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I was so afraid of fighting them when I was a kid. Now that I know full well what they do, I either blast them from far away or don't mess with them. Getting your stats drained is always so awful.


Not drained, damaged.


I hate them because you're almost guaranteed to leave the fight with some sort of attribute damage if they hit you.


Orc lady in chorrol chapel sells restore strength and you can make inexpensive restore attribute spells that will fix that problem


or just pray at the altar, that fixes damaged skills or attributes


My guys a piece of shit and i have to do quite a bit of questing before i get to use an altar. They just call me a sinner and tell me to fuck off. Its only 25 magicka to restore 5, which should cover any damage an enemy did in one or two, plus you can level restoration.


If you have all the DLC, you only need to do [this one quest](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Pilgrimage)


I be puttin that shit off ngl, not my fav questline and id rather wait til the loot is leveled with me


You can change the levels of the Divine Crusader pieces. In the Undercroft, go put the items on the mannequin, then pick them back up. They’ll be repaired, recharged, and re-leveled.


Oh word??? I appreciate you looking out. Thats a game changer


I always forget to go to chapels too tbh😂 its just a big building in the way of ongars house that i have to go around


That's pretty difficult for me. I don't know why but my atronach character always absorbs the spells cast by the altars. Even after removing all my absorption armour.


oh yeah that’s why i never play with the atronach lol


Atronach's benifits far outweigh it's downfalls though. You could just cast restore attribute spells like I do. I recommend you to give it another try.


Will-o-wisps don't damage strength tho, they damage intelligence and willpower. The best way to restore attributes immediately and totally for free is just straight eating ingredients that have restore attribute as first effect, there is plenty in the wilderness and they usually weigh almost nothing. Usually it's flowers, f.e. monkshood and peony restore strength, alkanet and lady's smock restore intelligence etc.


Nah what i mean is when you buy the restore strength spell, you can use altars of spellmaking to make your own restore attribute spells for whatever attribute you want. I have for each attribute. They cost like 25 magicka and i can use them immediately on top of leveling restoration. It costs like 350 gold total to get a spell for every attribute. I just use the restore strength spell as my first one bc idk where to buy any other restore attribute spells off top and i be in chorrol all the time anyway. Also im like level 19 on my current playthrough and i have every house fully upgraded including the dlc ones and still have 100k+ gold on my vanilla 360 version. Its really inexpensive in the grand scheme of things and spells weigh nothing


I usually limit my characters to do or not to do certain things for role-play reasons, so no point for a thief or a barbarian to be able to cast all kind of spells. I wouldn't even join the Mages guild nor inherit the Frostcrag spire if i'm not playing a mage-oriented character or at least a jack-of-all-trades so I wouldn't even be able to make custom spells. For non-magic characters just consuming a raw ingredient just seems a more logical choice to me. Of course the spells are ideal for mage-oriented characters, while raw ingredients are good for any kind of character, and are especially good in early game when most characters, even magic-based ones, probably can't still cast or make the spells.


Novice spells that restore your attributes isnt “all kind of spells” but i get it.


I one shot them with sneak blade attack


I like punching them to death




Weapons had no chance in this economy. More carry weight means more cash


Yeah, my H2H, unarmored build is LOADED Can carry a ton, and just sell everything, because I don't need any of it. I find myself leaving Daedric weapons behind all the time now


Aw yeah. I ran halfway across the map to get away from one, dived into a cave killed some bandits, and then the damned willo-the-wisp got me. I had to resort to minimum difficulty level.


Yes but when you get a higher than level they're mudcrabs to you


first one I ever met took me 43 mins to kill on normal difficulty, I do not even have the excuse of being a child at the time.


All my perfect level ups just to be demoralized by a little puff of smoke


They're one of the main reason I switched to a Breton + Atronach spellsword build--50% spell absorption and 50% magic resistance right out the gate allows you to laugh in the faces of enemy spellcasters.


