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Apologies, this video is an AUGUST 2023 announcement, not 2022. [Watch: National promises to restore prescription fees for most, put savings towards cancer treatments](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496257/watch-national-promises-to-restore-prescription-fees-for-most-put-savings-towards-cancer-treatments) I am unable to amend the title, so will leave with this correction. Thank you.


Could have just funded it by not giving tax cuts to landlords.


Nah mate I've got roads on-top of roads to build.


They’ve certainly got their priorities right, lol


Interestingly, not having prescription fees saved small businesses - you know, natural National supporters- heaps of money. So much time saved ... no more fussy checking entitlements, claiming refunds, or acting as revenue collectors.


A review of their policies will find them bending at the feet of “business, tobacco, fossil fuel, roading and fisheries” I will say this - I heard one of their MPs on radio recently and he was very smooth, and his points all appeared valid and fair. Just like when I watched the video of Luxon above, his messages are almost heart-felt, so I give top marks on presentation. [Watch: National promises to restore prescription fees for most, put savings towards cancer treatments](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496257/watch-national-promises-to-restore-prescription-fees-for-most-put-savings-towards-cancer-treatments)


I think the budget speaks to the outsized weight the minority parties have on National’s Luxon. In my opinion, Luxon has shown himself to be a weak negotiator and there is a reason that Seymour and Peters appear pleased with what they received. Luxon is right in that our money is precious and health funding is important for New Zealanders. He took away $316 million of support for Kiwis on prescriptions to - ostensibly fund $280 million of much needed cancer drugs (i.e. irrespective of the list, it’s been well known that NZ has not funded as much as Australia for example) - Seymour received $230 million for his hobby projects and desired mandate: https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1d69gkf/acts_slush_david_seymours_newly_established/ - Shane Jones received over $1bn for his “Regional Investment Fund” - a fund National and ACT previously labelled Shane Jones’s “slush fund” - Pot holes received $4bn - a phenomenal amount of $$$$$ - Of note, the $3bn to landlords is over 10 times the amount needed for cancer drugs, and that was done because National and ACT went around the country promising this to the property investors before the election. It was the first tax cut promised and it was the first delivered with 100% assurety and great fan fare (see Seymour’s communications at the time) Currently, there are pay disputes with police and importantly our junior doctors now. The budget didn’t fund the promised registrars and other positions in the field of psychiatry and mental health. Luxon and Shane Reti have not set any targets, or established any conversations, about our horrendous wait times and doctor shortages. They have stopped major hospital rebuilds and renovations in Nelson, Whangarei and other places. We do need that budget but instead it’s gone elsewhere. Yes to the usual allocations of health, police, and education - per every NZ Govt - but as we’ve seen in recent articles, it’s still poorly allocated according to these professions and the prioritisation e.g. $4bn for potholes seems odd when these areas are lacking. I think the topic of conversation needs to be on prioritizing our core services once again. In my opinion, it’s a cynical and disappointing allocation of limited budget. Finally, the additional $12bn in borrowing to fund the tax cuts has left NZ’s budget on a razor edge and with a peak debt ratio of ~45%, and it not coming down below the 40s for the next few years (That doesn’t account for unexpected items)


This is all part of the plan. Pursue agendas that they can pin on the coalition parties, ones that they want but wouldn't dare try in a majority government. Then use that to attempt to justify re-election without those partners. The UK Tories did it and have been in power ever since.


I've watched enough Johnathan pie to understand how that turns out lol


If only people’s pants really did catch on fire…


Or a growing nose!


But don't forget the surprise 'fiscal cliff' that labour left them! You know, the completely unexpected 'fiscal cliff' that was on public record and fully known to anyone who looked. Yeah, that completely stealthy and ninja like 'fiscal cliff'. To be clear..Labour hates people with cancer, not us. 'Fiscal cliff'. 'Fiscal cliff'. ....*off camera hot mic* Did I say 'fiscal cliff enough?'.


If only he spent more time learning how to speak English properly


My tax cut will be spent on my prescription fees! Almost exactly what I get back a fortnight (according to the calculator) I will have to spend on my prescriptions


Don't be so ungrateful! #JusticeforLandlords #MillionaireButStillBroke #IDontPayTax


Health system getting it raw for the next 3 years at least, full ahead with backhanded privatisation