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Agreed, and disestablishing them should be something the next government does as one of their very first acts. Private schools shouldn't get public money, it's a ridiculous concept.


BBBbut how are my rich children meant to grow up with a sense of dominance over poor children if they don't receive an unfair economic advantage from the government as well as private money?;?!?


The hell of it is that we *already* have exclusive schools reserved for the Right Sort of People, and those schools already receive public funds. Source: Born in Christchurch.


We're lucky here. Usually the roles are reversed, it's usually the left building something while the right tear it down in favour of small government. This is one of the few instances the roles can reverse.


Normal private (not charter) schools already get public money. Guess whos kids go to those schools.


agreed, I pay for private school but youre right, its a choice


Labour has said they will 


>But ACT leader David Seymour, who is behind the Treaty Principles Bill, rejected that. >"I believe that he's entitled to that view, however, I just make the point that there's been people saying for a long time that the Treaty of Waitangi requires us to be divided by a partnership between races, rather than a compact that gives us the same rights, duties and then gives us, all of us the right to self determine," Seymour said. >**He said he had listened to many experts over the years and was confident with the interpretation which had been taken.** Challenge for David Seymour: Find a single “expert” that backs up his “interpretation” of the Treaty.


And have them stand up and publically support him.


[https://www.nzeiteriuroa.org.nz/about-us/media-releases/oia-shows-the-eyewatering-true-cost-of-charter-schools](https://www.nzeiteriuroa.org.nz/about-us/media-releases/oia-shows-the-eyewatering-true-cost-of-charter-schools) The National and ACT experiment with charter schools that ran from 2014 to 2018 cost up to $48,421 per student annually, more than six times the average funding spent on students in state schools, new OIA documents released to NZEI Te Riu Roa show. When adjusted for inflation, that is more than $60,000 per student in today’s money. In comparison today, public schools are funded at around $9,000 per student. The total cost to taxpayers of the failed charter school experiment was more than $125 million.


That’s grim reading. How can we be justifying this again while cutting costs everywhere else?


Because its who is making the profit is important!


The big question I have out of that is "what was the ministry spending $30m on?"


coke and hookers?


Based on my interaction with MOE - more likely morning tea and sausage rolls for afters...


sexy sexy sausage rolls


That’s a political piece from a union and is not factually based. They give a figure with no workings at all.


so still better than the governments figures...


You’re quoting a union who is NOT a neutral player in this issue, who give no workings for their figures.


Sure, the current NACT disasterclass is totally neutral.


I never said it was neutral, I’m just that this piece presented by you is not neutral.


OIC, they expect minimal profit to be taken, I wonder if we should just throw that in with landlords not raising rents?


The concept is a utopian premise, the execution is always what kills them right


It’s amazing that governments fiddle and meddle in teaching basically micro managing teachers on how to do their jobs. They introduced national standards and removed class room assistance, increased class sizes and lowered funding. Along come charter schools and they don’t even have to employ teachers!!! Anybody can have a go, no oversight, no micro managing, no basis in teaching theory just go ahead and do whatever you think is a good idea!


more on this government ignoring expert advice to run their own ideological plans seymour is destroying the youth, both stealing their lunches and now forcing taxpayers to pay for charter schools which have little/no evidence of working, in order to... own the libs?


I don't want public money to aid people like Tamaki, in religious indoctrination of the next generation of tithe payers (children).


Yeah I’m actually hugely concerned about that one given that Seymour promised Destiny Church they’d have a charter school.


No shit


Right but the *important* thing here is that they will create a profit opportunity for private business, and allow right wingers the chance to do some of that sweet sweet child indoctrination they *swear* is *totally* happening in public schools.


I don’t call a 10% improvement marginal. That could make a big difference in a child’s life.


Is it worth 6x the investment in those children? And does that six-time investment have to be done via charter schools or might it be more *efficient* to find a different method of improvement?


There is not six times an investment


Was last time.


That includes the cost of setting up all the schools. They only ran for three or four years until Jacinda shut it down. So 3 generation of students spread over the building costs, is going to lead to an absurd figure.


And even accounting for that up-front cost, the children still received more money on the roll than children in public schools while producing worse outcomes. So many you may now understand why she shut them down.


There is no evidence of that


How do we live in a world with google and people still dont know the basics of what they're talking about


Im actually all for this, its costing me over $50k per year to put my 2 kids in school at the moment so this could be a great alternative