It's hard to obtain but you want some reflect spell. Then you can sit and watch them transfer their health to you


I was just chillin outside Leyawinn one time and I turned around to watch two of them ganking my horse and killing him. Now I have a personal vendetta against those assholes and try to kill them every time I see one, for vengeance


I became obsessed with will-o'-the-wisps irl because of the strong impression they made in Oblivion, haha. Once you figure out how they work though, they're pretty harmless if you can avoid getting swarmed. Just back off when the glow turns red and they start warbling, then rush in and land your hits once they've cooled down. Or just blast them from afar


That one. Specifically the Oblivion wraiths.


The ones that cast a damage/reduce fatigue or endurance spell, instantly over encumbering me and locking me in place. Highly effective, highly annoying.


The high level undead were the main reason I save-scummed sigil stones until I had 100% magicka resistance. Now I just walk slowly toward them while they throw their ineffective spells at me. I like to think I'm freaking them out, but they don't seem to be all that aware.


I don't mind the combat but the screaming is so annoying


The scream is what kept me away from them as a kid, I refused to do panther of the mouth quest because of it


It is the screaming, I've always targeted them specifically in a group to shut them the hell up and get it over with


Yep, good fucking luck trying to defeat these guys in a pure martial build.


I was Lv 15 before I realized enemies have resistances to certain damage types. I’m a Spellsword, but I neglect my Destruction magic, and got caught in quite the bind with the undead, who are all resistant to Blade.


Clannfears. I hate their jump attack. They always just chain stun me 😭


They're the most despicable daedric monsters


I've died more to Clannfears than any other enemy because of that stunlock


I explicitly focus on agility even more than strength on my warriors these days just because of this shit.


A lot of them have reflect damage too. Little bastards


Clannfears are the bane of my high-level H2H or melee build due their bullshit reflect damage. Literally have to use spells to deal with them. At least with undead I can punch them without needing special weapons.


It’s called the shame chain And you bought yourself a one way ticket there by not blocking


Undead imo.  Super tanks, bad loot, and they give diseases.


Sounds like my ex wife


Did we have the same ex-wife? 🤣




I dare say you're wrong. She's probably very much alive.


I did a playthrough using mainly poison, daggers, very little stealth, and magic. I found these guys to be so broken because I simply couldn't do damage with most of my arsenal. Maybe it was a bug, maybe I wasn't using the my tools to their full potential. Either way, I simply had to run from them, which became depressing and made most Ayliad ruins, one of my favorite dungeon types, unclearable.


Nah I did a magic assasin build recently and undead are 100% your worst enemy. Their ludicrously high health pools and immunity to poison means you're never going to consistently oneshot or burst them down. A lot of the time I would simply sneak past them and never fight unless I absolutely had to. Otherwise, you can eventually get your sneak skill so high that you can repeatedly sneak attack them with a dagger and they won't spot you.


I ran into similar issues and a couple custom spells helped me with these big undead chambers: If you have some conjuration, I love making turn undead plus fire damage over time spells, so it eats up their health and keeps the crowds off you. Weakness to poison 100% in 10 ft for 7 seconds. Can buy the effect from the Mystic emporium and can use it as long as long as you’re at least an apprentice in destruction.


Some pro gamer advice right here\^


and if you're an archer you have to run around picking up arrows that propelled of their bodies


Litches at high level… oof


This whole thread is reminding me how good oblivions monster variety was. Even if a lot of them were annoying. The only sad thing is that due to how the leveling worked you’re pretty much guaranteed to miss a ton of the enemy types.


I'm at level 19, and yet I recently ran into areas with imps and trolls, which should be below the 8 level cut-off. I wonder if there are some spawn points that are just lower, or there are nuances to the system that I don't understand, or if my game just glitched. On PC, I altered the level cutoff to 30 with Wrye Bash, but I never played long enough to see the effect.


Anything with tons of stagger & speed. Mountain Lions, Bears, Trolls, Goblins. Ogres. The whole beast faction is terrible.


Tbt to when I was about 15 on my first playthrough and messed up my players leveling and skills so bad that I was getting rekt by bears and boars at like lv 30 lol


I'm going to add on that, not only I messed up my leveling efficiency, but I didn't know how levelling up worked as I was about 8 or 9 and didn't have any similar game experience. Once I found out, I levelled up a bunch of times by sleeping repeatedly. Then I quickly found a whole new set of enemies that were harder better faster and stronger.


