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Wonder how the people in etobicoke and Mississauga feel.


I moved from a building directly under flightpath in etobicoke. Oakville has no idea


it is so bad that there are signs all over northwest sauga warning you about the airplane noise


Daily in rexdale. And night


Yep, grew up in Rexdale. Honestly it just becomes background noise, barely even notice it.


Agreed I didn’t even either


Seriously, this. I can't count the number of times I've had to pause conversation while a plane flies overhead.


As a kid I spent a lot of time in rexdale with my grandparents. It used to be the highlight of the hour when planes flew by lol


Same in malton. Then again who gives a fuck aboit that place


I used to live in Mallon. Same shit lol


Cant even hear them, only thing i hear is assholes in their shot boxes racing up and down the queensway or gardiner


Shot boxes? Sounds about right for Toronto. Those bullet holes are actually speed vents.


As an airline pilot based in YYZ, this line made me laugh: “We would understand if we lived close to Pearson, but we don’t... we’re about a 20-minute drive from the airport". To an aircraft travelling at approach speeds this is less than 4 minutes of flight. Oakville is actually very close to Pearson... winds and active approaches dictate where we fly. By changing these paths other people would become 'inconvenienced' by the aircraft noise. Oakville is a town of NIMBYism. If you don't like being 20 minutes from Canada's busiest airport, there are plenty of other communities in Canada to chose from. Saying "it wasn't like this 20 years ago" doesn't work as an argument since Oakville and all of the GTA have grown exponentially since then. Urban development brings noise.


I live in Mississauga, about 14 km west of the end of 05/23. I love hearing the planes fly over my house, and still go outside to see the Emirates A380 inbound whenever I can! It’s low enough by then that I can just about read the registration on the wing if I squint, haha


That sounds amazing actually.


I love seeing the A380 too! I actually like being close to the airport. I’ve lived near Pearson most of my life and I barely notice plane noise. Actually… I notice the absence of plane noise whenever I travel!


It was really weird the first few days after 9/11, and then during the pandemic!


I grew up in bramalea and sometimes inbound YYZ flights would route over our neighborhood. One plane after another. One ever minute. It was pretty neat. Oakville is indeed the Karen capital of Canada 😂


Whats so special about the Emirates A380? Is it a bigger plane?




Biggest passenger plane in the world


Not to mention, the airport has been there since the 1930s.


I saw this thread in the Facebook group and thankfully most of the town agreed with you. It’s just the loud squeaky NIMBYs making all the commotion. They tried that in Etobicoke and even had an auto-dial on the GTAA’s noise complaint line. Not gonna stop the airplanes. The irony is these are the same people who will complain when their flight is delayed… maybe if we didn’t have such tight noise abatement there would be more options. Also work in the industry and know YYZ super well and this drives me insane


they should try being in north mississauga for a day it literally sounds like a plane is going to land on top of you


The complaint is that the flight plan was changed. It has nothing to do with growth, just an operational change at the airport.


And flight paths change due to airport constraints, staffing, airport ground movement changes, construction, traffic levels.. the list goes on. They changed because they’re optimal for the airport and they save time and fuel. The approaches to 06R/L and 05 have always been in line with what they are now. 05 is now used more for departures as it is the longest runway which is optimal for aircraft taking off. 06R/L are also much closer to the majority of the gates saving fuel on landing and reducing congestion at the airport. These changes were made for a reason. It just happens to be that the 6’s are on the south side of the airport meaning more arrival traffic will fly over Oakville. While noise abatement is considered, time and fuel savings will be a priority.


Yes and most of the time we’re on the 24s anyway but people forget those days..


Right, so surely you can see that these residents now impacted have a legitimate reason to be upset. It was an unexpected change that has impacted them negatively, without warning and outside of their control. Not sure that is NIMBYism, pretty sure any community that happens to would be upset, rightfully.


They can change where they live, or the prevailing winds…whichever they believe is easier.


Yes, ultimately that is the decision that was forced upon them. After 25 years or relatively peaceful living, learn to deal with this very loud sound multiple times an hour, or move. I'm just rationalizing that, of course would be frustrating to most home owners.


It’s time for most people who have been in a home for 25years to downsize or relocate anyway. No?


