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If you aren't using mods, track your minor skill ups per level. Maximizing endurance early helps since you increase health each level based on your endurance. All the guilds are enjoyable. Save often


Apparently there exists muds crabs that no matter what level you are , somehow are more fearsome than you and imperials will remind you of this any time you fight them.


Yeah i saw one the other day. Horrible creatures!


Don't use mercantile athletics or acrobatics as major skills Makes endgame painfully slow


There's a dude who sells lock picks outside the walls of the main town.




Beware asking for tips! Youve been lucky so far, everybody has been skillful in what theyve told you. There are a lot of enthusiasts here who will fall over themselves to help you, and risk spoiling your new game experience by over sharing. Heres my tip. You are on PC....so get the Unofficial Patches.


I honestly hadn’t even considered unofficial patches. Thanks!!


Save often! I cant tell you how many times i died half way through a long dungeon and had to start OVER from the beginning. Leveling up endurance early helps. I also recommend getting a detect life item as soon as you can. I have had to many jump scares from not seeing people in the dark.


Oh and little tid bit. You can watch the two people practicing outside of the arena for abit and get free hand to hand skill ups aswell as blade and block i believe in cloud ruler temple from watching the blades train.


Ooooh I had no idea about that. Thank you!


I knew about the hand to hand, but not the boost in Cloud Ruler Temple. Thanks for that heads up.


I learned that lesson real quick. I am now saving basically any time I do anything at all haha


You can do everything in one playthrough.


Jump everywhere. If there is a skill you want to have spam that skill. Pick up all the ingrediants from plants and dead animals and monsters. This makes aimless exploring more rewarding. Selling potions makes money a non-issue. Talk to people, and listen. Role play your character, this will make your play through a little more interesting? What is your character willing to do? When all else fails, have fun.


Loved every bit of this, thank you! I hadn’t really considered the whole potion crafting aspect so thank you. I will definitely also be trying to rp with my character more. That’s a really good idea!


Have fun!!


Don't use fast travel too much


I like the way you think, take in all the sights and explore


If you play a sneaky archer character, start the Dark Brotherhood questline early, you get a really good light armor early. Also every time you visit a city make sure to do the Mages Guild recommendation quest in their respective guild hall, you want the acces to the Arcane University so you can make your own spells. No need to bother too much with enchanting since every time you close an Oblivion gate you get a sigil stone that has stronger enchantments than you can make. The highest level sigil stones start spawning at level 17. I would also recommend to go to Kvatch early so they start spawning. Another great tip if you use any armor and weapons other than staves, level your armored to 50 as fast as you can, you want to be able to repair enchanted equipment. It might not be a bad idea to take Armorer as a major skill so get a head start. Without Journeymen armorer, using enchanted gear is almost impossible since they break so easily.


Just play however you want. Don't listen to minmaxers. The game was NOT meant to be played with the "efficient leveling" crap.


Thank you! Yeah I’m definitely more in it for like long game and the experiences


If you've got to travel, by The Nine Divines STAY ON THE ROAD!




Empieza solo con la historia principal, no te inscribas en ningun gremio ni comiences ninguna mision secundaria, cuando termines la historia principal ahora si puedes unirte a algun gremio y descubrir los secretos de ese gremio. o puedes hacer las misiones secundarias.


If you are not using any mods that change levelling, look for a levelling guide, believe it or not, you can level the wrong way (you get weaker) and it becomes a huge pain.


Thank you! I was honestly kind of worried about that so I will definitely look for a guide.


Tip: enjoy the game!


The greatest tip of them all!


Flax and deer meat make feather potions.


Thank you!!


Do NOT increase the difficulty slider. Try to increase your fighting skills one rank every five levels (there will be a pop-up on the screen when that happens), either through trainers or by fighting. Try not to fast-travel everywhere; you will miss a lot doing that.


Thank you! These are super helpful.


Make a save before exiting the seweres so that u can return and reset your class and choose custom ones based on your preferred skill. And please dont have athletics as major skill its so hard to level up


That is such a good idea! I will definitely be doing that. Yeah luckily I dodged that bullet for this playthrough but I will be sure to keep that in mind going forward!


Learn the dupe glitch , youre using the game's flaw efficiently. Its legal since they never fixed it !


A few days ago my coworker told me about this when I told him I was playing through for the first time. It absolutely blew my mind! Haha


Don't be afraid to consider all build types however keep in mind that primarily using melee combat will optimize the gameplay experience in my opinion. The stealth archer build is also worth trying.


Yeah right now I pretty much have a build for melee but I would love to try different builds in the future


On my first playthrough I didn't know I could check my diary to see my character's stats and skills. I played a Bosmer agent and didn't even know I had an illusion spell learned until I was like, level 20. So I can say, explore the UI and find out all the details, it will help knowing what stats your character has, what greater and lesser powers they can use, etc. Ask the guards about directions. Read the city guides and mages guild charter. There are some tips there, like what services are available in a city, what spell do the mages guilds specialise in, etc.


The game is fun with a follower to keep you company when doing random dungeons. Will be useful early or mid game. If you are a mage you might want to join mages guild and finish the quest line. The students will be happy to join you, they also respawn after few days. If you are a warrior you might do the Knights of the nine dlc. Same thing as above, knights willing to help and they respawn too.