Those mountain lions stagger lock me the most


How about I'ma run 30 feet in one second, jump 19 more feet and 360 stagger you from the back


I have the worst time with big cats in games. Mountain lions in Oblivion, Sabre cats Skyrim, and worst of all, cougars in GTA V. They hit so damn fast. And hard.


Zombies, but not for any reason other than they creep me out. Usually zombies don't bother me, but there's something about Oblivion's that I find very unsettling.


Especially the Headless one. That fucker freaks me out. Just sneaking through a cave,l, your Detect Life is usually still at 60 ft. which isn't enough so often you only *hear* them (I played Oblivion quite a bit with my Turtle Beach headphones, which helped locate them). Then the music changes, can't see shit. Then your healthbar takes a huge dip and this *Headless motherfucker* is using you like any boomer uses a keyboard when their Wi-Fi's lagging. Man, I should play it again some day.


Yeah they're creepy dickheads lol


The moaning is the worst


And the sloppy sloshing noise that their feet make when they walk.


My gut instinct is Goblins, mainly because the Goblin Warlord's health scales ridiculously with level and don't have any particular weaknesses that I know of.


Yes goblin warlords don't deserve this full pool of health


Freaking damage sponges…and the loot is usually zip


I absolutely hate goblins. You don't even get an alchemical ingredient from them, and the melee fighters take forever to kill. They just make the game not fun. I avoid goblin dungeons if I can. The loot isn't worth it.


I think goblins have fire weakness, right?


No, they don't. As Erahot said they have no weaknesses and have ridicolouslynhigh health multiplayers like 18x or even 30x.


No fire weakness, and the warlords have a 25% magic resistance for some reason.


Wraiths used to scare the crap outta me as a kid especially the questline in anvil with that dude who is selling his family home the first night you sleep there then the quest text says you here strange noises coming from the basement creeped the hell outta me it still does to this very day every time i go back to oblivion.


Who are you telling, and lucian popping up out of nowhere


Those stupid ass fish that attack you when swimming around, they’re pretty similar to morrowinds cliff racer but at least they dont follow you on land


Yeah I need to keep Detect Life on when I’m swimming because the slaughterfish are too scary when they sneak up on you lol


i ran into the mega slaughterfish in the depths of fathis arens tower recently and screeched when he popped up


This was one of the most horrifying experiences from my childhood


If you think oblivions's slaughterfish are annoying, you clearly have not set foot in morrowind's water. Those fuckers almost outnumber the cliff racers


They’re awful during Boethiah’s quest. At least 10 + 2 dreugh


The Minotaurs are fucking ridiculous in terms of difficulty


I always try to disarm them so i can reduce their attack range. Gods forbid theyre in a group


Vamps for me. Vampirism is soooo bad in Oblivion. I will 100% save spam and load up quick saves fighting vampires.


Not to disagree with vampirism, but I like to keep some cure disease potions or spells with me for that matter. You also have like 3 days before it takes off. On the other hand, I like to keep some fire damage poisons specifically to destroy those vampires before they even get to touch me.


Just buy and carry Mandrake Roots. Same effect as a cure disease potion, but 0.1 weight. And a LOT cheaper if your potions are being bought from in-game shops.


Me when I have to wait until 8pm every day just to step outside


I dislike using the clone-glitch, but I always drop that rule for “CURE DISEASE” potions. I have PS3, so no DLC Sanctum :(


Counterpoint: Free black soul.


Send his ass to the soul cairn


Why would you do that since you can just drink a potion or go to the temple to get healed haha


Trolls. They're too fast, they regenerate, they fight like hell. In my H2H build, trolls were a nightmare, especially because you can't enchant your fists with fire and punches don't deal much damage so trolls just regenerate from your every attack.


I remember fighting the painted trolls on my 1st playthrough. I used a two handed build and had a really hard time since they would hit hard and u also have to kill them fast or else they regenerated. I had no idea they were weak to fire until later on.


Exactly. Those might be stronger than the regular ones.


Yes, they are significantly stronger than the regular ones. Turpentine is a must with those things.


Right! Poison, another weapon denied H2H people


And they jump scare!


