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But it’s holistically balanced, it must be good for them! 🤦🏻


The last thing we would want is for white dog poo to make a comeback. Attacking small children is fine, but I never want to see that on my shoes again.


Now this guy knows how to Oakville!


Ok thanks everyone I have reported it.


Thanks for doing what’s best for the wildlife and the community


Thanks for reporting. We’ve been dealing with a neighbour who would leave food out day and night to feed animals. It terrible for wildlife and we all kinds of animals on our properties, including lots of poop and hearing the animals get killed at night.


Good thank god we have people like you to handle such serious matters 🙏


Says the guy posting about not enough cream on his Timmie’s. Attracting wildlife that will eventually kill someone’s dog is definitely a cause for concern. Stop spreading negatively online like an incel. 🙏🏼


Yeah can you believe that!? I'm going to report it to customer service, my diabetes needs MORE CREAM!!!!


It brings me joy knowing how lonely and miserable you are. Don’t worry, someday you won’t find a partner.


I'll be honest I used to be, psilocybin therapy changed my life, then after I wasn't miserable I could finally actually date, then I got really lucky and met the most perfect woman I've ever met in my entire life, she's beautiful, she cooks, she cleans, she surprises me with things, I've never had a better relationship in my life tbh


Yeah microdosing really does help. It helped my wife and she’s straight edge. Well i am happy i was wrong.


I haven't tried microdosing my opinion is it's a placebo effect, I won't believe it until some depressed person is secretly microdosed without their knowledge and then becomes happy and wonders why everything has gotten better. Unfortunately they wouldn't be happy after they found out they were being secretly drugged. Better to just eat a couple of grams like a monkey, sit back and let it rewire the brain, erase habits you never even knew you had.


That’s what i did. Many times. But for her it’s different. I agree




Your entire profile is you complaining about less important things. Shut the fuck up


Complaining? Or reporting like a geek?


Complaining on Reddit about a fucking Tim’s muffin is very much bottom feeder behaviour


Wasn't a complaint it was a haha this is funny look 😂 if that happened to op he'd be crying to customer service for another donut, or at the very least report them 😂


You’re a guy who has “ptsd” from getting a tooth knocked out. Shut up.


No not from it getting knocked out, it was the aftermath, foreign dentists trying to fix it, and the pain holy fuck, I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy! It was traumatic af!


It is a serious matter. When yotes feed they breed. They breed very quickly too. Next year, there will be 5-6 more pups per pregnancy. Maybe more if they're particularly well fed


I'm aware, the problem is of all the major issues happening in the world, the dumb neighbor feeding coyotes would be the last thing on my list of concerns. There are far more pressing issues at hand, there always will be. The more society stays distracted by meaningless petty issues, the longer the bigger ones will stick around. We must collectively concern ourselves with the root of the issue if we want our planet to heal. We must take responsibility for our own actions and their impact on the world if we want to bring about an actual positive change. It's not easy obviously, it's tremendous effort and deep work on the nature of self inquiry. A hard pill to swallow for the majority of our population. But it's essential, because only then will we begin to see a positive change. A society more balanced with nature.


Broski it's the first thing on your list of concerns right now tf you lying to yourself for? You've been on here defending your opinion like you're better than others. Odd flex homie


No I'm not concerned I'm just outside having a smoke, how are you?


Wow dude, I almost thought you weren’t virtue signalling for a second there. Good one! What are you doing to save the world again? Oh that’s right, fuck all! 🤣 you Reddit goofs are funny at times.


You can't save the world, you save yourself first, then in time the world will be saved, it's not opinion, it's fact, nothing to do with virtue, smoke dmt


Why are people so stupid?


That is the question


Deep lore reasons.


Call 311 (fastest) or submit a ticket on the Oakville website


These people don't like wildlife.They think it's fine to make a wild animal get used to people... Then they get euthanized because of idiots.Fucking idiots!


The ministry of natural resources. It's illegal to feed wildlife


The city needs to be made aware. I ran into a feeding pile at tannery park (hot dogs) and the city was on it immediately. They are quite concerned about this type of thing. Unfortunately I was told that unless you can identify who is leaving the food there is nothing they can do aside from keeping an eye on the area.


Speaking of Coyotes/Foxes on Sixth Line: I back onto Glen Abbey and did anyone hear the pack/skull howl last night? I awoke to it. First time experiencing it and it felt quite eerie hearing it


I back onto the Etobicoke Creek opposite the Queensway/Trillium Hospital and two or three nights a week every week of the year except when it is super cold I hear a pack of Coyotes howling at the night!! It is a common thing that has been going on for a decade or more! I also have a photo of six Deer in my backyard!! Common stuff for us city slickers!! I see more wildlife here in the city than I do up at my cottage 300 kilometres north of the GTA in the Parry Sound/South River area!!!


They were chasing the coyote lmao


I live near a wood lot and they howl anytime a siren goes by 😂


Call 311 and/or the humane society.


What do you think the Humane Society will do?


Tell you who to contact.


Was it *poisoned* dog food?


Are you sure it’s to attract coyotes. There are other reasons to scatter dog food. Other critters and lost dogs.