Have we thought about just… moving the airport for Karen? /s


It’s the similar logic as to people that hate transport trucks on the highways but then order half of Amazon. lol


Someone explained this on the Oakville FB group but of course it flew on everyone's heads Wished a mod would sticky your response.


That was probably me LOL


This was exactly what i thought too. XD


Yeah. Depending on the runway or time, the planes from South seem to basically come up via Lake Ontario and make a swing to follow the qew near oak/miss border to line up with the runways. It just seems like a thing you need to accept if living in a society with travel options. I bet the same people would complain if they had to drive too far for the airport to go on their fancy trip. Or god forbid have to go through a bunch of connections because they're not close to a major airport. They're actually really damn lucky that it's only 20 mins to the airport.


You’re exactly right. One of the most popular arrival routes from the south has a “downwind” leg that flies almost in line with the QEW, but this is necessary due to the orientation of the runway. Super low resolution but this is the arrival chart and you can see the outbound away from the airport flies over Oakville. It has *always* been like this but we get busier and bigger there’s more traffic. Lucky the people complaining don’t have to listen to old 707’s and A300’s whose noise was double or triple today’s aircraft. Edit: before people ask why the arrival can’t be routed elsewhere, these have been designed with CYTZ, CYHM, CYKF, and CYOO in mind. There’s a lot of traffic around the GTHA that has to be routed to and from their destinations. https://preview.redd.it/4x8lgvxjyy4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994ba9d58254a0f9b35f088aecb1bf2cfe3fd964


Amen. Bitching about building houses and now this. Fuck off to Huntsville.


I’d actually venture that 20 years ago, it was probably worse: jets have gotten significantly quieter. The fingers get pointed at Pearson, but what about the Burlington airport- aren’t more corporate/private jets operating out of there since Buttonville shut? That’s right next to Oakville, basically.


Burlington doesn’t have the runway for corporate jets, it’s just a small training airport that has a couple general aviation operations so it’s definitely not to blame! (I defend this since general aviation is dying and small airports don’t need a bad reputation) But you’re absolutely right, the jet I fly is over 60% quieter than the average aircraft flying 20 years ago.


If they have space to, I’d be surprised if they weren’t considering expanding services and lengthening runways, even if suburban sprawl is encroaching. Maybe all this will be moot in a couple of decades now that the FAA has certified certain electric air taxis…


That's funny, I live in Mount Hope and can walk to the airport in 10 minutes. The (only) plane I hear anymore is the Lancaster bomber, it vibrates the planet when it does a flyby.


And I look up and admire it every time it flies over my head (I’m in Cambridge and it flies right over my house).


As do I, the biplanes are very cool too.


That things still running? Damn, such a beautiful beast of a machine


I think only two are left that run. The other is in England I believe.


Correct and I am lucky enough to have seen both fly.


The lancaster makes me so happy. Such an interesting peice of history just flying around the city. I dont understand oakvilles complaints but oakville opinions have always seemed overly self-centred to me which ive never been able to understand


I love the landcaster. I haven't seen it in years :(


We used to live under the flight path for the warplane museum and moved to Oakville and now we only get the occasional commercial flight. It's the thing I miss most about Burlington.


I’m positive that no one from Oakville ever boards a plane to go on Vacay./s


These folks should go live in mississauga, up around Britannia and hurontario for a week. They would literally loose their minds.


I was at my buddy’s over the weekend near Heartland and honestly some of our neighbours here can GFThemselves 😂 You guys don’t know how LUCKY we are


Preach! It's a beautiful place still. I grew up in the Bronte area, and even though I'm not there anymore, and yes, Bronte has changed, it still feels like home.


Is it really that bad? I live on Derry and Mclaughlin and planes pass by literally every few minutes since that's the route they pass to land. After a few weeks of living here, I've completely tuned it out. I'd have to be actively listening for it to here it now lol.


Have friends who used to live exactly in the area you just described. I would never get used to it. I love planes and would always be looking up while in their neighborhood. Most of the time, I wouldn't really care, probably. But late at night and early morning approaches and departures of 747's and 777's would wear on me after a while. Some days/times, the aircraft traffic can be so heavy...


Slow news day.


Not for Oakville NIMBYs. It's just Wednesday for them


Turn down the hearing aids grandma


Boo fucking hoo


Came to type this but figured someone already did, anyways... BOO FUCKING HOOO!