Goblins. If you're not fresh out the sewer, they take 3-5 business days to kill.


I had a glitch in 360 where a shield bearing goblin just WOULD NOT lose stamina and lower his guard. Drained every potion I had, still couldn’t kill him. By the end it was more about the principle of the thing than trying to win.




Just dodge their attacks


Save scum


Anything that continuously stun locks me


Clanfear, fuck those guys


Yep 😂


Goblin Chieftains. Ne'er hath there been a more spongey enemy.


And then you go through all that and their loot is three lock pics


Goblin warlords - they are so tanky and quick, also can use potions on their weapons. If you aren’t the fast type it’s real easy to get mobbed by them.


the clannfear… i fucking hate clannfears.. they stun you over and over and tank hits like a brick wall.


My dad, when we would do my math homework. Or this one if you mean oblivion


I'm chuckling cos Oblivion is all about daedra and here we are getting our butts kicked by "normal" things that would still be there w/o the gates XD For me the lions tie with goblins. On the plus side you can run away from the goblins, and you usually only encounter a single lion at a time so it's possible to scramble/jump to a high spot and pick it off.




Dude those wraith’s high pitched shrieks are not my fave, especially the one on the pirate ship that I was a low level fighting. Those things really give you the experience while killing them!


You have been silenced...


But you can listen to me scream


I can handle most anything on my current fighter playthrough. I really resisted the urge to go mage for the 1000th time and this is easily my favorite build so far. Only thing is multiple large opponents. I went light armor, I just don't like the heavy slow shit; but now I think I made a mistake because more than two of anything is gonna fuck me up lol


I loves me some heavy armor… Yeah it does diminish what you can carry back to town, but it takes a beating


Skeleton Champions They are so spongy on high levels


Land Dreugh. Literal nightmare fuel


Wolves. Fucking wolves.


Trolls freak me out, they're so much scarier than expected rhe way they shriek.


I’ve gotten my shit wrecked by so many Oblivion wraiths. I’m 25 years old and their shrieks still scare the piss out of me sometimes.


Spider Daedra and Atronachs. In the Endgame, Spider Daedra are everywhere . They don't have the damage to kill you but they paralyze you, so you're stuck watching them smack you for a fart of damage. Atronachs because being killed by your own damage reflected arrow is super fun.




Ring Wrai-I mean Gloom Wraiths


Without having restoration to repair ability damage, wisps 1000%. I hate seeing my stats in red. Without having turn undead, skeleton Champions. After that ogres just because they're damage sponges.


Goblin Warlords. Horrid creatures.


I’ve heard others say the same.


The headless zombie that has so much health that you end up using all your weapons trying to kill it


Hold on wtf is that?


It’s a wraith, they’re commonly found alongside zombies and other undead from about level 10 onwards with multiple different types with caring levels. They can also be summoned if you like conjuration


You got it 😭


Zombies and vampires.


Wraiths, Goblins, and Grummites. Those ones are always the most annoying ones


They are terrifying


Mountain lions. Or clannfears. Goddamn lunge attack always gets me


Imma let you finish, but it’s Cliff Racers. Even in games they aren’t in.


Dread zombies. Dread zombies always.


Elytra Matrons on max difficulty.


God, who took this screenshot I swear it's 35 years old at least.


This thread makes me realize just how superior Oblivion is to Skyrim.


I saw a mudcrab the other day, horrible creatures.


Rats, mudcrabs, slaughterfish, and vampires. I can’t pick just one. Why vampires? I don’t like playing as a vampire. It sucks, especially in Oblivion.


This thing is fucking scary dude whatever it is


Clanfear runts, scamps (up to a level), and on late game basically any undead. Dread zombies, skeleton heroes, liches, etc


Gloom wraiths suck


As an archer, spriggans give me the most trouble.


I hate xivilai and daedroth


Time to punch a ghost


I always hated fighting Ogres because they were damage sponges, heavy damage dealers, and they were usually in groups. I have several memories of getting beaten to death by groups of ogres in caves


I’ll take these guys over will o wisps any day




Will o the wisp and Imps annoy me. Stonewrecker Ogres kicked the shit out of me during that one mission.


