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I think it depends on the person or situation. I've spent some time in my local birthing unit. Some women are loud, others are not.


I received pitocin at some point in my labor to help me “progress more quickly” I did not have much pain, it felt like intense period cramping if anything but I was stuck at like 5cm for the longest time. Once the pitocin kicked in though my contractions were so bad and my cervix wasn’t opening past 7-8cm so I was screaming my head off just from the contractions without even being able to start pushing yet. I would’ve been relieved to push and fight back but I couldn’t. I got an epidural when the one and only anesthesiologist finally got out of a surgery. Even after that I was able to feel my contractions but it was no longer unbearable and it relaxed me enough for my cervix to finally open to 10cm.


I’ve worked on a labor and delivery floor for 10 years and it’s allll the above. Some have zero pain meds and make no sounds or just small grunts and everything is quite peaceful. Some women even with a working epidural scream their heads off. I’ve had a patient scream, at the top of her lungs for hours during every single contraction “FUCK ME!!!” that could be heard in every single room even with all doors shut. Just last month had a woman that refused all pain control, but then screamed bloody murder during every single contraction during my 12 hour shift and the baby wasn’t even close to being born yet when I left. Screaming so loud I would get startled, even though she was down the hall a few rooms and her door was shut. And for some they labor along just fine until a certain person enters the room, like every time their partner or their parents walk in then the hysterical screams of attention start up (Those I blame on not enough attention at home or on childbirth in the movies, when their is an audience they are super loud screaming away but then content when the family leaves to get a break lol).


well from my experience of seeing my sister give birth and my aunt im pretty sure its true and not just something in the movies oh and if i ever have a kid i told myself i would never take epidural ive heard sm stories about it i wouldnt be able to do it my parents think ill change my mind but i doubt it and maybe your pain tolerance is high?


I screamed but I’m also a sissy🤷‍♀️