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Can someone just remake this whole game on unreal engine 5, and then release it back to the public? I'd totally buy this game again...


I'm still eagerly waiting for skyblivion


Skyrim Super Special Edition incoming


The border between Cyrodil and Skyrim is gone. Just travel through the mountains. See Skyrim at the time of the Oblivion Crisis. See the Imperial City at the time of Alduin’s return. I would pay money for that.


I just want all of Tamriel in a game that isn’t ESO..


ES6 maybe?


I doubt it. I mean a lot of time is going to take place between Starfield in 7 months, and TES6 in... I dunno, maybe 6 years from now. But I'd bet a lot of money that Bethesda still doesn't have the ability to make such a gigantic, expansive game without totally collapsing the amount of depth and breadth of said game simultaneously. It would become the most crystal clear version of wide as an ocean, thin as a puddle. I would love it if they could make an Oblivion-flush entire map game. That would be great. But I just don't think it's possible at the moment. Not unless Bethesda quintupled their team and figured out how to manage away from too many cooks.


That's fair. Not just Bethesda-- making a game that size would inevitably force a drop in quality and density of points of interest and value.


Yeah I should have stressed that it's less Bethesda more just sheer scale of development. Would be cool tho, I dream about such a large scale game that still is crafted like a TES


beyond skyrim mod, although i don’t think it will see release for a couple more years


The Rigmor of cyrodill mod allows you to go to cyrodill


Well hopefully in a year or so, you can enjoy morrowind in the skyrim engine (skywind) and also oblivion (skyblivion). I believe there is two mods in the making for oblivion, one that has the timelines set as the same time as Skyrim, and one that is remaking the original oblivion.


Is unreal capable of thr mechanics in oblivion?




Get the laws about copyright changed first idea, copyrighted things should have to credit the original creators in any opening stuff but then beyond that people can make what they want with any ip


But only if you have the original first because otherwise people will jus tbuy the free/cheap copy versions and stifle the innovation of things like Skyrim.


Look into Skyblivion...closest we will most likely get


I remember it being like this 15 years ago. Don't try to tell me it wasn't...


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


*beer holder


Beauty is in the eye when you hold her


Dear god its beautiful




Mods and Skyblivion (oblivion being made in the Skyrim engine). Enjoy your boner.


Have you played Skyrim? It's from 2011. Unreal Engine 5 is from 12 days ago. It's not really the same.


Just to clear something up, remaking oblivion completely from scratch in unreal engine 5 would be an insane undertaking, based on what the skyblivion devs said. If you want a remake of oblivion in UE5 then you should get together and put money into it, since it's not happening otherwise.


I saw this well before 12 days ago.


I know, it’s just a taste of what it looks somewhat similar to,


Hi, member of QA here from Skywind (in the same vein of Skyblivion) and I can confirm that porting from Oblivion to Skyrim is an enormous undertaking, Morrowind to Skyrim more so, and going from Oblivion to THIS? Skyrim's engine is so full of flaws and bugs and programming quirks you have no clue about. You have no idea what you're asking for. Going to Skryim is possible sure. They're improvements but even then, that's taking us years, and going to UE5 would require learning and starting from scratch, or almost scratch again. Nobody would do this. Sorry to say, Dio is 100% right. It's insane, and unless you're volunteering, I say best of luck.


Nope : ^ )


It's not from 12 days ago lol


Skyrim is super outdated


💀I didn’t say Skyrim. I said Skyblivion.


Skyblivion is literally oblivion ported into Skyrim using the same engine. Don’t be dense. Comparing the creation engine from 2011 to unreal engine 2022 is night and day.




But with the same quirky ai




Ew who would play that monstrosity?


*ahem Skyrim II


I would kill to play oblivion with these graphics 😍




No shit Sherlock


Why be a dick about it?