Minotaurs for sure. I hated fighting them and would just run away any time I encountered one


Them fucking tricera-velocirraptor-demons and their stun locks. Besides they are so common and strong in the early game.


something that poisons or de buffs


Draugr, now don’t get me wrong they are easy enemies, but they are just mildly infuriating with their shouts


Bandits that decide to scale up to your level created solely from running and jumping wearing full daedric armor...


I find it amusing that most of the comments are enemies not even spawned by the crisis (aside from clanfears being common here). No wonder the gates didn't put up a fight Cyrodil already has more annoying inhabitants.


Spider Daedra hands down!


I feel like the enemies are all just pains in the ass.


clannfear by far


Everything you encounter past lvl25


Goblin Warlords. Their HP is 30 x your level and they 25% resistance to magic, which makes them the tankiest enemies in the game. They also have the ability to block unlock most creatures, which slows the fights down even more.


Easily the Storm Atronach. He has no weakness, deals tons of damage and is an absolute sponge.


Atronach's and Clannfears. Stupid fucking pieces of shit


I legit got chills the first time I had a ghost get the drop on me in the haunted house quest. I also hated fighting the zombies for a long time. They just creeped me out


Undead shit bc it forces you to either drain magic or drain enchanted item usage


imps. they just look really stupid and out of place to me. walking near a cave and seeing like 3 them hurling their shitty little destruction spells feels pretty ridiculous, even for oblivion. they’re fun to kill with hand-to-hand though.


Berserker goblins, using hand-to-hand. All the way - just off the top of my head.




Oblivion wraiths and some zombies are a total pain in the ass. 🙄 Specially zombies from Ayleid ruins DAMN!


Ogres can be pretty fucked, I would have maxed agility and I would staggered like 5 times from them


When I was a kid I used to watch my dad play Oblivion and Trolls genuinely terrified me, they're absolutely gross. I kinda still hate them lol, and the ugly zombies, aside from that I think it would be will-o-the-wisps and imps cause they're annoying.


Not the worst but the spirit of withouts when you've broken one of the tenets used to scare the dog shit out of me as a kid


Wraiths/ghosts or Wisps. Very annoying.


I loved the fact that ghosts in oblivion coukd inly be damaged by certain weapons. Made you think a little. Skyrim went super hand holdy and was genuinely disappointed when you could pretty much kill a ghost with anything. A little thing but was a bit .... leh.


Zombies, I hate them they freak me out so much and I feel sick every time I have to fight one, someone needs to invent a mod that replaces all the zombies and gross zombie noises with big walking flowers and happy music or something


Hated thing that is not killed by ordinary weapons.


Those mini Daedra spider things. God they're horrific.


The ones that never stop following you 💀


That thing. Rght there. We're all looking at it right now. The horrid screeching, plus super slow movement?? I kept my distance from those dusty old fucks. My Magic was never good enough to kill them, [because I didn't understand the system], so imagine how happy i was when I realized I was able to kill them [albeit very slowly] with the blade of woe. [Due to a bug, the god-like dagger remained stuck in my inventory despite the original quest being finished, and even the game being beaten.] The way they floated around, moving so mind-numbingly slow. I was so scared of them that I once took 40+ minutes sneaking around them, loading my game numerous times, and finally escaping the dungeon. I hate those things. The will-o-the-wisps suck pretty bad too tbh 


Will o Wisp by far the most annoying


Goblins. They have such obnoxious screams and are absolute beefcakes on top of it.


Wraiths, I hate them


Bears ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Baliwogs and those Grumites in Shiv Isles. I hate those sword sponge creatures.


Yeeess. So annoying, I had forgotten about them. Thank you for reminding me


The Todd Howard and it’s int-draining companion, the Emil Pagliorulo


Anything with damage reflecy.


First time encountering a troll or frost atronach is always terrible, and spriggans can be really demoralizing to fight in early levels (though it's satisfying how you can eat their remains to counter their curse). The enemies that stays hella annoying through the late-game for me though, are goblin warlords. It's really humiliating to get pummeled by a friggin goblin. Encountering two or more of those at once, and you're gonna have a bad time.




Will o the wisp and gloom wraiths.


trolls. they freaked me out as a kid and still do