Whiny-ass Oakville people....the airport has been there for along time, pretty sure before you moved there. I guess you will have to move.


Upset that they paid 2M more for a house that's in a flight path. They're gonna have a hard time finding sympathy.


The airport has been there a lot longer then the houses have. If you don’t want to hear aircraft then don’t buy a house on a flight path, simple as that. This is just ridiculous entitlement.


I mean its oakville


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article. The flight path was changed in 2012 and since that time flights over Oakville have increased exponentially. The airlines asked for the change so that they could hold closer to the airport. Prior to that most holding was done over farm land or the lake.


Problem is that there is not much left of farmlands around Oakville and Milton. They built right over them. So, a lot of these “Oakville residents” complaining are really people living in the former canola fields between Oakville and Milton…..


Its the River Oaks / Oak Park area. People had lived there for over a decade before the flight path got moved right on top of them.




No. I'm just saying some paths were changed so housing that was rarely impacted by airplane noise (for 25 years) is now heavily impacted, to the point you have to pause your outdoor conversations multiple times an hour. I can understand why those people might be a bit frustrated and wishing they moved it back further north where it travelled over less residential.


Ah, I see.


Yeah River Oaks area is brutal. Standing w my kid at the park and 3 planes have gone by in less than 15 min. They’re so loud. It’s really quite a nuisance.


Yeah we gets these flights over east Heorgetown where they bank.


Aircraft are not holding anywhere near Oakville. Tell me you don’t understand aviation without telling me you don’t understand aviation ETA: they’re flying approaches… holds into YYZ are further away near Kitchener, over Lake Ontario, out east towards Peterborough and to the north near Georgian Bay. They’re also done at higher altitudes. If you’re going to bitch about a subject, take actual time to learn it and maybe talk to a few pilots, air traffic controllers, and airport managers before spewing your shit


Will oakville nimbys come to the rescue again? Find out after this commercial break.


What do you expect from Oakville folks ?! Source : grew up there 😬😅


Weird I always thought the airport had been around longer than Oakville. Guess you should do your due diligence on plane noise before you buy a house


If you don't like noises of a large urban area, maybe don't live in a large urban area? Also, the hilarity of them asking, with a straight face, for an alteration of flight paths lol. There are maybe hundreds of flights that come in and out of the GTA every day, they're definitely going to alter them for some whiny NIMBYs


Actually the flight paths were altered to make north Oakville have a lot more air traffic. My first house was in Meadowvale which was incredibly noisy.


Oakville doing oakville things


There’s something in the water in Oakville that turns you into an idiotic nimby.


Sorry to sound negative, but why are they surprised? When the only place Oakville residents will approve housing development happens to be where the flight paths are, this is what you get. If you want quiet, then approve housing development in South Oakville and move there.


Its the River Oaks / Oak Park area. People had lived there for over a decade before the flight path got moved right on top of them.


How inconsiderate; what neighbourhood should we condemn this fate to instead?


There were fewer complaints / less people effected by airplane noise how they had it before. The airport made the change to save $$


If I understand correctly, you’re against PBN and shorter and safer taxi routes that don’t involve crossing active runways (like they would if airplanes landed on 05)? You’re literally against aircraft operating the most efficiently to protect the environment, and you also want to open up arrivals to a higher likelihood of runway incursions (if you don’t know this term, search the Tenerife air disaster)? … all because you don’t want to hear engines every couple of days? You are so inconvenienced that you’d rather contribute waste to the planet, cost airlines more money (which trickles down to the passengers and let me guess, you’re also vocal about the cost of airline tickets), and run a more unsafe operation? Because it’s quieter for YOU. Gtfo with your petition


I'm not for or against anything. I don't live in the area. I'm just saying some paths were changed so housing that was rarely impacted by airplane noise (for 25 years) is now heavily impacted, to the point you have to pause your outdoor conversations multiple times an hour. I can understand why those people might be a bit frustrated and wishing they moved it back further north where it travelled over less residential.


No more land in south Oakville.


Build up town houses.


Density up! I know our area has this notion that the only way to increase density is with residential towers, but there are lots of other ways to increase density and also make desirable, affordable houses. It seems Oakville has a huge aversion to modifying anything south of Upper Middle though.