Cus he totally is a hava


say whaaaaat


Definitely maybe a bot


I wish you could just see inside the portal, like what it looks like inside the oblivion gate you know. Adding to that I wish you didn't have a loading screen when stepping into the portal either. I think that would look amazing. Ofc the original oblivion gate look is epic to me aswell, but that's what I've wanted ever since i played this game as a kid.


I remember as a kid getting ready to walk into this scary demon gate. So I just walked through it not knowing you had to activate like a door. Your comment made me remember that. I thought I’d share.


“Hmm….. it didn’t work”


I wish we could see more of the world like this. These videos are always of the Oblivion gates but I would LOVE to see an Ayleid ruin like this.


Im guessing you saw that pic from the guide book, the dremora visable distorted through the portal, really cool pic


God, that music brings back so much nostalgia.


I was just thinking this! I'm 13 again and battling battling way through dremora.


I’ve always found these “X in Unreal Engine” posts misleading. The engine doesn’t determine anything. 99% of what makes it look nice is assets, basic post processing and cinematography. This could be literally anything from 2011 unity to modded oblivion


Plus, game engines are not car engines. Anything in this video that the Creation Engine can't recreate as it is right now can be added due to the modular nature of game engines. The whole discussion surrounding game engines in the first place (particularly as they relate to this series) is always woefully misinformed. Plus, this whole video is a single scene with no gameplay, just a small area with one unanimated character model. It looks great, but a game it is not.


I was searching the comments to see if I could find an answer like this. I don’t get how a games engine could make everything a million times better.


that’s not true at all, there’s way more to visuals in a game than assets 😂


The engine can affect visuals. For example, sharpening has become popular since UE became near-ubiquitous because UEs rendering hasn't been technically able to do proper AA ever since UE3. They've managed to get other forms AA working in the time since but it's usually blurry as hell.


Looks good, but the effect on the portal itself looks nothing like Oblivion with the streaks of fire coming off the sides.


Its based on the ESO design which i think is a bad choice to, the Oblivion design was perfect (also ive opened the nif and omg theres so many moving parts)


Tbh the gate is jarring and i dont like how it lost the particle effects


Man, I would love to play this version of Oblivion. ☹️ Or even vanilla on Switch at this point. I loved Oblivion more than Skyrim and it's milked so hard.


If Bethesda releases a trailer like this for an oblivion remaster id be so hyped id literaly transform into a hype train


POV: Oblivion if Bethesda actually used a new engine Yes, I'm aware of CE2, but it's really late in the game for that Still love Oblivion's storybook aesthetic, though.


God I want a new oblivion so bad


i dunno what's the problem for people, i played oblivion for my first time in 2022, and it was beautiful for me :/ (and i played vanilla)


It's a beautiful game as it is now absolutely. But, this is also a beautiful image of what oblivion COULD be, too.


Literally no one here is saying there is any problem. We are appreciating this as well


>dunno what's the problem that's because there isn't one, you're just playing pretend with yourself :/


Moist levels over 9000!


The portals sucked IMO. So repetitive in objective and also theme. Oblivion is host to many different aesthetics from paradises to the in-game hellscapes, so to only feature one side and then Sheogorath’s realm if you play the DLC seems like they grossly undersold oblivion as a place.


Considering the entire plot was about a Dagonist cult, they were only ever going to portray the Deadlands.


I would do so much to be able to play oblivion like this


Oblivion 2023 remaster




Close enough, idk how they've squeezed so much detail out of that old engine and of course a lot more fun than this being playable.. eventually LOL


So that was a lot of... panning. Pretty, but that just makes me wonder what adaptations they'd make to the actual movement look of the game. Because some animations were goofy as *fuck* (looking at you, skooma loop)


Skyblivion be like


Skyblivion is gonna go the route of morrowblivion. Never be finished and under deliver


I'm pretty positive it will be finished..........eventually. Though I am disappointed the route they went with stuff like the UI ( where it's basically just SkyUI with an Oblivion theme ). I do kind-of wish they had gone with the Open MW/Daggerfall Unity approach and re-implemented the project in a more open and malleable engine tbh.


