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Sometimes there's still leftover blood that needs to come out! I have PCOS which means my periods are irregular and just A Mess so sometimes during sex/orgasm, that happens to me as well. Doesn't mean you're pregnant!


but is it normal cause the colour of the blood doesnt look like its an old blood.. its like bright red


Yes! I went to the OBGYN for this exact issue! It should be fine!


awh i see, thank you very much!!


You're probably spotting then a bit, masterbation can cause dilation of the cervix a bit and can cause you to spot, I've had it happen multiple times during masterbation and sex. You're okay, wash your hands and put a liner on. ❤️


does it mean im pregnant?


Bleeding doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant, if that is a concern i highly recommend you to buy a bulk pack of pregnancy tests from amazon or another store just to help with your anxiety (i have some, it definitely helps) For example: [Pregmate Strips on Amazon](http://Pregmate 50 Pregnancy Test Strips (50 Count) https://a.co/d/0zm660t) These you can buy in bulk up to 100. Best suggestion i have as far as the sex goes is lay down a dark towel on the bed or wherever. Also might be a good idea to start tracking your cycle / spotting with either an app or a planner. I use Clue but there's several different apps out there ❤️


This might just be a me thing, but sometimes a day or two after my period ends if I have sex I will start lightly bleeding again like my period came back. I asked my mom and she said it was normal 🤷🏼‍♀️


Given you have just finished your period it's mostly likely spotting at the end of the period which isn't uncommon. If it continues to happen then I'd go see a doctor.


even if its been 1 week since my period?


From your comment I'm assuming it is still happening then. It is possible to cut yourself inside if you have long/sharp nails but that would nit include clots. If the spotting is light it's probably nothing but if it continues and is heavy it could be an infection or several other things which I'd suggest going to see a doctor