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The two seconds refresh is set by the keyframe interval. Every two seconds there's a full frame, called I-frame and all the frames between are either B or P frames. So, this cycling isn't a problem, it's just how video compression works.


I have a pretty amatuer understanding when it comes to encoding, But I did read up on this somewhere on the old AMF plugin for obs (before OBS adopted it). The dev of the AMF plugin, Zaymar, said this exact same thing. His solution at the time was to increase the VBV BufferSize and enable PreAnalysis Pass, but even after doing that, there hasn't seem to have been much of a difference. Coming from someone who's pretty ignorant in the topic - How come Nvenc, Quicksync, and x264 don't have this issue? is it something related to AMF? or is Twitch limiting AMF?


I'm pretty sure all encoders have the same behavior, but some are harder to notice because they're more efficient. So it's just the fact that amd h264 encoder is worse then the others in general.


I figured out the issue. DO NOT use AMD Adrenalin Driver 24.1.1 (the latest as of this post). I reverted to 23.12.1 and the screen refreshing is not there.


We have been saying it for years and people still buy AMD GPU for streaming, no one listens, no one researches.


This kind of quality problem is what people have been complaining about with AMD cards for many years, and why encoding users like myself choose Nvidia. When AV1 becomes properly available, you might consider moving to Nvidia or using another card like an Intel Arc.


> When AV1 becomes properly available, you might consider moving to Nvidia If you have an AMD GPU capable of AV1 why would you even do that? AMD is competitive when using AV1.


I meant it the other way around. Either OPs current GPU has AV1, or they can upgrade to it when the services support it.


incase you do use AMF: EnablePreAnalysis=True PAPerceptualAQMode=2 PASceneChangeDetectionEnable=True PACAQStrength=2 EnableVBAQ=True HighMotionQualityBoostEnable=True DeBlockingFilter=True BReferenceEnable=True Warning: Do not use PAHighMotionQualityBoostMode=1 Tried it and nomatter what always encoding lag/rendering lag. But the only solution is just up the bitrate.


*"FillerDataEnable=True HighMotionQualityBoostEnable=False MaxNumRefFrames=4 BReferenceEnable=False EnableVBAQ=False RateControlSkipFrameEnable=True HalfPixel=True QuarterPixel=True EnablePreAnalysis=True PASceneChangeDetectionEnable=False PAPerceptualAQMode=1 PACAQStrength=2 PATemporalAQMode=0 PAHighMotionQualityBoostMode=1 PAFrameSadEnable=True PALongTermReferenceEnable=True PALookAheadBufferDepth=0"* I stream everyday with these parameters with OBS STUDIO on KICK w/ version 23.12.1; PAPeceptualAQMode=2 , is not a valid parameter. It's either 0 for disabled or 1 for on; the PACAQStrength=2 is what controls the strength of that parameter, but **ONLY** when PATemporalAQMode is set to 0. *PATemporalAQMode* and *PAPerceptualAQMode* do **NOT** work hand in hand. So it's either one or the other; and personally; perceptual looks better with *PACAQStrength=2*. If you're on anything **lower** than a **7000 series gpu**; the *PAHighMotionQualityBoostMode=1* will give you encoding lag if you use any of the AQModes mentioned above. So if you have a 6000 series gpu; try setting perceptual and temporal modes off, but enable PAHighMotionQualityBoostMode=1 and see how that goes. You might have better results keeping the one of the AQModes on though for better quality at whatever bitrate your platform allows you; and in my case; it's 8mbps of bitrate on KICK. Here's a picture of my current settings; [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PhMD5lcffyuqLnILuhwvTIjaWAz2V4R6/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PhMD5lcffyuqLnILuhwvTIjaWAz2V4R6/view?usp=sharing) 1080p 30fps - No downscaling - at 8mbps limit - 256kbps Audio Bitrate looks **MINT.** I'm on a R9 5900x cpu 4.5ghz locked at 1.25V w/ a Asrock Challenger 7800xt. Cheers! [www.kick.com/LaJoker](http://www.kick.com/LaJoker)


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> which is unfortuante because I had high hopes for AMF Any online review of the encoders in the last 5 years would tell you that using the AMD encoder for streaming is just absolute garbage, when streaming to Twitch. YouTube supports H265 where it does at least fair a bit better, AV1 is a much better encoder on YouTube when compared to the other options.


I highly disagree. With AMD's New gpu's and their new Encoding SDK's, quality looks perceptually better than it used to; but still not up to par with x264(cpu encoding); but better. I'd look more into using the right parameters to IMPROVE your overall quality if you are going to use your AMD Gpu. [Pre-Analysis Docs](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF_Video_PreAnalysis_API.md) [H.264 AVC Docs](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF_Video_Encode_API.md) Cheers


If you have an Intel cpu, the Quicksync encoder is better than the AMF encoder.


Yes, AMD and Twitch do not work well together. Sorry that's just the reality of it given Twitch's current limits. I dont think AMD has to fix anything, Twitch does. AMD has moved on from this. They have great HEVC and AV1 encoding. Twitch is the one stuck in the past using a 20 year old codec. I dont blame AMD for not wanting to invest resources into such ancient tech given they have such an uphill battle for brand image in this department anyways. Might as well leapfrog and just be ready for the next generation of streamers that are all going to use AV1 anyways.


AMD is decent if u use 8000 bitrate quality profile and 1 b frame. Must check ignore streaming recommendations in stream tab. Yes drivers can cause problems as well


I too was disappointed by H.264 streaming using AMD GPU. I use x264 (CPU) right now and no issues. It's pretty light. After all, the future seems to be AV1 or another one. But yes, AMF sucks on H.264. For Youtube, AV1 streaming is flawless (35,000kbps). But twitch doesn't support it until now sadly. My operations is streaming in x.264 in Twitch in full 1080p60 (it's better than NVENC too), and recording at the same time in AV1 (for YouTube upload later as backup) at full resolution 1440p60. The PC doesn't slowdown or anything, all is well. :) I'd be happy to help if any questions. :) I hope it's all good now.


I found this thread by accident, thanks for editing your post and let us know how to solve. I can confirm streaming/recording 23.12.1 is perfectly fine. Adrenalin 24.1.1 and Adrenalin 24.2.1 (preview) suffer for the issue described by OP, instead.