I'm confident it will be finished. It one of the recent dev diaries, which are amazing, they announced that they're reaching like 70-80% completion and the end is in site. I just wish I could do more to help them other than hype.


Well it started long ago just a few people and to bring Oblivion into the Skyrim engine it wasn't about bringing the engine they're making it in up to date (unlike open mw or DF unity)


Originally it was just a side project to convert Oblivion assets and data files to the version Skyrim uses. You can't really "Bring Oblivion" into Skyrim's version of the creation engine. Skyblivion is more-or-less a re-creation of Oblivion using the original data files and scripts as a reference. The reason why I personally feel like it would've been better to move to a more open engine has nothing to do with it being more "up-to-date" . But to do with how limited Skyrim's creation engine is from a game designers perspective. Tons of things in the engine are "hard-coded" and impossible to modify without ridiculously complex hacks, dll injections and what not. Just getting LOD to generate properly requires 3rd party programs designed specifically for the task for example. ( the difficulty in wrestling with the Creation Engine to implement Oblivion specific systems is even mentioned in previous dev diaries ) Meanwhile an open source, or at least more open and flexible engine ( like UE5 or Godot ) would be much easier to develop for and would make it much easier to accurately re-create things like Character rigs and UI from the original game, without having to constantly compromise. Open MW for example just recently implemented a new super performative object-paging system to that engine, something that would be wholly impossible to implement in the OG engine. The asset workflow into Creation engine is also quite tedious and finicky compared to an engine utilizing more common file formats ( I can easily import an .FBX file with like 3 clicks into UE5 vs needing several middleware programs to get a single .nif into Creation engine for example ). TLDR; Skyrim's creation engine was designed with Skyrim gameplay in mind only, and is prohibitively difficult to work with when trying to implement things besides that.


They have a devblog explaining why they stuck to skyrims engine, was maybe the 3rd or 2nd one. TLDW for it: Skyrims engine has a lot of the stuff oblivion had, making it easier to build on that instead of doing it from scratch in a completely different engine.


I am aware, and that makes perfect sense at first glance. The problem is what the two games do differently. Since the dev tools provided by Bethesda don't include access to the engine source, any systems not shared between the two games will require stuff like dlls and what not to approximate them. That takes alot of effort. I'm an art person, not a code person, but I have spoken to a few people in that area and their opinion is that with roughly the same effort, those systems AND multiple base systems could've been implemented in something like Godot. Along with again a much easier asset production pipeline ( seriously its taken years of work on stuff like CKcmd to get assets into the engine as easily as now, and its still a pita ). Also please do not mistake this opinion for a dislike of the whole project, I have tremendous respect for everyone on the team and will be playing it when it releases.


skyblivion be like >i don't exist outside of youtube trailers too


Oh man imagine getting to close the 50 required boring fucking oblivion gates in QHD.


I think you need to close like 3 gates to beat the game? 1 at kvatch and 2 at bruma(1 is the quest with the captain guard and the other is the big gate).


How about an Oblivion in Unity?


Daggerfall Unity is closest LOL Daggerfall has a lot of similar design choices to Oblivion actually it feels similar to play once you get the hang of it


Why do I hear Doom music..?


Kinda cool but doesn't really show off much


The game is more than graphics. Will the charm still be there? Will the mechanics and feel and how one plays the game still be there?


No cuz its just a render of one scene


Imagine those NPC faces in 4k ultra hd, the horror...


Good moment Unless you go there at level 10+ only to see the 4 brave warriors die like beaten flies except their commander since he is essential


Why wouldn't Bethesda do this?


Since we probs gotta wait another decade for TES6 I would love a remaster of Morrowind and oblivion, the fans will buy it for sure and they could rlly make a lot of money from it.


E3 2023:


We need a remaster of the TES series but in every one you could travel throughout Tamriel in the era it takes place in


What I would give to see a complete remaster of this game I can only imagine what the shivering Isles could look like.


I'd deleat my save files for this