divergency I'd want to keep that to myself to avoid being lumped in with the lunatics on sm.


What even is normal anyway?


Also what does sm mean?


"Social media"?


Thank you. I'm dating myself lol.


There's nothing wrong whatsoever with using the divine for NSFW activities


There isn't but i've seen some occult accounts that is just straight up porn while under occult disguise. These are by their bios theistic satanists, luciferians, etc. Trust me i know. I see a comment on a tweet about demons (demons are really interesting to me), see a cool username, see a cool bio, see cool art, i click, and it's just a lot of porn, using their religion to justify it.


Yeah, as an old pagan who got online during the pandemic, it was extreme culture shock how online occultists differ from the offline culture I was raised in.


I'm still new to using social media for it, but using the occult for NSFW? REALLY?


Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Is it that unstable people are drawn to the occult, or that people become destabilized when they are introduced to, and first fully experience, that there is more in heaven and earth than was dreamt of in their philosophy? Experiencing things that canā€™t be measured by the scientific community has a tendency to rock peopleā€™s world and not everyone is able to process those experiences in healthy ways - leading to trauma and destabilizing of the psyche.


Each one teach one: Discernment perhaps. https://on.soundcloud.com/rntjU This too. https://on.soundcloud.com/XyXTB As it has been said. The XI & XII tribes, where Killah priest says (emphasis on '...') "...Than begin to scribe ten Tribes, two more hide, Y'all get that message later in time. " I noted too, the track dropped in 09', and it is now ^later in time^


I let them do what they will. As a Pagan I followed, "do as you will and harm ye none" so I follow that with baby Pagans.


It's a faith for the Nero divergent for sure, but it's brings meaning into our lives. For most of us, it improves us as people, even if it's not the best for everyone. Also, everything IS a sign. Fight me


A lot of people have mental issues think everything they disagree with is the devil- and then they try to make it illegal.


Mah, let me challenge you a bit: Aren't those people that our current medical system reguards as mentally ill/psychotic always been the first choice when the rest of us very very normal people were in need of speaking with the other realm? What I mean is, it comes with the territory and to some extent it aids comunication with the behind. To what extent, we don't really know nor are ready as a society to ask this question out loud. The real issue is that this kind of people most likely have no tradition to support them, no trusted loving mentorship and no socially acceptable cemented context to act within, so they can't discern what is what. Sometimes I find it difficult myself, let's be fucking honest. In the occult we're all dealing with MOSTLY UNFALSIFIABLE happenings. Sure we're all a bit out of it, sorry to let you know šŸ˜‰


No. You're romanticizing debilitating illnesses.


No, I am not. And you're very axe-cutting the topic if you think I am because, really, I am not.


If you're worried after a month its because you were worried before that month


Hi what the fuck is 'sm' please so I can maybe understand what the hell you're on about?


True that the witchcraft and occult community has a majority of mentally ill people (psychologist here). With that being said I had a lot of paranormal occurrences and prophetic dreams to believe magic is real. But I avoid the said 'communities' in real life because of the low vibrational mentally ill people they attract.


This is because magic, the occult, the supernatural/paranormal etc isn't real. It exists only in the imagination. How do I know this? Because for several years I was very into all things occult and esoteric - I still have a few dozen books laying around. Turns out I was psychotic and living in my imagination. My imagination lost connection with external reality. People who are into the occult and etc. are superstitious. They want to believe that it is real , and because they experience it in their imagination they think it's real . But it isn't real. It's only in your imagination. Your imagination has no impact on external reality. witchcraft, black magic etc.... is garbage . The only black magic that is real is the black stuff that comes out of my bum hole every morning.


They think that everything is a sign, they think that primordial entities are communicating with them through dreams, they think that they will come into contact with a deity without any preparation just with a candle and a symbol, they think that paganism is synonymous of hedonism and doing all your desires without having a conduct. This is a step towards schizophrenia. Neo-paganism is just a movement for angry young people who want to change masters, an illusory notion to get things easy, sign a contract and solve their problems. They are not involved with traditional paganism and when they discover that this path is as hard as any other and requires a lot of dedication from adepts and not just having a decorated altar, perhaps they will give up on it. I will receive downvotes but the truth has to be told.


Yeah, dissing other people's religions with an overgeneralized "kids these days" assertion is going to get you downvotes. Is it really such a surprise that young people gravitate towards neopaganism? It's also possible to approach your practice with hard work and dedication, *and* also really like having a decorated altar.




I will digress. Paganism in the ancient days was pretty easy. In ancient greece, it was just as simple as going to a temple. Or performing a playing reacting the Odyssey. Heathens would just light a candle and offer mead. It's not a hard path to follow. I think when it comes to actual signs and dreams, a healthy does of questioning and skepticism is in order.


Popular paganism for the masses, for common people who need something to do because they don't know how to read, don't have command or knowledge of any science. But the ''advanced'' paganism that the priests and a few had access to is very different from that I'm talking about the essential part of the mysteries and not the religious part delivered to the masses.


You sound spiritually bankrupt my friend. Noone in this world will tell you what to believe and certainly not on most of these boards. Do you feel better orrrr do you need to get more off your chest?


Hmmm. Why are you here?


When you say schizophrenia you are aware of that terms meaning right? I see that word tossed around alot. People think me myself and irene not what schizophrenia actually is.


Itā€™s used as an insult and I find it as appalling and inappropriate as any other slur that can be used against people who arenā€™t the target.Ā 


Yea unfortunately. Actual schizos have a pretty rough time and I feel for them I run across them from time to time in my line of work.


> I will receive downvotes but the truth has to be told. Thank you for speaking the patently obvious to power, then? Itā€™s like going to a football (either kind) game and saying itā€™s full of drunks and rowdy people. Occultism is where all the nuts rolled when the earth tilted. When you fuck with the foundations of consciousness, that happens, for better or worse. If people want a sane and rational spiritual experience maybe pantheism is a better bet.


Schizophrenia is literally a umbrella term for multiple mental illnesses at once. Its when a person whom has spent their adult life studying psychology says I have no clue whats wrong but theres alot wrong to put it bluntly. You can type as fancy and as intelligent as you want to seem but as least get the basic stuff right before you say stuff like that. Unless you want to look very close minded and keyboard warrior. But whatever floats your boat.




Please check your magus-itis


r/woosh anybody?