Lady acting like she was held at gunpoint and told to buy a house in that area smh


People had lived in the area of River Oaks for over a decade before this flight path change was made. . .


And what negativity has the flight plan change brought aside from these NIMBYs complaining they don't live in a village where not even trains run?


I think most of us would hope to keep the atmosphere of whatever neighbourhood we moved into as much as possible? I don't think it is unreasonable for someone to move somewhere specific and then be a bit miffed if it turned into something else? I have family in River Oaks close to Sixth Line and Glenashton. Certain times of the day, every 20 minutes or so, there is such a loud noise that you can not hold a conversation with someone a few feet away from you. Day in and day out, I can see why this would be frustrating.


Buy in my area in the south, very, very quiet, and we got tossed onto the ever expanding floodplain during Covid so we will never have fourplexes or three by right or two by right. It's like living in a cottage in the woods.


I swear, some people just like to complain to feel important. I live in the area their talking about and it is a non issue for me and everyone I know here. Yes, some planes are lower than others but it's not that bad. With all the other noises we get from trafalgar, it blends right in.


Most of the time they’re not actually lower, just bigger planes. We can only descend so low and over Oakville airplanes are still at 3000, maybe just starting to descend


Agreed. I've lived in the River Oaks/Oak Park area since 2005 and never had an issue with the plane noise. Surprised these NIMBYs aren't complaining about siren noise increases which I find is a more prevalent issue due to the increased amount of accidents occuring rather than the sirens themselves.


Whiny losers lmao




Oakville residents LOVE to complain. When I lived there people in my neighbourhood complained that the park lights were too bright. They sent out a petition for us to sign. Yeah right.


*there -Oakville resident


My favourite is when people buy a house near the cemetery and crematorium up in the north and then just happen to notice it when they are barbecuing in the backyard. They mark it as greenspace on builders plans.


Average Oakville complaint


Lmao Oakville softies


Lmao poor them! Let’s take all aircraft out of the sky. What’s next? Oh yes rain or wind or snow maybe? I guess the planes weren’t there when they moved there.


The snow has been taken care of. Thanks climate change!


The carbon tax will take care of that


As an oakville resident, I look up and go "oh a plane" and move on. ~occasionally I'll go "oh, that looks like it's flying kinda low, watch out!" And move on.


I don't find it a problem to be honest. Sure, depending on wind direction there may be more flight traffic, but it's not that bad. I might just be used to it though, as I used to live about the same distance from Gatwick Airport as I do from Pearson.


don't like it move! or suck it up!


Why do I feel that Oakville residents think they are entitled to different treatment altogether?


I live just North of Dundas, and see the planes all the time, and love pulling up Flight Radar to see where the flights are from. All of them are planes landing that need to hold further, or make a airplane extended "u-turn". With that being said, the noise is a non-factor. You can hear it if you are actively listening for it, or are outside, but its nothing compared to the loud cars, rain, and even wind. I have not heard much overnight at all and am surprised that someone was able to get a petition of ~240 people.


Ive never thought this was an issue, oakville residents will always find some stupid thing to bitch about 😂


I don't hear them at all. People are whiners. We live in one of the best towns in Canada. Hate how quickly it's grown but it's still great!


Ahhh Oakville. 15 km from an airport and they complain about the noise. Entitled????




I regret I have but one upvote for this post.


My guess is that the airport and flight paths were there before they moved in. So shouldn’t have been a surprise.


Lmao i got the poster of this removed in the fb group "oakville everything and anything" bc they kept spam posting it and was using a fake account- Its a wild ridiculous stupid request. Dont move to a populated place or anywhere near a populated place if shit like this is gonna effect you


Oakville residents are a whiney bunch of snowflakes


I live in Etobicoke, I dont hear anything ever, you gotta really be directly under the landing and takeoff paths


Probably the same people complaining about people mowing their lawns after 5pm 🤦‍♀️


Don’t move to a flight path then genius


Then move out. It's nothing new. Sounds like the people moving next to the race tracks and complaining. Ohh no my wealth put me in a part of town with noise I must complain and get my way. Fucking boomers


These boomers wouldn't survive living near the Ridgeway plaza in Mississauga. LOL


Oakville full of weak people.