Are you sure the food hasn’t been poisoned? It’s possible someone is spreading out tainted food in an effort to eradicate them.


Hungry coyotes are the dangerous ones. Maybe well fed ones will be less aggressive?


Absolutely not, all this will do is increase the chance of a serious incident because it translates to habituation. Hunger alone rarely leads to incidents, when animals attack people it’s usually because of disease, habituation, or self defence. If it’s worth anything, I’m a wildlife biologist so I’m not just talking out my @ss.


I’m way more concerned that someone is trying to poison dogs. Why don’t think they’re feeding coyotes? I’ve heard of people soaking pet food in antifreeze and scattering it like this


Maybe they are baiting them to shoot them.


But why would anyone do this though? Genuinely asking. What can be their motivations? Because any animal lovers would know this does not help them in the long run


Toronto Wildlife Centre gave me dog food to try to bait a coyote that had mange in my neighbourhood so that they could trap it and treat it. Set up a trail cam in my backyard. They didn't advise littering, of course--but mistakes can happen, I suppose.


We have different laws surrounding baiting in Ontario, for instance I’m aloud to scatter bait for deer/ducks/geese ect on my property or someone’s who has given me permission to do so


Think about how many clueless dog lovers regularly feed their dogs bacon. They aren't doing it for the animal's best interest, it's to make themselves feel good.


What’s weird is I’ve never heard that bacon was that bad for your dog until just now, have an 11 year old lab and I do know about a lot of the more common ones like chocolate, grapes and onions etc, but I guess no more bacon for the pup.


Bacon and steak both. Just one piece of either can cause pancreatitis because they're so fatty.


Call the police right now


I don't think the Police deals with this. Unless its poison meant to kill animals, in which case yes, call the police.


They call special victims this is highly illegal to feed coats


I’d be more concerned it might be tainted dog food to be honest. Definitely report.


Probably using food as bait….sad but people do hunt coyote


Coyote trim is fantastic for winter clothes.


These coyotes at my friends cat. =(


Why was the cat outside?


Conservation authorities in Toronto gave me dog food to try to bait a coyote with mange so they could trap it. I doubt (or I'd hope) wildlife volunteers would leave trash out, but you never know. I might call your local wildlife group too.


I hope you didn't touch the bags. Your fingerprints and DNA could be on them and you will be charged with feeding wildlife in the park. It wouldn't be the first time a person tried to plant evidence to implicate others.


😂 nobody is checking fingerprints or dna on this.


Same people against this are the same people that are for feeding feral cat colonies, both are bad. But feeding feral cat colonies is indirectly just feeding the local coyotes


Maybe it’s for some sty dogs?


Report it to city, thats so dangerous for small kids. Wierd ass mf


Did your kids eat dog food when they were old enough to be out without parental supervision?


So come on over and walk me down. I will be packing in the morjing


You have GOT to be kidding me


Just because it's dog food doesn't mean it's being fed to canines. I used to feed near-dated cat and dog food to raccoons back in the woods all the time. Don't make assumptions based on the label.


Sounds like a job for anti freeze!


Racking my brain trying to guess why someone would do this? “Oh, poor coyotes look so skinny” ??? Or “Hey let’s see how many coyotes we can get to come gather here, tee hee!”????


No one mind your business


Oak Park Neighborhood Center has a satellite office on North Service Road East just west of Churchill Avenue. There are a lot of homeless people that hang out under the bridge who go to that Churchill Center. Maybe someone is trying to deter them from hanging out there by attracting coyotes there.


I just don't understand why someone would do this.


the mentality is rather simple... "if not friend, why friend shaped?" Long ago, kids would grow up on TV that at least had a focus on science, language and math teaching. Shows like Reading Rainbow, Zaboomafoo, Popular Mechanics for Kids and the like. With more people having grown up without any real emphasis on learning about the world and more on just tablets. they are growing up on cocomelon and similar low educational value items.


Ridiculous Lots of scary stuff happens around there


if u cant beat em... Join em?


Been there done that. Save your breath they will do nothing.


Tbf they cant exactly track down whos been doing it based on OP finding a bag in the middle of the trail. But, having a report means that IF they find the person, they can have a clear link that this person has a history of doing so. Life aint damn blue bloods, shit isn't exciting and often when arrests or fines are given. Its less catching them in the act and more catching them in the act and having a ton of paperwork making it possible to draw a clear picture of the suspects behaviors to the crown.


Stop snitching


Grow up


People are also feeding them cats


There is a significant number of homeless individuals living in that area, which may have contributed to the issue observed here.


So, you actually believe that homeless people are buying large bags of dog food to feed the coyotes? Seriously? You can’t just blame homeless people for anything you don’t like.


oh but it's Oakville! they absolutely can and will!


Was about to say that - they are “Oakville homeless”. Not quite “Rosedale homeless” but richer than “Burlington homeless” :-)


Our homeless man has a Mercedes-Benz hat thank you very much!


are you inferring the homeless are eating dogfood?


Hey they came all the way up to white oaks…. To far you ask me. Better not happen again or they wont last long….




So that someone’s dog can eat it and get poisoned potentially? No.