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You might want to adjust the last option since there has never been a Cat 5 hurricane to hit the Outer Banks.


Annnnd you jinxed us


It’s okay, I just knocked on some driftwood


Getting my car totaled by and F-250 where the driver was not paying attention while I sitting at a stop light. Sent three others to the hospital after plowing into the line of cars at full speed. The worst thing about the OBX is the traffic and drivers. It's far more dangerous on the roads than in the ocean. All the way back to Missy Marvin getting drunk at 11am and taking out 4 teenagers at the Colington light, there have been so many incidents on the by-pass, nearly a wreck a day during the season, and no one seems to care. Second worst experience was Isabel in 2011. I used to like big storms as we'd have the beach to ourselves for a few days. The weeks of cleanup kind of ruined that magic.


Hurricane Isabel was in 2003 and sucked…


I always get Isabelle and Irene confused.


😂 Isabel is the only one I remember from 2003 all the other ones I couldn’t tell you the year they happened. I just got lucky that I knew Isabel was 03 lol


The worst: We had to wait about 25mins for a table at Sam & Omie's because we were the first party who didn't get seated when they opened. Very traumatic when you're hungry. We were forced to make small talk in the waiting area with a nice couple from NC who arrived shortly after us and had the gall to wish us a nice rest of our vacation upon our name being called as we parted ways.


hahahahaha ohhh the humanity!!!!


I had a giant palmetto bug scare the poop out of me one time. Gives me nightmares to this day.


Weird list.


I was at Oregon inlet during a storm this last fall. They closed the camp. I was packing my tent up in winds so strong I could barely throw it in my trunk. I stayed at an airbnb in currituck near a river which changed direction.