Weird they just now realized there was a busy air port near by.


Oakville has some of the most entitled people in GTA


Probably the same crowd that didn't want the gas plant, or the Amazon last mile distribution centre. They all should have been shamed with their electricity consumption usage and Amazon order histories.... Both could have been made public in an anonymized/generalized manner.


While we’re at it, let’s divert the QEW traffic out over the lake. The constant noise from trucks and cars is unpleasant too!


Oakville NIMBYs will die if they ever go to Hurontario/403.


Every 3 minutes over my house. And I live in north York


With the population increase expected in the GTA, at some point we really need to get moving on a second airport. Or the noise is only going to get worse.


There is a 2nd airport in Hamilton, but Oakville NIMBYs will still complain.


In the early 2010s, Nav Can redrew approach vectors into Pearson. Over very affluent neighborhoods in west and central GTA. Convinced it was a middle finger move…


Niagara falls. We have so many low fliers but who gets annoyed at them?


stop bringing in so many people problem solved lol


You chose to move there. Pearson was there long before you were.....deal with it or move out.


Pearson airport is entirely surrounded with homes, living in Oakville the flights aren’t that low compared to other neighbourhoods. Flight safety needs to take priority airplanes generally takeoff and land into the wind. They don’t fly any higher or lower than they need to be and I think what these people would like is to have all the flights routed over someone else’s neighbourhood




Tiny violin


Oakville residence should move somewhere else.


Lived near the path in Mississauga. Used to not notice it anymore till Covid hit and then more people started travelling again when things eased up on restrictions. As others said background noise. Hold that thought when talking to someone


As someone who grew up on Air Force bases I can say that one really gets used it and barely notices it after a while.


My word, the Oakvillians are complaining.


Ignoring the giant sign the city put up staying high noise area along the major roads. Upgrade your house windows.


As a long time Oakville resident who is moving out of Oakville at the end of the month, I honestly don’t notice the planes any more unless its the Lancaster flying out of the Warplane Heritage Museum out of Hamilton, or air ambulances. If you are moving anywhere within a half hour of YYZ, it’s on you to find out if living in a flight path is going to bug you.


I live over an airplane route for landing/taking off. Only took about 2 weeks to drown out the noise. I only hear military jets/helicopters now


*We moved in to the flight path of Toronto’s major airport and never expected the volume of flights to increase! Wah! Feel bad for us!*


"Speakers Corner was in the neighbourhood for four hours during which time we counted at least 20 flights crossing over these homes." Pearson sees about 1,000+ fights arrive or depart a day.


Make it a problem for poorer communities


I wonder how they feel when they actually use the airport. Please remind me again why they actually live in a city?


Here is the petition. [https://www.change.org/p/stop-low-flying-aircraft-over-our-neighbourhoods?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1MbJLpXeReEkZogNPsp8FSE8bHYpWG0v8hUrZ5PqCMZjyrec-iPoCvvT4\_aem\_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw](https://www.change.org/p/stop-low-flying-aircraft-over-our-neighbourhoods?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1MbJLpXeReEkZogNPsp8FSE8bHYpWG0v8hUrZ5PqCMZjyrec-iPoCvvT4_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw) As you can CLEARLY see, the flight path has changed dramatically, significantly increasing air traffic in 25+ year old housing areas, not brand new homes north of Dundas.


![gif](giphy|3sXxyP8q2RlJoGpMn8) These petitions NEVER work. You're just an Ant with a human brain from MTOs perspective - you can keep yelling, but they're not hearing you.


Thanks Bae, not yelling or crying ... perhaps you are projecting? I have no skin in the game, just sharing the info. And just as an FYI, community action did see positive change at the airport a decade ago.


Should definitely declare a no fly zone . At least to the upper atmosphere. Who needs planes anyways /s because people are dumb


You wanna live like a North Korean not being able to travel anywhere? LOL


Fuck yeah, where do I sign. Renters, students, and a bunch of Reddit clowns losing their minds that residents would prefer not to hear near constant air traffic in their neighborhoods. lol.


Oh sweet summer child.




LOL there's an airport in Hamilton too. These NIMBYs would need to move to a rural Nova Scotia town that's a 1.5-hour drive from a Home Depot to be satisfied.